The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




Buffing Your Entire Team Quickly
shift+1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$follow$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"

[/ QUOTE ]

This doesn't seem to work for me. It adds Insulation Shield on keypress, but does nothing on keyrelease.



Up to 22 pages now? I remember when this thread first appeared. Unfortunately, some of the information from the beginning of the thread is out of date now. Is there any chance someone has or will put all this info up on a website somewhere, so it can be edited as things change?

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



evgen_88 [ QUOTE ]
No way around that. All commands ina bind happen pretty much simultaneously. So you can only activate one power at a time.

Although . . .

you could try /bind button5 "powexec_auto aim$$powexec_name build up"

This would set aim to auto fire, then launch build up, then aim would auto fire after wards. Of course then you would have aim set to auto fire. You could turn it off with another key just using powexec_auto with no power name after, or reset it to whatever you want your auto power to be.

[/ QUOTE ]

i believe as with many of the requests here you are just missing the up/down operator. try this, but i dont use these binds tbh. this wont auto either of the powers either

/bind <key> "+ $$powexecname build up$$powexecname aim"

and i think someone wanted something to drop hover and ice slick then hover, dontt hink it got answered, but try this one (like i sasy, blasters dont need that many long power binds so i dont use em too much)

/bind <key> "+ $$powexecname hover$$powexecname ice slick"

Apologies for no presence on this thread, guess i should read the forums more. I only came across it from the guide to guides as my Bind Guide is probably 70% done now and i was looking for extra material/references/pointers for readers to chack out. I dont read the guide section

Mantid I will definately get myself into your global channel, but i may have to drop my server channel (protectors dead, but i got most of the lookers in "global"). globals pretty good for bind tips too, im there when i m online and plenty of my friends ae in there that can help. shadowy_celer seems to think he can challenge me mua ha ha ha, but we'll save that for SGPvP.

Request: could a high level (30+) kheldian PM me pls, i have some issues to iron out about how higher level khelds work before i finish their bind sets




I emailed Curveball and he gave me permission to use hes original guide on the CoH WikiBook. So if there are any serious flaws in it, or if it's missing something, I'd appriciate all the help I could get in updating the original. Follow the link in my sig, it's pretty easy to find the guide from there.

Edit: To everyone who has helped me out with this already, and everyone who has fed me input on the CoH WikiBook, thanks a ton! It's slow work, but it's going great.



Well, it's been a while since I'd posted any questions here...

Any way, I've used the following set of binds for chat-channel changing since God started playing CoH:

rcontrol+B "chat_set broadcast "
rcontrol+F "chat_set f "
rcontrol+T "chat_set team "
rcontrol+L "chat_set local "
rcontrol+G "chat_set supergroup "
rcontrol+R "chat_set request "

But, none of these work if I'm set to a global channel on the chat-line. If I've set a global channel using the menu, I need to use the menu or the short-cut letters on the chant line to switch out of a global channel and back to a standard channel, at which point these binds will work again. Does anyone know anyhing about this?

Also, does anyone know a way to change the chat-channel to a global channel through a bind as above?

I already use "show chat$$beginchat /tell <channel>" to get around this to some extent, but would prefer to just change the channel for some conversations.




Also, does anyone know a way to change the chat-channel to a global channel through a bind as above?


[/ QUOTE ]

If you have the channel set as the default for a tab, and that tab is active, then you can use /chat_set A to chat on it using startchat. If you change like this, then the other chat_set's still work.

Combine this with tab_select to change to a specific global channel.



Thanks Grutus! A pleasure as usual! I'd thought of the 'A' usage, but hadn't htougth to include the tab_select.





I have created an interesting bind to merge click to move with mouse look. Appears to be very useful, and I almost think this is the way click to move (CTM) should work in production for everyone...almost. Please tell me what you think.

It needs 4 files. For easier explination I have named them 1stDown.txt, 1stUp.txt, 2ndDown.txt, and 2ndUp.txt. The concept is simple. a key\button will act as the CTM button just like normal On Demand Click To Move. The first time the button is pressed the up "event" causes you to go into mouse look mode. The second time the button is pressed both the down and up "event" sets mouse look mode to off. This would allow you to rotate the camera while running to a destination durring a battle to keep an eye on your team. Esp. usefull for Def and Controllers.

targeting while in "mouse move mode" will have to be done by using target next\prev\far\near binds.

