A note about client modifications




as to mods, their is the dark side of it,hacks that let you see through walls on some games,some hacks made you invunable ,or so you did not take damage, and now with PVP entering the game, they have to be extra careful
i run a mod of diablo2 on my home system, I play it a lot as it got around some of the limits of the game I did not like, as it only effects single player game , i see no harm but If it would to be used in multi player , people would abuse it,and for the record I ran a game server for 5 years and know how mods can make things unstable

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



this game has a teen rating, they dont allow mods because they dont want someone making a nude female patch that little Timmy can download. Also they paid their artists to make alot of costumes (most of which are hardly used and fugly) and they dont want their money wasted.

The map mod seems like a good idea tho, wont be needed if they nuke Perez Park (Lord Recluse, you dont return my letters?)

If the good guy gets the girl, it's rated PG;
If the bad guy gets the girl, it's rated R;
And if everybody gets the girl, it's rated X
- Kirk Douglas



If "Lil Timmy"(doesnt sound very much like a teenager to me. ) chooses to download a female nude patch and as long as its only client side, I don't see a problem. The game that Cryptic made is indeed teen rated, but if someone mods that to his or her own liking, the rating still stands as long as its only client side because its not affecting any one else in the game. Even if over protective parents found "Lil Timmy" with a nude female character on his screen, what could they really do? "OMG SUE CRYPTIC!" Nope. The mod was made to their original design, therefore its similiar to when you put aftermarket parts on a car. You void the warranty and the car company can no longer be held accountable to certain things. The fact that the Devs dont allow mods(as long as its only client side) is rather retarded IMO. They can say "it violates the TOA" all day, but for what reasoning is beyond me. Just seems like they're being control freaks, to me.



If you allow mods, people can start modding things that were not intended, giving them an advantage. Even something as basic as a client side mod for skins--what if they replaced all the mob skins with ultra bright colours so they could be seen easier?

This was a big problem in World of Warcraft. They let people use mods, so of course some people start using them to get an advantage. And then everyone else feels that they *need* to get one or they'll be at a disadvantage. And so modders influence the way the game is played.



If you allow mods, people can start modding things that were not intended, giving them an advantage. Even something as basic as a client side mod for skins--what if they replaced all the mob skins with ultra bright colours so they could be seen easier?

This was a big problem in World of Warcraft. They let people use mods, so of course some people start using them to get an advantage. And then everyone else feels that they *need* to get one or they'll be at a disadvantage. And so modders influence the way the game is played.

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Yup this happened in CS, I had a Simpsons mod where everyone looked like toons from the Simpsons, so were people were camping behind crates and windows I'd see a big homer head and AWP through the wall... blam!! Replacing the knife with the trout slap was fun too. ..Mods can be fun but when you have rated games, you get "cheaters"

Stealth Aura now becomes Purple glowie of doom or the flight/foot step movement sounds like a fire alarms [There he is!] No mods is great ... I wish the devs would add more option though . . .

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



I do hope that if a technical change is planned to block usage of it, someone lets us know about it beforehand.

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I'm thinking this might be that warning.

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Naw, because if they announce it beforehand, I'll just cancel my account that much sooner. Modding is the only thing that has really been keeping my interest in the game the last couple of weeks.

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Then you really need to be playing another game, bud. The client modification restriction is not new to the TOS ... so if the very fact that they are finally enforcing an element of their TOS by removing threads discussing client modifications - then, as I said, you need to be playing something else more satisfying.

I've been playing the game over a year and don't see what mods (other than the one surpassing the game's primitive map) are really needed to make the game more enjoyable.



This is moderator power-abuse in it's most ugliest form if I've ever seen it.

Don't think I'm overreacting, because I'm not.

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Perhaps you're not 'overreacting' but you are putting way more drama into this than is necessary. First of all - how in all of God's green earth do you come to the conclusion that Cuppa is powertripping??????

I mean, that's a pretty aggressive accusation to make. I'll bet money that Cuppa is simply passing along the message - as this is probably a decision that has come from the higher-ups. And if that's the case, there is absolutely no need for people like you to be accusing CuppaJo of powertripping and being close-minded. They are simply doing their job and protecting their rights.

