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  1. SleepingDragon

    Hover Speed

    Also I want to svae a power by taking Hover and not flight, and I don't mind spending the slots for it:

    So Hover vs Flight:
    Hover negatives:
    Need to spend 2.5 lvls slotting it to make it slightly slower than flight.

    Can keep you out of Melee
    Resistance to Knockback
    uses less END

    FLight negatives:
    high END
    no defense bonuses
    no resistance to knockback
    Requires you to choose a not so useful power

    Can keep you out of Melee
    Base is slightly faster than full-slotted hover
  2. SleepingDragon

    Hover Speed

    [ QUOTE ]
    I believe the old wisdom was that 6 single origin enhancements made hover about as fast base flight speed, however since ED you can no longer get that large of a boost.

    So if you're wanting to hover as fast as a fly, you'd need some other plan (like making friends with a Kinetics defender/controller that has speed boost.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ok so I found the guide I was looking for:

    What is ED, and what happened to Hover? Does it now cap out at less than 29.4 mph?
  3. SleepingDragon

    Hover Speed

    I remember seeing a guide on TP's a year ago that listed all their speeds, but I can't find it now.

    I remember reading that 4 flight speed enh tops out flight speed.

    I seem to recall that to get Hover to the same speed as base flight you needed at least more than 3 slots, but I can't remember how many.

    Anyone have the #'s on this?
  4. Do sprint, swift and superspeed compound? Or is superspeed the only "running" that's on? If not if you have a good sprint and swift can you run faster than 90mph?
  5. SleepingDragon


    [ QUOTE ]
    Logically speaking the killer mimes statement can't be the false one. Because it's not even a proposition.

    It's not "killer mimes exist in the game" or "killer mimes do not exist in the game".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or maybe Killer Mimes are just not true, as a concept in the universe. Maybe while he was researching quantum mechanics to complete the theory of everything he stumbled upon an equation that proved that Killer Mimes are never true.
  6. SleepingDragon


    [ QUOTE ]
    Given the date, I thought I should post something. However, one of these things is not true.

    <ul type="square"> Icon doesn't operate in CoV territory. If you want a costume change, you go to the Facemaker.

    Killer mimes.

    There are 5 new archetypes in CoV.[/list]
    I love being evil!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Given the date, I thought I should post something.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe that's the statement that was wrong. Maybe he doesn't think at all!