Little things I wish I'd known




If you are an illusion controller, using your own private tank army (aka PA) before costing Flash will typically prevent that free hit they seem to get while you are casting Flash (which has too be done right smack from the middle of the mob).



Big ditch bad, go around.

That even though I feel comfortable running around the streets of the Hollows, stay out of the gulley. Bad things down there, very bad.




Apart from Founders Falls and Peregrine Island, you can go pretty much anywhere you like in Paragon City if you're careful.

I've got from Atlas to the docks in Talos Island at level 6 before (where I met the guy who was sidekicking me up for a mission in Peregrine). You just have to be very careful about where you're going.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]



Big ditch bad, go around.

That even though I feel comfortable running around the streets of the Hollows, stay out of the gulley. Bad things down there, very bad.

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OMG is that an understatement. I still have bad memories of my L8 tank getting one-shotted by a +7 troll LT when someone had the bright idea of taking Grendel's gulch as a short cut.



1. You get roughly 2/3 the value for enhancements not sold at the proper store. If you're worried about influence, you might want to consider selling in Talos where the round trip to several stores only takes a minute.

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When selling SOs, the level 40+ contact stores offer you the 'wrong store' prices; with the reduction in drop rate that came in I3, and the change in TO/SO/DO ratio that went along with it, it might be worth the extra time to head from Peregrine Island back to Talos to make a loop around the stores to sell out, rather than just selling everything to Ghost Falcon. It's probably not worth making the trip back from the Shard, what with the extra travel time, though.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



You can get a travel power pre-level 6. It's called dull pain. it makes running through dangerous areas (read: the gulch) much less painful.

"If I didn't enjoy the ludicrous mayhem of an 8-person pick-up team and my eventual glorious triumph over seemingly impossible odds bereft of lucid and competant comrades, I would have left this game a long time ago. " - mean_liar



3 words: Belkin Nostromo n52. It's absolute control in the plam of your hand.

Belkin Nostromo Speedpad n52

The only thing you need the keyboard for is random chatting. 14 programmable "keyboard" style keys (2 rows 5, 1 row 4), a scroll wheel w/ a center "click" button, an 8-directional control pad, a thumb "trigger"...

...and the shining prize: a "profile" shift key that lets you flip through 4 different colored profiles, each of which can have a completely different set of keys bound to all 26 programmable keys, giving you a total of 104 programmable slots.

The keybind editor is easy to use, and includes a full macro editor - so you can actually bind macros to the keys. I use it for extended battle-cries, chat "taunts" to use on enemies, and common requests ("LFT" or "HEAL PLEASE!!"). It's all easily editable, and with the mouse, means that the keyboard goes bye-bye completely (again, except for random chatting).

If anyone is interested or gets one, email me for my Nostromo profile - .




Flaw in this statement: You NEVER get more than 100 end.

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Haven't read the entire thread yet so forgive me if this has been said, when you get the atlas medalion you do get a bonus to endurance (only 5 points).

The Avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.

Blue Spot, Son Spot, Cyan Siren, Polar Gale, Scarlett Fury, Stygian Warlock, Lady Lilac, Elsbeth (villian), Furious Squirrel (villian)

Infinity server



And while I haven't gotten this far with a character yet I believe you can get another 5 end (for a total of 110) with the Portal Jockey accolade. It also increases you max hp by 5.




And while I haven't gotten this far with a character yet I believe you can get another 5 end (for a total of 110) with the Portal Jockey accolade. It also increases you max hp by 5.


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All of the HP and End increasing accolades not only increase your max, but your regen and recovery rates are based off of your max. So getting the Atlas medalion increases your endurance to 105, and increases your endurance regen rate by 5%, which is even greater improved if you have Stamina and Quick recovery.
Same is true for HP and HP regen powers such as Health from the stamina pool and FH, IH, and Integration from the regen scrapper pool.



Just wanted to thank everybody for their tips. I'm a Lvl 5 Blaster on Justice and I've read some excellent tips.

Again, very useful thread and thanks to all. I'm off to do some binding now...

(...and if only someone would tell me how to use "thought" emotes...)



Just wanted to thank everybody for their tips. I'm a Lvl 5 Blaster on Justice and I've read some excellent tips.

Again, very useful thread and thanks to all. I'm off to do some binding now...

(...and if only someone would tell me how to use "thought" emotes...)

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if you type a semicolon before whatever your message is in the chat window, it pops up as a thought bubble. Many-a-time I have tried to respond with a text smile only to think a parentheses :P

this can be overcome by hitting the space bar before you type ; )



This thread is huge - so I realise someone might have already said this, and that most people won't read this far...but....

Depending on your build - there is a good chance you won't have as much Endurance as you'd like (at least until you hit 20 and can get Stamina or whatever it is). One thing that can really help is to only turn on sprint when you want to sprint - turn it off when you are fighting.

