The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




COH doesn't recognize spaces in path names. I just put my large number of bind files in C:\COH\ and make sure I don't have any spaces in the file names.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



c:\program files\city of heroes\Thrymr.txt

[/ QUOTE ]
Did you try "c:\progra~1\cityof~1\thrymr.txt" ?

Tech support IRL, CLR/DRU/MED/WHM/PRI/DEF. Hmm, I sense a pattern...
S 80% E 80% A 40% K 0%
A few of my alts



Thanks for the tip - I should have realized that COH was using DOS file strings.



I'm sorry if I overlooked it or if it was asked, is it possible to bind emotes with a saying? For instance I would like to bow and say "Bless you" or something similar.

thanx in advance.



Guys i have a problem, i used to have my thumb buttons (forward and back on my logitech wireless) as my activation buttons for super speed and sprint, it was conventient, anyway recently i respecced and wanted to put different powers in those buttons but no matter what i try or do i can't /bind anything to those buttons anylonger, its as if the game does not recocgnize em or something. Please someone help not sure how to proceed.



Guys i have a problem, i used to have my thumb buttons (forward and back on my logitech wireless) as my activation buttons for super speed and sprint, it was conventient, anyway recently i respecced and wanted to put different powers in those buttons but no matter what i try or do i can't /bind anything to those buttons anylonger, its as if the game does not recocgnize em or something. Please someone help not sure how to proceed.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm very much not an expert, but two things come to mind. Either edit the keybinds.txt file directly and reload it (I did, because I'd mispelled something) or do /bind <trigger> /nop

I forget if the /nop needs quotes. It's the command to clear a bind, but I've never used it, so you'd better play around with it.



Thanks a ton for this guide! This is way helpful, much better than the two pages in the manual.




Great thread!!!!!!



You can build toggles with the help of macros in combination with bind and skipping using different files.

Here is an example of my fly/hover toggle which I have on 'U':
/bind u powexec_tray 1 9
/macro ft1 "bind u powexec_tray 2 9 $$ powexec_name fly"
/macro ft2 "bind u powexec_tray 1 9 $$ powexec_name hover"

[/ QUOTE ]
I have macro ft1 in tray 9, slot 1 and ft2 in tray 9, slot 2.

I have some other toggles as well in tray 9 for toggling autofire on my powers.

I haven't figured out a way for executing a macro by it's name yet.



Gotta add this to favorites :P



I'm very much not an expert, but two things come to mind. Either edit the keybinds.txt file directly and reload it (I did, because I'd mispelled something) or do /bind <trigger> /nop

I forget if the /nop needs quotes. It's the command to clear a bind, but I've never used it, so you'd better play around with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

nop doesn't need quotes and it definately doen't need the slash!



as this is a long thread and i dont feel like reading every post ... wondering if you can create two macros
a.fires hasten
b.fires dull pain

then as a second command in each macro load the other macro
Q: will this work with a macro in a slot??
Q: will this work with auto-fire??

Or has anyone come up with a method to easily keep the second power firing?? i.e. binding it to some other power?



quick question. Can you add the text, ballon and border colors (or lack there of) you have to your .txt macros?
I haven't tried this yet but all my macros come out in the default text color and I'd like them to match to my text chat colors.



Hi im one of those ppl that pushes two buttonw at the same time and this bind:

/bind W "+forward$$powexec_name Sprint"
/bind S "+backward$$powexec_name Sprint"
/bind A "+left$$powexec_name Sprint"
/bind D "+right$$powexec_name Sprint"

does not work properly, if two keys are pressed it just leaves sprint on. is there a way to get it to work if more than one key is pressed at a time (ex. W and A at the same time?)

thanks a lot btw for this info.



Very useful thanks!

Don't mess with Texas!



Hi im one of those ppl that pushes two buttonw at the same time and this bind:
...bind above...
does not work properly, if two keys are pressed it just leaves sprint on. is there a way to get it to work if more than one key is pressed at a time (ex. W and A at the same time?)

[/ QUOTE ]

If you only rarely find yourself needing to sprint only sideways, I'd say leave the $$powexec_name sprint off the A and D keys. That way when you press W and A together you won't flip the sprint logic. If you do have a need to sprint only sideways, then you should look into the speed on demand binds.



