The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




Great list you have here. I have tried to figure out how to bind the ID to a key or a macro and can't figure it out. Do you know how to do it? I know you can use the \ key to open the menu then hit D to open the ID, but how do I do that in a bind command? I even tried the menu command, but how do I execute a command in the menu? Maybe I am just trying to hard and missed something.



This guide is just great! Really good job.

Ihave question may answer. Do you know ho i could do a bind key that to select one after one the different member of my group. I mean without having to directly select them with the lshift + number key. a kind of "group member browser" bind ?



Ihave question may answer. Do you know ho i could do a bind key that to select one after one the different member of my group. I mean without having to directly select them with the lshift + number key. a kind of "group member browser" bind ?

[/ QUOTE ]
The only way I know of to do this would be to do a toggle bind. Make files for ts1-ts8, then in each you would have something like (from ts2.txt):
<key> "team_select 2$$bind_load_file ts3.txt"
and in ts8:
<key> "team_select 8$$bind_load_file ts1.txt"

I have a more detailed version in my "Post your /bind's here" thread (not using my normal browser, so I don't have the URL available).



Just adding this to my favorites



I have a more detailed version in my "Post your /bind's here" thread (not using my normal browser, so I don't have the URL available).

[/ QUOTE ]

Got yer back, Grotus:
Grotus' "Post /binds here" thread



You Sir, are a complete LEDGEND!!!

You have my thanks Curveball this is the best guide ever great work! and gw to the others that helped in it.



Ihave question may answer. Do you know ho i could do a bind key that to select one after one the different member of my group. I mean without having to directly select them with the lshift + number key. a kind of "group member browser" bind ?

[/ QUOTE ]
The only way I know of to do this would be to do a toggle bind. Make files for ts1-ts8, then in each you would have something like (from ts2.txt):
<key> "team_select 2$$bind_load_file ts3.txt"
and in ts8:
<key> "team_select 8$$bind_load_file ts1.txt"

I have a more detailed version in my "Post your /bind's here" thread (not using my normal browser, so I don't have the URL available).

[/ QUOTE ]

Very good idea, and thx.
But what if there is only four members in my group for example ?



You guys all rock.

Thank You very much!




Is there a list of windows that can be accessed through binds?

I've only found manage, nav and map so far... anyone got the names of the rest?



Real Quick Addition for the next version Curveball...

Add to Named Keys
Section: Numpad Keys
decimal (the . or Del key)

Could someone double check this when the game is back up? I am quoting from memory, and the servers are inMaintnance now, and it's time to go to work

Although this key worked in Beta... no reason it shouldn't now



Hey Curveball,

I remember reading this thread on the beta boards (and also turning it into a text file before the wipe, printing it off and poring over it for hours).

Huge Mega Super Thanks for putting this guide together. I have really benefitted from your work in game. The ability to call your powers using keys that you map near your home keys is SO much better than trying to hit keys 7-0.

If you ever decide to make any characters on Victory, let me know. I have 1000 influence with your name on it.



Ihave question may answer. Do you know ho i could do a bind key that to select one after one the different member of my group. I mean without having to directly select them with the lshift + number key. a kind of "group member browser" bind ?

[/ QUOTE ]
The only way I know of to do this would be to do a toggle bind. Make files for ts1-ts8, then in each you would have something like (from ts2.txt):
<key> "team_select 2$$bind_load_file ts3.txt"
and in ts8:
<key> "team_select 8$$bind_load_file ts1.txt"

I have a more detailed version in my "Post your /bind's here" thread (not using my normal browser, so I don't have the URL available).

[/ QUOTE ]

Very good idea, and thx.
But what if there is only four members in my group for example ?

[/ QUOTE ]

Then you would only have four files, and file ts4.txt would have the text:
<key> "team_select 4$$bind_load_file ts1.txt"

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Pardon, but I'm a bit confused on exactly where I can store files with customs binds. Can I store them in the city of heroes folder or will the patcher overwrite/erase this?

I'm not too clear on this. Can someone walk me through how and where I can store my files?




Pardon, but I'm a bit confused on exactly where I can store files with customs binds. Can I store them in the city of heroes folder or will the patcher overwrite/erase this?

[/ QUOTE ]
I just put all my keybindings in "c:\coh\". When I want to load one, I just use \bind_load_file c:\coh\file.txt
I don't think the updater would overwrite your files, but I'm not at all sure.




I don't think the updater would overwrite your files, but I'm not at all sure.

[/ QUOTE ]
I keep all my binds in the same directory as my COH install, and I've never had the updater overwrite them. Now, if you name your binds file cityofheroes.exe, you might have it be overwritten .



