The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




can we get someone to add all the new and left out content... the newest edit to his list is over a year old.



This is still the guide to bind, not much has changed there, however there is a thread with the latest Slash Command List
I guess we could do with an updated guide, then all the other examples would be lost, but, hey, who actually read the whole thread now?



I been see people with message (emote) saying typing when they are typing, Is possible somebody point me to how to this is Done... Please



This was easy (I just stole it from Blue_Drache)

/bind "enter" "afk <message here>$$startchat"
/bind "backspace" "afk <message here>$$autoreply"

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Thanks Ace.....



i didn't realize that this thread was more than just the bind guides people posted. i have a question i already posted as a seperate thread.

i want to set up a bind that will open the Trade window when i press Left Alt+T. can someone tell me how to bind that? i tried on my own but it wouldnt work.



-The Elite-[50's]Va'Leria�X'hian�Stormy Monday�Radical Burn�Mo'Mentum�Heat-Source�Professor Blaze
-World Wide Evil, Inc-[50s]Soulfire�Perma.Frost�Kold Soul�Foxphyre�Pitch-Black�Corrupt Fusion�Cassanova Brown�Tyler Thorn�Iron Siren�Solaura�Fortunauta Wade�Look'Alike�Arctic Engineer



off hand i would say the following will work.

/bind LALT+T "Trade $Target"

never tried the bind myself but this should work.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



I PM'd the dev's with the following suggestion.

The Commands $level, $Archetype, & $origin are for self only they have no equivalent for Targeted binds

$Targetlevel, $TargetArchetype $Targetorigin or $Tlevel , $Tarchetype , & $Torigin

Basically I think it would be nice to have a bind that says “Congratulations to $Target for reaching level 41 ! You are one of the best Magic Blaster's I know!”

The $Tarchetype would come in handy in other ways.

I found $Target a Level 52 Arch Villain! (Monster, Elite Boss, Boss, Lieutenant, Minion etc...).

I think the suggested bind commands would be a nice addition, and long overdue. Comment's or Suggestions?

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



i wanna bind super jump and combat jumping to the key lctrl so they alternate between the powers... how do i do that?



i wanna bind super jump and combat jumping to the key lctrl so they alternate between the powers... how do i do that?

[/ QUOTE ]

/bind lctrl "powexec_toggleon Super Jump$$powexec_toggleon Combat Jumping"

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd







I use that one all the time, but I have it set to rctrl.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



This one's probably been posted (not too keen on running thru the whole list):

To make your char put up a 'typing indicator':

/bind ENTER "/AFK Please wait for typed response...$$show chat$$startchat"

Now when you hit the ENTER key, instead of just going to the chat window, your character displays "Please wait for typed response..." as an AFK message above his or her head. This is great for role-play characters, as it allows you to take the time to type something out without 'dead air' or somebody else jumping in.

Feel free to edit the message itself.

A similar binding is

/bind / "AFK Please wait for typed action...$$show chat$$slashchat"

This puts another AFK up, indicating that you're doing something complicated.

Yes, the slash itself can be rebound... the last command puts it into the chat string so you don't have to type it twice (and get stuck in a recursive loop every time you type it!)

I expect you could remap the other single-key chat commands as well... haven't tried those yet.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I've been reading through this thread a bit, and decided to try my hand at some binds. I combined a couple of concepts I've seen here with a healing bind I had in mind to set up my numpad keys to give Deflection and Insulation Shields to my teammates. Once the binds are loaded, it only takes a single keypress and release to cast both Shields, although a pause to hold the key is needed. The most interesting part of the bind, imo, is that it rebinds keys while they are being pressed to get a different effect once they're released. The setup is two bind files, each consisting of 8 binds, one for each of the 1-8 keys on the numpad. Once the files are made, load deflection.txt to get the setup started.

