Little things I wish I'd known




Still new here (level 13), not sure what the map patch is I have heard a few people mention...anyone care to explain?

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The Map Patch is a set of files you can grab from someone posting on the forum. It replaces the normal zone maps with zone maps labelled with store locations . VERY useful to someone who's never been to a particular zone or who wants to maximize their influence colleciton by selling enhancements to the right stores.

That's what I wish I'd known: that you can sell SO and DO enhancements for more at stores that sell similar enhancements. Thus, the mutation store (subgenetics or biotechnix) will pay more for SO or DO enhs that are part mutation.



Still new here (level 13), not sure what the map patch is I have heard a few people mention...anyone care to explain?

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It replaces the in-game maps with maps that have the store locations marked on them. It also adds an approximate map of the trails to Perez Park.



you can invite people into your team from a distance by typing /i <charactername>....



An important one- especially for your blaster alts (You know have at least one!).

Under options, you can make it so that player health is always shown. No more accidental assists conning a hero to make sure they are ok.

Oh, personal fave, you can make teammembers into waypoints. Excellent in keeping tabs or meeting up sans TP.



Just because an enemy boss cons green or blue to you does not mean that it's as easy to take out as a minion who cons green or blue.



If the sidekick kills a same (new) lvl minion solo (i.e. one lvl below me) then he will get the exact same exp as he would if he was not sidekicked and killed a same lvl minion.

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...which is less than what he would have gotten for killing that same minion while not sidekicked. A level 25 hero taking down a level 25 minion gets more XP than a level 20 hero taking down a level 20 minion - and a level 20 hero defeating a level 25 minion gets substantially more than either of them.

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This is just the way the sidekick system works. If you are lvl10 and kill a lvl10 minion, you get, lets say 100 exp (not accurate), if you are then sidekicked to be at combat lvl35 and kill a lvl35 minion, you get exactly the same, 100 exp.

Thats the way it is, otherwise if you were getting 1000 exp as a sidekick it would be a huge exploit for quick lvling. The exp scales down to your actual combat lvl.

If that same hero killed a villain 3 lvls above him (sked or not) he would get say 300exp either way.

I don't know what it did to the rest of the team's XP (if anything), but I do know that the second time I ran Sister Psyche's TF, I was sidekicked in the first mission, because I was 23 and didn't like the look of the 26s that greeted us. The second mission started with 25s, so I dropped the sk. Before long, we were back to 26s and I was getting more XP for them not sked than I had gotten in the first mission while sked (and nobody had dropped out of the team), so that looks pretty clear to me that being a sidekick reduces the XP you get for any given foe.

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You are confusing the sidekick system with the general XP system. All the sidekick system does is artificially increase your combat lvl and all your powers etc to that lvl. It then scales th exp down to your actual combat lvl. In your example you are lvl23 killing lvl26s which is a +3. If you were sidekicked to be lvl25 then the enemys would only be +1 so you would be getting exp as if you are killing lvl24s (which is +1 to your actual combat lvl).

So yes in your example, you would get more exp to be a lvl23 killing +3 enemys, rather than a sidekicked lvl25 killing +1 enemys. But if you cant hit the bad guys then maybe you should take the XP hit for the team and be sidekicked.

So to try and summarise what happened in your missions...

In your first mission you were sidekicked to be lvl25 (I presume) and so was getting XP for enemy+1.

In your second mission you were not sidekicked and so was lvl23 and getting XP for enemy+2 (more than the first mission).

In your third mission you were not sidekicked and so was lvl23 and getting XP for enemy+3 (more than the second mission).

Anyway Im rambling. My point is that the XP you gain is relative to your actual combat lvl and the enemys lvl. Sidekicking is just a way to artificially increase your powers etc so that you can be usefull to higher lvl peeps.

And a final summary of the summary..

Sidekicking does not penalise your xp. But if you are killing enemy+3 unsidekicked, then start killing enemy+1 sidekicked, you will obviously get less XP. That is the way of the XP system.

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Ok, I haven't actually compared it for individual fights but you do get less experience for completing story arcs while you are sidekicking someone. In my 20's when I would complete a story arc solo I would get 2000 xp and 4000 influence. When I sidekicked my brother with me, I would get 1600 xp. I could have sworn that I read the devs confirm that you got 80% of the regular experience when sidekicking.

On another note, if you click on your mission description (the "i" in front of the mission when selected) for hunt missions, it will often tell you where in the city or zone to hunt for those particular factions.

Selecting Alt and a power will make that power into an autoattack.

You can see how many hit points the enemies have by mousing over their red bar when targeted. If you hold it a minute, it will pop up in number form.



Bleh, I just realized the other day that I switched two letters in my name, Phoenix Down is spelled O before E, but I switched them. Thankfully, it's an error that few will catch :-)

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Don't count on it. I noticed someone on Infinity the other day with "Phoenix" misspelled.



At least one level 20ish contact in Independence Port will give out a "Defeat 30 Sky Raiders in Terra Volta" mission to you even if you're three levels below the minimum security level (23) to enter Terra Volta. I had to spend three long, long levels staring at that mission on my list.

Even enemies that don't have specific stun powers can stun you if they hit you hard enough. Trolls, Family, Tsoo Ancestor Spirits, Freakshow, Warriors, etc.

I've noticed that stores tend to be near the permanent waypoint dots on zone maps.

If you're a Dark Armor Scrapper or Stone Tanker, you don't need to spend that much time designing your costume.



- if you are an illusion controller and you are soloing DO NOT take out the last minion/lieutenant near the boss. I have yet to find a boss on a mission that could be mind controlled, so the only way to solo them is to dominate the minion and have them beat the boss down very slowly.

You won't get a lot of experience off the boss, even if you time it so you get the last hit in and it dies before it has a chance to fry you, but in some cases it is the only way to complete a mission solo. And as a controller you are used to this anyway, right?



Well I knew this one already, but if you target a mob and use a team-based power (a heal, a single-target buff, etc), you will use it on whatever the mob has current targeted.



you can superjump faster than the speed of barf (from the vhazilok).



If you are doing some extreme soloing, don't fight on the spawn points if you want to use an Awaken.



Still new here (level 13), not sure what the map patch is I have heard a few people mention...anyone care to explain?

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Go to here, and download the one that says ingame maps with stores. This also has the paths in Perez park. I use it, and it works great.

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

See [URL=""]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.



The little blue buttons on the interface windows let you undock the windows. Particularly useful to get the map off to the side so you can run it AND see where you are going. Before when I did this I didn't know you could undock it from the mission box and so I had to keep bringing the mission box back to center to read it.


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



You know when I learned that thing about the blue buttons undocking stuff so it can moved about? Right about the time I read your post. Thank you!

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

See [URL=""]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.



With Hurdle or Combat Jump, you can window hop really fast up the buildings in Kings Row, faster than getting up there with hover. The trick to jumping from one window to the window above it is to press jump first then hit forward. Once you get the hang of it, you can forget about looking for fire escapes.

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I Never use combat jump to window hop, and i get up faster then ANY low level player , even if they have hover/combat jumping.
I jump onto a window and jump and push forward, but while I do thaty I am hold a strafe key, when I get close to the edge, I switch keys, and I can get up any building faster then combat jumpers



Good thread, I think I’ll bump it…
Just a couple things (sorry if I duplicate earlier advice):

1. When grouping and things are going bad, pressing “F6” (on it’s default setting) will say “RUN!” without you having to type it out.

2. When soloing (or grouping for that matter) and things are going bad, hitting “F8” (default) will cause your character to say “HELP!” in the local channel and make police whistle sound. Especially useful for lower level heroes who don’t have speed/jump/fly power to escape mobs easily. Most nearby heroes will be happy to help.

3. I have “If you need help, press F8” bound to a key. So if I come across a hero, low on health and fighting several baddies, I can ask before jumping in and there is no issue about “kill stealing.”

4. If you come across a high level mob in a low level zone, get on the “broadcast” channel and let people know where and what level. Usually a high level hero or four will swoop in and take care of it.

5. Something I just learned – holding down the “ctrl” key and clicking on a power in your tray will set it to auto fire/active as soon as it recycles. (provided you have a target chosen and in range and available endurance).

6. Bind, bind, bind! Binds are your friends. Use them wisely.

I know a lot of this is right in the manual, but you’d be surprised what people don’t know.



3. I have “If you need help, press F8” bound to a key. So if I come across a hero, low on health and fighting several baddies, I can ask before jumping in and there is no issue about “kill stealing.”

