For the obsessed - Dev Digest RSS Feed!
Cool but kinda meaningless since the devs havent posted anything meaningful in over two weeks.
They just take this rather poorly concieved patch and feed it to us, regardless of the players wishes or how many well thought out posts show the problems with this patch.
Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.
very nice. Invisible stars for you!
How do I use it?
You need an RSS reader to view a feed. RSS is usually used to aggregate information (like posts on a blog or a board) into a single location for easy organization and display. The Dev Digest already does half of this -- it organizes all the dev posts so they're easily accessible from one place. What Atiaxi is doing is running a program that, every 15 minutes, grabs the information from the dev digest, combines it with the actual posts, and formats the information into the standard format of an RSS feed.
From a user perspective, if you're obsessive about following the dev digest, you no longer need to hit refresh every 15 minutes on your browser. Instead, you can run any one of a number of RSS readers, the reader will keep an eye on Atiaxi's feed, and whenever the feed is updated, the reader will alert you. It basically changes the tracking method from "user checks every so often to see if something has updated" to "program stays up to date with any number of feeds and alerts the user if and when one of them is updated".
Sure.. give me a nice easy link to it two days after I hunt this one down!
I, like many folks out there, am constantly refreshing my inbox and the CoH pages for any new news about the CoV beta invites. Until today, I was doing the same thing for I5, too.

"But Atiaxi! There must be an easier way!"
Now there is! I'm happy to present my own home-grown RSS Feed of the dev digest. Painstakingly screen-scraped by dozens of poorly written regular expressions, it nonetheless looks pretty darn cool. Automatically updates every 15 minutes
[On a side note, what other boards would this be appropraite to? For now I just plan to keep it in general, but I'd like it to see a bit more of an audience]
Enjoy! If there are any problems, feel free to PM me and I'll see if I can't sort them out, but keep in mind this is my first experience with anything RSS. I've tested it under a variety of linux and cross-platform RSS readers, in addition to making sure it passes the validator and all's been well, but this is the internet, so who knows what'll go wrong.