numpad1 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 1$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/insulation.txt"
numpad2 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 2$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/insulation.txt"
numpad3 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 3$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/insulation.txt"
numpad4 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 4$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/insulation.txt"
numpad5 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 5$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/insulation.txt"
numpad6 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 6$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/insulation.txt"
numpad7 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 7$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/insulation.txt"
numpad8 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 8$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/insulation.txt"

numpad1 "+ $$powexecname Insulation Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/deflection.txt"
numpad2 "+ $$powexecname Insulation Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/deflection.txt"
numpad3 "+ $$powexecname Insulation Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/deflection.txt"
numpad4 "+ $$powexecname Insulation Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/deflection.txt"
numpad5 "+ $$powexecname Insulation Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/deflection.txt"
numpad6 "+ $$powexecname Insulation Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/deflection.txt"
numpad7 "+ $$powexecname Insulation Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/deflection.txt"
numpad8 "+ $$powexecname Insulation Shield$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/deflection.txt"

I do have one issue with it, and I'm wondering if anyone can help me out on this. From time to time, on the initial keypress, Deflection Shield is not cast. Everything else works fine, including selecting the teammate and rebinding the keys. Once the key is released, the second half of the bind fires off properly. Is there anything I can do to make the bind more reliable in the first half?



Hold the button down a little longer.



I know about the pause required for getting the first bubble to cast. My problem is that it will sometimes not cast at all, regardless of how long I hold down the button. At one point, I held down the key for a few seconds, waiting for DS to cast, and got nothing but the appropriate teammate selected (and the rebinding). When I let go, IS cast just like it should.

The easy solution is to just press the key again to cast DS, but I'd prefer to not waste endurance on a second IS. I can get around it by quickly pressing the key again before IS fires, so that I get DS without having IS cast twice. What I'd like is something that eliminates me needing to get around anything.



Not sure what to tell you then. You could be pushing it while another power is animating. In which case it DS is queued to go off but then switches to IS.
Which when I was doing a similar bind, with manuevers and tactics, would go so quick it was hard to catch.

Maybe removing the unselect? Or replacing it with powexec_unqueue?



It is possible that I'm starting the sequence while another power is animating. However, IS shouldn't enter into it until I actually release the key, so that doesn't explain not getting DS when I held the key down for 5-10 seconds. I will give the unqueue a try next chance I get. Thanks for the tip.



Actually, now that I take another look at your bind. Remove the + in your IS text but leave the space.



actually i'm having problems with a click power bind. i'm a engy/engy blaster and i want (for example) my snipe power to be binded to key "L". i beleive this is how it should look.

/bind l "powexec_Snipe"

but everytime i try it, it says there's an error with "powexec_snipe". i've even done the /cmdlist and the "powexec_" is correct. some1 plz help!

Current Goal: finish IO's and Incarnating 50's/polish 'Metriod' AE arc.

Current Status: CoH'ing at work (a grinders dream).



actually i'm having problems with a click power bind. i'm a engy/engy blaster and i want (for example) my snipe power to be binded to key "L". i beleive this is how it should look.

/bind l "powexec_Snipe"

but everytime i try it, it says there's an error with "powexec_snipe". i've even done the /cmdlist and the "powexec_" is correct. some1 plz help!

[/ QUOTE ]


powexec_name Snipe

and where Snipe is, it has to be the exact name of your power

the exact code would be:
/bind l "powexec_name Snipe



Noctar you beat me to it

/bind L "$$powexec_name Snipe"

will work. try this too if you like.

/bind L "+ $$powexec_name Build up$$powexec_name Snipe"

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Is there a way to target specific characters and then follow?

For example; when I hit "g" I always want to target the hero "Captain Cliche" and then follow him.



Is there a way to target specific characters and then follow?

For example; when I hit "g" I always want to target the hero "Captain Cliche" and then follow him.

[/ QUOTE ]


At least not as you have stated. I’ve never tried it, but you might be able to follow a person on your team by using the following binds.
numpad1 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 1$$follow"
numpad2 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 2$$follow"
numpad3 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 3$$follow"
numpad4 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 4$$follow"
numpad5 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 5$$follow"
numpad6 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 6$$follow"
numpad7 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 7$$follow"
numpad8 "+ $$unselect$$teamselect 8$$follow"

Sorry best I can do.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



I used to have a bind that would turn superspeed on and off when I press and release any movement key. I then lost in when my hard drive fried.

Could someone point me in the right direction. I skimmed through these threads but might have missed it and there are WAY to many to read them all.