The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




Works like a charm.
Thanks, and five stars unto thee.

My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman

Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain



Hey, this is semi-off topic, but did you all know the guy that made this, Curveball, is also the author of the online comic Help Desk? Check it out at . I'd been reading his comic for years and had no idea it was the same guy until a post he made recently saying he got a player's choice award for this guide.

Anyway, just thought that was cool. Carry on with your /bind discussions



LOL!! I've Delt with that help desk and "Alex" before!!

Great Job Curveball!!

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Now what about a channel called Raven's Nest? Is there a way to do it for that one?

Thanks for the above solution!

[/ QUOTE ]

This should do the trick:

/bind <key> "beginchat /send "Raven's Nest""

Now, to make things a bit easier and more interesting with the global channels, you can also add in your current toons actual name and/or level and/or AT at the beginning of your message. To do this, you would add in $name (for your char's name) and $level (for your char's level) and $archtype (umm...for your char's archtype). An example of how to do it for your "Raven's Nest" channel would be as follows:

/bind <key> "beginchat /send "Raven's Nest" --- $name, level $level $archtype --- "

This will send the channel specific /send string and the commands for your name, level and AT to the chat window with a space at the end already....then you just type your message and hit enter to produce the following to appear in the global channel:

NightKnight: --- NightKnight, level 50 mutant defender --- YourMessageThatYouTypedHere.

If you current toon name is the same as your global chat handle, this isnt really needed (but you could include the level/AT info). But if say I was on my lvl 36 WS and speaking to the same channel, that same exact bind would produce this in the chat channel:

NightKnight: --- Nec Romancer, level 36 science warshade --- YourMessageThatYouTypedHere.

Anyway, this is all neat stuff to do, but the first one is a simple fix for what you needed. Have fun!



I can't believe that works, it goes against all the rules for double and single quotes I know. I guess as it's only one command you probably don't need the outside doubles anyway though.



Doesn't CoH use a comma instead of quotes?

so /send Ravens Nest,

instead of /send "Ravens Nest"

I know that's how tells to players work. Might not work that way with channel names though.

Scrapper Jack (SJ/WP Brute), Sky Commando (WP/SJ Tanker), Curveball (Rad/DP Defender), and a bunch more.



I've been using Speed on Demand with my blaster, but now I have a Peacebringer and would like to use it with energy flight/combat flight. Does anyone know how to get SoD to work with these powers?



it uses commas and quotes for different things.
Quotes are used to group multiple words into one argument for a command.



Right, I wasn't being specific.

I meant doesn't it use commas in order to separate a name from a message? I guess when I think of a message sent to a channel I think of it as name, message -- but that may not necessarily be how it works. I haven't really played with the chat commands too much.

Scrapper Jack (SJ/WP Brute), Sky Commando (WP/SJ Tanker), Curveball (Rad/DP Defender), and a bunch more.



Hi i need help some1 told me that there is a bind for FF controllers to cast both of them at once i forgot the bind can u help me



I was looking to create a few binds with "canned" responses to some tells that I have been receiving increasingly more frequently.

However the autoreply command says it takes 0 arguements. Any suggestions on how to do this?


[/ QUOTE ]

Taking a wild stab at this one, but perhaps this will work:

/bind <key> "autoreply$$beginchat " Get a job punk!" "

Not sure if the second command (beginchat) will reset the chat input or if it will append to the previous (autoreply) command. Give it a shot and see if it works...I'm at work so can't test it atm.



I was looking to create a few binds with "canned" responses to some tells that I have been receiving increasingly more frequently.

However the autoreply command says it takes 0 arguements. Any suggestions on how to do this?


[/ QUOTE ]

Taking a wild stab at this one, but perhaps this will work:

/bind <key> "autoreply$$beginchat " Get a job punk!" "

Not sure if the second command (beginchat) will reset the chat input or if it will append to the previous (autoreply) command. Give it a shot and see if it works...I'm at work so can't test it atm.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, I'll try it tonight - I don't think I used that variation as of yet.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



say I wanted to teleport...but I wanted a more fancy bind to it where I teleport where I am facing or where my camera angle is would I do that?



Not sure exactly what you are asking for here.

If you want a TP bind that will just port you straight ahead without choosing a location, I don't think that is possible. The TP power itself requires you to physically target a location, even if it is a spot in the air at max distance.

Now, if you want a bind that changes your camera angle or cam distance, etc. to get a better view of where you would like to choose a "landing" location, then scan through this thread from the first page will see plenty of this type varying from simple to complex.



say I wanted to teleport...but I wanted a more fancy bind to it where I teleport where I am facing or where my camera angle is would I do that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Here is a great thread for teleport binds.



Anyone know what the maximum number of characters is that a single bind can contain?



