The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




Wonder if that wourl work for Japanese, I didn't try to hard, but the bind file wouldn't load it, although I could copy the lines out of there and make the binds in game.



sure it does, i bind japanese into my beginchat bind, and it works well ingame



Read error messages for the bind file?
It can't read it at all?
If you are using XP or maybe even 2000 it could be you have created a text file that CoH can't read. You should save as an ansi file, not unicodein notepad, can't test if this is the case now, at work. The easiest way to make sure the file is compatible is to save your existing binds, then edit that file. Use /bind_save, it will save a file called keybinds.txt in the root of your C drive (posibly your system root if its not C)

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I'll try that later, but your other solution worked fine.

The first file is read fine, the second is not - regardless of which file I name 1 and which I name 2.

Players Guide to the Cities



Whenever I try to chain TP Foe and an attack (Energy Transfer, in this case), I get a macro which launches once and then queues said attack instead of going back to the TP Foe section.

/macro BAM "powexec_name Teleport Foe$$powexec_name Energy Transfer"

Can someone point out my stupidity? Please?

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Apperantly this might work:

/bind <any key> "+ $$powexec_name Energy Transfer$$powexec_name Teleport Foe"

Normally you can only activate one power with in a action. If you assign it to a key the "+ " (notice the space after the +) tells it to do the command on key press and key release. You want to reverse the order of the comands, as the last command tends to get activated, each one cancelling the previous one. In the case of toggle powers the last power that would turn on gets activated. You could do this with 2 macros the first one caling the second one by its tray possition, but if you ever moved the second macros possition you'd have to recreate the first one.

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/bind <any key> "+ $$powexec_name Energy Transfer$$powexec_name Teleport Foe"

This worked well by clicking for TP and releasing for attack.

I was surprised to be getting read error messages using the bind files solution. No amount of tweaking could make it work.

Thx guys.

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i tried this bind. it will ask me for the location for teleport foe while the attack is on its way. O_O what did i do wrong? here is my bind:
/bind lalt+z "+ $$powexec_name mental blast$$powexec_name teleport foe"
please help. ty



/bind <any key> "+ $$powexec_name Energy Transfer$$powexec_name Teleport Foe"

This worked well by clicking for TP and releasing for attack.

I was surprised to be getting read error messages using the bind files solution. No amount of tweaking could make it work.

Thx guys.

[/ QUOTE ]

i tried this bind. it will ask me for the location for teleport foe while the attack is on its way. O_O what did i do wrong? here is my bind:
/bind lalt+z "+ $$powexec_name mental blast$$powexec_name teleport foe"
please help. ty

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Ah, yes you can't get aroud the click for choosing the location, forgot about that, you will have to bind it to a mouse click with a chord key (control, shift or alt) Try this:

/bind lalt+lbutton "+ $$powexec_name mental blast$$powexec_name teleport foe"

Hmm, but do mouse buttons work with the "+ "? Anyone? Bueler? Should, come to think of it.
So you hold alt and click with the mouse.
Haven't seen this done with ranged attacks before though . . . Why do you want to teleport an enemy beside you for a ranged attack? Just curious. ;D



ahh.. maybe im using range attacks. its for my controller. its PVP bind. hate ppl running around when they have low hp. guess it wont work for range attacks..



I should point out that when using SHIFT, CTRL and ALT in combination with other keys/buttons, you don't get to designate L or R. (Discovered that problem through experience, and was then informed.) It will still work if you only have one side designated, but only one bind will work if you try both. (ie LALT+G and RALT+G)

Another thing to remember is that you don't have to include the LBUTTON in your bind; you'll have to click it anyway though. For Recall Friend, I recommend not including the LBUTTON, so you can give someone a chance to yell, "Wait!"

Also, to avoid confusion, binding a single button will cause that bind to execute even if you press another button with it. (ie An LALT bind will execute even if you press LALT+G.)

I have a few binds on my D4 that require a location:
SHIFT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Teleport"
APPS "powexec_name Recall Friend$$team
I'm teleporting $target to me."
Does anyone want to be teleported to here?"
RALT "powexec_name Tar Patch$$local
I'm laying down a Tar Patch."
LALT "powexec_name Dark Servant$$local
Come forth, Dark Servant."



APPS "powexec_name Recall Friend$$team I'm teleporting $target to me."
SHIFT+APPS "team Does anyone want to be teleported to here?"

[/ QUOTE ]

What the heck is an APPS button? Do you have one of those multimedia keyboards?



Just to the right of my spacebar are 4 buttons:
Windows (not usable for binds)
APPS (aka Application Menu)
CTRL (aka Control)

APPS is the one with a graphic of a mouse selecting from an application menu. I use it with the others because it's close to them.



Another thing to remember is that you don't have to include the LBUTTON in your bind; you'll have to click it anyway though. For Recall Friend, I recommend not including the LBUTTON, so you can give someone a chance to yell, "Wait!"