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I do this! It's a really good idea...

I also have "Thanks!" bound to a key.



Not really something I wish I'd known, but some friendly advice for newbies:
If you're not going to read the manual, at least read everything in the tutorial. It will give you lots of info you may wish you knew later!



You DON'T have to live with this

I had the exact same issue pop up with my level 20. Dr Cheng gave me a Banished Pantheon mission in Dark Astoria. I logged a bug with support and while in game, a GM took some infomation and then set the mission to complete, giving me 230 experience etc.

I missed out of course on the XP from killing the 20 Banished Pantheon, but then I also got a slot free to get another mission. The GM said to please log support calls while *in game* for this - because it is NOT supposed to happen

At least one level 20ish contact in Independence Port will give out a "Defeat 30 Sky Raiders in Terra Volta" mission to you even if you're three levels below the minimum security level (23) to enter Terra Volta. I had to spend three long, long levels staring at that mission on my list.

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the invisibilty power from the concealment power pool will NOT protect you from an enemy once you have agroed it!! You can however walk around unmolested in missions where you have to find x and not have to arrest everything...simply get to the object and click on it.
And if you havent had this happen to you..DONT USE THE ABILITY REST NEAR ENEMIES!! if you are hit by anything you will DIE!! (and using Phase Shift will not save you from this!!)

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However with superior invis from the Ill controller pool will allow you evade an aggroed enemy if they lose sight of you. One of my favorite tricks for when a battle goes poorly and my group needs a rezzer alive.

Also, sometimes it's best to take the time and read the info on some enemies before you fight them. Simply left click on them with your mouse. It may give you an insight on which ones to attack first and how to fight them.



I can't beleive I wrote a long post and then didn't confirm it . . .

Can't remember all I wrote now, I wanted to add that I read hover with 6 speed enhancements is as fast as base fly, with half the end use and a defense bonus and no acc penalty!

Other major stuff I know was covered, so some minor stuff!

You can change your costume before lvl20! Not sure if there is any minimum, I found out around 10. Just go to Icon and edit your original costume. Base cost about 500i. About 300i per change I think. I only changed my lense colour.

You can see who anyone is targeting by hovering over them. Hero or mob.

Tp Foe will bring the whole mob in your direction.

When XP hunting, go for groups of mobs that are as high as possible, but that you can defeat without using to much endurance. Running low on end causes down time, high groups more risk, and too low fills up your enhancement slots with too many low ones = more shop trips/throw aways and less resell value. Low lvls are good for refilling inspirations though!

You can cancel powers with the escape key. "OK snipe! Wait our tanker if AFK! Doh!

Bind a key to "say Yes!" you're stunned, almost dead and someone offers you a tp, and "say No!" you and your purple target are almost dead, you have couple green inspirations, and your target is stunned and just about to give you the rewards of the kill and someone offers you a tp. If you can tp bind a key to "t $target Need a tp?"

Those guys in Steel Canyon with the riot gear on aren't with the police . . .

Enhancements that reduce effects are less effective the more you add. 1st SO enhancement will reduce 33%, 2nd 23% 3rd 15% and so on. ALTHOUGH, enhancing reducing debufs is actually adding to your powers effect.

Don't create a new hero because of a bad power or 2 if you have got him/her over 10th, respec later!

You can still lvl with debt

You can do tons of cool stuff with bind! (as previously mentioned, even without making a lot of files)

Your background will determin your main enemy! (if you hate Vahz, don't make a science origin!)

Mobs of similar origin are more likely to drop DOs, SOs that you can use.

Mortificators hate zombies (why else would they raise them to see them get beat up again?;D )

If you bow with a katana in your hand you'll stab yourself through the chest. (though taking no damage!)

Purple means your lvl +3 OR MORE! You may find drstically higher lvl mobs wandering around sometimes. Just to give people (the devs?) laughs I think.

If you hold down the middle mouse button you can rotate the camera around your hero, grat for screen shots with the print screen key! Found in your coh folder's screens folder. Viewable (and convertible) with Irfanview (Google it) among others.

That's all for now!



I didn't read all of the posts, its late(or early depending on how you want to see it...) so sorry if this has been said already:

Holding down the shift button and pressing the #'s 1 - 8 will target the teammates in those designated slots. Want to highlight the 4th guy in the group list? hit shift+4 and you'll automatically target them.

