Is it true?




I'm at work... what it is?

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



I'm at work... what it is?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's someone on GameSpy claiming that CoV will be released on January 5th. As cool as this would be, I'll be skeptical untill I see a red name confirm it.



I think this is the only date I will comment on, because it is unfair to raise your hopes that much.

No, it's not true.



A real villain would lie and then laugh at us when that day comes and goes



A real villain would lie and then laugh at us when that day comes and goes

[/ QUOTE ]

So maybe he is lying and it will come out then! I am on to your fiendish plot!



Yes but if said Villian, lied then you would linch mob him.

I seam to remember hearing, a long time back, that the projected goal was Spring 2005.

I also assumed the game would come out Late April 2005. Making it 1 year from the release of CoH.

That would just continue IMO, the record of adding great gaming content fast to an already great game.

The Free Updates Every 2-3 Months, and then a paid Expansion once a year. And you can get a lot of extras for your money.



A real villain would lie and then laugh at us when that day comes and goes

[/ QUOTE ]

So maybe he is lying and it will come out then! I am on to your fiendish plot!

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe he knows that we'll think he's lying, so he's tricking us by telling us the truth!

Or, maybe he knows we'll think that so he... uh...

Ow. My head hurts.

Blurg - Science Tanker
Silas Dark - Magic Scrapper
Quantium X - Mutation Controller
Grey 17 - Natural Defender
Santabot - Technology Blaster

[i]"City of Heroes is at its best as a Superhero game that's implemented as an MMO, rather than as an MMO that just happens to be about Superheroes..."[/i]



I personaly wont even think about the posibility of it being out sooner than next June.



In a way, i kinda hope its false information - i really want them to take they're time with this expansion and flesh out *all* the details. Theres a lot more that im waiting for other then pvp combat (most notably - bases/homes) and i really that *everything* in the expansion is done well.

That isn't to say an early release date is Bad.. just.. i want them to take they're time. ^^



A real villain would lie and then laugh at us when that day comes and goes

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless, of course, he knew you wouldn't believe the truth even if he told it to you.....



no, see, he said he wouldn't want to get our hopes up. It's all about crushing our hopes and dreams.



As LR said, the date is incorrect. All through Beta, the commented on timeframe was October 2005 at the earliest because they didn't want to just 'tack on' PvP; they wanted to take the time and do it right. There's also still talk of it being a sperate game (and if you have CoH, of course they work together and could be viewed as complementary expansions of each other - all for ONE subscription price); where you wouldn't neccisarily need CoH to use/play it. In that vein they're shooting for a bit more than your average MMORPG game expansion with this one.

Bottom line: I think it'll be a while folks (although I'm lookingh forward to the day it comes out too - playing a Villian should be fun).



hey guys, just a game get a life =)



I'm at work... what it is?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's someone on GameSpy claiming that CoV will be released on January 5th. As cool as this would be, I'll be skeptical untill I see a red name confirm it.

[/ QUOTE ]

maybe january 5, 2006






I think this is the only date I will comment on, because it is unfair to raise your hopes that much.

No, it's not true.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just so long as Cryptic and NCSoft aren't suing each other and delaying the game for legal leverage. . . (Half-Life 2 reference - DAMN YOU VIVENDI!!)



i remember a poster not to long ago that posted something like this. jan 2005 , and he got flammed big time. seems someone else posted it again, and i dont see fire.... why so mean to one and not another peeps. i want equality!!! lol



The best villains always tell the truth, as usually most good people don't want to face such cold and brutal honesty.




[/ QUOTE ]




This came up around the time Update 1 was released when ebgames or somesuch had CoV up for January pre-order. 'Conventional Wisdom' at the time was that that was a tentative date initended as a placeholder date in their database in order to take pre-orders. Most dev comments (particularly the ones at panels during convention season) since have pointed to a summer or fall 2005 release window.

edit: Just checked various e-tailers... - 01/03/05 - 03/15/05 - no entry - no entry

I'm thinking that gamestop and ebgames just want to lock up pre-orders in Q1 2005.



Not to make guesses at release dates, nor do I believe what game sites say and Lord Recluse has denied, but as far as how long does it take to make City of Villians, remember that the city is already "done", so it's only a matter of adding the villians, powers, minion mechanics, content and lair/mission designs. I'm not suggesting that's a small task, just that the game doesn't need to be designed from the ground up since Paragon itself already exists. I know, I'm stating the obvious, but some may not be bearing that in mind.

I'm as anxious as everyone else to see CoV, and as a casual gamer, I hope to have one hero to 50 (at 40 now) before it launches.



Heh, it would be very sweet to see City of Villains released in Jan 2005, but impossible judging from statements Statesman has recently made regarding CoV's progress.

A few months back, one of the Devs did say that they were shooting for a CoV 2005 4th quarter release (or was it Fall 2005?). Anyways, I wouldn't expect to see CoV released until sometime after the second half of 2005.



The best villains always tell the truth, as usually most good people don't want to face such cold and brutal honesty.

[/ QUOTE ]


Thus with MisStatementman is continuing to lose his rep for posting

I wish Lord Recluse was irl someone I won't mention's boss instead of the otherway around :P

-Storm Revenant-

Fires Within: Lvl 50 Fire/Kinetics Controller (Champion)
Steamed: Lvl 50 Thugs/Dark Miasma Mastermind (Freedom)