Post deleted by Moderator1



i'm trying to bind a bunch of sayings assigned to the ; key. I've followed your instructions as closely as possible but all it does is make the game crash. What I want to happen is something like this:
I hit the ; key
my character: "take this"
hit ; key again
my character: "and that"
hit ; key again
my character: "and this"
not those exact words, they'll be funnier - but you get the idea.
I created a .txt file in c:\keybinds\ for each line.
then in the game I typed:
/bind ; local Take this$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\taunt1.txt

taunt1 would look like this:
; local and that$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\taunt2.txt

taunt2 would look like this:

; local and this$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\taunt1.txt

then when I hit ; in the game, the game crashes to the desktop. Is it possible for this to work? what am I doing wrong?
I just want one key to say silly things at the bad guys to make my teammates laugh, without it getting annoying and repetitive.



/taunt1 would look like this:
; local and that$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\taunt2.txt

taunt2 would look like this:
; local and this$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\taunt1.txt

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you're missing the quote marks

Should be:

taunt1 would look like this:
; "local and that$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\taunt2.txt"

taunt2 would look like this:
; "local and this$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\taunt1.txt"

Also, you have to bind the ; to taunt1.txt in your regular keybind.txt file



keybinds doesn't show in any directory I have after I did a /bind_save.

Also, will the game read cityofheroes as coh? All the binds I want use 'coh' but the true path is cityofheroes.

This is the confusion. I'm not clear on how windows and coh read paths---because, I'm used to pennmush softcoding where everything is logical heh





It saves it as C:\keybinds.txt

Curveball, thanks very much for this guide. I saw it first on the warcry boards and has helped me inmmensly in /shudder roleplaying my character.

I especially like the loading in of a new thing to say each time a power is used. I use Force bolt a lot and came up with quite a number of things to say when using it. However, i did not want to map tons of keys to do this. I'm glad I came to check your guide out again.

Keep up the good work.



It saves it as C:\keybinds.txt

Curveball, thanks very much for this guide. I saw it first on the warcry boards and has helped me inmmensly in /shudder roleplaying my character.

I especially like the loading in of a new thing to say each time a power is used. I use Force bolt a lot and came up with quite a number of things to say when using it. However, i did not want to map tons of keys to do this. I'm glad I came to check your guide out again.

Keep up the good work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, this isn't answering my question. I'm not saavy with winDOHS pathing. Will COH or coh substitute for cityofheroes as a path?




Okay, this isn't answering my question. I'm not saavy with winDOHS pathing. Will COH or coh substitute for cityofheroes as a path?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think anything except the exact filepath will do. The good news is you can add a keybind to the file called c:\keybinds.txt that will auto load each time you play the game. I will try to explain how to make a bind that will load your character specific keybinds without the hassle of re-typing the filepath everytime you log into the game. Here's how:

So let's assume you're placing all of your character specific keybind.txt files in a folder called "keybinds." If you installed CoH to the default directory, it's probably located in c:\Programs Files/City of Heroes. Put your all your keybinds in a folder called "keybinds" and place that folder inside the c:\Programs Files/City of Heroes folder. Leave the keybinds.txt (your "default" keybinds) in c:\ so the game can auto-load it whenever you login.

Now load your game and make the following keybind changed so you can load your character specific keybind files.

/bind <key of your choice> "bind_load_file c:\Program Files/City of Heroes/keybinds/<name of your keybinds file.txt>"

So if the file that contains your first character's keybinds is called "Dave.txt" and you wanted to load Dave's keybinds by pressing the INSERT key, you'd want to bind that by typing:

/bind insert "bind_load_file c\:Program Files/City of Heroes/keybinds/Dave.txt"

Now type /bind_save to save these changes to the file c:\keybinds.txt

Now when you load up CoH you can press the INSERT key to load Dave's keybinds. Set these sort of binds_load commands up for each of your character specific keybinds. Hope this helps you.



Great guide, Curveball! Nice job!

One thing about loading files specific for each of your characters:

If you have three characters with different bind files, but don't want to make 3 different macros for loading them, do this:

Name the files the same as your character names, but with NO extension. So if your characters are Bill and Bob, you would name the bind files "bill" and "bob" (NOT "bill.txt" and "bob.txt").

Now you can load them both with the same macro. If the path to your files is "c:\binds", then the macro command would be:

bind_load_file c:\binds\$name

That way the name of the character you have currently logged in will be inserted in the filepath, and the correct file loaded. So only one bind/macro to load bind file for all characters.



Is there a way to turn fly on and sprint off and the reverse of that? I have search the boards but have yet to find this info. Any help here would be appreciated thanks.