The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




One missing key:

numpadenter - The enter key on the numeric keypad.



Merry Christmas all!
Finished wrapping the kids toys and folks are off to bed, dropping this line in the hopes that Santa will drop me bind!

I have a tank that has taunt, so I thought I would try example taunt bind verbatum with the exception (s) of where my game is installed, exchanging c for d drive. And I only did two of the texts instead of the five.

I got the following "error":

bind_load takes 0 args, you gave 2.
reads a list of keybinds from <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt

English please?

It sounds like they want those lines inside the keybinds file, can you put a file inside a file like that in text form? I know nothing of this,

I have my taunt.txt files neatly in a folder called cohbinds directly on my d drive, right next to my keybinds folder.

Any soap?
thanks again and Happy Holidays!



It would be a great help if you would post the exact syntax of the command you are trying.

I have my taunt.txt files neatly in a folder called cohbinds directly on my d drive, right next to my keybinds folder.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm assuming you are trying:

/bind_load_file d:\cohbinds\taunt.txt

That should work.

Merry Christmas!



Here you go!

numpad2 "local Get over here!$$powexec_name Taunt$$bind_load_file d:\keybinds\taunt2.txt"


numpad2 "local You're next.$$powexec_name Taunt$$bind_load_file d:\keybinds\taunt1.txt"




Greetings heroes,

I've wanted to specialize my chat boxes by making them appear in color (something I've seen other players do). Could anyone help me out? Black background and the brightest green for text and outline were what I was hoping for. If this cane be done via menu options, just point the way



OK, I admit it, I've been playing some WoW.

I know some of you have, too.

Thing is, the Mouse look on WoW is exactly the opposite of the mouse look on CoH. Anyone else find that annoying? It takes me several minutes to switch gears from one to the other. What I'm talking about is, when you hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse, it cahnges the view. In CoH, if you hold down the right button and push the mouse forward, it rotates teh cammera DOWN. In WoW, it rotates the camera UP. And vica versa.

So the obvious questiuon is: Can teh mouse look in CoH (rbutton) be reversed so that pushing it forward looks UP, and pulling it back looks DOWN?

Before anyone flames, YES, I'm asking the same questions at WoW about changing the mouse look there.

A little help, O gurus of the bind?



There is a thread here in the Guide section that tells how to change your chat balloon colors with binds. Or you can wait until Issue 3 goes live and change them in the options section.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



I posted this in its own thread but perhaps some of the /binding experts here could lend a hand.

My keybinds.txt is not located in my root C: directory. It's here:

C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\keybinds.txt

Even if I delete it, log on, do a /bind_save command, it ends up back in THAT directory and not my root directory.

Perhaps somebody else has had a similar problem and can help with a remedy. Thank you.



I posted this in its own thread but perhaps some of the /binding experts here could lend a hand.

My keybinds.txt is not located in my root C: directory. It's here:

C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\keybinds.txt

[/ QUOTE ]

That was changed a few minor patches ago; /bind_save now saves to the CoH directory instead of to the root of C:. This shouldn't be a problem though?

If you need to load a bind file that is in a path containing long file names, you need to use the 8.3 abbreviation.

For the path you described this would be:





I posted this in its own thread but perhaps some of the /binding experts here could lend a hand.

My keybinds.txt is not located in my root C: directory. It's here:

C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\keybinds.txt

[/ QUOTE ]

That was changed a few minor patches ago; /bind_save now saves to the CoH directory instead of to the root of C:. This shouldn't be a problem though?

If you need to load a bind file that is in a path containing long file names, you need to use the 8.3 abbreviation.

For the path you described this would be:



[/ QUOTE ]

Learn something new daily!

I appreciate your answer!



OK, I admit it, I've been playing some WoW.

I know some of you have, too.

Thing is, the Mouse look on WoW is exactly the opposite of the mouse look on CoH. Anyone else find that annoying? It takes me several minutes to switch gears from one to the other. What I'm talking about is, when you hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse, it cahnges the view. In CoH, if you hold down the right button and push the mouse forward, it rotates teh cammera DOWN. In WoW, it rotates the camera UP. And vica versa.

So the obvious questiuon is: Can teh mouse look in CoH (rbutton) be reversed so that pushing it forward looks UP, and pulling it back looks DOWN?

Before anyone flames, YES, I'm asking the same questions at WoW about changing the mouse look there.

A little help, O gurus of the bind?

[/ QUOTE ]

You need to find a setting in WoW (Or CoH, depending on which configuration you want to keep) called "Invert Y Axis". That should change the way it responds.




OK, I admit it, I've been playing some WoW.

I know some of you have, too.

Thing is, the Mouse look on WoW is exactly the opposite of the mouse look on CoH. Anyone else find that annoying? It takes me several minutes to switch gears from one to the other. What I'm talking about is, when you hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse, it cahnges the view. In CoH, if you hold down the right button and push the mouse forward, it rotates teh cammera DOWN. In WoW, it rotates the camera UP. And vica versa.

So the obvious questiuon is: Can teh mouse look in CoH (rbutton) be reversed so that pushing it forward looks UP, and pulling it back looks DOWN?

Before anyone flames, YES, I'm asking the same questions at WoW about changing the mouse look there.

A little help, O gurus of the bind?

[/ QUOTE ]

You need to find a setting in WoW (Or CoH, depending on which configuration you want to keep) called "Invert Y Axis". That should change the way it responds.


[/ QUOTE ]

It's in the Options|General in CoH. The first option under the Miscellaneous subheading called "Mouse Movement".



I know about the bind_load_file command... is there a bind_save_file command?

What I'd like to do... is create various bind files for various AT' my healer would have its binds, my scrapper, etc.

Rather than always re-invent the wheel, I'd like to load up a "default" file (that has binds I want ALL my ATs to have) and then add healing binds and then do something like "/bind_save_file "C:\binds\healer.txt" or something.

Any way I can do that? Thank you!



I have just that. I have a generic.txt in my c:\coh folder that is the first thing I load when I start a new alt. It sets my movement keys, my inspiration keys, and chat binds so that every character starts the same. It also loads a large number of binds that call different bind files for each particular character. Some of those files are used by several characters on different servers, others are for just one character on one server. If I want a particular character to have colors in their chat balloons, I use the same keys as in the generic.txt file and add in the colors I want, so the commands are the same, but the results are different.

You can either do as I do and have a seperate file for each character, which is more work, but IMHO gives me finer control over each character, or have a healer.txt that all your Empathy defenders will use so that they all have exactly the same controls, and a darkdef.txt that all your */DA scrappers will use.

As I said, my way is probably more work, and either can be set up to load your binds the way you want them.

And you would not load the other files with /bind_save_file, you would use /bind_load_file c:\binds\healer.txt

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



I have a bind question, and my ninja searching skills aren't really being all that ninja-ey.

I have a character that I would like to bind the Combat Jumping to the Space Bar in place of my regular jumping. I'd like it so that while the Space is depressed, the Combat Jumping is on. Then, after the Space is let go, the Combat Jumping shuts off.
The closest I've come is getting my guy to jump around like an idiot while I toggle the CJ either on or off.
Help me please. Please please please help me.



Hmm, I understand what your strategy is and I see it working for me as well.

My question was this:

1. I start an alt. (healer)
2. I load the default binds file.
3. I add binds I want my healer to have.
4. I then save the file...but I'm afraid if I just type /bind_save then it will be under the default file that COH sets up (/coh/keybinds.txt)
What I WANT to be able to do is:
/bind_save_file "C:/binds/healer.txt" so that every bind I added will be under the healer.txt bind file.

Hope that makes sense.



Hey Justice Blues, what you are looking for can be done. Try the following:

/bind space "+up$$powexec_name combat jumping"

that should do it.

Just check that the power name is correct. Can't remember if it's combat jump or combat jumping for the binds...




I don't know that there is a bind for what you want to do. However, I would suggest doing the normal bind_save, and then re-name the file to what ever you want. You won't be effecting any other character or default settings, as the bind_save file is never actually used, unless you do a bind_load command. And, if you've gotten to the point where you are creating custom settings by AT or character, you probably will never need to use bind_load. It will always be bind_load_file.




This is how I do it: YMMV

Start new character. Say he's named Mister X.

Type in /bind_load_file c:\kb\basickeybinds.txt

This loads in the generic binds I have (movement, chat shortcuts for Yes, No, Hello, Goodbye, etc., Inspirations, Power trays, etc.).

I alt-tab to my c:\kb\ directory. I create a text file called mxkeybinds.txt.

I open basickeybinds.txt and copy/paste the entire file into mxkeybinds.txt. I close basickeybinds.txt.

I cut all the things I want to remain the same on this character as every other alt. (all movements stays the same, all my inspirations are called the same way, all my powers are activated from the same keys, etc.)

Of the remaining lines, I customized them. For example, instead of saying Hello, I want this character to say Hi. Instead of saying Thank You and emoting fancybow, I want to say Thanks and emote praise.

After I have finished customizing mxkeybinds.txt, I save and close it.

I then go back into CoH and hit shift+L (which in my bind files calls the following: "show chat$$beginchat /bind_load_file c:\kb\keybinds.txt" ) I backspace in front of keybinds.txt in the string and add the mx and hit enter.


I now have a bind file I can use for every character and I have a special file I use for that one character only.

Change something in your basickeybinds.txt file a few weeks back and log into an alt you haven't played in months?

Hit shift+L, and backspace to add "basic" in front of "keybinds.txt" and hit enter. Hit shift+L again and backspace to add "mx" in front of "keybinds.txt" and you've reloaded the custom binds for this character (Hi instead of Hello etc.)

I'll post my basickeybinds.txt file again after this post and a few example of character specific bind files.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA




button4 "+down"
esc "powexec_unqueue$$unselect"
f1 "powexec_slot 1"
f2 "powexec_slot 2"
f3 "powexec_slot 3"
f4 "powexec_slot 4"
f5 "powexec_slot 5"
f6 "powexec_slot 6"
f7 "powexec_slot 7"
f8 "powexec_slot 8"
f9 "powexec_slot 9"
f10 "powexec_slot 10"
f11 "powexec_altslot 1"
f12 "powexec_altslot 2"
sysrq "powexec_altslot 3"
scroll "powexec_altslot 4"
pause "powexec_altslot 5"
insert "tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color yellow>+ACC$$inspexec_name insight$$inspexec_name keen insight$$inspexec_name uncanny insight"
delete "tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color red>+DAM$$inspexec_name enrage$$inspexec_name focused rage$$inspexec_name righteous rage"
home "tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color green>+HP$$inspexec_name resurgence$$inspexec_name dramatic improvement$$inspexec_name respite"
end "tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color blue>+END$$inspexec_name second wind$$inspexec_name take a breather$$inspexec_name catch a breath"
pageup "tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color purple>+DEF$$inspexec_name luck$$inspexec_name good luck$$inspexec_name Phenomenal Luck"
pagedown "tell $name, <scale .6>RESIST EFFECTS$$inspexec_name discipline$$inspexec_name strength of will$$inspexec_name iron will"
rctrl+insert "tell $name, <scale .8><bgcolor black><color yellow>+33% ACC$$inspexec_name keen insight"
rctrl+delete "tell $name, <scale .8><bgcolor black><color red>+33% DAM$$inspexec_name focused rage"
rctrl+home "tell $name, <scale .8><bgcolor black><color green>+33% HP$$inspexec_name dramatic improvement"
rctrl+end "tell $name, <scale .8><bgcolor black><color blue>+33% END$$inspexec_name take a breather"
rctrl+pageup "tell $name, <scale .8><bgcolor black><color purple>+33% DEF$$inspexec_name good luck"
rctrl+pagedown "tell $name, <scale .8>STRENGTH OF WILL$$inspexec_name strength of will"
ralt+insert "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color yellow>+50% ACC$$inspexec_name uncanny insight"
ralt+delete "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color red>+50% DAM$$inspexec_name righteous rage"
ralt+home "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color green>+50% HP$$inspexec_name resurgence"
ralt+end "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color blue>+50% END$$inspexec_name second wind"
ralt+pageup "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color purple>+50% DEF$$inspexec_name Phenomenal Luck"
ralt+pagedown "tell $name, IRON WILL$$inspexec_name iron will"
numpad1 "+lookup"
numpad2 "camreset"
numpad3 "+lookdown"
numpad4 "+turnleft"
numpad5 "+backward"
numpad6 "+turnright"
numpad7 "+left"
numpad8 "+forward"
numpad9 "+right"
numpad0 "powexec_name sprint"
divide "++autorun"
multiply "follow"
subtract "powexec_unqueue$$unselect$$autorun 0$$target_enemy_near$$follow$$powexec_name X$$powexec_auto X$$tell $name, <color red><bgcolor black><scale .6>Targeting $target!"
add "target_enemy_near"
decimal "say Beginning/Ending Rest$$powexec_name rest"
` "target_friend_near"
1 "team_select 1"
2 "team_select 2"
3 "team_select 3"
4 "team_select 4"
5 "team_select 5"
6 "team_select 6"
7 "team_select 7"
8 "team_select 8"
9 "target_friend_next"
0 "target_friend_prev"
Backspace "autoreply"
q "say <scale 1.25>$target, You Want Some Of This???$$emote taunt2"
w "say Waiting...$$emote newspaper"
e "say Every Hero should have their own Theme Music!$$emote boombox"
r "autoreply"
t "say Thank you$$emote thanks"
y "say <bgcolor green><border green><color white>Yes$$emote nod"
u "say You're welcome$$emote yourewelcome"
i "say I sense a disturbance in the force...$$emote burp"
o "say <bgcolor darkorange>One moment please$$emote yoga$$manage"
p "emote roar"
a "say <color green><bgcolor white>Acknowledged$$emote salute"
s "say <bgcolor red><color white>Stop!$$emote stop"
d "say Goodbye$$emote wave"
f "say Check these out$$emote flex1"
g "say <bgcolor green><color white>Good to go!$$emote thumbsup"
h "say Hello$$emote hi"
j "say One, Two, Three, Four, Five$$emote jumpingjacks"
k "emote sings:$$say Everybody Was$$say <scale 1.25>KUNG-FU FIGHTING!$$emote kata"
l "say <scale 1.25>Level Up!!!$$emote winner"
z "lfg$$broadcast <bgcolor blue><color white><scale 1.25>$name, $level $origin $archetype looking for team.$$search"
x "say <scale 1.25>Good job!$$emote score10"
c "say <scale 1.25>$target, Come Get Some!!!$$emote taunt1"
v "say <scale 1.25>Victory!!!$$emote victory"
b "say <scale 1.25>$battlecry"
n "say <color crimson>No$$emote no"
m "say I'll just sit here and wait.$$emote sit"
shift+q "chat_cyle"
shift+w ""
shift+e "manage"
shift+r "toggle supergroup"
shift+t "toggle team"
shift+y "tray"
shift+u "toggle clue"
shift+i "toggle inspirations"
shift+o "toggle contacts"
shift+p "powers"
shift+a "emote boombox$$say afk$$afk"
shift+s "screenshot"
shift+d "menu$$contextmenu 23"
shift+f "toggle friends"
shift+g "target"
shift+h "menu$$contextmenu 16"
shift+j "lfg"
shift+k "toggle costume"
shift+l "show chat$$beginchat /bind_load_file c:\kb\keybinds.txt"
shift+z "toggle mission"
shift+x "++disable2d"
shift+c "toggle chat"
shift+v "third"
shift+b "menu$$contextmenu 18"
shift+n "nav"
shift+m "map"
enter "show chat$$beginchat /say "

[/ QUOTE ]