One thing I can think about of the top of my head that would make this better, is if attacking did not cause you to stop moving to your intended destination. This could be classified as a "bug" in the way click to move works.

I have added tells and says to provide some sort of documentation to what is going on. they can be removed once you don't need them or if you already understand how it works.

joy17 "+down$$-down$$ctm$$canlook 0$$local 1stdown canlook off$$t $name, CTM on$$bind_load_File E:\kb\1stUp.txt"

joy17 "+down$$-down$$ctm$$canlook 1$$say 1stup canlook on$t $name, CTM Off$$bind_load_File E:\kb\2nddown.txt"

joy17 "+down$$-down$$ctm$$canlook 0$$say 2ndDown canlook off$t $name, CTM on$$bind_load_File E:\kb\2ndUp.txt"

joy17 "+down$$-down$$ctm$$canlook 0$$say 2ndUp canlook off$t $name, CTM Off$$bind_load_File E:\kb\1stdown.txt"

Edit: load with (\bind_load_File 1stDown.txt) first
Edit2: I was also thinking about a way to incorperate CamReset...mabe with every attack or target select. Not sure. I will do some testing tonight.



I thought of another related bind that I will test tonight. It is similar to this concept combined with Speed On Demand.

while you are moving, the mouse look mode is turned on. when you are not moving, mouse look mode is turned off. pushing the "on demand mouse look" button will have the opposite effect while moving. (This last part may be impossible without an If Statement, and may be somewhat unwieldy to use even if it is possible)

The big difference between this bind and the previous one would be the previous one acts like "rotate Camera" while moving (a side effect of on demand mouse look while moving using on demand click to move), where this one acts like "mouse look" while moving.

P.S. I already am using a bind that is a "On Demand Rotate camera" bind that resets camera on the key up "Event" (another very useful bind. If anyone is interested ask using global chat and I will either post it, or tell you how to bind it.)



I have tested this bind [ QUOTE ]
I thought of another related bind that I will test tonight. It is similar to this concept combined with Speed On Demand.

while you are moving, the mouse look mode is turned on. when you are not moving, mouse look mode is turned off. pushing the "on demand mouse look" button will have the opposite effect while moving.

[/ QUOTE ] and it crashes the client.

here is the file contents:

DwnFMOD.txt [down keypress event file]:
JOYSTICK1_Up +down$$-down$$+forward$$canlook 1$$bind_load_file C:\kb\UpFMOD.txt

UpFMOD.txt [up keypress event file]:
JOYSTICK1_Up +down$$-down$$-forward$$canlook 0$$bind_load_file C:\kb\dwnFMOD.txt

does anyone see anything wrong with this?
can someone test to see if this crashes on there machine?



Buffing Your Entire Team Quickly
shift+1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$follow$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"

[/ QUOTE ]

This doesn't seem to work for me. It adds Insulation Shield on keypress, but does nothing on keyrelease.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have the same/similar problem. When I press it casts the shield, but when I release instead of putting the other shield in queue, it queues the one already being cast. So I end up double casting the same one each time.



I couldn't make the simple approach work, but using the two file technique I came up with this:


shift+1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexecname deflection shield$$bind_load_file J:\insulation.txt"
shift+2 "+ $$teamselect 2$$powexecname deflection shield$$bind_load_file J:\insulation.txt"
shift+3 "+ $$teamselect 3$$powexecname deflection shield$$bind_load_file J:\insulation.txt"
shift+4 "+ $$teamselect 4$$powexecname deflection shield$$bind_load_file J:\insulation.txt"
shift+5 "+ $$teamselect 5$$powexecname deflection shield$$bind_load_file J:\insulation.txt"
shift+6 "+ $$teamselect 6$$powexecname deflection shield$$bind_load_file J:\insulation.txt"
shift+7 "+ $$teamselect 7$$powexecname deflection shield$$bind_load_file J:\insulation.txt"
shift+8 "+ $$teamselect 8$$powexecname deflection shield$$bind_load_file J:\insulation.txt"
b "+ $$powexecname deflection shield$$bind_load_file J:\insulation.txt"


