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((Heres the second part. It should work this time.))
Chapter 2--Arrival
The first team to step through the portal was Epsilon Team. This was decided because they would be able to neutralize the area before any of the others came through. The next team was Beta, and then Delta, and finally with one last equipment check, Command Team passed through the portal. Infininte Mind said his goodbyes and was the last to step through the portal.
Johnathan Morestien would lead the team at Portal Corp which would communicate with the team in the past which was dubbed Past Team. His group of advisors and staff members made up Mission Command. The communication was made possible by small earpieces using TimeFlux technology. From the underground Mission Command center Morestien and his team would give orders to Past Team on how to go about the mission, and in turn Past Team would relay all information of Council activity.
Force Plex was the leader of Beta Team. He was also the head defense for the infiltration stage. But this was not time for infiltration. He was also in charge of setting up a HQ for Past Team. He knew of one place that would be great for the HQ. He planned to set up the HQ in an office building in Faultline.
Infininte Mind Stepped through the portal and instantly realized where they were. They had appeared on top of the Atlas Statue. The city was still under the protection of the War Walls but there were few heroes in sight. Their orders were to get to the selected HQ spot with little to no detection by anyone. The only problem was that he didnt know where that spot was. Well he was about to.
Force, he called
Yes Sir? Force flex answered.
Have you picked out a HQ spot yet?
Yes Sir. I think it would be best if we set up in this office building, he said while pointing to a building on his map
Well lets get moving. Use the tunnels and do not, I repeat do not talk to anyone.
Yes Sir. The teams responded, before flying, leaping, super speeding, and teleporting away.
As they arrived at the building Infininte Mind took charge and began giving orders.
Ok Beta Team you set up the computer terminals and get them hooked up with Mission Command. Delta Team you prepare the barracks. Epsilon Team you prepare the combat training rooms. The rest of Command Team and I will go up to the roof and prepare the TimeFlux antenna.
As the teams headed off to do the tasks assigned to them, Infininte Mind began to ponder the immense task that was set before them.
((Ok that was the end of chapter 2. Im hoping that this will turn out better than my first attempt at chapter 1. These parts are a little short but they will get longer.)) -
Ok I missed the edit Time limit. I opened the copy of this that I have on my computer with a different program and will post it Below this.
((This is my first try at a story so go easy on me with comments. If any hero names I use here belong to you, forgive me. I am trying to be creative with them.))
Chaper 1--The Journey begins
As he stood there in City Hall, he knew what he had to do. The Council had managed to build a portal back in time. The only hope was that A team of heroes could go back in time and find the Council HQ and stop them from destroying Paragon City while it lacked heroes to stop them. Infininte Mind Had recieved word from Hero Corps that he was selected to lead the teams through the time portal. The Message went as follows:
Infininte Mind,
You have been selected as the leader of the Command Team. This team will consist of Orbitrol, Frozen Freedom, and yourself.
You will be in charge of three teams these consist of:
Delta Team
Beta Team
Epsilon Team
These teams each have a job to do for the elimination of the Council threat.
Delta Team-Recon-This team will be charged with finding the HQ of the Council threat.
Beta Team-Infiltration-This team will be charged with Breaking into the Council HQ and preparing an entry point for Epsilon team.
Epsilon Team-Elimination-This team will be charged with eliminating all council threats in the era.
Each team has been selected already. You will recieve the names of the members when you meet for briefing Thursday.
Please Note: You are not to interfere with any events other than those that were changed due to the Council's interaction.
Also Note: You will also be charged with one other task. This task will be given to you and to you alone. No others must know of this task until it needs to be carried out.
-Hero Corps Dispatch
He did not know if he was the best person for this job. He knew of others that were obviously far more qualifyed than he was. As he walked to the tram after delivering the proper papers to the City Hall executives. He Rode the tram to Steel Canyon and walked to the greenline. On the way there he spotted some Council recruiters out of the corner of his eye. He just smirked knowing that he would eventually ruin the plans that their leaders had in store. He arrived at the greenline shortly but he was in no hurry. Instead of flying up to the raised ground he decided to take the stairs, "no use in flying when I can just walk" he though to himself. He was not the kind of person to use a power unless the situation called for it. He was in no hurry to get to Portal Corp. As the tram arrived in Talos he looked around and saw heroes fighting crime and helping Bastion to defeat the Council. They will not know about this until it is done. Heading to the ferry that would take him to Peregrine, He thought more about the journey that was about to unfold. He thought more about why he was selected. His final conclusion was that he would wait and see.
Arriving at Portal Corp courtyard he met up with the other members of the Command Team. They chit chatted for a while before heading into the left building. As they arrived at the proper portal Infininte Mind saw the rest of the teams that would join him on this journey. They came from all different Archetypes and Origins. But they had one thing in common, they were the best at what they did. As he started twoards the other groups who were gathering infront of the portal, he was pulled aside by a man in a labcoat.
