The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




The toggleon/toggleoff is better then I expected!

Not only will it allow you to make one key for all your toggle activations, but you can make a true "toggle" key! Try this one out:

/bind w "+forward$$powexec_toggleon Sprint$$powexec_toggleoff Sprint"

this will result in you running forward with Sprinit turning on... when you release the key, sprint turns off!

Jumpers and superspeeders now have an equivilant to
"+forward$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover"

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it might be worth trying this as I forget Sprint on when I want to save Endurance during combat...that stinks.

I, however, use the UP key for moving forward. Is there a way to do this with the UP key? Would I say /bind UP ...instead of /bind w ?



After comming across a request from a FF defender for a bind that would notify a player that he was about to receive FF shields and then use bothe Deflection and Insulation Fields on him, I devised the following binds.
It was tested and it does work! Just use any two click powers in place of Defleion Shield and Insulation Shield to see for yourself.
Submitted for your approval:
Well, you can't activate two powers at the same time, but there is a trick to using on then queueing up another. you will have to make two files:

<key> "+down$$<message>$$powexec_name Deflection Shield$$bind_load_file <path name>Insulate.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

<key> "+down$$powexec_name Insulation Shield$$bind_load_file <path name>Deflect.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

<key> is the key you want to attach the macro to.
<message> is the message you want to display(remeber to use specify the channel)
<path name> is the full path name to the two files (C:\... whatever...\)

Just type in
/bind_load_file <path name>Deflect.txt
And you should be good to go. You will have to hold the button down for a split second for it to work (a quick tap will often only acttivate one power and not queue the second one). Also note if you are using hover/fly and are in the air at the time you use it, you will be moving down for that second you hold the key.



This thing is really great. I didnt know where to look or how to find the bindings, but this will help a lot!!!!



If you're like most people, you probably already keep both your power trays up at all times... and you wish that you could have a third one up! This bind will change the function of the left alt key (or whatever key you choose). When pressed, your trays will switch to show the 3rd and 4th trays, and when released the trays will return to the 1st and 2nd tray.

lalt "+up$$-up$$next_tray_alt$$goto_tray 4$$bind_load_file c:/coh/AltTray2.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

lalt "+up$$-up$$prev_tray_alt$$goto_tray 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/AltTray1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

Change the paths as needed.
The reason I used prev_tray_alt for the secondary tray, but goto_tray # for the primary tray is that goto_tray # seemed more reliable... if the bind got messed up, at least another key press would bring back the right tray. Unfortunately, there is no similar command for the secondary tray, as far as I know.

Thanks to Blue_Volt's post earlier in the thread for providing a method to do this.




The toggleon/toggleoff is better then I expected!

Not only will it allow you to make one key for all your toggle activations, but you can make a true "toggle" key! Try this one out:

/bind w "+forward$$powexec_toggleon Sprint$$powexec_toggleoff Sprint"

this will result in you running forward with Sprinit turning on... when you release the key, sprint turns off!

Jumpers and superspeeders now have an equivilant to
"+forward$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover"

[/ QUOTE ]

This may work, but you might have a problem if you hit 2 movement keys at the same time (1st hit will turn you on, the 2nd off & the release back on again) - Try out Gnarly's Speed on Demand Binds for that functionality:


I think it might be worth trying this as I forget Sprint on when I want to save Endurance during combat...that stinks.

I, however, use the UP key for moving forward. Is there a way to do this with the UP key? Would I say /bind UP ...instead of /bind w ?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes UP is the up arrow key, DOWN is the down arrow key, LEFT is left arrow & RIGHT is right arrow. (Note that you do not need to change the binds for left & right as they are set for turns not movement).

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd




What I WANT to be able to do is:
/bind_save_file "C:/binds/healer.txt" so that every bind I added will be under the healer.txt bind file.

[/ QUOTE ]

/bind_save_file is definitely in Issue 3 on the test server. I don't believe that it existed previously.



Hmm. I've been using bind save.

/bind_save_file c:\binds\healer.txt
(Note direction of slashes and lack of quotes.)

It will save your binds to the "Bind" folder on "C:\" as a document labled "healer.txt".

I used this months ago to save the basic binds to a file, an it should still work.




The toggleon/toggleoff is better then I expected!

Not only will it allow you to make one key for all your toggle activations, but you can make a true "toggle" key! Try this one out:

/bind w "+forward$$powexec_toggleon Sprint$$powexec_toggleoff Sprint"

this will result in you running forward with Sprinit turning on... when you release the key, sprint turns off!