shift+1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexecname insulation shield$$bind_load_file J:\deflection.txt"
shift+2 "+ $$teamselect 2$$powexecname insulation shield$$bind_load_file J:\deflection.txt"
shift+3 "+ $$teamselect 3$$powexecname insulation shield$$bind_load_file J:\deflection.txt"
shift+4 "+ $$teamselect 4$$powexecname insulation shield$$bind_load_file J:\deflection.txt"
shift+5 "+ $$teamselect 5$$powexecname insulation shield$$bind_load_file J:\deflection.txt"
shift+6 "+ $$teamselect 6$$powexecname insulation shield$$bind_load_file J:\deflection.txt"
shift+7 "+ $$teamselect 7$$powexecname insulation shield$$bind_load_file J:\deflection.txt"
shift+8 "+ $$teamselect 8$$powexecname insulation shield$$bind_load_file J:\deflection.txt"
b "+ $$powexecname insulation shield$$bind_load_file J:\deflection.txt"

I added in the b for bubble so I could also bubble other non-team targets, or bubble based on clicking like usual instead of team slot number.



Any way to add Super Speed to this line to activate them both at the same time?



What is the bind/macro so that your weapon is always out?



We know about cycling the function of a key -- a press of the key activates an action and loads a bind file to remap itself to the next action wanted, so that each keypress performs a different function in a cycle.

I have also recently learned about macros -- much like a keybind, but instead of mapping an action to a key on the keyboard, it is mapped to an icon/button in your power bars.

Is it possible to script a cycling macro/icon, or does it only work with keybinds?



I've never tried it, but my understanding is that this can't be done. Macro's are supposed to be non-recursive. i.e., you can bind a macro to a key, but you can't call a macro in a bind or another macro.

It's intentionally to prevent automating character operation.




here is the file contents:

DwnFMOD.txt [down keypress event file]:
JOYSTICK1_Up +down$$-down$$+forward$$canlook 1$$bind_load_file C:\kb\UpFMOD.txt

UpFMOD.txt [up keypress event file]:
JOYSTICK1_Up +down$$-down$$-forward$$canlook 0$$bind_load_file C:\kb\dwnFMOD.txt

does anyone see anything wrong with this?
can someone test to see if this crashes on there machine?

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not sure why it is crashing the client, but there are some changes I would recommend. I would lose the +down$$-down, you don't need it for this bind since the +forward takes care of the magic +. Secondly, try adding quotes around the binds like so:

JOYSTICK1_Up "+forward$$canlook 1$$bind_load_file C:\kb\UpFMOD.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]


JOYSTICK1_Up "-forward$$canlook 0$$bind_load_file C:\kb\dwnFMOD.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

You might also try using mouselook instead of canlook.

Only one power at a time can be activated. And SS doesn't stack with SJ anyway, so why would you need it added?

The trick to cycling binds is that the bind replaces itself with the new bind on activation. There is no way to modify or delete an existing macro, so cycling macros cannot be created.

The closest you could get would be a macro that changes the tray so that a different macro was sitting in the same slot. To do this with your alt tray use the /nexttrayalt and /prevtrayalt commands (or in I4 the /gototrayalt # or /gototrayalt2 # commands)



yeah...fixed the problem lastnight. It was the Quatation marks.

However it seems I still need the +down$$-Down for some reason. I am not to concerned with it tho.

the bind works like a charm, except that for some reason I am spaming my chat window that displays system messages with a /bind error msg. I am only getting the message on the up event, and only for the forward key. Left, Right, and back don't get the message.

I am not to worried about it as the bind still works, but one of these days I intend to debug that.

I have moddified this bind to work with another toggle bind I have.

in essence the other toggle bind is a toggle mouse look on and off. When toggle mouse look is on the movement keys do not turn mouse look of when at rest. when toggle mouse look is off the movement keys turn mouse look off while at rest.

I have also developed another bind that is an On Demand Mouse Pointer bind. This allows me quick access to my mouse pointer while moving. Once CTM is officialy out it will also act as an On Demand Click to move.



