The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




Autoreply is the command that starts a tell to the last person you received one from. I think the auto can be taken off there huh.

You would have to make a bind for each phrase you want to use. I guess there are enough examples of that in this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

I tried reply - coh didn't like the command. lol

If I start the reply, is there a way to paste the text I want in the message using a bind or macro?


[/ QUOTE ]

Heh heh, I meant that it should just be reply, not auto reply.

You could do this:

shift+p "r <bgcolor #00000099><color LawnGreen><bordercolor LawnGreen> Sure I'll PL you, my fee is $50 US per hour, paid in advance. Would you like my account info?"

'r' is for reply chat, /r in game
That should work. If you want to just start with something, then finish it off, you could use this:
shift+p "show chat$$beginchat /r <bgcolor #00000099><color LawnGreen><bordercolor LawnGreen> So you want to be PLed huh, "

There is a max string length though, so watch out for that, only the recipient will see the bubble, so you could take the colour stuff out.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks a lot! I'll try it tonight when I get home from work.

I also like your example replies!

[/ QUOTE ]

It comes back with unknown command r

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Really? Doh, got that from the bind command listing . . . thats a bugger.
/reply also doesn't work?
Both are in there . . . I'm at work now, Japan time, anyone else have any ideas?



Really? Doh, got that from the bind command listing . . . thats a bugger.
/reply also doesn't work?
Both are in there . . . I'm at work now, Japan time, anyone else have any ideas?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah /reply doesn't work either.

The 2nd way you showed of doing it - opens the chat channel with the text in it, but when you press enter to send it, it come back with unknown commad /r

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Sorry MrEMan,

Tried everything I could think of with both autoreply and reply. Looks like I got the same results you did.

Good luck.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



No problem.

Thanks for trying, maybe in a future update it will be available.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Hey all. Well, i'm trying to make a macro to invite the "$target" to a channel and also send 'em a tell. The channel name is Triumph Help. I tried /macro 911 "chan_invite "Triumph Help" "$target"$$/tell $target, blahblahblah" but that didn't work, nor did /macro 911 "chan_invite Triumph Help $target$$/tell $target, blahblahblah". Any advice? :]



Hey all. Well, i'm trying to make a macro to invite the "$target" to a channel and also send 'em a tell. The channel name is Triumph Help. I tried /macro 911 "chan_invite "Triumph Help" "$target"$$/tell $target, blahblahblah" but that didn't work, nor did /macro 911 "chan_invite Triumph Help $target$$/tell $target, blahblahblah". Any advice? :]

[/ QUOTE ]

I noticed you had a slash in there, no slashes in binds or macros.
I think because the channel name has a space in it this may not work as one macro. You need to surround the macro with quotes, becuase it has the $$, and you need to surround the channel name with quotes, otherwise it will think the channel name is Triumph, and the invitee is "help", will give you a too many arguments error I guess.
You could try single quotes, can't recall if that works or not.
Try this:
/macro 911 "chan_invite 'Triumph Help' $target $$t $target, blahblahblah"



Hey all. Well, i'm trying to make a macro to invite the "$target" to a channel and also send 'em a tell. The channel name is Triumph Help. I tried /macro 911 "chan_invite "Triumph Help" "$target"$$/tell $target, blahblahblah" but that didn't work, nor did /macro 911 "chan_invite Triumph Help $target$$/tell $target, blahblahblah". Any advice? :]

[/ QUOTE ]

I noticed you had a slash in there, no slashes in binds or macros.
I think because the channel name has a space in it this may not work as one macro. You need to surround the macro with quotes, becuase it has the $$, and you need to surround the channel name with quotes, otherwise it will think the channel name is Triumph, and the invitee is "help", will give you a too many arguments error I guess.
You could try single quotes, can't recall if that works or not.
Try this:
/macro 911 "chan_invite 'Triumph Help' $target $$t $target, blahblahblah"

[/ QUOTE ]
Whoops! That was a reaction with the slash; i didn't add one when i tried it ingame. Anyway, thanks for the advice! I'll try it as soon as i get home! Thanks



Ok, so after much forum searching, and a ton of failed attempts at making a keybind to do this, I have to ask for help.

