The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




I just came across an even easier way to do the keydown/keyup bind (thanks go to Innovator). Instead of "+down$$-down$$<other stuff>", you can simply use "+ $$<other stuff>".

Possibly less confusing, but more importantly, 10 less characters tacked onto your bind.



Ok, i am kinda out of the know on the programing or whatevfer youc all it for computers. It is probably something un godly simple but here it goes...

What is a .txt file? I see people say copy this bind into a .txt file or whatever, but have no idea where this is and what it is.

Also you said the bind files are in the root of your c: drive ( i know this one) i loaded CoH in my f: drive. S is it still in my c: drive or in my F; drive?



Ok, i am kinda out of the know on the programing or whatevfer youc all it for computers. It is probably something un godly simple but here it goes...

What is a .txt file? I see people say copy this bind into a .txt file or whatever, but have no idea where this is and what it is.

Also you said the bind files are in the root of your c: drive ( i know this one) i loaded CoH in my f: drive. S is it still in my c: drive or in my F; drive?

[/ QUOTE ]

A txt file is a plain text file, you can edit them with notepad. It is it's default file format. Notepad is under programs, accessories, or you can get it by typing "notepad" into the run command or from the command prompt. You can make text file in explorer by right clicking, choosing New, then text document.

I believe the bind files can have any extension you want, or none. So binds.txt, binds, or hero1.binds should all be ok, as you can specify the file name in your load command. However, to ease editing them, the .txt extention is the easiest way.

Anyone know if it loads the binds from the C drive specifically, or from the %SystemDrive% variable?

I keep them on my game partition root, so I specify the path, easy that way.
/bind_load_file e:\basics.txt



oh, great bind masters! hear my pleas for assistance!

I'm a flying/hovering ice/ice blaster who wants to use ice patch, but I need to be on the ground for it.
I'm already used Gnarly's SpeedOnDemand for the hover/fly switching, but i need something to: turn off hover, activate ice patch, & then reactivate hover.

Any suggestions?



I guess your hover/fly switcher will be the easiest way to turn it back on, so to turn it off use
/bind anykey "powexec_toggleoff hover$$e salute$$powexec_name ice patch"

I pt the emote in there as sometimes you need ever so brief of a pause in there to allow the second power to activate. You could try it with out the "e salute$$" taken out first.



I apologize as I tried to read as many of these as possible, but theres so many. Here's what I want to do. When I select a teammate I want to hit the F1 key and have it cast Deflection Shield then Insulation Shield. THat's it. Then I can move to the next teammate hit F1 and do the same. People keep telling me I can't do this but there should be a way right? I've tried several ways but I keep trying stuff I've already seen are not going to work. Anyone have anything out there that can aide me in this? I'd appreciate it. I'm going nuts here.



f1 "+ $$teamselect 1$powexecname defelction shield$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ff1.txt"
x "bindloadfile c:\kb\ff0.txt"

f1 " $$powexecname insulation shield$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ff2.txt"

f1 "f1 "+ $$teamselect 2$powexecname defelction shield$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ff3.txt"

f1 " $$powexecname insulation shield$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ff4.txt"

f1 "+ $$teamselect 3$powexecname defelction shield$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ff5.txt"

f1 " $$powexecname insulation shield$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ff6.txt"


Another way:

shift+1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$follow$$g $target please stop moving. I'm trying to buff you.$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+2 "+ $$teamselect 2$$follow$$g $target please stop moving. I'm trying to buff you.$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+3 "+ $$teamselect 3$$follow$$g $target please stop moving. I'm trying to buff you.$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+4 "+ $$teamselect 4$$follow$$g $target please stop moving. I'm trying to buff you.$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+5 "+ $$teamselect 5$$follow$$g $target please stop moving. I'm trying to buff you.$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+6 "+ $$teamselect 6$$follow$$g $target please stop moving. I'm trying to buff you.$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+7 "+ $$teamselect 7$$follow$$g $target please stop moving. I'm trying to buff you.$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+8 "+ $$teamselect 8$$follow$$g $target please stop moving. I'm trying to buff you.$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



So if I want to bind the T key to make my character say "NOVA BLAST! and shoot nova off, can I do that and have it saved in game? If so or if not so how would I do that?



