Little things I wish I'd known




I will pass on some advice. I learned this in the Fall of 2004. Since SG members and folks I meet seem to ask for help on the Aura Mission, let me tell you the "Easy Way" to get your Aura.

1. Get your Freaks in Talos. They are so low that a 30 Empath with 3 Attacks can defeat them.
2. Get your Rikti in Creys. Go for Rikti Monkeys. You need the monkeys anyway. They are on the roofs just inside the door and to the right.
3. Get your DE in Creys. Go for the DE Swarms. They are inside the door to the right and middle. Basically if you get the monkeys above, head straight in till you hit the water.

And you will be done, wearing your Aura, just that quick.

I am Airman America... Super Hero... and I approve this message!



you can also hit ; and type what you want like

;thinks your the hottest tanker ever

and it will show up in a thought bubble as such... some times when you type /e itll do a real emote and not a thought bubble...

The Official Resident Fanboi of dUmb
Always Allow/Disallow Mystic Fortune Prompt!




Story Arcs!

I've been playing for about a year and I have always just taken whatever missions sound interesting, skipping around contacts, moving on to new ones, etc.

I have realized that focusing on one contact can get you a story arc which has the benefits of giving you (a) a interesting tidbit of history & story to follow and (b) a reward at the end of it.

Of course, I had to close old story arcs, doing Lvl 15 and Lvl 20 missions as a Lvl 29. A second note on that... if you're doing a mission (especially one that low), you can just run through and click the right glowies, free the hostages, etc. You don't have to endure defeating 40 low level bad guys for no exp.



[...]"Easy Way" to get your Aura.


3. Get your DE in Creys. Go for the DE Swarms. They are inside the door to the right and middle. Basically if you get the monkeys above, head straight in till you hit the water.

[/ QUOTE ]
I prefer to get my DE in IP. They hang out on the beaches of the Terra Volta island and are just barely high enough for a 30 to get a few xp. That should be faster than a herd of even-con or higher swarms, given the stacked slows you'd have to endure.

This post brought to you by the Thunderfire Campaign to Out-Weird the Internet.
Score so far: Thunderfire-0, Internet-157893678




Inspiration Usage

Try this instead:

/bind F1 "inspexec_name resurgence$$inspexec_name dramatic improvement$$inspexec_name respite"

That will use the smallest heal inspiration in your tray wherever it might be. Reverse the order if you'd rather use the largest first. I have F1-F7 bound to all the inspiration types; other binds left as an exercise for the reader.

[/ QUOTE ]

Though be aware that these binds work slightly differently than the inspexecslot ones, possibly just because of the extra 'weightyness' of the multiple commands . . . With the standard commands I could just hit a whole bunch of them really fast and have them all activate, with these it seems i have to wait a quarter or half second between each to make sure it triggers ...


The Lost in Kings Row...
...can be found up in the north east of the map in the area of the Royal Refinary.
They are easy to find here as there are about 3 on each corner.

[/ QUOTE ]

They're also pretty easy to find along the south edge of the map, though not as much so as vahz.


Hitting Z will cancel a qued attacked.
as will hitting Tab to change your target or clicking on a new enemy (or teammate) to target them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I've noticed that changing targets won't affect attacks i've already keyed in; a fact I use a lot when I'm spreading damage around; and that I tend to curse when I just realized I did a heavy attack on the one that's becoming radation-infected or whatever . . .

But I might be mistaking which attacks are the queued ones, because this generally happens when i'm using fast melee stuff . . .

For a new tip . . . no command in the game will clear all keybindings. If you want to do this, you need to go into the options and reset the keybindings with that big red button, which will restore the factory defaults AND delete all customizations. Then do a /bindsavefile, edit the file, and replace everything with "nop" (regular experessions are handy if you know em . . .) *except* / (or you won't be able to do anything without the mouse.

If you want to blank out a random, possibly customized character's bindings, you have to go do the options/reset thing and THEN load the blank file.

I did this when I got sick of the "This command cannot have more than two binds" messages showing up, and aside from creating a file with every possible key bound to nop, it's the only way to make a completly blank slate.

Other miscelanious bind tidbits:

If you see chunks of your bindfile displayed in one of your chat windows when you load it, it's probably because you have blank lines in the bindfile. I got sick of this and started dividing my sections with

USELESSKEY "-----------------------------------------------------"

You CAN bind keys more than once in a file; the last one will take effect. (Probably only useful if you want to make a combination blankout and bind file).

If you're using a dvorak keyboard layout via the keyboard driver software in windows 2000/xp, you'll need to change your slashchat binds to [ and Z to have the effect of / and ; , because it will bind to the physical qwerty keymap, but 'type' the corresponding dvorak key when you press it. Other layouts (AZERTY?) will need to be adjusted for simalarly if their / and ; aren't in QWERTY positions.

Random other things:

Switch from fly to hover before sniping to prevent interrupts.

You can climb a lot of the buildings in outbreak with careful regular jumping, and going over some of the buildings will let you get past various invisible collision hulls (walls that mysteriously can't be jumpped over, mostly) into some mostly boring and rather undecorated extraneous terrain. There are a couple of police drones near the hotspot border that are behind one of these usually uncrossable walls. Interested Kheldians have probably already been there.

On a realated note, you DON'T get exploration badges for 'lighting up' all of a zone map. ^_^

"I think you're confused. This is /b, not /b/."



I keep a breakfree with my emergency Awaken. Some folks don't realize you can move at full speed immediately after Awakening if you Breakfree.