Jumpers and superspeeders now have an equivilant to
"+forward$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover"

[/ QUOTE ]

This may work, but you might have a problem if you hit 2 movement keys at the same time (1st hit will turn you on, the 2nd off & the release back on again) - Try out Gnarly's Speed on Demand Binds for that functionality:

[/ QUOTE ]

True... but if you only add the toggle to your forward movement key, or maybe your forward key and your back key (which you are much less likely to hit at the same time) all you would loose is the ability of strafe quickly. And you could still hit forward + right or forward + left and keep sprinting.

I'm definately going to try out some variation of this on my flyer and my jumper. Gnarly & co. did some great work with the Speed on Demand binds, but I still found them too prone to 'breaking', and getting the toggles reversed.



I encountered problems with the following Issue 3 binds:

SPACE "powexec_toggleon Super Jump$$+up"
This caused my toon to repeatedly jump. I couldn’t stop it even after I hit the down key.

UP "powexec_toggleon Sprint$$+forward"
This caused my toon to repeatedly run forward. I couldn’t stop it even after I hit the back key. I was able to turn off Sprint though.

Does powexec_toggleon Sprint have to come after +forward?

If that's the case, would this combination work for running then?
UP "+forward$$powexec_toggleon Sprint"
DOWN "+backward$$powexec_toggleoff Sprint"

Whould this work for bailing out of trouble?
V "local I'm out of here!$$++up$$++forward$$powexec_toggleon Super Jump"




Does powexec_toggleon Sprint have to come after +forward?

If that's the case, would this combination work for running then?
UP "+forward$$powexec_toggleon Sprint"
DOWN "+backward$$powexec_toggleoff Sprint"

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly. The "+" at the beginning is what gives the "forward" and "backward" commands the "turn on when pressing down, turn off when releasing the key" functionality. The "+" has to be the first thing in the bind. You can only use the "+" with certain commands (primarily movement.) Basically, it makes the bind execute once when you press down on the key, then again when you release the key.

"Forward" and "backward" act as toggles - toggled on when you press down, then toggled off when the bind is executed a second time as you release the key. When you do not have the "+" at the beginning of the bind, the entire bind is executed only once - when you press down on the key. "+" also forces the first execution to be "toggleon" - i.e. "+forward" always toggles "forward" on when the key is pressed. If it is at the beginning of the bind, then it also toggles "forward" off when the key is released, otherwise, "forward" just stays on.


Whould this work for bailing out of trouble?
V "local I'm out of here!$$++up$$++forward$$powexec_toggleon Super Jump"

[/ QUOTE ]

Almost. You want:

V "++up$$++forward$$powexec_toggleon Super Jump$$local I'm out of here!$$"

You may also have to swap the "up" and "forward". It shouldn't make any difference, but I use "++autorun$$++up$$powexec_toggleon Super Jump". You will also need to cancel both the "foward" and the "up" movement by hitting keys bound to "+forward" and "+up" seperately. Just tapping your "forward" key will stop forward movement, but leave you hopping in place.

There are a few other tricks to that - but I'm going to be late for work...



First of all, thank you very much for the help and advice.

You want:
V "++up$$++forward$$powexec_toggleon Super Jump$$local I'm out of here!"

[/ QUOTE ]

I was concerned that turning on Super Jump after the ++up command might result in the first jump being a normal jump.

Would this be the desirable bind for bailing out with Super Jump?
V "++autorun$$++up$$powexec_toggleon Super Jump$$local I'm out of here!"



Would this be the desirable bind for bailing out with Super Jump?
V "++autorun$$++up$$powexec_toggleon Super Jump$$local I'm out of here!"

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd say that a better one would be this:
V "autorun 1$$up 1$$powexec_toggleon Super Jump$$local I'm out of here!"

This ensures that autorun and up are both forced on, rather than just toggling them (which would turn one of them off if it was already on).



autorun 1$$up 1
This ensures that autorun and up are both forced on, rather than just toggling them (which would turn one of them off if it was already on).

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? Wow. I never heard of the autorun 1 command. I always just used ++autorun. And, I didn't even know that it turned off.




how do i reset my chat bind. when i hit enter all i get is some message that it needs one arg and i entered 0. I would appreciate the help



If you go into your options, you can reset all your binds.

That's one of the resons to create and load bind files. You can fix the file, reset your binds, and load the updated file.

For individual binds, you could just rebind the key to its default bind. One of the previous posts lists the default binds. You can also create a new toon, save the bind file, and rebind your old toon as needed.




Really? Wow. I never heard of the autorun 1 command. I always just used ++autorun. And, I didn't even know that it turned off.


[/ QUOTE ]

Anything you can toggle (using ++ or +/-) you can explicitly turn on or off by adding 1 (on) or 0 (off) after them. For most commands that take a numeric argument (including the toggles), you can check the current value by issuing the command without any arguments.

Oh, and autorun gets turned off not just by toggling, but also when you key down a +forward.



I'm new to binding, and I tried all I can, but I cannot figure out how to do this:

I want to bind Teleport to my 4'Th Mouse button, and to my 5'Th Mouse button I want to enter/exit Hover.

The two buttons are right at where my thumb rests, and it would be very much enjoyable to use that to speed-port.

I want to do similar things with my War Shade.



If you want to make a PDF guide of this contact me. I've got an Associates in Graphic Communications and I'm bored and would like to contribute more the to CoH community.



I want to bind Teleport to my 4'Th Mouse button, and to my 5'Th Mouse button I want to enter/exit Hover.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you do that you will stlill have to click your teleport target location.
SHould be:
/bind button4 "powexec_name teleport"
To make the one clicker with a . . . mod key? (Alt, shift, ctrl, you hold while clicking) try:
/bind lcontrol+button1 "powexec_name teleport"
I think someone might correct me, can't check mine, I'm at work.
The effect is you hold down your left control key, then click with your mouse and you teleport where you clicked.



I want to bind Teleport to my 4'Th Mouse button, and to my 5'Th Mouse button I want to enter/exit Hover.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you do that you will stlill have to click your teleport target location.
SHould be:
/bind button4 "powexec_name teleport"

[/ QUOTE ]

And for the warshade:
/bind button4 "powexec_name Shadow Step"

for the hover:
/bind button5 "powexec_name Hover"



I just got a 5 button mouse, and am trying to set some binds up for the extra buttons. The biggest snag I'm hitting at the moment is the button I'm trying to set for buildup/aim. I thought that

/bind button5 "powexec_name build up$$powexec_name aim"

would hit buildup and immediately queue aim, but all that actually happens is I get a message in the combat window saying "now readying aim instead of buildup" and aim tirggers. Any ideas how I can work around this? Mebbe theres a specific command to queue a command instead of triggering it directly?


Count Chaos - lvl 50 Energy/Fire Blaster
Chaos Fallen - lvl 28 Warshade
Felise - lvl 17 Fire/Radiation Controller

You believe yourself a god? Fine. I'll show you pain
only a god could imagine or endure...



No way around that. All commands ina bind happen pretty much simultaneously. So you can only activate one power at a time.

Although . . .

you could try /bind button5 "powexec_auto aim$$powexec_name build up"

This would set aim to auto fire, then launch build up, then aim would auto fire after wards. Of course then you would have aim set to auto fire. You could turn it off with another key just using powexec_auto with no power name after, or reset it to whatever you want your auto power to be.



There is a trick to get around that, however. It has to do with how the movement commands work (+forward,, +up, +left, etc.), Basicly that the game does when you type in a bind, say:

/bind w "+forward$$powerexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

The game handles it as such:

Press the key: it executes "+forward$$powerexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
When you release the key, it executes: "powerexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

If that second half changes, then it executes that command instead. Look back to my last post to see how I used this to make a single key activate two powers by using the +down command.



Can anyone here help me with a bind?

I'm trying to set up a bind that will...

1. select the target for attack
2. turn follow on
3. attack the target

What I have right now sort of does that.

/bind 1 "powexec_name divine avalanche$$follow"

The problem occurs that when I hit 1 again, it does the attack but ALSO turns follow off.

I tried the following:

/bind 1 "powexec_name divine avalanche$$follow 1"

but all it did was complain about me giving follow an arg when it requires 0 args.

Is there some way to force FOLLOW on when I press a button rather than toggle it based on its current state?

What I want is a one button solution that readies the weapon, turns on follow (each time I hit the button), and proceeds to attack one time.


Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.



Can anyone here help me with a bind?

I'm trying to set up a bind that will...

1. select the target for attack
2. turn follow on
3. attack the target

What I have right now sort of does that.

/bind 1 "powexec_name divine avalanche$$follow"

The problem occurs that when I hit 1 again, it does the attack but ALSO turns follow off.

I tried the following:

/bind 1 "powexec_name divine avalanche$$follow 1"

but all it did was complain about me giving follow an arg when it requires 0 args.

Is there some way to force FOLLOW on when I press a button rather than toggle it based on its current state?

What I want is a one button solution that readies the weapon, turns on follow (each time I hit the button), and proceeds to attack one time.


[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm, I do pretty much the same thing for my tank, but I have a target command in there and follow doesn't turn off, I guess changing targets resets the follow, even if it's to the same target.
I use:
/bind q "target_enemy_near$$follow$$powexec_name ice sword"
(think "Ice sword" may be wrong, but you get the idea, should be frozen scimitar or something)