Is it true?




I think this is the only date I will comment on, because it is unfair to raise your hopes that much.

No, it's not true.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you. I was about to post here asking who was doing what drugs, and where I could get some. Now I'll head over to that gaming site and ask them where they get their hallucinogens, instead.

(January 2005. Yah, right. Sheesh.)



Don't trust gaming sites for game shipment dates. If they were correct I would have been playing HL2 for the last year instead of still waiting for it.

I think Summer 05 is a realistic time for it to be completed and released.



hey guys, just a game get a life =)

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey guy! Your playing it too! Get a life while were at it or shut the [censored] up!



the city is already "done", so it's only a matter of adding the villians, powers, minion mechanics, content and lair/mission designs.

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh, is that all?!?

I pretty much agree with what you're saying, but considering how relatively small changes in player/mob dynamics in Update 2 caused a change in the orientation of magnetic north, there are many pitfalls to be crossed to make CoV sing like CoH usually does. The base features themselves are like adding an involved sub-game into the mix. I hope they make a separate forum server for CoV when the game comes out, because the amount of squealing piggies is going to increase exponentially for at least a couple of months. (head starting to hurt thinking about it... must go into denial mode...)

I think 12-18 months is a fair amount of development time for a 'linked' game like CoV.




[/ QUOTE ]

Funny, because when you go to this ling and click on City of Villains, it links you somewhere else and states a release date of August 14, 2005. This is near what I have been hearing lately at gaming stores....



That's because in the two months since the original post, the target page has been updated. Even August 15 is still a retailer guess at a release date.