[/ QUOTE ]
To ammend... I keep a row with an awaken, breakfree above it, and health above that. The next row over has a couple of catch a breaths. If the health inspire is a tiny heal, I keep another in the second row. That'll get you to the point where you can jump back into the fight.



you can also hit ; and type what you want like

;thinks your the hottest tanker ever

and it will show up in a thought bubble as such... some times when you type /e itll do a real emote and not a thought bubble...

[/ QUOTE ]

I use ; to type out emotes all the time. It's just as likely to do a real emote as /e.



I played for over a year before realizing that sprint also makes you jump higher. Ever wondered how your same level friend without travel powers was able to jump unto a small wall or over a fence and you weren't? Its a good chance that sprint made the difference.

Using hurdle, sprint, and combat jumping together makes a fairly quick travel power to get you from levels 8-14.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Swift- faster run speed.
Hurdel- Longer jump.
Combat Jump- Higher jump.

put them together and you have a Hero who travels by jumping from roof top to roof top



Two suggestions from a post in Player Questions about how to move in a team.
<ul type="square">[*]Right click and set waypoint on the player that is leading the way through the map. This will not always be the leader of the team and could be any arch-type.[*]Un-attache your map (click on the little red circle), move it to the upper right or left (I use top right.), and resize to clear center of screen. Keep it open at all times. When in a mission, zoom in to see doors and hallways.[/list]



Nobody will read this far!

Don't turn off TOOLTIPS in the Options menu!

With ToolTips, you can hover the mouse over your XP bar, and it will tell you how much XP you've made since your last 'level up', and how much more you need to make.

[/ QUOTE ]

fantastic thread!

i haven't seen this one mentioned yet. under options you can change the amount of time that passes before the tooltip shows up. i like mine at 10%, i'm impatient.

can i rez him yet, or do we need to wait for vengeance?



Someone just explained this to me the other day. By default villains can't see hero chat or tells, and heroes can't see villains chat or tells. In the first screen of the "Options" section you can allow your characters to see "enemy chat."

You'll have to do this manually for each one of your characters.



This one bothered me for a week after I started playing.

You can turn Profanity on in the option menu. It makes conversations MUCH easier to understand, especially when you're dealing with people who seem to have been raised by sailors (guilty!).

Caveman Etc: Inv/Stone Tank, Hyperdrive Etc: Gravity/Kinetics Controller, Terra-Storm Etc: Earth/Storm Controller, Cpt. Thunderstrike: Energy/Electric Blaster, Psicada: Sonic/Energy Blaster, Neon Ranger: Archery/Electric Blaster, Devlin Hellshot: Dark/Dual Pistols Defender



This one bothered me for a week after I started playing.

You can turn Profanity on in the option menu. It makes conversations MUCH easier to understand, especially when you're dealing with people who seem to have been raised by sailors (guilty!).

[/ QUOTE ]

What do you %$@%@$% mean by rasied by a %$@%@$% sailor?!!?



This one bothered me for a week after I started playing.

You can turn Profanity on in the option menu. It makes conversations MUCH easier to understand, especially when you're dealing with people who seem to have been raised by sailors (guilty!).

[/ QUOTE ]

or the fact that the filter is a little weird now. i see words censored that make no sense.



here's one for all the SJ'ers out there, I know I wished I had known about it earlier...

/bind key ++up (auto jump button!)

now you can auto run and auto jump and its almost like flying! Set it and forget it!

[/ QUOTE ]

A slight improvement on the above, I think:

/bind key "++up$$+up"

This will also keep you jumping, but if you see a roof you want to land on rather than overshoot, press the key again. You will immediately start falling, without turning off your jumping, so if you time it right you'll hit the roof and continue from there. With a little practice you'll find you can hit every convenient roof without wasting time falling into alleyways full of places to get stuck.

Note to stop you have to hit the key bound to +up (which is normally the space bar, I think), instead of the same button again, but that's no hassle IMO.



A bad name can ruin a good character.

Not happy with your costume? You can change that. It'll cost you a fortune at low levels, but at least its fixable. But a bad name will haunt you.

You can create the perfect character with the perfect look and get them all leveled up just the way you want...but if you're not satisfied with the name it'll eat away at you until you eventually have to re-roll.

Take the extra 20-30 minute upfront and create something original that you love. Don't give up out of frustration. If it's already taken, that just means it's not original enough.

[/ QUOTE ]

QFT! Seriously, nothing is worse. I once named a character "Psychomancer." and that period burned me inside for 15 levels before I deleted the character... a good bit of time lost.

Right now I am on day five of making a new name. No inspiration right now D: But I would ratehr put off making him for a month than getting him to 30 then deleting him.




I really wish that I knew you could skip the tutorial back in I-4 and 5.

And I really wish I knew back then that Sprint made you move faster, and that it even existed.



So glad this is still here...I need to get back up to speed on this game. =D



Something I recently "discovered"/learned that affected my power choices:

Water is not a travel obstacle. You can jump/Super Jump across water, and Super Speed turns into Super Swim.



A non-necropost necropost. Man the end of the world is Nigh!!!!

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!



Heh I was wondering why reading the first post it was talking about fifth column ambushes.



Didn't notice it in here(and it took me till around level 30 on my first character to discover it):

Shift+TAB allows you to move 'back' one target.

Say you're fighting Nemesis and tab past a Minion to a Lieutenant.

Well, the minions get nastier if you kill the Lieutenant you want to quickly switch back to the minion. Tab alone keeps targetting something past the current you hit shift+tab to cycle back to the minion, from the Lieutenant(or whatever's past the Lieutenant).

Note that this isn't the same(AFAIK) as the near_target bind. It just cycles back through the 'target list'.