The bind structure is very similar to the old quake engine bindings.

In quake, you could configure aliases (which equate to macros in COH) to do specific things on the key press and release. I wonder if the same is true in COH.

What I mean is you it may be possible to do something like this:

/macro +float "powexec_name Hover"
/macro -float "powexec_name Hover"
/bind q +float

Then when you hit the bound key it would execute +float on the key press and -float on the key release. Could someone verify this?




Does anyone have a bind for turning on all of your toggles with one key? if someone could post it on here it would be very helpful. [color=red]



Turning On or Off Multiple Toggle Powers

numlock "+ $$powexectoggleon Temp Invulnerability$$powexectoggleon Invincibility$$powexectoggleon Assault$$powexectoggleon Tactics$$powexectoggleon Maneuvers$$powexectoggleon Weave$$powexectoggleon Unyielding"

shift+numlock "powexectoggleoff Temp Invulnerability$$powexectoggleoff Invincibility$$powexectoggleoff Assault$$powexectoggleoff Tactics$$powexectoggleoff Maneuvers$$powexectoggleoff Weave$$powexectoggleon Sprint$$powexectoggleoff Unyielding$$powexectoggleoff Tough"

Pressing and releasing numlock will turn on the listed powers from right to left. The first press and release will turn on Unyielding and queue Weave. As Weave is finished activating, another press and release will activate Manuevers and queue Tactics. Repeat until all toggles are on. This is useful just in case some, but not all, of a character's toggles are shut off. Keep pressing numlock and the game will skip powers that are already on, and queue or turn on powers that are off.

Using powexectoggleoff will allow you to turn off any number of powers, up to the maximum character length of a command line, with only one keypress.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



I have a few questions.

First what I use and what I hope to do.

I use Speed on Demand...that nifty program that writes a very complex set of binds that allows you to fly, sprint, superspeed when you go, and hover, stop superspeed/sprint when you stop.

Bascially what I want to do is have my fly/superspeed S on D set bound to the numpad enter key. And my fly/sprint S on D set to the add key. That way I can use superspeed/flight Speed on Demand out of doors, and sprint/flight SOD in missions. So I created two seperate SoD files, one with superspeed and the other without. They are c:\coh\superspeed\reset.txt and c:\coh\sprint\reset.txt. On their own, each set works as intended.

Here's what happens. Of course, SoD works normally. I enter a mission and tap the add key. This puts me into sprint SoD mode (no superspeed). However, at the moment I stop moving and move again, the configurations swithces back to SoD with superspeed and I invariably just have to turn off SoD and leave Sprint on doing missions.

I'm not exactly sure why it does this, but I assume it has to do with the fact that /binds ADD to the existing bind, replacing any conflicts, and that since SoD is a complex series of /bind_loads the Superspeed configuration just overwrites the Sprint configuration the moment I stop and start moving again.

Is there a way to /bind a Reset of all binds (such as the red button at the bottom of the Options/Controls Menu)? That way the newly added SoD set would not conflict or have to rewrite anything.

Is there a way to /bind_save to a specific drive location? ie /bind_save_file c:\Sprintset\reset.txt (this does not work of course). I want to be able to save bind sets as they vary quite significantly from character to character so I don't have to worry about messing it up or losing it.



thanks this is cool!



Is there a way to /bind_save to a specific drive location? ie /bind_save_file c:\Sprintset\reset.txt (this does not work of course). I want to be able to save bind sets as they vary quite significantly from character to character so I don't have to worry about messing it up or losing it.

[/ QUOTE ]
That /bind_save_file should work, they added that command after this guide was written.



Is there a way to /bind a Reset of all binds (such as the red button at the bottom of the Options/Controls Menu)? That way the newly added SoD set would not conflict or have to rewrite anything.

[/ QUOTE ]
I think the only way to do this would be to export the binds on a fresh hero using /bind_save. This saves your keybinds in a file called keybinds.txt, located in the root directory of your c: drive.
Then rename it and move it where you want and use that to reset your binds. You should add some nop commands in to keys that you have mapped yourself I guess. (nop removes all binds from a key)