The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




Here is what I use:

F1 "tell $name, HP$$inspexec_name respite$$inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement$$inspexec_name resurgence"
F2 "tell $name, END$$inspexec_name catch a breath$$inspexec_name take a breather$$inspexec_name second wind"
F3 "tell $name, DEF$$inspexec_name luck$$inspexec_name good luck$$inspexec_name phenomenalluck"
F4 "tell $name, DAM$$inspexec_name enrage$$inspexec_name focused rage$$inspexec_name righteous rage"
F5 "tell $name, ACC$$inspexec_name insight$$inspexec_name keen insight$$inspexec_name uncanny insight"
F6 "tell $name, DISCIPLINE$$inspexec_name discipline$$inspexec_name strength of will$$inspexec_name iron will"

This will give you a 'self-tell' so you know which one you used, but watch for the animation to be certain it fires. If you don'thave any of the insp, you will still get the tell.

This is set up to use the largest insp of the class that you have. You can chagne that by changing the order in which they are listed in the bind command.



A friend of mine told me about these neat little binds here. He also said that there was a program someone posted that we could download and it would create the binds we desired. With 50 pages in one thread and 18 in this one to search, I think I'll just ask if I am looking in the right place?

Any help here would be greatly appreciated!



Pardon, just adding to favorites. Thank you.



Was just wondering if it was possible to somehow /bind movement (forward, backward, left, and right) all to my roller ball. ie, make my toon walk/run/fly in the direction I roll the roller in. I read (skimmed thru) most of this thread and don't recall seeing anything like that suggested. If someone can/has figure(d) out a way to do this, please post it. I saw the section of binding the directions and such to mouse buttons, but I would like to have complete movement control with the roller only if it can be done. I wouldn't mind having to hit a key to activate/deactivate this function either.

Thanx in advance! 8-)



hey all... i wanna make a macro but i need help with it.. i need a macro for jumping plus running forward... i want to press "R" and then jump forward until i repress R or "s"...
plz help



Yep, gotta have this as a fav



As a corollary to what Blue Volt has, I'd suggest doing it both ways, for example, I have largest first on my unmodified keys, but smallest first when I hold shift and hit those same keys.

To Macas
/bind R "++autorun$$++up"

To Psycho_Gene
Custom Bind Generator - haven't used it personally, but this is what you were looking for



Great job, Curveball. Thanks a lot. I do have a question though. I've read through the faq and didn't see it mentioned or in any of the replies.

I'm trying to create a macro that tells the group, '$target, incoming!' and then have it activate a tp foe power.

I've tried a few and the closest I could come up with was, /macro Inc "group $target, incoming!$$powerexec_name Teleport Foe", but it doesn't seem to work. It looks to me like it should, but it doesn't recognize the power I'm telling it to activate or so the game tells me.

Thanks in advice to whomever might be able to help.




I've tried a few and the closest I could come up with was, /macro Inc "group $target, incoming!$$powerexec_name Teleport Foe", but it doesn't seem to work. It looks to me like it should, but it doesn't recognize the power I'm telling it to activate or so the game tells me.

[/ QUOTE ]

assuming you're posting exactly what you put in the macro, you need to use 'powexec_name' vice 'powerexec_name'




Thanks so much, Garrik. That worked great. I figured it might be something minor, but i couldn't see it. Thanks again.



I want to change the afk message floating above my toon's head. I've tried several ways but the message always fades. Any suggestions?



Hi. I found another key which can be bound:

numpadenter - on the numeric keyboard




Anyone know the command to accept a team invite? On page 2 it lists "team_accept" but I can't get that to work. Even typing it directly into the game, it doesn't work.

Any ideas?



I want to change the afk message floating above my toon's head. I've tried several ways but the message always fades. Any suggestions?

[/ QUOTE ]

Try this:

/afk Off to the loo.

