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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sandolphan View Post
    You might check your syntax, as you typed /load_bind_file, instead of /bind_load_file.
    /smacks forehead!!

    Doh!! Thx!!
  2. Is there a way to register CoH with Steam if I bought it before it came out on Steam.

    I'd like for Steam to be able to register time played and have my friends be able to see what I am playing.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
    This control systems uses a set of text files dynamically loaded whenever a group of henchmen are selected. Editing the commands is easier than a /bind setup as once the file system is in place, any changes you make to the files are updated automatically simply by using the system.

    You can download the set from here...

    Setup Instructions
    1. Extract all files to C:\mmpetbinds
    2. In the game, activate the system by issuing one for the following commands:

    For Necromancers...
    /bind_load_file c:\mmpetbinds\Necro.txt

    For Robotics...
    /bind_load_file c:\mmpetbinds\Robot.txt

    For Mercenaries...
    /bind_load_file c:\mmpetbinds\Mercs.txt

    For Ninjas...
    /bind_load_file c:\mmpetbinds\Ninja.txt

    For Thugs...
    /bind_load_file c:\mmpetbinds\Thugs.txt

    1. Hold down the left Alt key
    2. Select a group using the following keys: Q=Tier One, W=Tier Two, E=Tier Three, R=All
    3. Choose a stance for that group: A=Aggressive, S=Defensive, D=Passive or G=Bodyguard (Def/Fol)
    4. Give a command to that group: Z=Attack, X=Follow, C=Halt, V=All Stop (Pas/Halt) or Left Click=Goto

    The current group you select will remain active, as will the command and stance given that group, until you change it. The Goto command will work immediately, and send the required group to the point that you click.

    1. Target the individual henchman
    2. Hold down the left Ctrl key
    3. Choose a stance for that henchman: A=Aggressive, S=Defensive, D=Passive or G=Bodyguard (Def/Fol)
    4. Give a command to that henchman: Z=Attack, X=Follow, C=Halt, V=All Stop (Pas/Halt) or Left Click=Goto
    The bind /load_bind_file is outdated and doesn't work for me. Has this been taken out or is there a new command for it?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I think these changes are great!

    Although I should add that the Croatoa mission to "Stop 30" from exiting the standing stones is a very difficult mission. Its difficulty level seems set too high. I attempted that mission four times until a level 50 controller helped me complete the mission (and even then 29 bad guys escaped).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I had a team of 8 for that one. Two ice trollers (with ice slick), three blasters, one tank, one scrapper, and one empathy defender.

    It tooks us three or four tries, but we figured out a plan of action and we got it done. everyone was around level 30 (some less but we had enough SKs) with level 30-31 mobs.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    actually i'm having problems with a click power bind. i'm a engy/engy blaster and i want (for example) my snipe power to be binded to key "L". i beleive this is how it should look.

    /bind l "powexec_Snipe"

    but everytime i try it, it says there's an error with "powexec_snipe". i've even done the /cmdlist and the "powexec_" is correct. some1 plz help!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    powexec_name Snipe

    and where Snipe is, it has to be the exact name of your power

    the exact code would be:
    /bind l "powexec_name Snipe