The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind (1.1)




this might have already been covered somewhere but would apreciate the reply.

does any one know how to save the power tray configuration?
i wish to save it, change it and save it again maybe on a different file and switch between them like you can with key bindings.



this might have already been covered somewhere but would apreciate the reply.

does any one know how to save the power tray configuration?
i wish to save it, change it and save it again maybe on a different file and switch between them like you can with key bindings.



Having skimmed over the thread, I hope this hasn't been covered, but I have a question that I would grateful if someone might be able to answer.

I'm a super reflexes character and recently picked up hasten in the respec trial. I have practiced brawler set to auto-fire, but was wondering if there might be any kind of a bind or macro I could use to get both of them to auto-fire.

There were some examples in the guide that mentioned how to make one action a trigger for another, but I wasn't sure that would work for this and it looks like you can't set a macro to auto-fire (I was thinking of creating a macro to have both fire and then put the macro on auto-fire, but it doesn't seem to work that way).

Thanks in advance for any ideas or insight anyone might be able to offer.



I just moved all my bind files to the CoH dir. Everything works fine now.

Thanks Blue_Volt & Kalen!!!

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



Good day everyone,

I have been messing around with binds since reading all the neat information in this thread. I would like to ask the more experienced individuals a question about a bind that I have that chains into another. The first file executes fine and so does the second file up until it gets to the load_bind_file command which is at the end of the string. It gives me a "Unable to read in keybind file" message. I have checked the path of the command and it is fine. I have followed the examples in this thread and have other binds that work so I am not totally new to making key binds.

Does anyone know if there is a limit to the amount of commands one can put in a /bind string through the use of $$ or a limit in the length the /bind string can be?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.



Graystar, there is a limit to the length of a bind. I think it's someting like 256 characters. So, it's pretty large. I know you've checked this, but the message you've stated suggests an issue with file name, path, etc. A bind that is to long will load, but will be truncated, with the last bits simply removed from the bind. I can tell you that from experience. Post your binds, and I'll have a look.

By the way, this may just be on your post, but the command is bind_load_file, not load_bind_file as you've got typed here.





Thank you for responding to my post. Yes, you are correct I mistyped it in the post only. I have it correct in the bind. I don't think it is the path since I have used the same path for other binds in the past. Please find the binds below and modified slightly so that the actual dialog spoken is taken out. I will use *dialog* for the purpose of editing the dialog out.

I start off with a master bind file that loads the starting sequence of all my binds and then allows me to press the appropriate key to execute the first part of the bind chain of the pressed key. Then I use another bind file to continue the chain and when I wish to recycle the chain, I create a file that emulates the start sequence found in the master bind file thus starting the chain over again. Should the chain mess up, I can use the master bind to reset all binds. A global reset switch if you will. A good thing to have especially if you use bind commands to perform attack sequences.

Bind #1 master.txt

numpad9 "Local <color #FFFFFF><bgcolor #999999><border #000000><Scale 1.5> *dialog*$$emote victory$$cc 2$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Secret_Identity\upend.txt"

Bind #2 upend.txt

numpad9 "Local <color #FFFFFF><bgcolor #999999><border #000000><Scale 1.5> *dialog*$$emote victory$$Local <color #FFFFFF><bgcolor #999999><border #000000><Scale 1.5> *dialog*$$cc 0$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Secret_Identity\upbegin.txt"

Bind #3 upbegin.txt

numpad9 "Local <color #FFFFFF><bgcolor #999999><border #000000><Scale 1.5> *dialog*$$emote victory$$cc 2$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Secret_Identity\upend.txt"

The second bind works good up until it gets to the bind_load_file section. Let me know your thoughts.



Your bind may be too long, and the load instruction is getting truncated.

Try pasting just the bind in the chat window. If it doesn't all fit, note where it truncates and adjust your bind accordingly.




