Little things I wish I'd known




Ascending Fire-escapes : hold down your right-mouse button to steer (assuming you haven't rebound it). You can rip up a fire-escape in no time (or a stair-case, whatever) by steering with your mouse and not the keyboard.

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You can rip up a fire escape in no time if you don't steer at all... Run forward up the stairs, strafe right (D by default), run backwards, strafe left (A), repeat until you're at the top. Don't turn at all.

Simply click a teammates name in the team window to select them (and set them as a waypoint. )

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Well... Click on the name to select them, then right-click and select "Set as Waypoint" from the pop-up menu to set them as a waypoint...



Just be careful you don't back into the Skull Daddy that's half way up the fire escape after chasing the last hero and giving up. It's such an unfortunate way to die.

Hunting the CoT in Kings Row was almost enough to convince me to take Hover, just to avoid climbing the stupid stairs only to find no CoT (or some annoying level 20 flying blaster wiping out the last of them just as I arrived...again.



... Ascending Fire-escapes : hold down your right-mouse button to steer (assuming you haven't rebound it). You can rip up a fire-escape in no time (or a stair-case, whatever) by steering with your mouse and not the keyboard. Actually, steer with your mouse most of the time and you'll find you have much, much more control than with the keyboard. ...

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I usually just maintain my facing up the fire escape and go backwards on the flat run without turning at all. I just have to ensure that I run toward the center since I have learned that running off of a fire escape (no building in COH would pass my countries building codes since they do not have a hand rail.) is bad and many times painful. I just keep zig zagging up always facing the same dircetion, the only movement of my mouse is to keep me centered. All movment is forward, right, back and left. Repeat till roof or end of fire escape.

Edit: I guess Fated_Frontier and I use the same technique.

Seryphim : Virtue : Empath/Archery Defender
Fueur-Engel : Virtue : Fire/Thermal Corrupter



Circle of Thorns are not really that hard to find in Kings Row. But there's a trick to it.

They only spawn at night. And you often need to kill the daytime spawn at their favorite hang-outs.

I really wish I had known this earlier in my career.



I find combustion useful to help hold agro as well as drawing in foes along with provoke. After drawing them in my Blaster buddy drops his Trip Mine and we can knock out a whole mob of orange our lvl in one punch.

Dooome lvl 27 Invul/Fire Tanker Triumph



The real trick to finding CoT in KR is by using /camdist 400 and looking down. It places your POV well above the top of the building, making it very easy to see the green glowing clouds of the CoT.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



A couple more I thought of...

-If you six slot hasten with recharge reduction and auto-fire it, it never goes down
-Voltaic Sentinel is a big pile of doggie poo
-Mortificators rez cadavers...ditto for some Crey scientists
-Travel powers get faster as you level on their slotting hover is a waste of time.
-If you set up your inspiration tray correctly, you can just use the function key to pop an insp, and the next one will slide down ready to a pez dispenser
-certain Mobs, like embalmed cadavers and Death mages blow up and do SICK damage
-Said exploding mobs can be interrupted when they go into their countdowns

sorry if any of these have been posted previously...this is a great thread, wish it had been here a few months ago...



And also, those kamikaze exploding mobs damage other mobs if they're deceived. A good hit from them can take out other minions, and do severe damage to lt's and bosses. Yeah, you don't get the XP for 'em, but it can help to thin out an otherwise too-big-to-handle group in a mission.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]



- Clicking the "Mission Completed" message on the top display will transport you out of the mission. I think I was level 8 before I learned this lesson.

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Just an FYI...the tutorial door mission tells you this when you complete it.



You will die more often in groups than solo. Always.

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Not always true. I die more solo (though rarely) than in a group. Mostly because I'm a scrapper, and like to test my limits. In a group, it is rare to take on anything that is dangerous to me, or someone else is handling enough aggro to manage. This is especially true when there are overzealous defenders healing everything is sight, whether they need it or not.