"You must be Infininte Mind,"said the man while shaking his hand.
"Yes I am, and you are?"he replied
"I am Dr. Johnathan Morestien. I will be showing you how to use the Time Circuits in order to get your teams back."
"Well I suppose we should get started with that."
"Right this way"
After learning how to manipulate the time circuits Infininte Mind joined the other groups at the entrance of the portal. Dr. Morestien Proceeded to open the portal and allow all of the teams to begin thier journey to save Paragon City.
((I will be adding more to this as I write it, Please feel free to leave comments.)) -
Yeah I had a bad spacing problem with it, I almost got all of the bad spaces out. Some of them are supposed to be there.
Of course the fact that Im writing this at 3 in the morning might have something to do with errors in the writing.
On looking back at the First post I am so frustrated. I swear that I will make the next one work better. -
((This is my first try at a story so go easy on me with comments. If any hero names I use here belong to you, forgive me. I am trying to be creative with them.))
Chaper 1--The Journey begins
As he stood there in City Hall, he knew what he had to do. The Council had managed to build a portal back in
time. The only hope was that A team of heroes could go back in time and find the Council HQ and stop them
from destroying Paragon City while it lacked heroes to stop them. Infininte Mind Had recieved word from Hero
Corps that he was selected to lead the teams through the time portal. The Message went as follows:
Infininte Mind,
You have been selected as the leader of the Command Team. This team will consist of Orbitrol, Frozen Freedom, and yourself.
You will be in charge of three teams these consist of:
Delta Team
Beta Team
Epsilon Team
These teams each have a job to do for the elimination of the Council threat.
Delta Team-Recon-This team will be charged with finding the HQ of the Council threat.
Beta Team-Infiltration-This team will be charged withBreaking into the Council HQ and preparing an entry point for Epsilon team.
Epsilon Team-Elimination-This team will be charged with eliminating all council threats in the era.
Each team has been selected already. You will recieve the names of the members when you meet for briefing
Please Note: You are not to interfere with any events other than those that were changed due to the Council's interaction.
Also Note: You will also be charged with one other task. This task will be given to you and to you alone. No others must know of this task until it needs to be carried out.
-Hero Corps Dispatch
He did not know if he was the best person for this job. He knew of others that were obviously far more qualifyed
than he was. As he walked to the tram after delivering the proper papers to the City Hall executives. He Rode the
tram to Steel Canyon and walked to the greenline. On the way there he spotted some Council recruiters out of the
corner of his eye. He just smirked knowing that he would eventually ruin the plans that their leaders had in store.
He arrived at the greenline shortly but he was in no hurry. Instead of flying up to the raised ground he decided to
take the stairs, "no use in flying when I can just walk" he though to himself. He was not the kind of person to use a
power unless the situation called for it. He was in no hurry to get to Portal Corp. As the tram arrived in Talos he
looked around and saw heroes fighting crime and helping Bastion to defeat the Council. They will not know about
this until it is done. Heading to the ferry that would take him to Peregrine, He thought more about the journey that
was about to unfold. He thought more about why he was selected. His final conclusion was that he would wait and see.
Arriving at Portal Corp courtyard he met up with the other members of the Command Team. They chit chatted
for a while before heading into the left building. As they arrived at the proper portal Infininte Mind saw the rest of
the teams that would join him on this journey. They came from all different Archetypes and Origins. But they had
one thing in common, they were the best at what they did. As he started twoards the other groups who were gathering infront of the portal, he was pulled aside by a man in a labcoat.
"You must be Infininte Mind,"said the man while shaking his hand.
"Yes I am, and you are?"he replied
"I am Dr. Johnathan Morestien. I will be showing you how to use the Time Circuits in order to get your teams back."
"Well I suppose we should get started with that."
"Right this way"
After learning how to manipulate the time circuits Infininte Mind joined the other groups at the entrance of the
portal. Dr. Morestien Proceeded to open the portal and allow all of the teams to begin thier journey to save Paragon City.
((I will be adding more to this as I write it, Please feel free to leave comments.))
EDIT:I am haveing troubles with the spacing, please forgive me. For the next chapter I will use a different program to type it with. -
Wow that was good. I really enjoyed the story, you sir have talent.
You should keep a copy of these, I think that you could probably make a book out of this.
Wow. That was very well written. I hope you keep writing it.
i think it will be a 5th column civil war, i think that if they are happy to be arested then something is wrong, they dont want to be out on the street for some reason. I think it will be a group of 5th that are trying to achieve something, possibly complet and total controll of the world, and those that would rather reap welth etc. either way i think there will be fighting amongsth them, possibly some branching of and starting a new villian group. and this is all speculation and if im wrong oh well but if im right BOOYAH
Is this invasion thing today only? i hope not cause i have a lot leftt to download and am in pain real pain waiting for this download. It will be sooooooooo dissapointing if it ends tonight