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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    Don't worry about it, yet. You've almost certainly already got either Wget or cURL (or both) installed as part of the base installation of Ubuntu. If you don't have either, the launcher will let you know. Post here, and someone who has more experience with Ubuntu than I do will tell you how to install it through the package manager.

    Yes, it should. If it's not, Perl should give you a nicely incomprehensible error message about XML::Simple.

    It looks like you've spliced two commands together here, and made a common mistake in the process. What you're telling your computer to do is run the program "home/david/.wine/drive_c/Program" with the parameters "Files/City", "of", "Heroes$", "perl", "", "-renderthread", and "0". What you probably want to do is (note the quotes: they tell the shell the path is a single unit, and shouldn't be broken apart at the spaces):
    cd "/home/david/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/City of Heroes"
    perl -renderthread 0
    This assumes that is in "/home/david/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/City of Heroes". If it's not, the easiest solution is to copy it there.
    At a command line, type "apt-get install wget" if you can't find it in synaptics. There's a 99.99% chance that it's already installed.

    One thing I ran into, if you have a message from CoH saying you're not using a graphics power of sufficient power add "-ignoreBadDriver" in your line.

    Now if I can only get Mids running and stop CoH's infernal crashing.
  2. Yay, managed to get it working on Linux. Except that now I keep crashing. I'm standing inside Rikti War Zone between the two big robots guarding the entrance to Vanguard. Every time the guns above shoot wine crashes. :-(
  3. I can't seem to get this working, but having another go. Misread at least one thing the first time around.
  4. I thought it was either me moving City of Heroes do another drive (only 10 gig on the SSD c-drive!), or maybe it was the patch, but whatever the case moving things back to c: didn't help. Re-installing the bloody game to C: didn't help, now I'm trying to re-install to D:. I only seem to play on the weekends now, so it saddens me to think that I might have to abandon the game and get a life. O.O

    Edit: For some reason my firewall started blocking my game. I changed NCSoftLauncher.exe to trusted as well as CohUpdater.exe and CityofHeroes.exe, just to be safe. Now I'm playing. Yay, take that life!
  5. I'm surprised search only turned up one thread mentioning this show. Just watched the premier and loved it, though I'm still not sure what the son's power is.

    Here's to hoping the rest of the season isn't downhill.
  6. Oh the teases! I saw 4 and then 8 (or so) of the servers up, and got to the character screen. Then I went back a step to see if my regular server was back up and they were all grey! :-(
  7. I confess, the servers being greyed out is my fault. I logged in/restarted 5 times, did a mish and saw a TF advertised, logged out and did it all again just to find that they started the TF without me.

    So I tore down the servers. Take that, you TF-starting-without-me-people! ;-)
  8. Dunno, but it happened to me and the slots came back in a day or so
  9. Blah, no way to delete a thread? Finally finished the Sewer Trial, did the search I had no time for, and saw this was mentioned (a couple million times already). Thus, deleting the content.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    It's not a bug. It's a holdover from back when they had two separate enhancements that became Endurance Modification, one that boosted endurance gain and one that boosted endurance drain. Eventually, someone realized that the two enhancements did pretty much the same thing, and squished them together into one.

    Here's the thing though: the other enhancements from the Performance Shifter set will actually improve the power's effects and you'll get set bonuses for combining them. THAT is why you're allowed to slot the set in your attacks.

    The short answer: It's not a bug, you're just using it wrong.
    Still sounds idiotic to me, if only because they allow it to be slotted in an attack. I'd rather they remove the option for it from elec attacks, but I can see that losing end mod sets would upset just a few folks, like those who use power sink. ;-) Now I spent all those merits for nada. :/

    Maybe I can remove it and slot it into some other character though.

    What was it that end mod used to do? I was around then and remember some change being made, but I can't recall what it was.

    P.S. thanks for the replies, even if it does make me want to imitate someone with Tourette's
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    The proc is set to give the target of your power endurance, not the caster. If you slot it into an attack, then the enemy you attack will have a chance to gain endurance.

    It should be placed into powers like Stamina (as Airhammer mentions above), Quick Recovery, Speed Boost, Accelerate Metabolism, and other player buff powers.
    I don't get the point of it then? Does the % for build up or the chance for heal benefit the target (read, enemy) too? It must be a bug. That, or I'd better get a succubus to confuse me and start attacking team-mates who're gassing...
  12. Hello all,

    I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out the effects of a Performance Shifter +Endurance proc in an elec attack. My search for it doesn't turn up recent attempts to slot it in attacks, and my personal experience with it shows that it gives enemies endurance.

    Is the combat log wrong, or is it really giving them endurance instead of me? If so, that makes me wonder what'd happen if I slotted the heal and build up proc's!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    Actually, Villains do get it. They're replacing all instances of Elec Armor Conserve Power with Energize.
    I'm betting Conserve Power being in the hero epics was a happy excuse for them to change it.

    My stalker and likely future scrapper thanks them!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    So all the rezzes are slightly different from each other.

    That, to my line of thinking is a good thing.

    I'll never understand why people want everything to be the same across different sets. If all the sets played the same except for different animations and graphics it'd be.....well, boring.
    I'm not asking for the same, or really asking for anything, just venting, and pointing out something that I thought was unfair. Variety IS great, but the variety in this case is that one powerset gets a vanilla version, and the other set gets the vanilla version with extras.

    In all other cases there's trade-offs. Dark gets a god-like stun that can top them to full health and endurance with enough enemies near, but only if there's something near, and if there's only one person near they get piddly returns (heath/end-wise). Fire Armour gets a rez that's essentially a nuke and a stun in one. It doesn't require enemies near, and it only gives you half health.

    I think that's the spirit powers should be made with, and it seems that in pretty much all other cases they have been. People have long pointed out exceptions and asked "why is this one buggered?" So I'm doing that here. Revive, given Willpower's utterly dominant version, should have it's own merits that make you say, "Same, but different. Interesting." Well, okay, maybe not, since it is a rez after all. Heck, I'd settle for low health, but untouchable, or low-health, but added resistance (or healing) for 15 seconds or whatever. That's the spirit that powers seem to have been balanced around. If it was 'Does this make the set unbalanced'? then they'd probably go nerfing fire's build up and buffing Elec's (blasters).

    As for movie examples, btw, you could also attribute the barely alive and moving, but stumbling to their feet as willpower. They're moving through sheer guts, but not exactly moving well.

    Anyway, long-winded as that is, maybe it explained the position better than the past attempts. I don't buy the 'you balance around sets, not powers' argument, because a self-rez doesn't make you uber. maybe if you're a fire-tanker who makes a habit of using Self-Destruct everytime it and Rise of the Phoenix is up, but if that's the case you'll probably get kicked alot because of the 10-second animation that your team just died during.

    I suppose I should leave this alone now. No one seems to care or see my point of view, and I ditched my self-rez anyway, and would likely not get it from anything other than fire.

    P.S. Westley, can you activate those while in the standing up animation? That's where I have my problems with rezzing.
  15. I've been meaning to make one of those. I just wish they'd change the Gun Drone to a lower/non-existant interrupt.
  16. Oh, I'm not suggesting a change to any existing powers or powersets. I'd just prefer future powersets do more than just give yet another Energy Drain or conserve Power, nice as those are.

    Though I do think Electricity armour should get the same +health benefits as Energy Aura. The two sets have some of the same problems, but I suppose Elec at least covers Toxic and psi damage. Anyway, that's for a different thread, if any, for people to mock. :P
  17. Think of it in terms of snipes and Nukes. They're all relatively the same. Certain trade-offs. Some do less damage because they're ranged, some (fire) have extra damage as their side effect, while others will drain endurance. Those powersets aren't equal to each other, yet powers that are of the same sort are pretty much balanced by certain rules, even if the powersets don't all seem terribly well balanced compared to each other
  18. Not the same thing.

    Cost of the click would be your hit points, not your endurance.

    Think of how Oppressive Gloom charges you hit points instead of extra endurance to stun your enemies, or how Energy Transfer costs you hit points to do more damage. Or, Absorb Pain, I suppose.

    This would be purely an Endurance for Health sort of thing. I've had occasions when I'd gladly make the trade.
  19. You compare different sets and their strengths/weaknesses (all of which are irrelevant during the resurrection), and that's what each of these rezzes have, except for ONE. Regeneration, and by extension, the Peacebringer copycat.

    I'm fine with variations to a power, but not when another powerset takes the identical power, with the identical cost, and then takes away the downsides, and adds bonuses to it. And by that, I'm referring to Willpower having no apparent Immobilization (a downside of Regen's revive), while having greater health and multiple beneficial side-effects.

    In short, it has the exact same power as Regen, with no downsides, and plenty of extras. If it's going to have that, then there should be less heal to it, or a longer recharge. That, or regen's should be given something to make it comparable in power, but not in effect.

    Would you object if it was an attack? Identical end cost and recharge, but one does 10% more damage, and has 3 hard-hitting beneficial side-effects, while the other one has none?
  20. Okay, so there's Speedboost, that boosts recovery, and Accelerate Metabolism, that does that to a lesser degree as an aoe on a longer timer. But what I'm talking about is more like a Reconstruction (self-heal) with the heal being applied to endurance.

    +End to self: +25 endurance, 10.4% health cost, 60 second recharge
    +End to another: +25.8 endurance, 13% health cost, 4 second recharge
    +End to all near: 13.2 endurance, 13% health cost, 8 second recharge

    Numbers adapted from Reconstruction, Heal Other, and Healing Aura, respectively.

    In all likelihood the recharge would be different on the grant-others power, and the amount would vary according to archetype for amount granted, but I still like the power idea.

    Anyway, just a thought I had of a power that could be in some future powerset.
  21. Be warned, this is more of a rant post, though it does have some (un)pretty numbers in it. I had a few frustrating experiences using Revive on my Peacebringer, and wanted to see how other powersets differed on this same power.

