The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




Another /bind - /macro question?

Is there a "$term" for a faction?
Say I'm targeting a Freakshow Tank Slammer. And I want to throw out a provoke with a macro that insults that he is a member of the freakshow.

/macro Freak "powexec_name provoke$$ Local "Hey $?????(target_faction), Your goin nowhere!"

Just trying to mix it up with something other than $target. (Which worked fine with Taunt, but since the respec and Provoke...)

Peter Built, lvl 32 INV/SS tank, champion



I've been working on this for a few days and I think I finally got it as good as it is going to get, unless they change the macroing system.

I wanted to be able to buff my pets with my Fire/Kinetics controller. So here's the macro, it's tied to the tilde key. You hit the tilde key, it targets the next ally you can see then fires off speed boost. Its a little different than some of the ones people use for group mates, because the allies might not be in your group, or they might be pets! I tested it tonight. It works fairly well, although one thing that will be weird is it actually buffs the ally you had targetted in the last cycle. But just ignore that weirdness because it works.

First step was to create a directory off the C drive called "bind".

mkdir C:\bind

Then you use your favorite editor and edit a file called spdboost1.txt, in that directory, and enter this text:

tilde "+down$$-down$$target_friend_next$$bind_load_file C:/bind/spdboost2.txt"

Save it and edit c:\bind\spdboost2.txt and enter this:

tilde "+down$$-down$$powexec_name speed boost$$bind_load_file C:/bind/spdboost1.txt"

Save that file and go into the game.

In game type:

/bind_load_file C:/bind/spdboost1.txt

Then, when you're playing you can target each ally in turn (that is in view, sometimes its useful to go out to max view because pets tend to be behind you) and buff them with speed boost.

Let me know if you improve on this.



Ok I am having issues with this. I am trying to make a bind file for taunts. Do I need to make more then one file in the main COH file? I did a save to see how the file should look and then made a few of them to try it out. When I went in game and tryed to load it i got a message that said keybind not useable or something to that effect. Can some one tell me in words that some one who can not set a VCR uderstands on how to make the file or files? Thanks



Uh oh. I seem to have fouled up a bind. I accidentally bound something to the wrong key, and I don't want that bind to be there any more. Is there a command to set a key to do nothing at all?



/bind <key> ""


/bind <key> "nop"



/bind <key> ""


/bind <key> "nop"

[/ QUOTE ]




The joy of joysticks link no longer links to a valid URL or file. Does anyone have this file somewhere or a valid link as I am having an interesting time trying to program my joystick!

BTW: Has anyone figured out a reliable bind to take on the mouse lclick requirements? It seems to be the only thing required to move your hand to the mouse and it would be nice to eliminate the mouse altogether if possible



Sorry if this has come up before but I have only read about half these posts. I am using a simple toggle bind for hover/fly now (one key uses a power and then loads another file to switch) but ever since update #2 I am getting messages in my chat window whenever I use a bind that loads a new file. Is there some way I can get rid of these or move them to the other window? I have tried editing my tabs but I can’t find the one that controls these messages. Any help would be appreciated.



I cannot seem to make the following bind work:

/bind numpad2 "team_select 2$$powexec_slot 6"

This is a healing bind so that I can quickly select a teammate by hitting one key, selection the teammate and hitting them with a heal. Any ideas? I would have thought this would work just fine but will not execute the heal the first time hit (only selects character). Not totally useless as I can just tap the key twice but rather annoying!



Another challenge to the advanced macroers...

Is it possible to completely bind a "drop" type of ability to a key? That's the sort of ability where you get a target circle and usually have to place it with your mouse, like summoning a pet.



I cannot seem to make the following bind work:

/bind numpad2 "team_select 2$$powexec_slot 6"

This is a healing bind so that I can quickly select a teammate by hitting one key, selection the teammate and hitting them with a heal. Any ideas? I would have thought this would work just fine but will not execute the heal the first time hit (only selects character). Not totally useless as I can just tap the key twice but rather annoying!

[/ QUOTE ]

There was talk about this very problem earlier in the thread. Try this to see if it makes any difference:

/bind numpad2 "unselect$$team_select 1$$powexec_name heal other"



Thank you Grotus.

Here's a bind situation that I've recently found myself in since I have finally set a power to auto fire for the first time ever. After setting Hasten to auto fire it changes back to normal whenever I attempt to cancel my queued power. I understand the logic behind this but it would be nice to not have to keep resetting a power to auto all the time. Any help would be highly appreciated.



Another challenge to the advanced macroers...

Is it possible to completely bind a "drop" type of ability to a key? That's the sort of ability where you get a target circle and usually have to place it with your mouse, like summoning a pet.


Definately, look for the ultimate TP bind in this thread (lshift+rclick powexec_name Teleport) This will allow you to simply click activate....since it works for teleport, I assume it should work for any other click location power



ah thanks. I'll try the unselect command first



very good work ... thanks !

