The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




Hi there. Excellent guide, thanks alot!

Now to my question, i am trying to activating Super Speed and Sprint at the same time with one single button, x.
But what it does, is toggles between them. What am i doing wrong? My bind looks like this:
/bind x "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name super speed"

Thanks in advance, Tessie



Well, simply put, you can't activate two powers in a single bind. You can only toggle between the two, as you've seen. The devs designed it that way to prevent botting of complicated combat sequences.

Now, if you want to know how to get around that, read my last post. The one right above your post...



Ah sorry about that, heh. Somehow i managed to miss that, but thanks alot for your respone



Yes, I would like to see a web page devoted to Curveballs masterful creation. As well as textures and sounds and explanations on how to manipulate all these great features.
The real question is: when will we be able to change the color of our powers?

p.s. a search feature would be nice too.



I'm still new to binds and macros, but I just want to know if this will work. I plan on testing it when I get home.
What I'd like to do is activate Manuvers & Assault with one key. So I think my macro should look like this:

/macro ldr "powexec_name Manuevers$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeys\leadership.txt"

"powexec_name Assault"

I appreciate any input you guys have on that. Thnx in advance.


Victory Server Glo-Worm Rad/Dark Defender

Justice Server: Fossil Stone Stone/EM Tank



Hey DJCKid,
I don't think what you've got there will work. When you execute the macro, Maneuvers will activate. Then, you will probably get some kind of error message on the bind_load. I'm not sure on that part. Running the bind_load_file command will not actually execute the sequence stated in the file. It simple binds keys as defined by that file. In fact, the devs were pretty careful about ensuring that you could not execute more than one power with a single key-press. However, they were not perfect about preventing it.

Try this:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> maneuvers. txt
p “+down$$-down$$powexec_name maneuvers$$bind_load_file c:/cohkeys/assault.txt”

p “+down$$-down$$powexec_name assault$$bind_load_file c:/cohkeys/maneuvers.txt”
</pre><hr />

Create these files in your cohkeys directory, then type:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> /bind_load_file c:/cohkeys/maneuvers.txt </pre><hr />

on the chat line. Now, when you press the 'P' key, both powers will activate if off, and deactivate if on.

The '+down' at the beginning of the command sets the operation such that the command is executed on both the press and release of the key. By performing the bind_load, you change the function of the key mid-stream, allowin a second power to be activated.

Hope this helps.





Try this:

maneuvers. txt
numpad3 “+down$$-down$$powexec_name maneuvers$$bind_load_file c:/cohkeys/assault.txt”

numpad3 “+down$$-down$$powexec_name assault$$bind_load_file c:/cohkeys/maneuvers.txt”

[/ QUOTE ]

Thnx for the advice Blue_Volt, I'll try that out. But I now have another question....

Sometimes my keys change where the number 1 key at the top has my toon say "Good Work!" instead of activating the power in the powertray in slot 1. To fix that, I have my a keybind that auto-loads my keybind file that resets all my keybinds. So that problem goes away.

To get this to work with my current keybind file, do I just put the following in my keybind file? After I create the Manuevers.txt &amp; Assault.txt files.

<ul type="square">
numpad3 “+down$$-down$$powexec_name maneuvers$$bind_load_file c:/cohkeys/assault.txt”[/list]
Thanks again for your help.....


Victory Server Glo-Worm Rad/Dark Defender

Justice Server: Fossil Stone Stone/EM Tank



<ul type="square">
numpad3 “+down$$-down$$powexec_name maneuvers$$bind_load_file c:/cohkeys/assault.txt”[/list]
Thanks again for your help.....

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, that will do it! Most people don't seem to have a 'deafult' key-bind file, so I don't normally suggest that (but it is my best suggestion on how to do it..).

The only thing to watch out for is if you manually activate one of the powers through the power tray. If only one of them gets activated that way, you will have the powers our of synch. That is easily corrected by 're-synching' the powers using the power tray keys/icons.

Good luck.

Oh, and your welcome!



Okay, there's a lot of information here, and I've tried search and scanning the the responses (granted, my head feels like it's going to explode looking at it all), but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.

I'm trying to discover if there is a way to do a pause or countdown effect on activating a power.

As an example, let's say I want a bind to give a warning that teammates have 5 seconds before I activate Accelerate Metbolism. I'm trying to find out how to make a bind that will:

1) Warn them that they have 5 seconds to gather before it goes off;

2) Counts down 5 seconds (either a silent countdown in game or a countdown and the announcing of each number for teammates to hear) and then:

3) Activates AM at the end of the 5 seconds.

I'm not new to the game, but I've never gotten the hang of binds or macros (in game or out )

Any help will be appreciated!

Thanks in advance!



Nope, there's no way to put a "pause" in your binds. I believe the devs did this to prevent macro fighting. My advice would be to bind the tell to a key, and bind AM to a neighboring key.

- good luck!



I discovered something very obscure that I hadn't read in the forum. I wasn't sure where to post it but this thread can always use some attention.

Binding nop or $$ to a key does not clear the bind. It is a bind of its own. I had never bound anything to shift+w but I have other shift binds. When holding shift, w would function normally, i.e. shift+w was the same as w.

While doing a quick and dirty test of something I bound shift+w. When done I bound shift+w nop. Now shift+w was a dead key combo, if I had shift held down w would no longer function at all. Same for shift+w "$$". The game remembers a nop or $$ instead of clearing the bind.

There was a momentary mental DOH before I remembered the reset binds button in options which does clear the binds. Then I just loaded up my normal binds and all was well again.

