Little things I wish I'd known




Hi. Just thought it would be nice to have a post where people can put little things that they wish they'd known/realised from the start.

1) The Tab Key is Your Friend: Tab allows you to cycles through all enemies within your view screen. Invaluable for flicking between multi-targets so you can keep control of the group you are fighting.

2) Read the Archetype Boards. Before creating a character, I repeat again READ THE BOARDS! Other people have spend hours playing almost any combination of powers you are interested in and have shared their experiences here. The boards can give you GREAT advice so you can plan you character better and know which powers work well with your concept, which don't. and which plain suck (Choaking Cloud I'm looking at you!).

3) The 5th Column Ambush. Apparently ambushes are quite common in later game, however the 5th Column will come after you right from the start! Nothing worse than doing a mission and exiting low on health and end (yeah you get a heal when you leave the mission but not up to full if really down) and casually making it back to the trainer/contact just to get flamed and shot as they jump out at you unexpected.

4) Hover Rocks: There is a lot (oh my is there a lot) of fierce debate over which travel power is best. However, I would like to claim of all the travel prerequisits you can take at 6th lvl, hover is the the best (expect when Hasten fits you character!). Ok its slow, slow, slow... but when you are hunting Circle of Thorns in Kings and you dont have to keep going up and up the fire escapes to find someone else has beaten you to the green glow on the roof you will love it. Even better it gets you out of melee range if you are blaster/controller/defender and gives you a small defense bonus even if you are in office block corridor and can't fly up.

5) Freedom Corps Buys Training Enhancements For More: Need to sell all those enhancements you get for top dollor - head for Freedom Corps (one in Steel Canyon right on the Bronze Row map icon north of the tube station). However, its not worth it until you are at least level 4 or so 'cause unless you are very very careful you are likely to be killed by a random street mob on the way there.

I am sure folks have loads more they will love to add Go for it guys!


Prismatic Star (18th Rad/Rad Defender - Triumph)
The Extremist (6th Rifle/Dev Blaster - Triumph)
The Redactor (5th Ill/Emp Controller - Triumph)



Groan... and 1 more I forgot:

Sprint Uses Endurance: It's obvious I know, but I wasn't aware of how much a difference it made until I got Fly. Whilst the Sprint button is active it used End.. not a lot, but it adds up. Turn it off before going to a fight, particularly if you have an ongoing power... believe me it makes a difference!





I wish I'd learned about this command sooner than I did. Unlike TAB's spastic target acquiring, this command actually acquires the nearest target. Don't get me wrong; I use the TAB key key as well, but there are many times where acquiring the nearest target is preferable to acquiring a target that's randomly chosen by the computer. Having both styles of targeting set to different keys gives me a lot of flexibility in acquiring the target I want, which is great for me because I usually don't mouse-click to acquire enemy targets.

You too can have this amazing ability to target by typing /bind G "target_enemy_near" into you command line. I put in on the G key, but the beauty of keybinding is you can choose whatever works for you.



With Hurdle or Combat Jump, you can window hop really fast up the buildings in Kings Row, faster than getting up there with hover. The trick to jumping from one window to the window above it is to press jump first then hit forward. Once you get the hang of it, you can forget about looking for fire escapes.



A bad name can ruin a good character.

Not happy with your costume? You can change that. It'll cost you a fortune at low levels, but at least its fixable. But a bad name will haunt you.

You can create the perfect character with the perfect look and get them all leveled up just the way you want...but if you're not satisfied with the name it'll eat away at you until you eventually have to re-roll.

Take the extra 20-30 minute upfront and create something original that you love. Don't give up out of frustration. If it's already taken, that just means it's not original enough.



If you take hurdle, you get get around faster by constantly jumping forward than you can by sprinting along the ground. (Useful to know pre level 14). Just watch how fast the distance to target goes sprinting vs. hurdling.

When you begin to get DO or SO to sell - sell them at the correct archetype-related store for signifigantly more money. IE a level 25 science/natural DO sold to a science or natural store = $4100 vs. $2000 or so from another store. Sell your training ones to the general (freedom corps) store as noted above.

I didn't know this - single origin enhancements cost 30000 influence. So, save your money between level 18-22!

You can right-click a person in your 'team' window and choose "set as waypoint" to make it extremely easy to find them in a tangled up part of town.

If you are in a task force and have to log out - or get kicked offline - you will still be in it when you log back in, providing someone hasn't kicked you out of it or finished it. Also - once you get into a task force you cannot buy inspirations until the end.. which, depending on your group, can take hours and hours.

The 'freakshow' enemies can come back to life after you kill them.. watch your back.

I am sure I know tons more. Heh.