Thank you for replying to my post. I checked on your theory and you were correct. The bind string is too long. When pasted in the chat prompt it truncates it messing up the file path for the bind_load_file part of the string.

Thank you PantherShade and Blue_Volt for your assistance in this matter.



Wow I actually made it to the end of this thread. My head hurts can I go home now.

Ok From what I've read and understand if I were to try to bind say… the W key as "+forward$$+mouse_look" that it would still function normal as far as forward is concerned but the mouse look will remain active If I click W. I'm sure I missed it but is there away to overcome this so that mouse look will turn off when I let off the w key. Also does adding powexec_name super speed at the end of the command turn off super speed or leave it on when I let off the W key. I think that was also mentioned but I can find it anymore and after the 50 pages of post I can't really fathom going back to look for that blurb. What I want to accomplish is simply to have the w key move me forward activate super speed and mouse look then turn it all off again. If that’s not possible would it affect my left mouse button to add something like -mouse_look. I'm stuck at work all night and most of tomorrow so I can’t experiment with this so I thought I would see if anyone could help me out. I was basically going to use something like this: w "+forward$$+mouse_look$$powexec_name Super Speed"
But after reading this thread I'm pretty sure that’s not going to work exactly as I want.




OK. It’s Monday, I finally got myself completely out of debt after nearly a complete level of having some level of debt. So, I’m happy, and that means I feel like being helpful!


There is a little trick you can use to get around the problem you’ve got with the long bind command. Break it up into two binds that are toggled on the same press of the same key. As an example:

numpad9 "+down$$-down$$Local <color #FFFFFF><bgcolor #999999><border #000000><Scale 1.5> *dialog*$$emote victory$$bind_load_file c:\coh\binds\Secret_identity\upend2.txt”

numpad9 “+down$$-down$$Local <color #FFFFFF><bgcolor #999999><border #000000><Scale 1.5> *dialog*$$cc 0$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Secret_Identity\upbegin.txt"

The ‘+down$$-down’ is just to give the bind the ‘toggle on press and release’ functionality. On the press, it will operate the first part bind and load the second. On release, it will operate the second, and load the next step in your bind sequence.

From the looks of it, the bind you’ve put up should do exactly what you want it to. The ‘+’ prefix gives a ‘start on pres, stop on release’ functionality to a command. Changing this to ‘++’ gives a ‘start first press, stop on second press’ functionality.

The only other thing I’ll say is that there seems to be some ‘issues’ (at least for me) with using multiple ‘+’ triggers in a single bind. I find that it can be slightly buggy, but not overly problematic. Give that a try and see how it works. If you have problems, here is something else to try –

Create the following two text files and place them in a folder called ‘bind’ located in the root c:/ directory (you can change the file path if you want):

w “+down$$-down$$forward 1$$mouse_look 1$$powexec_name Super Speed$$bind_load_file c:/bind/speed2.txt”

w “+down$$-down$$forward 0$$mouse_look 0$$powexec_name Super Speed$$bind_load_file c:/bind/speed1.txt”

Now, type ‘/bind_load_file c:/bind/speed1.txt

The difference here is, by using the ‘1’ suffix, you know that you are turning the function on. By using the ‘0’ suffix, you know you are turning it off. It may seem overly complicated, but it avoids the duplicate ‘+’ commands in a single string. Again, try the bind you’ve already proposed first. Us this as a backup if that doesn’t work the way you wanted.

OK, I hope this works for everyone!




Hay thanks, my way works almost, except that the mouse look doesn't turn off when you let off the w key. which is ok cause if you stop it easy to look around and all you have to do is right click to turn off mouse look. the second option took me a few try to get right but it work just as I wanted and turns it all on and off again when I want. thanks for the help its a great bind.



Else, has someone made a list of the new commands?

[/ QUOTE ]

Here are some of them:
/ex [hero_name] -- invites hero_name to be your exemplar (reverse sidekick)
/unex -- ends an exemplar-aspirant relationship
/makeleader [hero_name] -- changes the leader of the team to hero_name
/sg_mode -- toggles supergroup mode
/hide -- prevents character from being visible on friends, supergroup, and search lists
/unhide -- turns off hide mode, making character once again visible
/tabtoggle -- toggles between the last two active chat tabs
/copychat [tab_name] -- copies the entire history of the tab named tab_name to the clipboard. Maximum 1000 lines.



This appears to be bugged currently, one thing that does work is this:
/menu$$contextmenu 18
but that will leave you with the menu up on the screen.

Note that the badge window isn't even activated when issuing a /window_show badge.



Is there a way to save/load macros?

[/ QUOTE ]

Has anyone figured out a way to do this?



This appears to be bugged currently, one thing that does work is this:
/menu$$contextmenu 18
but that will leave you with the menu up on the screen.

Note that the badge window isn't even activated when issuing a /window_show badge.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that how you can bind the Badge window to a key press? All of them work for me from Map to Clues except for the Badge window.



Bind #2 upend.txt

numpad9 "Local <color #FFFFFF><bgcolor #999999><border #000000><Scale 1.5> *dialog*$$emote victory$$Local <color #FFFFFF><bgcolor #999999><border #000000><Scale 1.5> *dialog*$$cc 0$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Secret_Identity\upbegin.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

The bind string is too long. When pasted in the chat prompt it truncates it messing up the file path for the bind_load_file part of the string.

[/ QUOTE ]

One thing you could do is use the shortest versions of the commands. Use l (L) for local, e for emote, and put your binds in the root of your drive, if you don't want to do that, there's a sneaky dos trick you could do.
subst h: c:\COH\Binds\Secret_Identity\
That will make the contents of your c:\COH\Binds\Secret_Identity\ folder show up as if they were in your h: drive! I can't recall whether it is persistent over reboots, I think so.



keep this alive



Is there anyway to set a bind that will cycle through targetable enemies without continually pressing a key? Press once to turn it "on", then again to turn it "off"?




Thank you Blue_Volt and EvGen_88. Your suggestions are great.

Blue_Volt, I took your suggestions on the "+down$$-down" and modified them a bit and got it to work.

EvGen_88, The SUBST command is only good until reboot unless you remap the virtual drives at startup through the many ways one can auto-execute commands when loading into Windows. I tried modifying the PATH variable in Window's system variables but COH did not find it. But perhaps if one were to specify a variable, COH might be able to use it (e.g. c:\$variable$\filename). I haven't tried that yet.

Thanks again both of you for the suggestions.



Is there anyway to set a bind that will cycle through targetable enemies without continually pressing a key? Press once to turn it "on", then again to turn it "off"?


[/ QUOTE ]

If I understand what you want correctly, the answer is "sort of."

You can't just set "target_enemy_next" to autofire so that your target reticle changes automatically every couple of seconds. That I know of.

What you *can* do is bind a key that will toggle between loading one set of binds (where each of your attacks swings and then targets the next enemy) and another (where your attacks swing normally.) If you're a tank, this will allow you to swat each mob in a spawn in a cycle.

This would be done with two bind_load_file commands:
(I'm using T as the toggle key and the (default) number keys as the attack powers, change the keys as appropriate for your existing setup)

t "bind_load_file c:\cycleoff.txt"
1 "powexec_slot 1$$target_enemy_next"
0 "powexec_slot 0$$target_enemy_next"

t "bind_load_file c:\cycleon.txt"
1 "powexec_slot 1"
0 "powexec_slot 0"

Then you'll need to manually bind_load_file cycleon.txt the first time, of course.



Having skimmed over the thread, I hope this hasn't been covered, but I have a question that I would grateful if someone might be able to answer.

I'm a super reflexes character and recently picked up hasten in the respec trial. I have practiced brawler set to auto-fire, but was wondering if there might be any kind of a bind or macro I could use to get both of them to auto-fire.