What I want to do, is make it so that I activate mouselook by holding down the right mouse button, and my turn keys (arrow keys) automatically become strafe keys when I do this. (Just like in EQ1/EQ2)

I had a thought for a bind to do it, that would essentially change the keybind on the right and left arrow keys to strafe whenever I pressed a button, but I couldn't figure out how to change them back when I released the button.

Anyone got any ideas?



I posted this in your question thread also.

Piece of cake


rbutton "+mouselook$$turnleft 0$$turnright 0$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\mouselook2.txt"
left "+turnleft"
right "+turnright"

[/ QUOTE ]


rbutton " $$mouselook 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\mouselook1.txt"
left "+left"
right "+right"

[/ QUOTE ]

The <movement> 0 commands in the rbutton binds are to prevent a turn or movement command from getting stuck if you press or release the right button while holding down the left or right arrow keys.



I must be retarded.

I tried those out, but it still is not working. I

/bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\mouselook1.txt

from within the game, it says the keybind loads, and all that happens is my arrow keys set themselves to turnleft and turnright. Nothing changes when I hit the right mouse button.

For the record, I tried those exact same binds using "mouse2" instead of "rbutton" as well, and that also doesn't work.

What could I be doing wrong?



You are holding the button down, right?

I'll try this at home to see if I missed something.



I must be retarded.

I tried those out, but it still is not working. I

/bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\mouselook1.txt

from within the game, it says the keybind loads, and all that happens is my arrow keys set themselves to turnleft and turnright. Nothing changes when I hit the right mouse button.

For the record, I tried those exact same binds using "mouse2" instead of "rbutton" as well, and that also doesn't work.

What could I be doing wrong?

[/ QUOTE ]

maybe its inside of your bind files. can you post whats in it?



I can't seem to get a bind to work that will send a message to a chatroom with 2 words for a name. the chat is Infinity Hamidon.

I have a bind that works for all one-worded chat rooms (an example):

/bind rcontrol+return "show chat$$beginchat /send SDFGlobal "

and it works fine but this:

/bind rshift+return "show chat$$beginchat /send Infinity Hamidon "

doesn't work because it thinks i'm trying to send to channel infinity.

But when i hit the keybind I get this in my chat entry box:

/send Infinity Hamidon

and if i put quotes around it like so:

/send "Infinity Hamidon" (blah blah blah)

it works just fine. but if i include "" inside a bind it gets angry with me.. what can I do to fix my problem?



I can't seem to get a bind to work that will send a message to a chatroom with 2 words for a name. the chat is Infinity Hamidon.

I have a bind that works for all one-worded chat rooms (an example):

/bind rcontrol+return "show chat$$beginchat /send SDFGlobal "

and it works fine but this:

/bind rshift+return "show chat$$beginchat /send Infinity Hamidon "

doesn't work because it thinks i'm trying to send to channel infinity.

But when i hit the keybind I get this in my chat entry box:

/send Infinity Hamidon

and if i put quotes around it like so:

/send "Infinity Hamidon" (blah blah blah)

it works just fine. but if i include "" inside a bind it gets angry with me.. what can I do to fix my problem?

[/ QUOTE ]

Try this:

/bind rshift+return "show chat$$beginchat /send 'Infinity Hamidon' "

Not sure if that will work, but it might do the trick.

If that doesn't work, you could also try this:

/bind rshift+return "beginchat /send "Infinity Hamidon""

The bind command does not like: ....beginchat "/send ....Hamidon"", but that one above should work. I have gotten the exact bind below to work.

/bind Z "beginchat /send "POW and V""

I'm not sure if adding or omitting the show chat$$ will affect whether it works or not. If you have your chat window open already, it shouldnt be needed though.



Now what about a channel called Raven's Nest? Is there a way to do it for that one?

Thanks for the above solution!



Was wondering. I have seen a couple of references to Gnarly's Speedondemand bind for hover/fly ... I have ran a search for it but it doesn't come up

Can anyone point me to that bind please?



Was wondering. I have seen a couple of references to Gnarly's Speedondemand bind for hover/fly ... I have ran a search for it but it doesn't come up

Can anyone point me to that bind please?