Type this: /bind t "say Nova Blast!$$powexec_name nova"

I've never played a blaster to that level so if nova isn't the name then just stick the real name in it's place.



Thanks! Stars for you



oh, great bind masters! hear my pleas for assistance!

I'm a flying/hovering ice/ice blaster who wants to use ice patch, but I need to be on the ground for it.
I'm already used Gnarly's SpeedOnDemand for the hover/fly switching, but i need something to: turn off hover, activate ice patch, & then reactivate hover.

Any suggestions?

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not a great bind master, but Gnarly's SoD that you are already using would be the fastest way. If you set the run mode and the fly mode to the same key then you may want to rerun it and set it to two different keys. Mine are set to E and F for running and flying respectively.

*edited for spelling*



Hahaha I like the "also" one the best, Thanks Storyteller everyone kept swearing it couldn't be done but I kept plugging away at it. I just was missing a few things. Thanks again! Kudos!



Only been in the past few weeks since Grotus clued me into dual-action binds and toggle binds that I've found that impossible things have become possible.

For example, I figured out how to almost auto Hasten and Rage at the same time using them. Happyhappyjoyjoy.

The wonders of bindloadfile, "+ $$", and " $$"!!!

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



I've got a question about a bind. Sorry if it's already been answerd, but I couldn't find it.

I know we're getting a third power tray in a while, but untill then I've set up a bind that toggles my bottom power tray between tray 1 and tray 3. So far I've got a file with
"bind button4 bind_load_file ...\tray3.txt
goto_tray 1" and one with tray1.txt and goto_tray 3, so I have to press once to toggle to 3 and once more to toggle back to 1. But what I'd like to do is have a bind that toggles to tray 3 only when I press the thumbkey and goes back to tray 1 when I release it.

Any suggestions? Thanks.



Try this set of binds. I've never tried what you are asking.


button4 “+ $$goto_tray 3$$bind_load_file …\tray3.txt”

button4 “+ $$goto_tray 1$$bind_load_file …\tray1.txt”



I am having trouble getting the /bind_load_file command to work.

I have a bind file called test.txt in my c:\temp folder. The contents of the bind file is:
v "l Test message"

In the game I type: /bind_load_file c:\temp\test.txt

Nothing happens when I press the v key. What am I doing wrong. I have tried putting the file in different location (under my CoH directory, in my CoH directory and accessing the file by relative path: .\test.txt, but I just can't get it to work).





test it by changing the bind to v "+up" and loading it. If you jump when you hit v, you'll know the load is working but the bind wasn't phrased correctly.



good job

~the poster formally known as GI_Shmo~

Champion- Always BS/WP Scrapper, Difficult Bots/Dark MM
Infin- Peace Pirate PB



I've gotten tons of wonderful info from this thread, but I've got some bind questions and I'm not sure where to post them. I've put them in the Technical Issues and Bugs forum, here and here, and I would appreciate any input from you knowledgable players in here. Many thanks in advance!!

Want to see more tilesets?



I just came across an even easier way to do the keydown/keyup bind (thanks go to Innovator). Instead of "+down$$-down$$<other stuff>", you can simply use "+ $$<other stuff>".

Possibly less confusing, but more importantly, 10 less characters tacked onto your bind.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry if this was mentioned already (I try to keep up with this thread, but have difficulties due to its size) but why is the character count important if you are creating binds offline in text files?

Is there a limit on the amount of characters allowed to be bound to each individual key? TIA



Yes there is a character limit in the range of 200-255 or so iirc.

Using "+ $$" instead of "+down$$-down", omiting underscores ( _ ) in commands such as powexec_name, powexec_toggle_on and bind_load_file and leaving out unneeded spaces are a few of the ways to cut decrease the character count, in order to enable longer binds.

An example of a lengthier bind where character count is an issue might be:

numlock "+ $$powexectoggleon Temp Invulnerability$$powexectoggleon Invincibility$$powexectoggleon Assault$$powexectoggleon Tactics$$powexectoggleon Maneuvers$$powexectoggleon Weave$$powexectoggleoff Sprint$$powexectoggleon Unyielding"

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



shift+1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$follow$$g $target please stop moving. I'm trying to buff you.$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think that will work. That bind won't get to the Insulation Shield. Rather, it will execute Deflection shield each time it's pressed. Putting more than one power into a bind only works if every bind prevous to the last is a toggle.

Try these instead: (It's what I use on mine.)
SHIFT+1 "team_select 1$$tell $target, <bgcolor pink><border black> Hold still for bubbles!"
CTRL+1 "team_select 1$$tell $target, <bgcolor pink><border black> You should be all set"

ALT+1 "team_select 1$$team <bgcolor pink><border black> Starting bubble rotation!"
ALT+8 "team_select 8$$team <bgcolor pink><border black> Everyone's done!"

SHIFT+9 "powexec_name Deflection Shield"
CTRL+9 "powexec_name Insulation Shield"

You'll make a complete set of 1-8 out of the first group. The tells will notify people when you start, and when you finish with them.

The second group lets the entire team know that you're in the process of bubbling everyone. You don't need to make one for each person.

The third group is what you'll use place the bubbles, on whomever you happened to be targetting. (I use ALT+9 for Grant Invisibility.)

Why did I do it this way?
For some reason, when I had the powers execute with the targetting, the shields didn't always cast on my targets the first time. I found that I often had to hit a button twice, sending a second tell. Using the method above, I can tell when a target is selected, and make sure the bubbles are getting to them.



Okay, now I have a question.

Is there a way to reset your binds with a bind?

Currently, I use a bind to reload my binds through a bind file:
SHIFT+NumpadENTER "bind_load_file c:\keybinds\<filename>.txt"
(This allows me to constantly adjust binds as I go.)

Is there a way to have the binds reset and then load the new bind file?
(Like: SHIFT+NumpadENTER "bind_reset$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\<filename>.txt")



shift+1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$follow$$g $target please stop moving. I'm trying to buff you.$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think that will work. That bind won't get to the Insulation Shield. Rather, it will execute Deflection shield each time it's pressed. Putting more than one power into a bind only works if every bind prevous to the last is a toggle.

[/ QUOTE ]

It works. It works becuase of the "+ $$" at the beginning which tells the game to execute the bind when the key is pressed and again when it is released.

So the press of shift+1 selects teammate 1, follows them, says the phrase in the group window and activates Insulation Shield. Releasing either the shift or the 1 key selects the teammate again, follows them, says the phrase in the group channel, skips Insulation Shield since it is already activating and instead queues Deflection Shield for use.

I've tested this scheme and it works. The original bind involved using Deflection Shield, Insulation Shield, Grant Invisibility and Stimulant and I got that to work consistantly after some fiddling.

The current (and more elegant in my opinion) scheme I use for my bubblers is:

Buffing Your Entire Team Quickly
shift+1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$follow$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+2 "+ $$teamselect 2$$follow$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+3 "+ $$teamselect 3$$follow$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+4 "+ $$teamselect 4$$follow$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+5 "+ $$teamselect 5$$follow$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+6 "+ $$teamselect 6$$follow$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+7 "+ $$teamselect 7$$follow$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"
shift+8 "+ $$teamselect 8$$follow$$powexecname deflection shield$$powexecname insulation shield"

Key press targets teammate and activates power furthest to the right. Release queues the second power from the right. Change power names for other powersets such as Speed Boost & Increase Density or Clear Mind & Heal Other, etc. If you release the key after the left-most power is finished activating, it will re-queue that power without firing off the power further to the left. For best results, press and release quickly.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



Just posting a note:

With Global Chat live, we've created a chat room called Binds for discussing and helping out with keybinds. We need binding gurus to come join us and of course welcome anyone who has any questions about binds to come ask away.