A bind file with quite a few custom binds: mxkeybinds.txt


subtract "powexec_abort$$unselect$$autorun 0$$target_enemy_near$$follow$$powexec_name shadow maul$$powexec_auto shadow punch$$tell $name, <color red><bgcolor black><scale .6>Targeting $target!"
decimal "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Beginning/Ending Rest$$powexec_name rest"
Backspace "show chat$$beginchat /tell $target, <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>"
q "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>$target, You Want Some Of This???$$emote taunt2"
w "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Waiting...$$emote newspaper"
e "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Every Hero should have their own Theme Music!$$emote boombox"
t "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Thank you$$emote thanks"
y "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Yes$$emote nod"
u "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>You're welcome$$emote yourewelcome"
i "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>I sense a disturbance in the force...$$emote burp"
o "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>One moment$$emote yoga$$manage"
a "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>OK$$emote nod"
s "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Stop!$$emote stop"
d "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Goodbye$$emote wave"
f "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Check these out$$emote flex1"
g "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Good to go!$$emote thumbsup"
h "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Hello$$emote hi"
j "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>One, Two, Three, Four, Five$$emote jumpingjacks"
k "emote sings:$$say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Everybody Was$$say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>KUNG-FU FIGHTING!$$emote kata"
l "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Level Up!!!$$emote winner"
x "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Good job!$$emote score10"
c "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>$target, Come Get Some!!!$$emote taunt1"
v "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>Victory!!!$$emote victory"
b "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>$battlecry"
n "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>No$$emote no"
m "say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>I'll just sit here and wait.$$emote sit"
shift+a "emote boombox$$say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>afk$$afk"
enter "show chat$$beginchat /say <color white><bgcolor black><scale .6>"

[/ QUOTE ]

A bind file with only a few changes: cfkeybinds.txt


esc "powexec_abort$$unselect$$powexec_auto boxing"
b "say <bgcolor #FF4500><color #00FF00><scale 1.25>Kick me!!!™$$powexec_auto taunt"
subtract "powexec_abort$$unselect$$autorun 0$$target_enemy_near$$follow$$powexec_name jab$$powexec_auto boxing$$tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color red>Targeting $target!"
c "powexec_name taunt$$say <bgcolor #FF4500><color #00FF00><scale 1.25>$target, Come Get Some!!!"
q "powexec_name taunt$$say <bgcolor #FF4500><color #00FF00><scale 1.25>$target, You Want Some Of This???"
a "say <color green>Okey-dokey!!!$$emote clap"
h "say Yo$$emote hi"
z "lfg$$broadcast <bgcolor blue><color white><scale 1.25>$name, $level $origin $archetype looking for team to smite evil and eat cake.$$search"
m "say I'll just sit here and contemplate my navel.$$emote yoga"
t "say Thank you$$emote praise"
u "say You're welcome$$emote shucks"

[/ QUOTE ]

A much shorter custom keybind file: innocencekeybinds.txt


b "say <scale 1.25>$battlecry$$emote cheer"
subtract "powexec_abort$$unselect$$autorun 0$$target_enemy_near$$follow$$powexec_name power blast$$powexec_auto power bolt$$tell $name, <color red><bgcolor black><scale .6>Targeting $target!"
t "say Thanks$$emote thumbsup"
o "say <bgcolor yellow>One second$$emote yoga$$manage"
a "say <color green>OK$$emote thumbsup"
h "say Hi$$emote hi"

[/ QUOTE ]

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



ok, so i am getting the basics of how to do binds, but what i need to now is how to bind text to an attack. Say for example: "go fearsome decoy" when that attack is used.



You can save your binds on a character, but I don't know if you can specify the file it will save it to. It will automatically save your binds to keybinds.txt in your COH folder. You could save it to that file then use notepad to cut out all the things you don't want and rename it to healer.txt. You could always try to do the save. That is the only way I know to find out if you can.