However, this is probably more true for other ATs. Defenders and controllers probably. Solo, you know when to run and what you can handle. In a group, you don't want to run before the group, and you can't always count on the rest to pull aggro off you.



-That you don't have to take BOTH of the first two powers in a pool to get the third (anyone wanna buy my air superiority? Low mileage...)

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- To get to the 4th power you can select ANY 2 of the previous three. You do NOT need 1 of the first two and the third.
Example: You can take Swift, Hurdle then Stamina, you do not need to take Swift, Health, then Stamina.

- Combat Jumping (and Hurdle I belive) will allow you to jump up buildings with inward slants almost indefinatly, until you run into a ledge or out cropping. This also works on internal corners. I belive the corners need to be slanted, but not definate.

- Assist is your friend. Just target the "puller" and see what he is targeting, that way every one can attack the same mob, and not cause un needed agro.

- Even SK'ed you cannot get into Perez until your toon is level 7, and Boomtown until your toon is 11. Don't think just because you are SK'ed and fight at a higher level, you will be able to enter these areas.

- Cave door missions. Sometimes when you cannot find that last mob, check to see if there is a upper or lower level to some of the rooms.

- Recall friend can teleport people even when dead. This is a very usefull power for a empath defender/controller to grab. This way you can pull the corpses to a safe area and revive them safely when endurance permits.

- CoT demons and Tsoo guardians (i forget names) that "phase" out to invisible cannot be harmed when they are not visible. Only attack them when they are "solid" form.

- The "energy" from the guns that the Lost shoot, shut down your toggle powers.

- You can change the default chat group you are talking to by clicking on the letter above the text entry field on the chat box.

- You can send yourself email if you have somethign you want to remember, with out writing it down.



That some @@@@ turn into ****. I encountered this on the $$$$ tf..My group had a good laugh at my reaction for about 10 minutes.

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Oh, ouch. Can we keep spoilers off this? I did not know that, and now I won't be properly freaked out when it does happen to me.

In trying to learn some tricks and tips in playing the game, I've already run into quite a bit of information about the missions I'm doing. *sniff*




I'm a scrapper, and like to test my limits.

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But that's redundant... (Well, OK, we scrappers call it "testing our limits". Everyone else seems to call it "being crazy" or "having a death wish", even when we don't die.)



When charmed Mortificators will kill and then rez their freinds over and over.



When hunting cot in kings row, there is a heavy concentration of spawn points directly north of the trainer, in the southern part of the "Gris" or whatever it's called.

Wish I'd known this with my first character. That mission took hours to complete.

I also use the method of running up stairs by strafing and ascending the next flight backwards.

It is a good idea to plan your characters ahead of time and to post your build in the forums so experienced players can help critique your build. I've never posted my build, I usually just search the forums and form my build on that, but posting your build is a faster way to do that.



When charmed Mortificators will kill and then rez their freinds over and over.

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Charmed/deceived sorcerors do this as well. Funny, they don't come over and heal me when I deceive them. Bastiges.



One thing to take into account for sidekicking xp penalties. If you are sidekicking someone to 1 (or several) lvls below you, he will have a lower percentage of experience, but...

Take into account that someone 1 lvl below you is fighting a yellow, 2 an orange, 3 a red. So someone 3 levels below you may get 40% of the xp or less but it is 40% of the xp of a RED while you are getting 60% of the xp of a white. Which makes up for the xp penalty in the end. I know, whe have tried it me and my roommate and it does work, we got about the same xp (approximatly).




Any more specific directions to this store? I haven't been able to find it ...

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The Freedom Corp "store" is in the park with Mynx the trainer and ... Positron? One of the Task Force heroes. Basically, go down the tram ramp and follow a walkway immediately to your right out to the street. Just ahead and a little to the right is a stone-walled-in park. Head in there, Mynx is off ahead and to the right (I think), and the FC person is around behind the TF hero. Just stay inside the walls and you'll find them eventually (they're dressed in the flashy red/white outfits, so they should stand out). There may be an actual FC store building somewhere, but the guy in the park should give the same prices and is very convenient.

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Better still, open up your map and find her there. She's a trainer rather than a contact, so she's on it, even if you've never heard of her. Then you can just click on her and follow the waypoint.

Travel powers get faster as you level on their slotting hover is a waste of time.

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I dunno, I noticed a bit of a difference after slotting some speed into hover and fly, not a huge difference, but I could move faster. Granted, as new as I am, I don't really know if slotting early affects things later. Although it probably doesn't.

I also use the method of running up stairs by strafing and ascending the next flight backwards.

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I prefer strafing up the stairs themselves, moving forward or backward when I get to the top of the flight, to position myself fore the next one. Dunno if it's faster or slower, but it works better for me.

As for things I wish I'd known when I first started:
<ul type="square">[*]The camera is both your best friend and your worst enemy. Learn how to position it if all you can do is run. I almost got sick the first time I strafed with my back facing the tram track supports, with the camera zoomed all the way out so I could spot enemies more easily.

However, you can use it to look around corners and con enemies without haveing to actually go around said corner.[*]Go AFK inside a safe place rather than next to a safe place. I thought my (at the time) lvl 11 scrapper was ok on the sidewalk, until I heard a loud "THWAKK!!" when I reached for my cigarettes. Our little 3-person, low-level team got spanked by 2 lvl 30 Devouring Earth. The 6 was dead, my 11 and the 10 were stunned. And while I stood there frantically typing "&lt;bleep&gt;!!! RUN!!! RUN NOW!!!" the 10 got hit again. Apparently when I said I was going AFK, they decided to do the same. So let that be a lesson kiddies...smoking kills. *koffhack*[*]That thing about phase shifting enemies.[*]Everybody loves to hate the healer. (/e thumbsup)[*]Having more than the minimum but less than the recommended system requirements, doesn't necessarily mean the game will run all that great. *koffkoff15FPSkoffkoff*[/list]
And the most important thing I've learned:




[ QUOTE ][*]Having more than the minimum but less than the recommended system requirements, doesn't necessarily mean the game will run all that great. *koffkoff15FPSkoffkoff*[/LIST]
And the most important thing I've learned:


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Amen to BOTH of those last two!



If you get a door mission inside Perez Park as a lvl 8 or 9, put it off. The first time I tried to do one at low level, I died 3 times trying to get to the door and again after the mission when I tried to leave the park.
On a similar note, you can run across the tops of the trees in Perez Park. Finding myself alone deep in the park and faced with hovering as fast as a crippled snail to get safely out, I found I could hover up to the tree tops, drop, and sprint all the way across on the trees.



1. Any of the radiation emissions powers will automatically remove a ancestor spirit or COT daemon from being shifted (I love this aspect of the debuffs)

2. This is a game where if used correctly all first powers are viable (you just have to settle for four or five slotting in the beginning)

3. Little Pips Hero planner in legacy mode is the only way to plan a hero.

4. It is not worth it to EVER slot a training, it is only worth selling them until you start getting DO's then just chuck them.

5. Even some DO's are not worth it, as they will sell for LESS than 1k even at the proper vendor, blech.

6. No matter HOW much you try to justify it a power that is SITUATIONIAL is not worth the slot (man I wish I had not taken and six slotted Phase Shift )

7. Teleport BLOWS if you do not have either Recovery aura on or a six slotted with SO's Stamina

8. Best possible travel combo hasten then super speed than teleport, what you can not run around you Teleport over



[ QUOTE ][*]Having more than the minimum but less than the recommended system requirements, doesn't necessarily mean the game will run all that great. *koffkoff15FPSkoffkoff*[/LIST]
And the most important thing I've learned:


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Amen to BOTH of those last two!

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Oh yeah, dude...Perez Park...kills it every time. lol



Circle of Thorns are not really that hard to find in Kings Row. But there's a trick to it.

They only spawn at night. And you often need to kill the daytime spawn at their favorite hang-outs.