Hey /bind-ers.

Well, I've already used /bind enter "beginchat <border #FFFFFF>$$afk Typing..." for my Enter key, and i'd like to create a similar bind for my Backspace key, but instead of /beginchat i'd like it to respond to a /tell and show me as AFK. Any ideas? Thanks in advance ;]



How about "Afk Responding to an important message$$autoreply"
Although you may have to reverse it or the afk message may disappear.

For managing enhancements I use a bind similar to below:
control+e "e explain$$manage$$afk Upgrading my power armour"
The AFK message seems to dissapear almost immediately recently.
Anyone find any tricks to keep the AFK message up?



Ahh, autoreply. Hey, thanks man. I'll also try out your enhancement managing bind too - very creative



/bind "enter" "afk <message here>$$startchat"
/bind "backspace" "afk <message here>$$autoreply"

My Specific binds:
/bind "enter" "afk Typing ...$$startchat"
/bind "backspace" "afk Private Chat$$autoreply"



First, thanks to Grotus for suggesting how I could set up the basic bind some time back for settin chat to a global channel.

Here's a set of binds I use to set my chat channel using the arrow keys.

To use this, you first need to set up a seperate tab in your chat window for each global channel you are a member of. Then, add that global channel as the deffault for that tab, as well as ALL the other chat types you would have in that window (local, emotes, team, etc...).

Then, do a bind-load for chat1.txt and global1.txt and you're all set.

You will obviously need to chage the names in the global chat files to the names of the global channels you usem, and change the path as needed.

Once set up as I've got them, this will use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through all the various global chat channels, and the left and right arrow keys to scroll through the normal channels.

You can, of course, change which keys you use, and you can also just use the 'chat' or 'global' files if that's all you want.


up "tab_select thermonuclear$$chat_set a$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/global3.txt"
down "tab_select templars$$chat_set a$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/global2.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

global2.txt[ QUOTE ]

up "tab_select GAR$$chat_set a$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/global1.txt"
down "tab_select thermonuclear$$chat_set a$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/global3.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

global3.txt[ QUOTE ]

up "tab_select templars$$chat_set a$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/global2.txt"
down "tab_select GAR$$chat_set a$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/global1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

chat1.txt[ QUOTE ]

left "chat_set request$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat7.txt"
right "chat_set local$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat2.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

chat2.txt[ QUOTE ]

left "chat_set f$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat1.txt"
right "chat_set team$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat3.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

chat3.txt[ QUOTE ]

left "chat_set local$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat2.txt"
right "chat_set supergroup$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat4.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

chat4.txt[ QUOTE ]

left "chat_set team$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat3.txt"
right "chat_set c$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat5.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

chat5.txt[ QUOTE ]

left "chat_set supergroup$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat4.txt"
right "chat_set broadcast$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat6.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

chat6.txt[ QUOTE ]

left "chat_set c$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat5.txt"
right "chat_set request$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat7.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

chat7.txt[ QUOTE ]

left "chat_set broadcast$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat6.txt"
right "chat_set f$$bind_load_file c:/bind/chat/chat1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]




I posted this on the other bind thread, but the question has come up here.

For 'one click' info on a mob, you can use this bind:

/bind <your key> "info"

To clear the info windo, you can use
/bind <your key> "window_hide info"

Now my question...I want to program a key (say Insert) to do a camera reset when I depress the key and camdist when I release the key. If I do

/bind insert "camreset$$camdist 100"

The camera distance gets set, but the camera never resets to the correct starting position.

Can you help me?

Thank you.




I'm sort of new at this, so forgive me if this has already been asked and answered.

I'd like to create a bind that has pauses in it.
Example: I activate Snipe blast, local would see "Target Aquired 'target name' Charging Canon" then a second later Local would see " Canon charged Fire!"

I have a robotic character that i'd like to create binds like this for.

So Is it possible?

/me crosses fingers



I do not believe that pauses are possible in a bind. However try this, your text prints out into two bubbles giving the appearance of a pause or at least a break in your speech.

/bind 1 “local Target Acquired ‘$target’ Charging Canon!$$local Canon Charged Fire!$$powexec_name Lightning bolt”

Sorry best I could do. You can change the name of the power from lightning bolt to whatever you need. Every time you press the one “1” key this would say in local (if your target was Statesman)

Target Acquired ‘Statesman’ Charging Canon!
Canon Charged Fire!
(would "Firing" be better?)

Followed by the activation of Lightning bolt

You might want to try this also (if whatever blast you have has a longer animation time, not sure it really matters because it will all happen simultaneously)

/bind 1 “powexec_name Lightning bolt$$local Target Acquired ‘$target’ Charging Canon!$$local Canon Charged Fire!”

Good Luck and have fun

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]