There were some examples in the guide that mentioned how to make one action a trigger for another, but I wasn't sure that would work for this and it looks like you can't set a macro to auto-fire (I was thinking of creating a macro to have both fire and then put the macro on auto-fire, but it doesn't seem to work that way).

Thanks in advance for any ideas or insight anyone might be able to offer.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm *not* an SR scrapper, but I have a thought that might help you:

Double-bind your two most common attacks to "powexec_name My First Attack$$powexec_auto Hasten"
and "powexec_name My Second Attack$$powexec_auto Practiced Brawler"

Which will toggle back and forth between the two of them while you're fighting. This may cause minimal downtime and/or cancer. YMMV. TM & (C) me, today, now. Offer not valid in Utah and Quebec.



I've searched but haven't found what I was looking for in regards to a couple of bind questions.

1. Is there a /copychat bind that works without specific tab names included?

2. Has a bind such as toggle_window been found to work for Badges without having to use “menu$$contextmenu 18” so that the menu doesn’t remain open?

3. Same as #2 concerning the ID card and if not then is there a “menu$$contextmenu” command that would work?

4. My screenshot binds have been a bit off since I2. Why do the first 3 binds below work but the 4th doesn't even produce a screenshot?

SYSRQ "screenshotui 0$$screenshottga" (TGA Screenshot w/o UI)
CTRL+SYSRQ "screenshotui 1$$screenshottga" (TGA Screenshot w/ UI)
SHIFT+SYSRQ "screenshotui 0$$screenshot" (JPG Screenshot w/o UI)
ALT+SYSRQ "screenshotui 1$$screenshot" (JPG Screenshot w/o UI)

Thanks for anyone who can help.



Ok, here's a puzzler for the Bind Gods.

I'm trying to make a "pet buffing" bind. I basically want to do a "target_friend_next" followed by speed boost, or some other single target buff.

I've tried:

bind tilde "+down$$-down$$target_friend_next$$powexec_name speed boost"

But what happens is that it ends up targetting too many times, so I might skip a pet. I think its because key down registers more than once a lot of times.

Ok, experiment #2 was:

bind tilde "powexec_name speed boost$$target_friend_next"

This gives really weird results. Sometimes it works great! Other times, it just changes target, and still other times it seems to do nothing.

Any ideas?

It just occurs to me, maybe I should make this a two-tap key. Once to target, once to buff. I could use the alternating files scheme.

1. Is there a /copychat bind that works without specific tab names included?

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you wanting to capture everythign? If so, I'd do it by making a "tab" that captures everything and just bind the copychat so that it uses that tab name.

Later that same evening...

Was paging back through the thread and found this:

Yep, it is possible. Here is a set that will activate build-up on key-press and power thrust on release.


lshift+u "+up$$-up$$powexec_name build up$$bind_load_file c:/bind/blue_volt/hchange2.txt"


lshift+u "+up$$-up$$powexec_name power thrust$$bind_load_file c:/bind/blue_volt/hchange1.txt"

Of course, you will probably need to change the buind-load path. This is straight out of my files. The trick is in the +up$$-up at the beginning. The +u gives the functionality to execute on press and release, and the -up prevents it from actually making you move.

Now, you can change the file names, paths and powers called to what ever you want.

Good Luck.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think that's my answer.

Thanks you.



I've searched but haven't found what I was looking for in regards to a couple of bind questions.

1. Is there a /copychat bind that works without specific tab names included?

[/ QUOTE ]
No, the tab name is a required parameter.
2. Has a bind such as toggle_window been found to work for Badges without having to use “menu$$contextmenu 18” so that the menu doesn’t remain open?

[/ QUOTE ]
No, the devs must have forgot to put the badge window into the list of toggleable windows.
3. Same as #2 concerning the ID card and if not then is there a “menu$$contextmenu” command that would work?

[/ QUOTE ]
/menu$$contextmenu 23
opens the ID card (25 for options, 27 for quit dialog)