The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




Ok, thanks. Yeah, I meant "folder." See, I told you I wasn't too tech-savvy!



Just curious and maybe I'm asking for too much, but I thought I would ask.

I've got the first 3 powers in the Leadership Power Pool. Is there any way that I can toggle all 3 on at once? I've read through this entire thread and I'm thinking it can't be done, but there are greater minds than my own out there.

Thanks for any thoughts and help in advance.

Cowboy Up



This was posted by Blue_Volt:
Here is what I use:

F1 "tell $name, HP$$inspexec_name respite$$inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement$$inspexec_name resurgence"
F2 "tell $name, END$$inspexec_name catch a breath$$inspexec_name take a breather$$inspexec_name second wind"
F3 "tell $name, DEF$$inspexec_name luck$$inspexec_name good luck$$inspexec_name phenomenalluck"
F4 "tell $name, DAM$$inspexec_name enrage$$inspexec_name focused rage$$inspexec_name righteous rage"
F5 "tell $name, ACC$$inspexec_name insight$$inspexec_name keen insight$$inspexec_name uncanny insight"
F6 "tell $name, DISCIPLINE$$inspexec_name discipline$$inspexec_name strength of will$$inspexec_name iron will"

This will give you a 'self-tell' so you know which one you used, but watch for the animation to be certain it fires. If you don'thave any of the insp, you will still get the tell.

This is set up to use the largest insp of the class that you have. You can chagne that by changing the order in which they are listed in the bind command.

[/ QUOTE ]

and I thought this was a great bind, so I created a pdf file that shows the F keys, the icons and the name of the inspirations. I have printed it out and it sits right above my keyboard when I play CoH.
That file is available here:



Sorry, but no. There is a trick you can use that will allow you to operate two powers in a single key-press. But that is the most that you can do. The best I could suggest is to set up a toggle bind that allows you to press the same key three times, once for each power. Then the same key three times to turn them off. But, this could be a bit confusing if they get out os synch. In the end, it's more bother to bind and operate this, when it's just a couple keys in the first place.



Quick question (hopefully)-

I know there is a “Ready” emote, and I could just bind that to key, but I would like to have a (large) set of toggles that I could use, chock-full of witty sayings. I have a lot of time on my hands at work to do this, but before I did, I wanted to make sure I did it right.

1. On my C:\ I’ll create a file called “ready”
2. Inside the “ready” file I’ll create many, many text files called “ready1.txt” “ready2.txt” “ready3.txt” etc. etc.
3. Inside “ready1.txt” I’ll type –

t “local I’m ready when you are$$bind_load_file c:\ready\ready2.txt”

4. Repeat, changing text and load file number
5. Once I’m in-game, I type in /bind_load_file c:\ready\ready1.txt
6. Just hit “t” when I’m “Ready”

I just wanted to check this before I went ahead and wrote them all out. If this isn’t correct, please(!), use small words/simple terminology as I’m not too computer savvy.

I just get bored saying "ready" all the time when I'm grouping....

[/ QUOTE ]

I went home and I tried this and I got a message "Unable to read in keybind file"
I tried to copy my "ready1.txt" etc into the keybind file but it wouldn't let me. I went over Curveballs directions again and it says "The first thing you need to do is create five keybind files." So I tried making a "keybind" folder and then loaded the "ready" files into the "keybind" folder. That didn't work either.
Like I said before, I'm not to savvy, so I'm pretty stumped. Anyone have any ideas? (please take it step by step)



The filepaths contained in your binds must lead to the folder where you stored your binds. So, if you put all your binds in the folder c:\keybinds, but your binds are calling up files from the folder c:\ready...your binds won't work because they're trying to load .txt files from a folder you haven't created.

It looks like the shortest solution to your troubles would be to change the name of your keybinds folder to "ready". Alternately, you could open each of the text files and change the filepaths to load from c:\keybinds instead of c:\ready

I hope this helps.



I've been wanting to make this bind for a while, but didn't know how to do until looking at the fine work of Blue_Volt and Curveball, and of course everyone else who's contributed.

Basically, I made a bind that switches from having fancy colored text to plain old black and white text. People often complained that my text bubbles got in the way, so I decided to find a way to change it with the press of a key.

in your main binding txt file (mine is powers.txt), add this line:
lshift+t "bind enter beginchat <bgcolor black><border red><color red>$$bind_load_file C:\coh\text1.txt"

(of course substituting the keys you want and the colors, etc)

next for the text1.txt:
lshift+t "bind enter beginchat |$$bind_load_file C:\coh\powers.txt"

the only problem I'm having is that beginchat takes one argument, and I haven't found a way to give it an empty string as an argument, therefore everytime I hit enter, there's always one character there that I have to erase. Any help with getting rid of this hassle would be appreciated!

I figured it out. replace beginchat with startchat
lshift+t "bind enter startchat$$ bind_load_file C:\coh\text2.txt"



Still reading through, trying to work out some basic binds, but figured the thread could use a bump too.

I'm trying to do the 'Say Something and use power' type bind, and the 'Say something and do Emote'. I got it to say and then Emote, but I can't get it to Say then use the power.

Do Binds not work for Offensive abilities? Am I just a Dork?

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Here's one:

bind J "say <color red>You want some of this, tough guy?! $$powexec_name taunt"


Freeze Warning - Ice/Storm 'troller
Shadowed Terror - Dark/Dark scrapper
Crossbones Cat - Dark/Dark defender
Maiden Taiwan - Invulnerable/EM tank
Dark Tomorrow - Merc/Traps mm
Counter Culture Clown - Rad/Rad corruptor



Here's one:

bind J "say <color red>You want some of this, tough guy?! $$powexec_name taunt"


[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Tons! I tried that, and it works .. I must have been writing the 'powexec' part incorectly.