Tp Foe will bring the whole mob in your direction

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I did catch this.
This isn't always true. With practice you can get it down to about 75% chance of a single pull. NEVER port a boss because A.) you can't port them... and B.) pulling a boss in anyway usually always brings the whole group down upon you.
In places like TV and DA and Faultline, port can be a melee type's friend when you don't want to fight full groups. Just perch yourself on a ledge of a skyscraper or roof of a building, where they can't get to you, and you'll be able to pick them off one by one. Just be sure you're far enough from the edge to do so. Careful to check the group for flyers. You don't want to port a mad freak chopper and find out he had stunner/juicer friends with him.

oh a couple last things:
Many of the powers people will call "gimped" are only considered that because they don't use them to their advantage. TP foe is one example, but make sure you research the power on the boards before you do get it. Most people are good at explaining what the power does and what they don't like about it. Like someone else said, they have spent tons of time designing different heroes and testing out powers.
If you can't find any posts, make one, theres nothing wrong with inquiring about a power.

STAMINA IS YOUR FRIEND. You can live without it, but you'll be much happier with it.

Edit: Enhancements:
Trainings are 8.3% or 5%(for range, cone range, res dmg, and def)
Dual origins: 16.7% and 10%
Single Origins 33.3% and 20%

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.



Missions with lifts in them

Although they look like zoning, they aren't. If you get pushed back to the lifts and lose team members have the porter go down the lifts and THEN recall friend.
The dead guy can be ported between floors for safe resurrection.

Don't kow if TP foe can do this, probably not.



some good info in here. I'll add a few tips for getting up buildings, since that's a particularly interesting topic for me (for some reason).

Ascending Fire-escapes : hold down your right-mouse button to steer (assuming you haven't rebound it). You can rip up a fire-escape in no time (or a stair-case, whatever) by steering with your mouse and not the keyboard. Actually, steer with your mouse most of the time and you'll find you have much, much more control than with the keyboard.

By-passing fire-escapes. With absolutely no jump enhancements or powers, one can leap up the side of a good number of the buildings, especially the ol' brick "apartment" buildings with relative ease. This may be a bit tricky to explain but with a little practice, it's easy as pie.
First you have to be at a building that actually has a bottom edge you can jump to, that should be a given.
Run at the side of the building from an angle, leap up while still moving and you should land on an edge. Keep the space-bar depressed and continue to "run" at the building at an angle. You should find yourself jumping up and to the side, catching an edge on the next level up.
As you approach the side of the building, switch your angle of incident (that means angle yourself towards the other side of the wall you're going up) and you should switch directions while still maintaining upward movement (or you'll go sailing off of the side of the building since you didn't change directions early enough). Continue to do this, zig-zagging your way up the side of the building until you reach the top.
Note to Superspeeders, you can do this REALLY fast, BUT if you don't let-off as you crest the top of the wall, you'll totally over-jump the roof and go right over the far-side of the building.

Other handy-tips:
Click the arrow on the team-window. It will roll-out additional info about your teammates. It will tell you where a teammate is when they are in a different zone and what buffs they have when they are in the same zone.

Simply click a teammates name in the team window to select them (and set them as a waypoint. )

/bind , "nop" to clear that damn default "/tell $target" key. I always seem to hit this at the most in-opportune times. The syntax /bind <key> "nop" will clear a bind for whatever key you specify.

Right-click a teammate (or their name in the team window) and select "Info" to see exactly what powers that person has. Don't waste time by asking teammates to stop and tell you what they can do.

A good pull is when the monster comes far enough from his group that the rest of his buddies can't see or hear him counter-attack. Too often I see a really good pull get nixed because the team doesn't back off far enough to get the target out of range of his friends. Once the rest of the group sees their minion buddy open fire on something, they all wake up and attack too.

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Running up fire-escapes just takes a change in thinking:

Instead of doing any turning, run up forward, do a sidestep, hit reverse (running backwards), do a sidestep, run forward....repeat. Makes you get up them very quickly.

Edit: Just saw someone else in thread posted this also. PS. When I was young and without a travel power, I thought i was pretty clever by traversing zones by running along tram you fall off the main part, you will be running along the sides, just turn into the rail and with autorun it can be safer than running the streets.