It's pretty easy to setup your controls so that whenever you walk forward, or backward Sprint comes on, and whenever you stop walking sprint goes off (although on occassion the binds become reversed)

(I can post my bind if anyone wants it - but I think it's already on the boards about a million times)

EDIT: I meant, the bind I wrote is nearly identical to the ones on the boards - not that the bind I personally wrote is all over the boards. If that makes sense



3 words: Belkin Nostromo n52. It's absolute control in the plam of your hand.

Belkin Nostromo Speedpad n52

The only thing you need the keyboard for is random chatting. 14 programmable "keyboard" style keys (2 rows 5, 1 row 4), a scroll wheel w/ a center "click" button, an 8-directional control pad, a thumb "trigger"...

...and the shining prize: a "profile" shift key that lets you flip through 4 different colored profiles, each of which can have a completely different set of keys bound to all 26 programmable keys, giving you a total of 104 programmable slots.

The keybind editor is easy to use, and includes a full macro editor - so you can actually bind macros to the keys. I use it for extended battle-cries, chat "taunts" to use on enemies, and common requests ("LFT" or "HEAL PLEASE!!"). It's all easily editable, and with the mouse, means that the keyboard goes bye-bye completely (again, except for random chatting).

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Regarding my Nostromo n52 post:

I've got an email specifically for CoH! Send any of your questions or profile requests to



As previously mentioned, Illusion controllers can take deceive Sky Raider FF Generators to put bubbles around their teammates.

When an illusion controller deceives Avalanche Shamans, the earthquakes they cause will hit not only your enemies around them, but the Shamans themselves. Ditto for Storm Shamans and their storm clouds. It's fun to watch.

Mission critical objects (TV reactor core, time capsule, war wall generators) can usually be bubbled.

Want to drag a whole bunch of your enemies to you? If you have a power like Darkest Night, target the enemy farthest from you, hit them with it, and hide. They'll run toward where you're hiding and aggro everyone else as the run by. (It's a good idea to have something like a tank on your team standing between that group and your hiding place.)

You can exemp into a TF, but not SK into one.

And for anyone who's really just starting out, you can open your chat prompt just by hitting return. You don't have to click on it every time. (Related: The backspace shortcut for tells was mentioned earlier in this thread.)

If you are a tank and something calls you away from the game in the middle of combat (i.e. phone, pet barfing on the carpet), you can still hold aggro by targeting a team mate, setting taunt on autofire, and hitting 'F' (default for follow). Anything that teammate targets will be taunted by you. (The defenders I run with also find enormous humor potential in this technique.) Just be careful to target a team mate smart enough not to point you toward a set of +5s. . .

As stated in their info, when a Banished Spirit of Death sees a hero, it can not be distracted from that hero. The only way to pull it off is to defeat it. (Don't actually know, but maybe deceive would work, too.)

You can run on top of the trees in the middle of Perez.

The Players' Guide to the Cities



There was way too many pages of this to sift through, so if this was said previously, sorry.

When you can buy level 35 SOs. Buy them!
Do not get your costume first like I did.
I sucked for 2 levels until I could afford to properly enhance my powers. Taking a costume at 30 is extremely expensive, get the ability to create it, but WAIT!

Unless you've got influence to burn, it's gonna cost tons. That influence is put to better use making your powers better when you really need it.



If your a blaster, 6 slot your snipe for damage.
It already has a high accuracy and with SO's you'll be able to one shot Even Cons, some +1s, and +2 that are vulnerable to your attack type.

With my Elec/Elec, I lead with Snipe, follow with Charged bolt, Lightning bolt, and Telsa Cage, and due to hasten, Zap is ready for use again, buy the end of the other 3 attacks.

Heck if your a blaster, slot you main 3 atttacks heavily for damage I usually slot 1 accuracy and 5 damage, but if you have trageting drone, you won't need the accuracy enhancement. Once you get SO's the difference slotting makes is incredible. You will be so much more effective when you can drop foes with 1-2 shots and move on to the next.

They are just freaking incredible. Sure you could go hunting with a Black Powder rifle, but having an AK47 would make it so much easier. The same argument goes for Hasten and Stamina. You can make it to 50 without them, it's just alot easier with them than without them.




My only contribution and I can't tell if it's been said:

Every AT benefits from knowledge of the battlefield, especially controllers and defenders. Get to know your Home and End button - I play the majority of the game zoomed way out on distance with my viewpoint looking down from overhead. This way anchors are easily visible, enemies easily selectable, and damaged teammatesa easily healable.




Mobs that explode, such as Abominations and Life Mages, cannot blow themselves up if they are debuffed with a toggle like Radiation Infection or Darkest Night. As long as it is anchored on them or they are in the area of effect, they can try but will not succeed.



