I'm ok with when you attack, the affected critters see you. I'm not ok with attacking one and the whole aggro-linked mob falls on you with mindless fury. You are taking away tactics and options. Stealth-pulling is a tactic. And with aoe limits, is a much needed one.
Also, if you drop the stealth when attacked, please allow me to get the attack off before summoning the righteous fury of the mob. In the unlikely event my PBAOE hold is actually recharged, it would be nice to be able to actually complete the animation before the mob reacts. Either shorten the long animations of powers that have to be delivered at point blank range. Or drop the stealth at the conclusion of the attack, not at the beginning. Being locked in an animation as the entire mob takes a shot at you is adding pointless frustration on top of a number of painful nerfs.
Please allow for some type of combat useful stealth. Please.