I'd like to know if its possible to do the following.

when not moving, having spring and super speed disabled, but when i press w for exemple, i would have SS + sprint on, and when i release both would go off again.

I've managed to do this but only with super speed, i couldnt do it with sprint at the same time.

and also it didn't work well when pressing two keys, for exemple W and A at the same time, both where given the super speed command, but when i press both at the same time, it just leaves SS on ...




ok i've managed to do it ! with one key combination i can activate both powers at the same time :

when i press WASD, movement is normal, and when i press shift + WASD, i got SS + sprint, because shift is assigned to sprint and shift+key is assigned to superspeed.

however it still needs some work because if i am pressing W for exemple (forward), and then pressing shift + W without releasing W before the key chord, i'll have sprint on when i'll release the keys .... also there are some problems when i'm moving in diagonal.



After setting Hasten to auto fire it changes back to normal whenever I attempt to cancel my queued power. I understand the logic behind this but it would be nice to not have to keep resetting a power to auto all the time. Any help would be highly appreciated.

[/ QUOTE ]

There are two ways to cancel a queued power:
/powexec_abort (which is what you are using)
/powexec_unqueue (which is what you want to use)

/powexec_abort cancels both the queued power and the auto power, /powexec_unqueue only cancels the queued power.



It seems that underscores in slash commands are completely ignored. So the following all work identically:
/powexec_name sprint
/powexecname sprint
/p_o_w_e_x_e_c_n_a_m_e sprint

Not too many uses for this, but if you happened to have a really long bind close to the character limit, you could strip out any underscores to save a few characters.



another way to cancel a queued power 'powexec_name null' I think 'powexec_name nop' will do the same.

W "+forward$$powexec_name null$$powexec_name Super Speed"



Hello great Post Curveball many thanks!

I am trying the toggle bind on one of my alts mostly for RP. I plan on getting this done with atleast a few powers on all my alts along with many of the neat stuff on this thread. I've made up 7 files for Siphon Life here are few:
(note I misspelled all of the txt file )

z "em embraces $target taking what he needs$$powexec_name Siphon Life$$bind_load_file

z "local The Blood is Life!$$powexec_name Siphon Life$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\ShiponLife2.txt"

z "local Ahh yes $target even your foul Blood will do!$$powexec_name Siphon Life$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\ShiponLife1.txt"

z "local Only a small Sup is all I need!$$powexec_name Siphon Life$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\ShiponLife4.txt"

Below is what my toonskeybind text file has for Z:

Z "em embraces $target taking what he needs$$powexec_name Siphon Life$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\ShiponLife1.txt"

ok when I press z it displace the above emote and S.L triggers but I get a message saying:
Unable to read in Keybind File

I'm just missing something I think... any ideas?

EDIT - I caught my mistake, spelling errors(what else is new) I fixed them and its working like a charm, he has 6 different emotes with S.L. very nice. Actually it was the first txt file that had a mispelling so after that is was done



Yep, it is possible. Here is a set that will activate build-up on key-press and power thrust on release.


lshift+u "+up$$-up$$powexec_name build up$$bind_load_file c:/bind/blue_volt/hchange2.txt"


lshift+u "+up$$-up$$powexec_name power thrust$$bind_load_file c:/bind/blue_volt/hchange1.txt"


[/ QUOTE ]

Is it possible to modify the second string to include a powexec_auto command following the powexec_name?

What I'm looking at is that this might be the way to fire off three powers in quick succession.

For example:

subtract "+down$$-down$$powexec_unqueue$$unselect$$autorun 0$$target_enemy_near$$follow$$powexec_name Rage$$tell $name, <color red><bgcolor black><scale .6>Targeting $target!$$bind_load_file c:\kb\target1.txt"

subtract "+down$$-down$$powexec_name jab$$powexec_auto boxing$$bind_load_file c:\kb\target0.txt"

In theory, this should activate Rage on Press, target, follow, etc. and then activate Jab followed by Boxing when released.

Any troubleshooting or reasons why it might not work?

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



Is there a way to totally remove all altered binds and return to the default set?

I have searched this thread for 'clear' default' and 'delete' without relevant success.

Six String



It might be possible to do so by doing the following:

Start a new character
When you get in game, do a /bindsave
Log out and log back into your main character
Do a /bindload

That should return you to your default set of binds ... however, YMMV and all other CYA TLA's apply



There is a 'restore defaults' in the options section. That should do everything, but I've never used it...



I am having problems with the /bind_save_file and /bind_load_file commands. When I try to save a path such as c:\program files\city of heroes\Thrymr.txt, I get a message that it is an invalid file.

When I try to load Thrymr.txt, I get a message that the program could not read the file. The file is pretty much my online keybinds, saved in notepad ANSI text. Any suggestions?