There is an NPC Store next to the trainer in Skyway. That store pays full price for trainings (unlike the NPCs in GC and AP) and can be reach safely by low-level PCs. Just don't fall off the walkways.



Some notes about your entries:

1: hitting attack will target the nearest enemy You will have to press it again to attack but the first time will target the closest enemy
2. Hover - Just remember hover is a Defesne power NOT a travel power. Use defense slots on it not just speed buffs
3.Ambushes - get used ot them - At low level the 5th column and clockwork can be annoying but ambushes occur either soon after you accept a new mission or as soon as you are done with a door mission. Some will kill you, get used to being in debt and learn to kill whole mobs of greens to pay it off
4. Sprint uses end yes but not as much as others turn it off in combat if you must but as you get more end and ways to replenishg it you may leave it on for quick step to catch a retreating enemy

thats it for now

Ron Procopio
Main- Tria Ul Scar 18 scrapper pinnacle
Alts - too numerous to list ( at least 33)



See, now its threads like this that restore my faith in humanity...then I read the eleventythousand posts by PuffyShirt and I want to crawl unto a bunker and wage war...



IIRC, CTRL+TAB is the default keybind for target_enemy_near.



2. Hover - Just remember hover is a Defesne power NOT a travel power. Use defense slots on it not just speed buffs

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Sadly, the amount you can raise the inherent defense of Hover is trivial by adding Enhance Defense enhancements. By default Hover offers a 5% defensive bonus, even if you 6 slot it with Enhance Defense enhancements, the most you can raise that 5% value is still below 10% (I don't recall the exact value). So it is a waste of slots to add Enhance Defense enhancements to Hover. Also, the 5% defense inherent in Hover isn't actually the most important defensive quality of the power. Hover's ability to keep you out of Melee range is! Melee attacks do 3 times the damage on average compared to Ranged attacks. So Hover is a great defensive skill, even at it's modest 5% defensive bonus. The best enhancements to add to Hover are Reduce Endurance Cost



Assist works by targeting your main assist and hitting an attack power - it automatically goes for their target

Moth Twiceborn, Slan, Mr. Long
Jane Droid, 43 Earth/Emp, Alix Frost, 43 Ice/Eng
Warlock Krelleth, Level 50 Zombie Mastermind
Virtue Server
"Some people find fault as if it were buried treasure"



get used to being in debt and learn to kill whole mobs of greens to pay it off

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Kiilling greens is a waste of time. If you're simply XPing, kill whites in the largest groups you can handle with the least downtime. This has been proven time and time again. Killing 2x the number of green mobs will not get you more XP, it will get you less.

4. Sprint uses end yes but not as much as others turn it off in combat if you must but as you get more end and ways to replenishg it you may leave it on for quick step to catch a retreating enemy

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Sprint uses 0.5 end/tick. Flight uses 2.5, Superspeed and Superjump use 1.5, and Teleport uses 15 (per port). Hover and Combat Jumping cost 1/tick, as do many other common toggles (Manuevers, Assault, Tactics).

And you do not gain more endurance as you level. You start with 100 end and will have 100 end at L50. You do, however, gain more ways of replenishing it, either through your own powers or through those of teammates. But without any special way to replenish it you will regain 5 end every 3 seconds, so keep that in mind when figuring out toggles and how much end you use.

By default Hover offers a 5% defensive bonus, even if you 6 slot it with Enhance Defense enhancements, the most you can raise that 5% value is still below 10%

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No, 5% * (1 + 6 * 0.20) = 11%. Not that that's a particularly worthwhile use of slots to most people, but it's still worth sticking a single defense enh in the free slot.

Melee attacks do 3 times the damage on average compared to Ranged attacks.

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That depends entirely on the enemies you fight. At low levels melee is more dangerous than ranged combat, but that changes in the low to mid 20s for some villian groups.

The best enhancements to add to Hover are Reduce Endurance Cost

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Reducing Hover's endurance usage from 1/tick to 0.75/tick is questionable at best. A single defense SO will raise Hover's defense boost to 6%. Not much either, but it edges out 0.25 end/tick to me.

Oh, and my direct contribution to the thread?

On the map screen you will see areas of a zone bordered in different colors. These borders not only indicate the boundaries of an area (the name shown on the map), but also the general level of the villians there. Areas bordered in red should have the highest level villians for the zone. Yellow is middle, and green is lowest.



You can zoom in on all maps, even mission maps by clicking on the slider.

Boy I wish I would have known this on my early cave missions.



If you are getting some connection issues and every now and again you get the 'lost connection with map server', if you know its gunna kick you back the logon screen rather than come back to the game after a few seconds then heres a little way to speed up that BS...

Once you get the message just goto options and click the quit to logon.. this will happen instantly. Then just log back into the game and carry on. Not a very usefull tip but saves you 30 seconds of waiting for the disconnect.



/Bind is your friend. Your best friend. Use it a lot. Though it may not be true for everyone, I've found that binding attacks to the numpad (and shift+numpad) makes it immensely easier to cue the right attack exactly when you need it. No half-a-second wasted moving the mouse to the right point. Similarly, binding inspirations by name (instead of the default F1 for column 1, F2 column 2, etc). This saves you some more time when you quickly need a specific enhancement, and limits the chances of your hitting the wrong one by accident. Again, shift+FX is good for the higher level inspirations, and I use the numbers above the keyboard for the highest ones. Of course, different binds are necessary for different builds, but customizing your binds is of paramount importance for the most efficient gameplay. Hope this helps, and great thread guys!



Great thread. My .02 influence...

-That the space bar sends you straight up while in flight.
-The store map patch (I wanna marry that thing )
-That tesla cage is NOT just a glorified version of electric fence (hold > Immobilize )
-That you don't have to take BOTH of the first two powers in a pool to get the third (anyone wanna buy my air superiority? Low mileage...)
-Don't turn your back on that freakshow corpse...
-" more shot and that Fifth LT is going down...OMG WHAT IS THAT!!! <thwack>"



Been playing since beta and I only discovered this one last night, and quite by accident...

You can combine two enhancements that are already locked in a power. this occasionally useful if you have two enhancements that just went from yellow to red. Combine them and you can squeeze the last bit of bonus out of them for another level.



If you punch a Tsoo twice, the sorceror will come back to heal him.

If you taunt/provoke/have invincibility on near a sky raider engineer, he won't setup a force field generator.

No matter how high of a building you jump off of, you can't die from it.

If you use a knockback power on an enemy on top of a tall building, they won't die from it. However, they'll get really hurt and they'll attempt to come back to you, no matter how long it takes to climb up 50 stories of fire escapes.

Putting heal buff enhancements on heal is useless. RECHARGE TIME ENHANCEMENTS.

The stanima power in the fitness power pool is one of the most powerfull powers of them all.

Sister Psyche can't be trusted to give you a useable award.

Positron rules.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



AWESOME! Thanks so much, I had no idea.

This thread is the best, only been playing a couple weeks now so much of this is brand new for me.



the invisibilty power from the concealment power pool will NOT protect you from an enemy once you have agroed it!! You can however walk around unmolested in missions where you have to find x and not have to arrest everything...simply get to the object and click on it.
And if you havent had this happen to you..DONT USE THE ABILITY REST NEAR ENEMIES!! if you are hit by anything you will DIE!! (and using Phase Shift will not save you from this!!)



If you right click on an enemy, you can pull up a short info box about the mob. It's not much, but it will give you an idea of what kind of attacks and defenses the mob posseses. I also enjoy that type of background information.

Grassy Emp/Dark Defender




2. Hover - Just remember hover is a Defesne power NOT a travel power. Use defense slots on it not just speed buffs

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It may not be a travel power but I've had to use it a such a few times between level 8-14 (When I got fly). The thing is when you get a mission with the door in the gruff (in skywalk) at level 8, or in the land of the lost (in skywalk again) somewhere around level 12, or deep into boomtown (at around level 12) walking there isn't really a option. Luckily I'm patient, so I would turn on hover and just take 6 minutes getting there and back, and since your endurance recovers faster then hover drains it your safe unless you get too close to the ground.




Glad to find people are finding the thread useful. Just wanted to add 2 things: I really agree with Grassy's comments about the info boxes available on the mobs. I only found this out after almost a month of playing the game and both the background information and the hints about the mobs abilities is invaluable!.

Second, as a few people has stated... Bind rules. As well as activating powers I have found it really useful when grouping to have ones that say something along the line of:

1) That $target looks nasty.. can we take it out first.
2) Help, a $target has appeared unexpectedly and is killing me!
3) I am targetting the $target (followed by a quick, right/left/centre msg
4) I like that plan, lets go with it
5) My endurance is low can we wait up for a second otherwise I wont be able to heal you (I tend to play a defender or empath controller)




Putting heal buff enhancements on heal is useless. RECHARGE TIME ENHANCEMENTS.

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Do you mean putting heal Enhancers on the inherent ability, Rest, is uselss? If that's what you meant, then I totally agree.

If you meant that heal enhancers are wasted on powers that heal others, then I disagree. Both types of enhancement are useful. SO Heal Enhancers will dramatically increase the amount of HP you restore per use. Recharge is great too, I just couldn't stand by while you bad-mouthed my healing SOs.