'Off to the loo' will appear over my head instead of AFK.






great guide. here are some of my bind experiences, hopefully they will be useful to others in similar situations.

first i reference my install directory the lazy way (using .\) ... ex. my binds are stored in a subdir of my coh install called binds... so i use "/bind_load_file .\binds\new_char.txt"

as ScrapHeap mentioned... i also like to setup a few comfort keys when i create a new char... like a friends lists and some text macros (ones that ask for health, end, etc)... i have discovered a way to use the /bind to run (and chain) the loading of bind files to accomplish this task.

i prefer this method as it doesnt overwrite or create any temporary macros to be further run (like the f10 macro in ScrapHeap's post)

working example

problem: when i start a new char i want to setup a friends list and 4 macros.

solution: create 3 bind files. ensure each file contains only 1 line AND starts with $$. NOTE: ignoring either rule usually results in erratic behaviour/client crash.

filename: friends.txt
$$friend friendname1$$friend friendname2$$friend friendnamex

filename: message_binds.txt
$$macro BC "say <bgcolor GREEN><color RED><border RED><scale 2>$battlecry$$em attack"$$macro EVAC "say <bgcolor RED><color WHITE><border WHITE><scale 2>RETREAT and REGROUP!$$em whistle"$$macro HEALTH "say <bgcolor GREEN><color WHITE><border WHITE><scale 2>Need HEALTH! pls )$$em whistle"$$macro END "say <bgcolor BLUE><color WHITE><border WHITE><scale 2>Need ENDURANCE! pls )$$em whistle"

filename: new_char.txt
$$bind_load_file .\binds\friends.txt$$bind_load_file .\binds\message_binds.txt

when you create a new char: type "/bind_load_file .\binds\new_char.txt" and it will run the files containing the friends and macros. NOTE: the friends list may not look accurate until it is refreshed (by zoning or modifying the list).



I want to change the afk message floating above my toon's head. I've tried several ways but the message always fades. Any suggestions?

[/ QUOTE ]

Try this:

/afk Off to the loo.

'Off to the loo' will appear over my head instead of AFK.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah I knew that part. What I wanted to do was make a bind that would do it. I actually figured it out myself

Here's what did it:

/bind B "powexec_abort$$$$em sit$$afk Washing my tights"



Thank yuo soo much i tried to figure this out yesterday but i couldnt so im happy ur alive !



HELP!!! I Accidently made the button B do nothing. I want to know how to restore it to its default action (enter 1st person mode) how do i do that HELP!



HELP!!! I Accidently made the button B do nothing. I want to know how to restore it to its default action (enter 1st person mode) how do i do that HELP!

[/ QUOTE ]

Here you go: /bind B "++third" . And just so you know, all of this is covered in the Default Keyboard Bindings, near the beginning of this thread



i tried typing in what you said but it didnt work. What exactly do i type in?



good info thanks



i tried typing in what you said but it didnt work. What exactly do i type in?

[/ QUOTE ]

Terribly sorry, I had that wrong. To bind the toggle first/third person view to the B key, you would type:

/bind B "++first"



Quick question (hopefully)-

I know there is a “Ready” emote, and I could just bind that to key, but I would like to have a (large) set of toggles that I could use, chock-full of witty sayings. I have a lot of time on my hands at work to do this, but before I did, I wanted to make sure I did it right.

1. On my C:\ I’ll create a file called “ready”
2. Inside the “ready” file I’ll create many, many text files called “ready1.txt” “ready2.txt” “ready3.txt” etc. etc.
3. Inside “ready1.txt” I’ll type –

t “local I’m ready when you are$$bind_load_file c:\ready\ready2.txt”

4. Repeat, changing text and load file number
5. Once I’m in-game, I type in /bind_load_file c:\ready\ready1.txt
6. Just hit “t” when I’m “Ready”

I just wanted to check this before I went ahead and wrote them all out. If this isn’t correct, please(!), use small words/simple terminology as I’m not too computer savvy.

I just get bored saying "ready" all the time when I'm grouping....



Yep, it looks like you've got it right. In your post you said that you 'On my C:\ I’ll create a file called “ready”. Inside the “ready” file I’ll create many, many text files'. Presumabley, you will create a FOLDER called ready. The path you've got is right, so I think it's just the way you worded it.

The only other thing to remember is to have the last file re-load the first so they continue to loop.

Have fun!