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Here is the thread:

See the last page for the link and/or PM me for the 2.7 version if the link doesn't work.

Have fun.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I apologize in advance that this will be a bit verbose. I also posted about this issue here but due to the lack of response I'm thinking it might be better to look at binding options, if there are any.

I'm looking for a way to bind leftmousebutton+rightmousebutton to move forward as long as they are held down simultaneously - but without activating autorun. When I release them both I would like it to stop moving forward, no matter how long I have had them pressed. I know I would start by deactivating the default bind for both buttons in the options/controls menu, but I don't understand exactly the scripting needed in the custom bind.

Can someone come up with a clean, reliable way to move in combat like I used to before the 2-second autorun "feature" was added?

Even better - as in, "I will pawn off my immortal soul to you" better - would be if I could use BOTH the up-arrow key AND the mouse buttons to move forward simultaneously, without one breaking the other.

As it is, when in combat I like to keep my right mouse button pretty much perma-pressed for looking around, then tap the left button to move forward a bit as needed. I also use the up-arrow key to move around in a more general fashion, say, when flying or running long distances. Sometimes these situations overlap and it is simply easier for me to have all of them down at the same time, especially when already moving with the up-arrow but needing to take my hand off the arrow keys and get it on the numpad for my attacks. Pressing down the mouse buttons BEFORE letting off the up-arrow would allow me to continue moving while getting my right hand in position. Right now using either method while the other is active will break the forward movement as soon as either is released.

I hope this makes sense. I'm desperate to get back this functionality, as it is by now imprinted in me and very difficult to break. I left CoH while I could still do this, went to WoW where I moved around this way, and came back to CoH to find it broken.



Replied in the other thread too.

rbutton + lbutton can be bound as mousechord.

To change to the behavior you want:
/bind mousechord "+forward"

If you have both w and up already bound to +forward, you won't be able to use that exact bind. Instead you can use a slightly modified version which does the same exact thing:
/bind mousechord "+forward$$nop"

Making it so that you can use both mousechord and the up arrow without interfering with each other is difficult. What will happen in the simple scenario of both being bound to +forward is that when you have both pressed you will move forward, but will stop if you release either.

To correct this would involve loading bind files when you press one, then other bind files when you press the other while still holding the first, and still more when one or the other is released. Or you can suck it up and just release and press the button again to restart moving.



Works like a charm, as far as getting the mouse to run without autorunning. Thanks! That will be a big help. Although I'm set enough in my ways that I would be interested in seeing what's involved exactly in getting both the arrow key and the mouse to work in tandem... unless you told me the game would slow to a crawl because of all the swapping or something.



It just takes a little state machine thinking:

Base state, both buttons unpressed:

mousechord "+forward$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\up_mc_0_1.txt"
up "+forward$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\up_mc_1_0.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

Up not pressed, mousechord pressed:

mousechord " $$forward 0$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\up_mc_0_0.txt"
up "+ $$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\up_mc_1_1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

up pressed, mousechord not:

mousechord "+ $$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\up_mc_1_1.txt"
up " $$forward 0$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\up_mc_0_0.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

Both pressed:

mousechord " $$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\up_mc_1_0.txt"
up " $$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\up_mc_0_1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

I refuse to even consider taking the w into account as well. If something gets messed up, either by zoning or hitting w, just press and release one, then the other. Start by loading c:\cohbinds\up_mc_0_0.txt.



Is there a way to set a bind such that it only affects the active global channel?
That is to say:
I'm lazy. I'd like to write a bind that does the auto-ident for the character name and level in global chat channels as well as allow for the entry of a text string. This bind would affect the current global tab's default channel.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
I could do specific channels, but, as noted: I'm lazy.
Thanks in advance.

My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman

Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain



Is there a way to set a bind such that it only affects the active global channel?
That is to say:
I'm lazy. I'd like to write a bind that does the auto-ident for the character name and level in global chat channels as well as allow for the entry of a text string. This bind would affect the current global tab's default channel.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
I could do specific channels, but, as noted: I'm lazy.
Thanks in advance.

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/bind <somekey> "chat_set A$$beginchat $name ($level)"