I really wish I had known this earlier in my career.

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Untrue - they also spawn during daylight. Some of them spawn less frequently during the day - others continue to spawn quickly.

Finding CoT is also easy if you know where to look. When you exit the tram turn 90 degrees to your left - pass through the vacant lots until you come to a cluster of buildings. On top of them you will find a few groups of dedicated CoT spawns that are present at any time of day. Leave the area and they will respawn very quickly.

Area Buffs!
The best way I have found to get my group to form around me for an area buff is to use a bind that states a time limit and makes a sound:
/bind numpad1 "group Casting a Recovery Aura in 5 seconds.$$em whistle"
/bind numpad2 "powexec_name Recovery Aura"

Hit one on your numpad, then ten seconds later (yea 10, not 5) hit two on your numpad. Pretty soon even the most stubborn people realize the whistle means free endurance. The whistle emote will not always work if you are in a combat stance so it's good to develop the habbit of hitting the escape key first.

Another point - stealth type effects stack. Stealth alone will not make you invisible to enemies. They won't notice you until you get into melee range - but they will notice you. But if you put up stealth and super speed (which also has a stealth component) at the same time - you will become completely invisible.



I see these questions pop up sometimes.

You can have up to three missions, once you get enough contacts to give you those missions.

You cannot ditch a mission. If it is too hard, then you will need to recruit some teammates.

Some contacts give you a choice of missions. Look carefully for a mission that says, "You have 75 minutes to..." It is a timed mission and should not be taken if you have to be at work in 10 minutes. Again, you might have to recruit teammates, but let them know that you have a timed mission so they can cooperate more effectively. Some people like to dilly-dally.

You are not penalized for failing a timed mission.
Caveat: I don't think so. I've not done so, but I've been on a group that did. The person with the mission did not report any adverse effects. I'd have thought you lose Influence but maybe not.

The team leader can choose the current mission so that everyone knows which waypoint is active. On the Mission tab, choose Team. You'll see the current missions of all your members. Ideally, you want to pick a mission that's in the zone you're currently in. At the bottom, click on Select Task. The waypoint shows up for everyone, and you can coordinate your attack. If you're in a dangerous zone, try to travel together for safety. If you're all scattered (i.e., the group just formed), see if someone has Recall Friend and can pull everyone there in order to avoid the danger. This way, only one person is at risk instead of the entire group.

Speaking of Recall Friend, if you are trying to gather the group together, send a message warning people. Don't just willy-nilly grab someone out of the blue. You may want to bind the following to some keys:
/bind o team I'm going to summon everyone to my location unless you speak up now (even a letter if you're in combat).
/bind p team I am now recalling $target. Prepare for teleport!
Edited due to correction made by Tarambagil. Thanks for the update.

Natrually, you want to select the teammate (manually or shift+number) before using that announcement. Since Recall Friend can be interrupted, you have a little time where someone might speak up and protest being airlifted. In Perez Park, this may be a required mode of transportation.

After completing a mission, check your contacts from the menu. It's possible you could call in rather than travel to the contact (especially if he's in another zone). Be aware of ambushes, though. So, after calling in, make sure you're prepped for battle (I only had one ambush in the history of my 16th-level character, but it frightened me, so I'm a bit paranoid).

If your group is low on missions, it may be necessary for the group to split up so people can farm their contacts. Treat this as downtime but try to minimize it. While people are farming, those who don't need to tap their contacts might engage in some light hunting.

That's all I can think of about missions for now.




Good collection of relevant info there. Just a couple of short comments:


You are not penalized for failing a timed mission.

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Except in the sense that you don't get the reward that would otherwise have come your way. And beware if it's part of a story arc. I once failed the last (timed) mission in the Wheel of Destruction arc, and I got no souvenir from it...


/bind p team I am now recalling $$target. Prepare for teleport!

[/ QUOTE ]

There's just one $ in the $target tag. Doubles are used to seperate commands, so the above would have the result of you saying "I am now recalling "... and then nothing more.