Interesting, searched this thread and found no mention of the difficulty slider, or the Hero Corps Field Analyst. These guys will change your "status" for a price. The options are Heroic, Tenacious, Rugged, Unyielding, and Invincible. As you go down the list, your mission difficulty (and rewards) increases. I mention this because I made the newbie mistake of thinking I was only gaining a new title, not actually turning white's into red's



Get out of debt by getting exemplared. You might not get xp but you will work of debt twice as fast...making it quicker for you to get un-exemplared and therefore able to regain that xp



Get out of debt by getting exemplared. You might not get xp but you will work of debt twice as fast...making it quicker for you to get un-exemplared and therefore able to regain that xp

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Just remember that if you are defeated while exemplared, you accrue debt at your actual level. This can get very debt expensive.



There really are powers that are not worth taking...ever.

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As a n00b, I'd love to see this discussed - what are total gimp powers?

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Thats kinda subjective, no power is completely non-useful. It's a matter of taste and wether or not your going for the cookie cut numbers build or going for unique combo's, or just wanting a power that is different.

Most people claim a power is useless when they are attempting to build a numbers based character, based solely on combat numbers (most effecient defense, most efficient damage output, or a mix of both).

Every power has its usage, at least for the time being. Some powers may be very useful in early levels and then become unused in later levels, in which case they can be respec'd out, but they did serve a purpose at one point.

Earlier I read someone saying that certain move powers were very bad, and I think that is an incorrect assumption. Yes, the power may not have worked for you, but they all have their usage. SS and SJ have comparable speeds, their uniqueness comes in that SS lowers the chances of being seen by baddies, SJ allows you to go over obstacles rather then around. Teleport is the fastest form of movement, but in order to use it for longer periods of time, it requires slots. Flight, while being the slowest of the move powers, allows for more strategic play, while your up in the air you can play recon and plan out where to go and keep away from danger more easily, most people kinda frown on Flight's real value, and even though your accuracy is lessened, you can still attack while in flight without hindering your placement (and your still not near the enemy). Unlike with SJ (you lose some movement control while attacking), or TP (you fall which can be bad if an incoming attack hits you right after hitting the ground and you end up ded), or SS (you stop moving all together while your attack animation plays out). They all have their advantages and disadvantages, its just a matter of taste and play style. To say any particular move power is a bad power, is opinion, not fact.

I guess what I'm really trying to say, is that all powers have their place, maybe not allways, but they have their use at some point or another. And it allows for more unique combo's rather then ALWAYS having the same chars in every shape pouncing about.



As an answer to muuto's question.
As a n00b, I'd love to see this discussed - what are total gimp powers?

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Gimped powers (If you have them, don't flame's just my opinion)

Beanbag - Why? When you can take other offensive powers...why?
Taser - Don't recall anyone ever taking it...anyone ever see it?
Combustion - I guess if you six slot this bad boy...but honestly I've never seen it deal massive I wrong?)
Air Superiority - nothing to add here....
Assault and Tactics - If you are not a defender or controller stay clear of these..the 7% buff is not worth it. Why does this power pool penalize you for your AT choice??? No other power pool does this !!
Flurry - Weak...just plain weak.
Resuscitate - Weak for a level 20 choice.....just keep Revive inspirations a power pool choice. If you wanted to be a healer...why did you not play an Empathy Defender or Controller?!?!
Hand Clap - Knockback, no damage dealt...slight chance of disorientation. R - E - S - P - E - C, find out what it means to me.

That's all, and really just an opinionated rant. If you have found these powers really work for you, kudos.

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Bean Bag - If disorientation is your bag, then this bag is for you.
Taser - I've seen many a devices blaster take this power and lower levels then respec it out later, its always helpful to render temporarily useless, a baddie that has gotten too close, especially since devices isn't a melee based secondary like many of the other blaster secondaries are. Plus disorientation in PvP is very useful.
Combust - For a tank is great, more AoE is good due to PunchVoke, for a blaster, not sure on its real usage, unless your playing a Blapper in which case more AoE is a good thing.
Air Superiority - Much better then most moderate single target hand to hand attacks (especially for tanks), because it has a VERY HIGH chance of knocking the target down and does descent moderate damage to boot. And as you know, a knockeddown target isn't attacking back which gives you at least one more swipe at him/her before getting back up.
Assault and Tactics - These powers are ok, a bit endurance heavy, but when stacked can be very nice. Best used when on teams.
Resuscitate - If you feel the need to be able to rez and your not a Radiation or Empath Defender/Controller, then this power is useful. Or in those situations where your rez power is still renewing and you need to rez someone else, its nice to have a suplimental rez power.
Hand Clap - Good for crowd control, if your in trouble, too many baddies on you, too many baddies attacking a particular member, poof, the mass's are disoriented, allowing you a momentary break or less baddies attacking for a few moments. Unlike sleep, you can attack disoriented baddies and they can't do anything about it till the effects are over. And knockback means less attacks coming in for a few seconds as well. Its more of a situational power, but not without its uses.