5 stars for you!

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Are there /bind or /macros for switching costumes?



/cc 0 will change to the first costume slot, /cc 1 will change to the 2nd, ect.



I've read a lot of keybind forums lately. I'm sure I saw the answer somewhere for this, but can't remember.

I know you can set the bind to active on key press or key realese, with something like +down -down. How does that work exactly?

One problem I am having, is that my simple bind:
c "powexec_name hover" that I use to toggle hover on and off double fires often on my nostromo keypad. I have all the main 14 keys on it mapped for the left side of the keyboard from shift diagonaly up to r. When I hit the c key on my normal keyboard it works fine. I guess the keypad is auto repeating. The result is hover turns on then off very quickly about half the time. I don't know if I can adjust the gamepad yet, so I figure mapping it to keypress (keydown) only might fix the problem. This happens for my sprint bind too.
Thankx in advance!



actually +[command] will turn something on, -[command] will turn something off. For example, I have lbutton set to -mouse_look so that I can exit mouse look mode (which I have permanently turned on when my character is moving).

"++" turns something on only for as long as you're holding down the key, but it doesn't always behave consistently when you use it and another command together in the same bind.

Scrapper Jack (SJ/WP Brute), Sky Commando (WP/SJ Tanker), Curveball (Rad/DP Defender), and a bunch more.



Curveball Dude! You taught me (almost ) everything I know about key binding. THANK YOU!!

So, it is with great hesitancy (but some certainty, none the less...) that I dare to contradict the Great One.

I think you've got the +/++ command functionality backwards. The '+' trigger will act such that the command is active only while the key is pressed and held, while the '++' will act as a toggle activating on one press and de-activating on a subsequent press.

Don't worry, I'll chalk it up to early in the morning and not enough coffee.

EvGen, the trick you are talking about works like this: by using a command with a '+' trigger at the start of a more complex bind, you add a 'double execute' functionality to the key. i.e. it will execute the function tied to that key on press, and again on release. Using +down$$-down adds this functionality without actually affecting the movement of your toon (due to the -down), but still passes the '+' functionality on to the rest of the bind.

There are a number of things you can do with this, such as changing the function of a key mid-press if you include a bind_load_file command within the key bind.

Now, what you have asked is actually how it is already working. A basic 'powexec_name' will only trigger a power when the key is pressed. I suspect the proble you are having is related to the key pad just as you've already figured. That is, it is auto-repeating very quickly, causing the power to double-trigger. With a toggle power such as hover, that will toggle it on and off again very quickly.

I hope that this helps you a bit!




/cc 0 will change to the first costume slot, /cc 1 will change to the 2nd, ect.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! Works beautifully! I saw a guy in street clothes do a tornado spin then reappear in costume. Now I've got my own version, where my character ignites, and the fire gives him another appearance--same costume, but different shades.

The game just gets cooler and cooler!



Er... you're right. I got it backwards.

Scrapper Jack (SJ/WP Brute), Sky Commando (WP/SJ Tanker), Curveball (Rad/DP Defender), and a bunch more.



Curveball, thank you. It can't be said enough. I had an old copy of this and just recently, thanks to another poster, found this thread.

For anyone that can help:

I realize this is mainly a BIND thread, not a /SLASH command thread. However, I wish to /bind a /slash command that I can't seem to locate anywhere.

I know it's an intrinsic command, so it just may not be possible.

What I'm trying to do:

Bind a key to activate the left mouse button. By this, I mean activate the CLICK function that the lbutton/button1 does whenever you have a blue hand...such as open doors/enter tram/search objects/etc. (To equate to another MMO, EQ, similar to the U key that activates whatever the mouse is pointing to).

I know the syntax for binding, that's not a problem. The problem is, "What's the /slash command for the click function?"

Thanks in advance.



Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but I discovered it's possible to bind a key to do a sequence of commands (much like the different texts for taunt in the FAQ) without using seperate bind files. Instead, you use macros in some out of the way tray.

Here's an example, which makes it so that pressing p will say 1, then 2, then 3

Place the following macros in this order in slots 1, 2 and 3 of tray 9
/macro 1 "local 1$$bind p powexec_tray 2 9"
/macro 2 "local 2$$bind p powexec_tray 3 9"
/macro 3 "local 3$$bind p powexec_tray 1 9"



Dammit...from another thread, I just read this:
Super Volt said, "Sorry, no. You need to click the mouse for all powers that use the targeting reticle, and there's no way to simulate the mouse click in keybinds."

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm guessing that answers my question??



Regretably, yes. I'm affraid that is the only answer that has been found so far...



Is it possible to create macros with a bind file?
If so, how?



Do you think it would be possible to bypass the "no more than one power activated with one key press" roadblock by creating a bind that would activate one power when you pressed the key down, and activate another when you released the key? I'm not quite sure how to do that, but is it possible?



There's been a big surge in mods lately for COH (texture changes, sound swapping, etc) and obviously Binding and such is a long running but quickly building thing. Out of curiousity, would everyone like to have a dedicated section (forum) for Mods, Binds, and other Tweaks/Utilities over at coh.warcry?



Yep, it is possible. Here is a set that will activate build-up on key-press and power thrust on release.


lshift+u "+up$$-up$$powexec_name build up$$bind_load_file c:/bind/blue_volt/hchange2.txt"


lshift+u "+up$$-up$$powexec_name power thrust$$bind_load_file c:/bind/blue_volt/hchange1.txt"

Of course, you will probably need to change the buind-load path. This is straight out of my files. The trick is in the +up$$-up at the beginning. The +u gives the functionality to execute on press and release, and the -up prevents it from actually making you move.

Now, you can change the file names, paths and powers called to what ever you want.

Good Luck.