At one point during my various testing I was looking at binds using /bindlist. I noticed at the beginning of the output it said something to the effect of yada yada trickle yada off.

Is there some kind of setting that will specify whether or not key combos bound to nop or $$ allow the individual keys to function? Could be useful on occasion.



<ul type="square">
numpad3 “+down$$-down$$powexec_name maneuvers$$bind_load_file c:/cohkeys/assault.txt”[/list]
Thanks again for your help.....

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, that will do it! Most people don't seem to have a 'deafult' key-bind file, so I don't normally suggest that (but it is my best suggestion on how to do it..).

The only thing to watch out for is if you manually activate one of the powers through the power tray. If only one of them gets activated that way, you will have the powers our of synch. That is easily corrected by 're-synching' the powers using the power tray keys/icons.

Good luck.

Oh, and your welcome!

[/ QUOTE ]

Sweet! Just to let you know, that bind works great. However, I tried to used it for my blaster's "AIM &amp; SNIPER BLAST" combo, but the animation for "AIM" took to long that "SNIPER BLAST" did not go off. Oh well, I'll just stick to the 1-2 button-punch for those powers. Thanks again.


Victory Server Glo-Worm Rad/Dark Defender

Justice Server: Fossil Stone Stone/EM Tank



I know exactly what you mean. I have the same problem using either build-up or aim just prior to my sniper blast as well. BUT, I think this is a bug that has been fixed in the next issue. I've been on the test server a little, and it apears that you can now cue the sniper blast immediately after firing off either aim or build up. I didn't really test this, but I did notice that after going to the test server, then back to the regular server. So, don't give up hope yet!



Good to know. I'll keep those bind files for after the issue#2 update. Good looking out.


Victory Server Glo-Worm Rad/Dark Defender

Justice Server: Fossil Stone Stone/EM Tank



Maybe you all can help with my bind file.

I created 100 insults to go with Taunt, and put them into 100 text files (insult00.txt - insult99.txt). Except for the actual insult and the referenced new file to load, they are all the same. Each file references the next file to load, while taunting.

First, I'll give the set-up....

I have folders set-up for my keybinds as follows:
--SC (file: SC.txt)
---insults (files: insult00.txt - insult99.txt)

SC.txt contains the following line:
F9 "local $target, prepare to be mocked!$$bind_load_file C:\keybinds\SC\insults\insult00.txt$$powexec_name Taunt"

Each insult file references the next file as demonstrated by insult00.txt:
F9 "local You're not even a warm-up, $target.$$bind_load_file C:\keybinds\SC\insults\insult01.txt$$powexec_name Taunt"

The problem:
My tanker will say the line and make the taunt, but the next file won't automatically load. Most of the time. If I have no target, it will select a target and load the new file, while taunting.

Any suggestions on how to make this work properly?



The first thing I would try to do is to move the bind_load portion of the bind to the very end. Make that the last thing in the line.

Otherwise, everything seems OK.

If that doesn't work, let me know if it changes anything.







The first thing I would try to do is to move the bind_load portion of the bind to the very end. Make that the last thing in the line.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, that seems to have worked.
I just wish I knew why......



It has something to do with changing the function of the key in the middle of executing the bind. I don't remember the specifics. I just remembered that the bind-load should always be at the end from my newb bind days...



"If you want to load the keybinds.txt file, use the slash command /bind_load. As long as the keybinds.txt file is still in the root directory of your c: drive, it will load automatically. "

Hey, has anyone notuced since update 2, this doesn't work. I can't load my keybinds.txt file to my current toon. Stuck with the binds of an alt. Help!

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



Anyone know how to bind the "badge" menu? Binding to "badge" doesn't work like "mission" or "map" does!



The bind_load command loads the specific file (named keybinds.txt) into the current toon. The keybinds.txt file is created by using the bind_save command. Bind_save will save the key bind configuration for the toon that is active when the command is used, and will OVERWRITE any previous file. So, if you have the key-bind patern for another toon, you must have re-saved the keybind.txt file from that toon.

What you need to do is create a seperate file for each toon with different bind configs (and re-name them). Then use the bind_load_file commenane to load that file.

I would reccomend creating a folder called 'bind' located in on your root c: directory. For a file called 'blue_volt.txt' located in that folder, the commen would look like this:

/bind_load_file c:/bind/blue_volt.txt

If you've already overwritten the keybind.txt file with one toon, and have already loaded that into another toon, I don't think there is any way to restore any custom key-binds you may have had. My only suggestion is to do a re-set (somewhere in the options menu) and re-load any customer set-up you had.




Since Update 2, i've just noticed that /bind_save now save the keybinds.txt in CoH install directory, not anymore on C:\

Else, has someone made a list of the new commands?
As i can see in the menu/options/controls, that you can bind many more functions to key (like entering/exiting supergroup mode)..
Got to try setting keys and save binds to find out...




Thanks much for the response. People like you make these boards great. As opposed to the trolls, whiners and flamers.

I currently have three files on my c:\ drive root dir.

I copy the correct one for the toon I am playing onto the keybinds.txt before I log in and change it as I change toons. I use /bind_load to load the keybinds.txt file in game. Always worked before. Not now.

I will try /bind_load_file c:/sfcmercy.txt next time.

Another poster thought that at Update 2, the keybinds.txt file is now in the CoH dir and not root dir.

We'll see.

Thanks again!

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



Yeah. Based on what Kalen said, you can probably just move the files off the c:/ dirrectory and into the CoH folder, and then go back to the way you were doing it before. Or, you can do what I suggested, but you well still need to go to CoH directory for the keybinds.txt file.