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Thats what promt for team teleport is for
For when they may not have time to type . . . (you can click while running)



just a quick question:
is there a bind which allows me to run all the toggles i want? yes in one bind... ty



as to a direct answer to your post no.

however this is close

Turning On or Off Multiple Toggle Powers

numlock "+ $$powexectoggleon Temp Invulnerability$$powexectoggleon Invincibility$$powexectoggleon Assault$$powexectoggleon Tactics$$powexectoggleon Maneuvers$$powexectoggleon Weave$$powexectoggleon Unyielding"

shift+numlock "powexectoggleoff Temp Invulnerability$$powexectoggleoff Invincibility$$powexectoggleoff Assault$$powexectoggleoff Tactics$$powexectoggleoff Maneuvers$$powexectoggleoff Weave$$powexectoggleon Sprint$$powexectoggleoff Unyielding$$powexectoggleoff Tough"

Pressing and releasing numlock will turn on the listed powers from right to left. The first press and release will turn on Unyielding and queue Weave. As Weave is finished activating, another press and release will activate Manuevers and queue Tactics. Repeat until all toggles are on. This is useful just in case some, but not all, of a character's toggles are shut off. Keep pressing numlock and the game will skip powers that are already on, and queue or turn on powers that are off.

Using powexectoggleoff will allow you to turn off any number of powers, up to the maximum character length of a command line, with only one keypress.

Thanks storyteller

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



thats much helpful info. thnx



i am trying to bind my tanks toggles and was wondering if there was a way to do this? i tried an example i saw in this thread but i was unable to get it to work. it would only activate the last toggle i nthe set. thanks



Shimrra, have a look at a post just a couple steps back by Golden Ace. that's the best you can do, and it's a great way to do it.

:oints to post two posts back::



k really nice but maybe a dumb ? do u bind that to numlock?



What i showed is bound to numlock yes. You can put a /bind in front of what you see and it will bind it to numlock, or if you saved your binds into a different file then just copy what you see in the "n" area.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Anyone know if there's a specific /command to turn OFF supergroup mode? I know there's one that toggles it, but what I'd like is one that always puts me in my default colors, for a costume change macro.



I was looking to create a few binds with "canned" responses to some tells that I have been receiving increasingly more frequently.

However the autoreply command says it takes 0 arguements. Any suggestions on how to do this?


Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



You might be SOL on this. I've seen this requested since july of last year. To date no one seems to have figured it out. I've read over the posted failures and nothing seems to work. I will try a few ideas if I get anything to work I will post it for you.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



I was looking to create a few binds with "canned" responses to some tells that I have been receiving increasingly more frequently.

However the autoreply command says it takes 0 arguements. Any suggestions on how to do this?


[/ QUOTE ]

Autoreply is the command that starts a tell to the last person you received one from. I think the auto can be taken off there huh.

You would have to make a bind for each phrase you want to use. I guess there are enough examples of that in this thread.



I was looking to create a few binds with "canned" responses to some tells that I have been receiving increasingly more frequently.

However the autoreply command says it takes 0 arguements. Any suggestions on how to do this?


[/ QUOTE ]

Autoreply is the command that starts a tell to the last person you received one from. I think the auto can be taken off there huh.

You would have to make a bind for each phrase you want to use. I guess there are enough examples of that in this thread.

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I tried reply - coh didn't like the command. lol

If I start the reply, is there a way to paste the text I want in the message using a bind or macro?


Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Autoreply is the command that starts a tell to the last person you received one from. I think the auto can be taken off there huh.

You would have to make a bind for each phrase you want to use. I guess there are enough examples of that in this thread.

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I tried reply - coh didn't like the command. lol

If I start the reply, is there a way to paste the text I want in the message using a bind or macro?


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Heh heh, I meant that it should just be reply, not auto reply.

You could do this:

shift+p "r <bgcolor #00000099><color LawnGreen><bordercolor LawnGreen> Sure I'll PL you, my fee is $50 US per hour, paid in advance. Would you like my account info?"

'r' is for reply chat, /r in game
That should work. If you want to just start with something, then finish it off, you could use this:
shift+p "show chat$$beginchat /r <bgcolor #00000099><color LawnGreen><bordercolor LawnGreen> So you want to be PLed huh, "

There is a max string length though, so watch out for that, only the recipient will see the bubble, so you could take the colour stuff out.



Autoreply is the command that starts a tell to the last person you received one from. I think the auto can be taken off there huh.

You would have to make a bind for each phrase you want to use. I guess there are enough examples of that in this thread.

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I tried reply - coh didn't like the command. lol

If I start the reply, is there a way to paste the text I want in the message using a bind or macro?


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Heh heh, I meant that it should just be reply, not auto reply.

You could do this:

shift+p "r <bgcolor #00000099><color LawnGreen><bordercolor LawnGreen> Sure I'll PL you, my fee is $50 US per hour, paid in advance. Would you like my account info?"

'r' is for reply chat, /r in game
That should work. If you want to just start with something, then finish it off, you could use this:
shift+p "show chat$$beginchat /r <bgcolor #00000099><color LawnGreen><bordercolor LawnGreen> So you want to be PLed huh, "

There is a max string length though, so watch out for that, only the recipient will see the bubble, so you could take the colour stuff out.

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Thanks a lot! I'll try it tonight when I get home from work.

I also like your example replies!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd