The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




Is there a slash command for "Set as waypoint?" It would make my life easier not to have to pull the target menu down to find my teammate.

Or is there an easier way to waypoint someone?

Any help could save a teammate's life in the future. Thanks



I have a D4, and created bind for the 4 powers I use which require a targeted placement.

LSHIFT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Teleport"
RSHIFT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Tar Patch$$local Laying down Tar Patch."
LALT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Recall Friend$$team I'm recalling $target to me."
RALT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Dark Servant$$local Come forth, Dark Servant."

However, I find that only the Tar Patch and Dark Servant binds get activated. It just doesn't seem to matter whether I use the left or right SHIFT and ALT buttons.

Also, can I bind something to the key with the window icon on it? If so, what is that key called?



LSHIFT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Teleport"
RSHIFT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Tar Patch$$local Laying down Tar Patch."
LALT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Recall Friend$$team I'm recalling $target to me."
RALT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Dark Servant$$local Come forth, Dark Servant."

However, I find that only the Tar Patch and Dark Servant binds get activated. It just doesn't seem to matter whether I use the left or right SHIFT and ALT buttons.
Also, can I bind something to the key with the window icon on it? If so, what is that key called?

[/ QUOTE ]

When doing modifier key + another key, the left and right are ignored. So, your second bind is overwriting the first. You'll have to make do with three targeted binds (shift, alt, and ctrl).

As for the other, I don't believe that you'll be able to use the windows key. Even if CoH recognizes it, I think it will still pop up the Windows start menu every time you press it. To find out if CoH recognizes it, go to the options menu and try to assign it to something. If it takes, do a /bind_save_file to see what the name of the key was.



Is there a way to /bind a Reset of all binds (such as the red button at the bottom of the Options/Controls Menu)? That way the newly added SoD set would not conflict or have to rewrite anything.

[/ QUOTE ]
I think the only way to do this would be to export the binds on a fresh hero using /bind_save. This saves your keybinds in a file called keybinds.txt, located in the root directory of your c: drive.
Then rename it and move it where you want and use that to reset your binds. You should add some nop commands in to keys that you have mapped yourself I guess. (nop removes all binds from a key)

[/ QUOTE ]Aye, this is true, i assume that you understand this but if you are using SoD just by doing what guides tell u, to reiterate i will say you need to include binds in the loadable files for all the keys which are messing things up in the form of << /bind <key> "nop" >>

sorry to post jack , just wasnt sure about the clarity for some ppl.

Also to the people on the back end of this thread still using "+up$$+down" just use "+$$..." so to toggle map with m is <</bind m "+$$map"
some things ive been playing with below



'lo grotus, dont think ive said much here before, and i dont read too much cos im too busy playing Coh and euroCoH (to my SG, yes i am still alive and well thx). threads great, im one of the saddoes u can PM if you have questions too : /, good work boys n girls. Just thought i'd take a min to share what i've been doing with camdist teleporting (i use a laptop and this saves slow zoom on home and end), chatset (i know you can do this with tabs and next_tab_global etc already), and map keys too. so

[i]note, all my bindfils for load type binds are in c:\cohbinds\
cam jump bind files and tp facilitator
File 1 "view0"
pagedown "first 0$$camreset$$camdist 10$$show chat$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\view1.txt"

pageup "first 0$$camreset$$camdist 400$$windowhide tray$$windowhide chat$$windowhide target$$windowhide team$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\view4.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
file 2 "view1"
pagedown "first 0$$camreset$$camdist 30$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\view2.txt"
pageup "first 0$$camreset$$camdist 0$$windowhide chat$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\view0.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
file 3 "view2"
pagedown "first 0$$camreset$$camdist 100$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\view3.txt"
pageup "first 0$$camreset$$camdist 10$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\view1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
file 4 "view3"
pagedown "camreset$$camdist 400$$windowhide tray$$windowhide chat$$windowhide target$$windowhide team$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\view4.txt"
pageup "camreset$$camdist 30$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\view2.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
file 5 "view4"
PAGEDOWN "first 0$$camreset$$camdist 0$$windowshow tray$$windowshow target$$windowshow team$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\view0.txt"
PAGEUP "first 0$$camreset$$camdist 100$$windowshow chat$$windowshow target$$windowshow team$$windowshow tray$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\view3.txt"
LBUTTON "powexecname teleport"

[/ QUOTE ]

please note that /first 0 appears several times because i found when omitted, if you zone, u default to first person view, and i had to cycle files all the way to the first person one to get out, now any file and key press gets me out. also note that this set causes a bind read error message, butt he files are valid, as they work and all components as far as i noticed when i wrote them are necessary (there may be a few /toggels which are OTT but i know)
Also please not, if you merely want a simple camera bind which is more approriate for your AT/playstyle, before i used this i used [ QUOTE ]
/bind padgedown "camreset$$camdist 30"

[/ QUOTE ] to have a sensibel reset on my camera reset default button, defs and trolelrs ive passed this too seem to like camdist 80

next up
map toggle
obvious one i know, but not for all
just [ QUOTE ]
/bind m "+$$map"

[/ QUOTE ]
m now opens and closes the map on press/release, i have it fullscreen and detached for detail, and use it inbetween tps etc

next up
chatset scroller
this is all about moving throught the chats as they appear in the UI chat window so L>B>T>S>R>F>A or something like that. In no particular order ...
"chatb" [ QUOTE ]
UP "chatset t$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chatt.txt"
DOWN "chatset l$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chatl.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
chats[ QUOTE ]
UP "chatset r$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chatr.txt"
DOWN "chatset t$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chatt.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
chatf[ QUOTE ]
UP "chatset a$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chata.txt"
DOWN "chatset r$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chatr.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
chatl[ QUOTE ]
UP "chatset b$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chatb.txt"
DOWN "chatset a$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chata.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
chatt [ QUOTE ]
UP "chatset s$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chats.txt"
DOWN "chatset b$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chatb.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
chat r [ QUOTE ]
UP "chatset f$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chatf.txt"
DOWN "chatset s$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chats.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
chata[ QUOTE ]
UP "chatset l$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chatl.txt"
DOWN "chatset f$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\chatf.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

i would have used left and right arrows but theyre used already tbh, so used up and down, now u can scroll through chats, to save u typing /sg and /L etc, means u can keep ur colour binds and /afk typing binds in all instances, again cos i like to avoid the mouse

hope this helps folks, keep up the ideas,




Does anyone know the command for changing your badge title?



Does anyone know the command for changing your badge title?

[/ QUOTE ]

There isn't one that is able to be used directly. The /set_title command will change your badge title, but it uses an internal number as its parameter, not the name. Trying to use it with a badge name just results in your badge title being cleared.



Whenever I try to chain TP Foe and an attack (Energy Transfer, in this case), I get a macro which launches once and then queues said attack instead of going back to the TP Foe section.

/macro BAM "powexec_name Teleport Foe$$powexec_name Energy Transfer"

Can someone point out my stupidity? Please?

Players Guide to the Cities



Whenever I try to chain TP Foe and an attack (Energy Transfer, in this case), I get a macro which launches once and then queues said attack instead of going back to the TP Foe section.

/macro BAM "powexec_name Teleport Foe$$powexec_name Energy Transfer"

Can someone point out my stupidity? Please?

[/ QUOTE ]

Apperantly this might work:

/bind <any key> "+ $$powexec_name Energy Transfer$$powexec_name Teleport Foe"

Normally you can only activate one power with in a action. If you assign it to a key the "+ " (notice the space after the +) tells it to do the command on key press and key release. You want to reverse the order of the comands, as the last command tends to get activated, each one cancelling the previous one. In the case of toggle powers the last power that would turn on gets activated. You could do this with 2 macros the first one caling the second one by its tray possition, but if you ever moved the second macros possition you'd have to recreate the first one.



/bind <any key> "+ $$powexec_name Energy Transfer$$powexec_name Teleport Foe"

[/ QUOTE ]

The won't work. The only two ways to activate two click powers with one key is to either use powexec_auto with one, which will put one attack on auto (of course) or make two files:

<key> "+$$powexec_name Energy Transfer $$bind_load_file <path name of file2>"

<key> "+$$powexec_name Teleport Foe$$bind_load_file <path name of file1>"



does anyone has beautiful "recall friend" binds? so i can just press one button(or one combination), then i will be teleporting teammates, ALSO at the same time notify them that im doing the recall action.



Thanks EvGen_88, Mantid.

I'll give those a try and report back.

Xia, a simple one would be:

/bind <key> "powexec_name Recall Friend$$team Get ready $target, your taxi has arrived."

Macro button:
/macro <name_of_macro> "powexec_name Recall Friend$$team Get ready $target, your taxi has arrived."

I use the latter.

The taxi referrence is a personal favorite of my wife's.

Players Guide to the Cities



Here is one I used for a while until I respected out of Tp

/bind F5 "team $target I’m opening a Wormhole to bring you to me! Please keep your hands and feet inside the wormhole at all times!! (I'd hate to have a missing body parts incident again). $$powexec_name recall friend"

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



/bind <any key> "+ $$powexec_name Energy Transfer$$powexec_name Teleport Foe"

[/ QUOTE ]

The won't work. The only two ways to activate two click powers with one key is to either use powexec_auto with one, which will put one attack on auto (of course) or make two files:

<key> "+$$powexec_name Energy Transfer $$bind_load_file <path name of file2>"

<key> "+$$powexec_name Teleport Foe$$bind_load_file <path name of file1>"

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats exactly the same thing I wrote earlier in this thread! Then one of the binders better then I posted the plus space intro thingie. I thought I'd just save BindWhore a post.
Guess I'l have to try it myself.




Xia, a simple one would be:

/bind <key> "powexec_name Recall Friend$$team Get ready $target, your taxi has arrived."

Macro button:
/macro <name_of_macro> "powexec_name Recall Friend$$team Get ready $target, your taxi has arrived."

[/ QUOTE ]
thnx for the info, but after pressing the key/macro that you bind, u have to use your mouse to select the location. im too lazy to do that. :P
i created this bind:
/bind numpad2 select_teammate 2
/bind numpad2+lbutton "powexec_name recall friend$$team $target, Stand clear! Im going to TP you!"

first attempt was great, but weird thing happened. when i click left mouse button, it will automatically select THE NEAREST FRIEND!?!?!?...... what did i do wrong? anyone help?



/bind numpad2+lbutton "powexec_name recall friend$$team $target, Stand clear! Im going to TP you!"

[/ QUOTE ]

You can only combine shift/alt/ctrl with other keys. Your combination of numpad2+lbutton will not work.



to get a puase between couldn't just make it say something
/bind 1 "powexec_name Punch$$local float like a butter fly$$powexec_name Jab$$local sting like a bee$$powexec_name Haymaker$$local rumble young man rumble"

would the be enough time if the animation time was quick?

just wondering i havev't played with bind yet




You can only combine shift/alt/ctrl with other keys. Your combination of numpad2+lbutton will not work.

[/ QUOTE ]

so for recall binds, u will HAVE to use mouse to select the location?



to get a puase between couldn't just make it say something
/bind 1 "powexec_name Punch$$local float like a butter fly$$powexec_name Jab$$local sting like a bee$$powexec_name Haymaker$$local rumble young man rumble"

would the be enough time if the animation time was quick?

just wondering i havev't played with bind yet

[/ QUOTE ]

no it wont. for binds, it doesnt matter the order, and there is no time laggs between / commands. thats one of the reason why u cant execute 2 powers in one bind.




You can only combine shift/alt/ctrl with other keys. Your combination of numpad2+lbutton will not work.

[/ QUOTE ]

so for recall binds, u will HAVE to use mouse to select the location?

[/ QUOTE ]
You could use a key to select your team mate, they lcontrol/lshift/lalt+lmouse to select the teleport destination and activate the power at the same time. For my Dark Defender I could do it like this:

(after selecting team target)
/bind lcontrol+lmouse "t $target, Ever been violently pulled through a hole in the nether world before? Well now's your chance!$$powexecname recall friend"



For my Dark Defender I could do it like this:

(after selecting team target)
/bind lcontrol+lmouse "t $target, Ever been violently pulled through a hole in the nether world before? Well now's your chance!$$powexecname recall friend"

[/ QUOTE ]

if that is what exactly you have in your binds, there are a few mistakes.
1). lmouse, should be lbutton (if im not mistaking, there is not such thing "lmouse")
2). powexecname, should be powexec_name
hope they are typos :P

back to the topic. yes. i did same binds as you. but the problem is, for example, i have a earth controller. i already have 3 Located AoE, i couldnt find any other key combination for my pets AND recall friend. anyone has good ideas? ty



For my Dark Defender I could do it like this:

(after selecting team target)
/bind lcontrol+lmouse "t $target, Ever been violently pulled through a hole in the nether world before? Well now's your chance!$$powexecname recall friend"

[/ QUOTE ]

if that is what exactly you have in your binds, there are a few mistakes.
1). lmouse, should be lbutton (if im not mistaking, there is not such thing "lmouse")
2). powexecname, should be powexec_name
hope they are typos :P

back to the topic. yes. i did same binds as you. but the problem is, for example, i have a earth controller. i already have 3 Located AoE, i couldnt find any other key combination for my pets AND recall friend. anyone has good ideas? ty

[/ QUOTE ]

Oops on the mouse one, I thought it worked both ways, oh yeah, it's lbutton or button 1, and the underscores are optional. Makes it easier to read, but works without it.



Whenever I try to chain TP Foe and an attack (Energy Transfer, in this case), I get a macro which launches once and then queues said attack instead of going back to the TP Foe section.

/macro BAM "powexec_name Teleport Foe$$powexec_name Energy Transfer"

Can someone point out my stupidity? Please?

[/ QUOTE ]

Apperantly this might work:

/bind <any key> "+ $$powexec_name Energy Transfer$$powexec_name Teleport Foe"

Normally you can only activate one power with in a action. If you assign it to a key the "+ " (notice the space after the +) tells it to do the command on key press and key release. You want to reverse the order of the comands, as the last command tends to get activated, each one cancelling the previous one. In the case of toggle powers the last power that would turn on gets activated. You could do this with 2 macros the first one caling the second one by its tray possition, but if you ever moved the second macros possition you'd have to recreate the first one.

[/ QUOTE ]

/bind <any key> "+ $$powexec_name Energy Transfer$$powexec_name Teleport Foe"

This worked well by clicking for TP and releasing for attack.

I was surprised to be getting read error messages using the bind files solution. No amount of tweaking could make it work.

Thx guys.

Players Guide to the Cities



Read error messages for the bind file?
It can't read it at all?
If you are using XP or maybe even 2000 it could be you have created a text file that CoH can't read. You should save as an ansi file, not unicodein notepad, can't test if this is the case now, at work. The easiest way to make sure the file is compatible is to save your existing binds, then edit that file. Use /bind_save, it will save a file called keybinds.txt in the root of your C drive (posibly your system root if its not C)



If you wish to have symbols in your speach bubbles though you need to save it under Encoding UTF-8. ANSI will not allow symbols.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]