I am trying to bind am and hasten is there any way of doing this like binding hasten to the auto attack of am. making them both fire when the auto attack goes off please post back



All binders will want to know this, in issue 3 YOU CAN SPECIFY TO TURN A TOGGLE POWER ON OR OFF IN THE BINDS. Can't remember the details, think it's a different command, "powtoggle_name 1 sprint" I'm sure that it's not exactly right, but it should be cool! have one button to toggle on all toggles, not in one hit . . . may be some issue with that, but it has potential!



All binders will want to know this, in issue 3 YOU CAN SPECIFY TO TURN A TOGGLE POWER ON OR OFF IN THE BINDS. Can't remember the details, think it's a different command, "powtoggle_name 1 sprint"

[/ QUOTE ]

Some new keybinds and macros I made using the new toggle on-off commands.

/macro +DEF "powexec_toggleon maneuvers$$powexec_toggleon Invincibility$$powexec_toggleon Weave$$powexec_auto taunt"

Defense mode for when my tanker takes on creatures that do psionic or untyped damage, when damage resistance is not a factor. Also useful for providing maximum defense against creatures that have mez effects I don't want to suffer. Changing my autofire power to Taunt conserves my END and allows me to recharge while maintaining maximum +def.

/macro SOLO "powexec_toggleon Assault$$powexec_toggleon Tactics$$powexec_toggleoff sprint"

When I'm not teaming, I have enough personal defenses to handle most missions. I use these two powers (and sometimes Invincibility) to increase my offensive potential. I also turn off sprint to lower end usage.

/macro Leadership "powexec_toggleon Assault$$powexec_toggleon Tactics$$powexec_toggleon maneuvers"

One tray slot to activate all three leadership powers.

numlock "powexec_toggleon Invincibility$$powexec_toggleon Assault$$powexec_toggleon Tactics$$powexec_toggleon maneuvers$$powexec_toggleon tough$$powexec_toggleon Weave$$powexec_toggleon Temp Invulnerability$$powexec_toggleoff sprint"

This bind turns on all of my toggle powers, readying me for combat with a team. It also turns off sprint to save end. This would also be the key to repeatedly press after being mezzed to bring all toggles back up quickly.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



very cool



numlock "powexec_toggleon Invincibility$$powexec_toggleon Assault$$powexec_toggleon Tactics$$powexec_toggleon maneuvers$$powexec_toggleon tough$$powexec_toggleon Weave$$powexec_toggleon Temp Invulnerability$$powexec_toggleoff sprint"

This bind turns on all of my toggle powers, readying me for combat with a team. It also turns off sprint to save end. This would also be the key to repeatedly press after being mezzed to bring all toggles back up quickly.

[/ QUOTE ]

A small change to that bind to double its effectiveness:
numlock "+down$$-down$$powexec_toggleon Invincibility$$powexec_toggleon Assault$$powexec_toggleon Tactics$$powexec_toggleon maneuvers$$powexec_toggleon tough$$powexec_toggleon Weave$$powexec_toggleon Temp Invulnerability$$powexec_toggleoff sprint"

That way it turns on one when you press the key down, then another when you release the key.



Yes! These new toggleon/toggleoff commands are just what we need to minimize the hassle of restoring our toggles. Good stuff, devs!



I obviously have not been paying attention for quite some time.

(I was writing a book instead.)

So are you guys saying it's now possible to create a single bind that activates more than one power a time? I thought that was verboten. Couldn't you theoretically chain attacks with this? Or does it only work with toggle powers?

Scrapper Jack (SJ/WP Brute), Sky Commando (WP/SJ Tanker), Curveball (Rad/DP Defender), and a bunch more.



Hey Curveball. No, you can't make a single bind that simultaneousely activates multiple powers. What the new powexec_toggleon command does allow you to do is bind a button you can press repeatedly to turn on all of your toggles in the order you prefer them activated. This command only turns toggles on, so you can press a key that's bound with the command repeatedly without fear of dropping any toggles!

For example:
Bind 1 "powexec_toggleon stealth$$powexec_toggleon maneuvers$$powexec_toggleon tactics

With the above bind, Tactics would activate the first time you pressed the 1 key. Manuevers would activate the second time you pressed the key, and Stealth would activate on the third keypress. Additional keypresses would have no result.

Nice stuff for those who struggle with multiple toggles!