As for any one else not understanding how any of the mods can cause problems ... the simple fact is that if anything goes wrong with your game, who do you run to?? You run to the developers and expect them to help you ASAP in fixing your game. Now if your game is riddled with modifications you've been adding to your game ... do you still think it's their responsibility to fix your game?? In my opinion, they can't help you fix something that you've been secretly modifying from the beginning...



This is moderator power-abuse in it's most ugliest form if I've ever seen it.

Don't think I'm overreacting, because I'm not.

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Perhaps you're not 'overreacting' but you are putting way more drama into this than is necessary. First of all - how in all of God's green earth do you come to the conclusion that Cuppa is powertripping??????

I mean, that's a pretty aggressive accusation to make. I'll bet money that Cuppa is simply passing along the message - as this is probably a decision that has come from the higher-ups. And if that's the case, there is absolutely no need for people like you to be accusing CuppaJo of powertripping and being close-minded. They are simply doing their job and protecting their rights.

As for any one else not understanding how any of the mods can cause problems ... the simple fact is that if anything goes wrong with your game, who do you run to?? You run to the developers and expect them to help you ASAP in fixing your game. Now if your game is riddled with modifications you've been adding to your game ... do you still think it's their responsibility to fix your game?? In my opinion, they can't help you fix something that you've been secretly modifying from the beginning...

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Lol, thats the most amount of wisdom I've ever seen posted on this board at once. And the overreacting guy, yeah, definitely overreacting, and just using a cliche to try and counter the aluminum hat wearing "we're all gonna die" viewpoint. The decision to stop posts on this behavior is rather expected, I'm not sure why anyone in the first place thought it was cool to say "I hate fat people" when yer standing right in front of your fat mother.
They're basically saying "hey, you're not allowed to hack our program. But for cryin out loud, if you DO hack it, don't tell us, and don't tell other people RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!" If they allowed posts on hacks they lose credibility on their stance to uphold their Terms Of Service.



so you can do it just don't get caught?



Does this include the infamous Map Patch? Because we never got a straight answer on whether or not that was legal. Please detail what is acceptable and what is not.

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I'm with Leader... Does this include the Vidiot map patch? I mean, that was the primary reason the site got it's award, right?



Anyone coming from WoW to CoX will surely agree that mods are a fantastic addition to the game.

You people who think otherwise need to realize that there is a big difference between 'mods' and 'hacks'.

A mod, something that improves your play without changing game mechanics, is a -good- thing. An in-game clock, for example. Or a more extensive friends list. WoW has literally hundreds of these, and they're fantastic.

Hacks are something totally different, and I think that's what most of you "Negative" people are trying to argue against. Make the distiction between the two, and I don't see how you can see Mods as a negative thing...



Anyone coming from WoW to CoX will surely agree that mods are a fantastic addition to the game.

You people who think otherwise need to realize that there is a big difference between 'mods' and 'hacks'.

A mod, something that improves your play without changing game mechanics, is a -good- thing. An in-game clock, for example. Or a more extensive friends list. WoW has literally hundreds of these, and they're fantastic.

Hacks are something totally different, and I think that's what most of you "Negative" people are trying to argue against. Make the distiction between the two, and I don't see how you can see Mods as a negative thing...

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Mods don't have to be hacks, but they can be. Cryptic doesn't want to, or really have, the time/resources to check out mods before okaying them - and they definatly don't have the time to deal with debuging them.

I remember some mods EQ had - most didn't work because they never got UPDATED along with the game.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Imagine getting an apartment and finding out that you can't move around the existing tables or chairs, simply because the landlord said that "it's prettier that way." Or imagine buying a car and being told that you can't attach new rims, for example, because the original designer(s) of that specific model thought that they looked good enough as they are. If you paid for the original "Mona Lisa", you can hang it on your wall, burn it, paint over it, or tear it, as you please.

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You've obviously never rented anything...

If you rent an apartment then you are not allowed to paint, wallpaper, or otherwise alter it. If you lease a car then you are not allowed to put new rims on it or fit a new stereo. If you rent a piece of artwork then you are certainly not allowed to splash paint on it or set it on fire.

Most software is not a "buy" model, it is a "lease" model. If you "buy" Microsoft Word then you do not own it - all you've bought is a license to use it in certain ways. The licensor has the right to set out those certain ways; the licensee (AKA consumer) has the right to spend their money elsewhere. The licensee does not have the right to violate the terms of the agreement.



Geez, I can't believe this thread is still alive.

Can't you people just let it die, already?



Hmmm, I guess I should go look at the last date on page 11 before replying to an item on page 3. Oh well, I'll know for next time.




The override folder is a testing tool.



The override folder is a testing tool.

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??? Why for are you replying to a post in March of 2004?




I understand the limitations of the EULA in North America, but most European countries are far less restricitng. Such as the reverse engineering clause is usually thrown out under the assumption if a license of software was purchased and is not performing as expected/hoped for, it could be modified.

I understand it is in the EULA, of course everything in a EULA can not necessarily be upheld in law which is why all EULAs say that any portion found to not be legally binding does not negate the remaining portion of the EULA.

Just curious, are these Mods still allowed in Europe, Asia, etc.



A. Cuppa doesn't work on the CoH project anymore

2. Don't discuss evil client modifications here. The Devs/Mods have turned a blind eye to vidiots and paragonmaps until now. If you find a mod that could give players super-duper abilities or unfair advantage in PvP, then keep it to yourself or report it, depending on your ethical stance.



I do hope that if a technical change is planned to block usage of it, someone lets us know about it beforehand.

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I'm thinking this might be that warning.

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Naw, because if they announce it beforehand, I'll just cancel my account that much sooner. Modding is the only thing that has really been keeping my interest in the game the last couple of weeks.

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Then you really need to be playing another game, bud. The client modification restriction is not new to the TOS ... so if the very fact that they are finally enforcing an element of their TOS by removing threads discussing client modifications - then, as I said, you need to be playing something else more satisfying.

I've been playing the game over a year and don't see what mods (other than the one surpassing the game's primitive map) are really needed to make the game more enjoyable.

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I agree. Down at the "afore mentioned awesome website", they have an overlay map that makes badgehunting just a tad bit easier. I hope they would never take this away from us. I wish I could use it in conjunction with the blacked out maps in hazzard zones. It adds just enough to make things better. I cant see playing this game with out it. (it also shows you the TF people as well as other locations). Highly recomended for anyone.
As for ditching the sound loops, I often play with music on or no sound EXCEPT for instances where i need to find the humming glowie. I think those 2 instances should be the only exceptions.
I also hated not having all the latest MOD's for WoW. Its like keeping up with the jones's. not cool.



Or maybe if you dont like a part of the game, simply petition for a change. I would think that if enough people want better maps, cryptic will put them in eventually. In the mean time simply learn your zones. it isnt that hard.

Modifying the client should be against the TOS, and should be wiped here on these boards.

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lol eventually... this week marks 3 years... yeah eventually.

Personally I bypass the updater because frankly I hate reverifying the image after loosing connection to the game, it takes too long. Oddly enough I haven't had a discon since I stopped playing CoV... go figure

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Dudes! Necro thread!



umm...you guys realize that they are adding controls for loops/particle effect..as well as stores on maps in patches soon right?

..or am I stil lthe only one who listens to what the devs say

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The only reason they have these changes and ideas.. is that they are most likely ideas ripped from the genuine mod community.

Now they are shutting out those players. Now, with less people feeling free to make some changes to the game, and pointing out game flaws.. Development will now be hindered by a %.

The modding community in any game are your most intelligent players. The ones that care most about the game and draw the most enjoyment from it. In my opinion, this shutting out of the modding community is a very un-wise and perhaps even foolish move.



What do you mean, "Now they are shutting out those players."?

It's been like this forever.



What do you mean, "Now they are shutting out those players."?

It's been like this forever.

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Sucks @ss though, Personally I dont see anything wrong with someone wanting to change the look of their toons claws, guns, capes ect.. For the most part, the mods that do change the look of a costume piece/weapon is only visible to the player as such none can tell who has what modded other then the player mentioning it. For some to start in about this again though, your beating a dead horse, been this way now for better part of the game.

@Konoko..what do you care that people are replying to an old thread, you pointing it out and/or critisizing folks for it is kinda hypocritical dont you think? Give it up already..