Personally, when I start adding powers to a character, I just start a new text file. I then add to it as I add powers. If I was doing a healer.txt file for empathy defenders, I would start with something like this:


h "powexec_name Heal Other"
lshift+h "powexec_name Healing Aura"
lctrl+h "powexec_name Absorb Pain"
numpad1 "unselect$$team_select 1$$say <bgcolor gold>Healing you $target!$$powexec_name Heal Other"
numpad2 "unselect$$team_select 2$$say <bgcolor gold>Healing you $target!$$powexec_name Heal Other"
numpad3 "unselect$$team_select 3$$say <bgcolor gold>Healing you $target!$$powexec_name Heal Other"
numpad4 "unselect$$team_select 4$$say <bgcolor gold>Healing you $target!$$powexec_name Heal Other"
numpad5 "unselect$$team_select 5$$say <bgcolor gold>Healing you $target!$$powexec_name Heal Other"
numpad6 "unselect$$team_select 6$$say <bgcolor gold>Healing you $target!$$powexec_name Heal Other"
numpad7 "unselect$$team_select 7$$say <bgcolor gold>Healing you $target!$$powexec_name Heal Other"
numpad8 "unselect$$team_select 8$$say <bgcolor gold>Healing you $target!$$powexec_name Heal Other"
numpad9 "+down$$-down$$tell $name, Healing Aura$$say <bgcolor gold>Group heal near me!$$bind_load_file c:\coh\healaura2.txt"
lshift+numpad1 "+down$$-down$$unselect$$team_select 1$$say <bgcolor gold>Absorbing your pain $target!$$powexec_name Absorb Pain"
lshift+numpad2 "+down$$-down$$unselect$$team_select 2$$say <bgcolor gold>Absorbing your pain $target!$$powexec_name Absorb Pain"
lshift+numpad3 "+down$$-down$$unselect$$team_select 3$$say <bgcolor gold>Absorbing your pain $target!$$powexec_name Absorb Pain"
lshift+numpad4 "+down$$-down$$unselect$$team_select 4$$say <bgcolor gold>Absorbing your pain $target!$$powexec_name Absorb Pain"
lshift+numpad5 "+down$$-down$$unselect$$team_select 5$$say <bgcolor gold>Absorbing your pain $target!$$powexec_name Absorb Pain"
lshift+numpad6 "+down$$-down$$unselect$$team_select 6$$say <bgcolor gold>Absorbing your pain $target!$$powexec_name Absorb Pain"
lshift+numpad7 "+down$$-down$$unselect$$team_select 7$$say <bgcolor gold>Absorbing your pain $target!$$powexec_name Absorb Pain"
lshift+numpad8 "+down$$-down$$unselect$$team_select 8$$say <bgcolor gold>Absorbing your pain $target!$$powexec_name Absorb Pain"

[/ QUOTE ]
This sets me up for the first several healing powers. I always leave my attacks on the regular numbers. The h binds are for driveby heals or other things when I am not teamed.

This seems like a lot of work, but there are a lot of binds already done in this thread and others that you can just copy and paste. And finding the binds you want to keep in the keybind.txt file can be a major hassle, because there are a lot more in there than you realize.

BlueVolt, I think you were talking to JonOfTheDead, I didn't ask any questions about binding Combat Jumping.

big_pappa, you need to decide where you want to say whatever you are saying. If you do it like this: [ QUOTE ]
t "local <color white><bgcolor darkblue><border white><scale 1.25>Get over here coward!$$powexec_name Taunt

[/ QUOTE ]
then it will go out over the local channel. Changing the local in the bind to team, supergroup, broadcast, or request will send the words out over those channels. The last 2 are not recommended bindings for attack powers.

If you do it like this: [ QUOTE ]
t "say <color white><bgcolor darkblue><border white><scale 1.25>Get over here coward!$$powexec_name Taunt

[/ QUOTE ]
then it will go whatever channel you are currently talking on. This is a good way to do it, but be careful you do not start using it when using Broadcast or Request.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



ok thank you for the help



And hear I thought the only good thing on the internet was porn (My, my, the things you can learn by tooling around the forums when I should be working )



The toggleon/toggleoff is better then I expected!

Not only will it allow you to make one key for all your toggle activations, but you can make a true "toggle" key! Try this one out:

/bind w "+forward$$powexec_toggleon Sprint$$powexec_toggleoff Sprint"

this will result in you running forward with Sprinit turning on... when you release the key, sprint turns off!

Jumpers and superspeeders now have an equivilant to
"+forward$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover"