12 -
How about some end game content... do we really need to keep beating the dead amoeba? I think more high level TF's with rewards or... give us lvl 60 heck 100.
I'm sorry, could some one help me out here... I was on the CoH forums and suddenly I appear to be in MySpace or some blog site.
If you are a grammar/spelling nazi like myself, you cringe every time you see one of the many typographical errors in CoV! Since /bugging them in game doesn't seem to work, maybe if we make a big thread of them, someone will see them and have them fixed! Let's try to keep this thread lean and mean! List the mission and contact if possible, then quote the erroneous text, then type it again as it should be written! OK, go!
Seer Marino's Ghost Widow mission. At the end of the compelling cutscene, Ghost Widow ends her chilling and eloquent soliloquy by saying, "Your doom is at hand* ... and it's name is [player character's name]!" This totally defuses the drama (and makes GW look kind of dumb) for those who like to see good written English.
Please change
it's name is
its name is
(Remember: his, hers, its - not hi's, her's, it's!)
[/ QUOTE ]
Strongbad says, er sings rather, "Oh, if it's supposed to be possessive it's just I T S but, if it's supposed to be a contraction then it's I T ' S... Scallywag!" -
He means powersets.
[/ QUOTE ]
Are the patron pools truly permanent or can they be changed in a respec?
Had to ask in case you were still lurking.
[/ QUOTE ]
you realize Patron Pools are the villian version of the hero Ancillary power sets, right? -
can we get someone to add all the new and left out content... the newest edit to his list is over a year old.
I've seen a lot of posts from you about how you want us to play the game.
You really, really, want to think carefully about forcing the players to your vision.
[/ QUOTE ]
I constanly update my SG... if they're off for 21 days, I don't want them anyways.
Now to adress the main topic:
If you don't like a game... don't play it. It's really that simple. I hated Halo2 so I traded it in. I didn't go on the forums and tell the developers how to do their jobs. Get a life dude. Play the game or leave.
I stopped here in hilarious laughter.
Developers make games in order to realize their vision in the form of a game. That's why they do it. That's the whole [censored] point to the job. If you don't like their vision, then don't play their game.
What's the alternative? Your vision?
[/ QUOTE ]
Are you a SOE dev?
Seriously though, a dev of one of these games does make a game to their vision, then a bunch of people like playing it a way slightly differently than they intended and you decide you dont' like that and make changes to force them to play it your way... well... don't be surprised if their fun factor is cut down.
Players who aren't having as much fun eventually leave, and that includes people who make the game fun for others(friends, SGmates, etc)
My SG used to be made up of ~10 guys from work and ~5 other RL friends/spouses.
From 15 people at release, there are now 4 active accounts in my SG. Thats just barely a 25% retention rate after 3 months.
How is everyone elses SG doing?
[/ QUOTE ] -
done it a dozen time with various diffrent ATs and NEVER had a problem.
if EVERY power was or did the same damage, THEN WHY HAVE DIFFRENT POWERS. IF YOUR TOON IN YOUR MIND HAS SUPER REFLEXES, THEN PLAY SUPER REFLEXES. If you didn't want to take damage, then take invuln.
The Night Watchmen
The Night Watchmen are an ACTIVE, very team orientated Supergroup, that plays mostly in the evenings.
-We are seeking very active members of any skill level and Archetype to join us in our daily fight against the evils of Paragon City.
-Click the link above for more info or email me in game (Kenobi) or kenobi@cohnightwatchmen.com for details on how to join.