    The powersets being compared are: Willpower, Regeneration, Fire Armour, Dark Armour and Warshade. Peacebringer's have the same rez as Regeneration.

    Commonalities are a 300 second recharge, and debt protection for 90 seconds.

    All powersets except Willpower have a 15 second immobilize placed on the character. Willpower may have this, but it isn't mentioned in either Mids or the game.

    Fire, Dark, and Warshade do damage to enemies within 25 feet radius, and have 15-seconds of total invulnerability (untouchable status).

    HP% End% Effects
    Willpower 80 50 +200% Recovery, +21% ToHit, +28% Dmg, +100% Rech
    Regeneration 75 50
    Fire Armour 50 50 (25' radius): 14.9 sec Stun (4 mag), 333.7 Dmg, KB 8.31
    Dark Armour 21.6 30 (25' radius): 11.9 sec Stun (30 mag), 62.6 Dmg
    Warshade 27 30 (25' radius): 47.3 Dmg

    Untouchable also means that you can not be healed by an outside source, but you also can't be hurt. Think intangible.

    Willpower bonuses are for 90 seconds, followed by 45 seconds of: -21% ToHit, -28% Dmg

    Dark Armour and Warshade require an enemy within their radius, or no resurrection occurs

    Conclusions would be that Willpower is vastly superior to Regeneration. Not only do you get a bigger heal (compounded by their auto power adding 20% more hit points, it's actually 96% if you took High Pain Tolerance), but you get extra recovery, recharge, and a minor build up for 90 seconds. After that you enter semi-wimpitude, but the enemies are probably dead by then anyway.

    Regen, on the other hand, is probably dead mid-animation, though Willpower could easily share that fate with a large enough spawn.

    The other three could well be laughing for 15 seconds. Of course, Dark Armour's spent all that time just getting it's toggles all going again, but one shot from it's heal will have topped up it's hit points. Fire is probably already healed and roasting it's opponents. Warshades will only be at full health if they had 3 opponents, and hit on their heal attack (Essence Drain).

    The only thing to really say, after all this, is:


    Er, sorry, I meant to say NERF REGEN!

    Damn, I'd better leave it at that....

    (or, y'know, give em the Willpower equivelant of that power....)

    (ooh, or a 15-second spurt of instant-healing goodness)
  22. As I died for the ten thousandth time (slight exaggeration) I thought to myself, "Great, back to Talos, Indy, or the base again, then a 5 million mile run (slight exaggeration) back to Striga. Why isn't there a hospital in this zone?"

    Well, that's the question. Why isn't there at least a field camp, a la Hollows, in Striga? Better yet, why not have the character rez by stumbling out the door of a graveyard mausoleum (how the heck is that spelled?) as if they've just been force-fed a wakie. Stumbling and drunk and weak.

    Heck, maybe that could lead to an interesting story arc: Investigating why the teleport beacons for defeated heroes are being re-routed. Who's messing with the system and why? And what repercussions does that have on the heroes? Are they being 'claimed' by some evil forces that puts its mark on them after each rez? If there were a story, maybe the villain at the end of it could confuse heroes to fight for them against their allies. Or simply confuse them so they can then beat them down. A confuse where you can't control your own character's actions would be wonder(fully frustrating?! )

    Ahem, too many vampire books (and defeats) recently, perhaps...
  23. I can't alt tab out of CoH either.

    I did a fresh install of Vista. So fresh that I formatted even my backup disk by mistake! :-(

    I'm playing on the same resolution/refresh as the desktop, in full-screen mode. I can get out of the game if I do this: Ctl+Alt+Del -> Task Manager, click 'Show Desktop' from quicklaunch.

    Drivers and Updates are all up-to-date.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    The idea is to add a new one named Classic or Original. To get the keys back the way you are used to, all you would need to go to the Controls page of Options and select the profile you want from the pulldown on the right side. This is sticky for each hero. Although not optimal for you, perhaps, is it acceptable?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe this isn't a new idea, maybe it's already possible, as I'm no bind-guru, but I'd rather an import option. That is, when you want to modify an existing bind like these new proposals, you have a file containing only the new bindings.

    /import_bindings 3rd-tray-binds.txt

    This would take binds for ctl+# and add them to whichever bind file being used for the character, overwriting whatever they currently have in there for those keys.

    This would make the change entirely optional, and more convenient for those with heavily modified bind files.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    I (and i may not be alone here) would *loooove* to see would be some kind of indicator next to teammate buff icons letting us know how long they have got to run. Maybe make the buff icons 'recede' (kind of like the reverse animation for how the icons 'recharge' in our trays), or have a timer line around the circumference of the icon, that runs out etc...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And/or a timer that will pop up when you mouse over it, or at least when you right click it.

    Heck, while we're changing things like that let me change my hp and end bars to numbers so I can see if that tank *really* knocked me down to 1 hit point before I escaped.

    To go even further, let everything in the gui be changeable between graphical, text and both. This can help ease the transition between alts, or after those respecs which mess up my tray.

    I'll have to try, when I get home, to make the tray smaller, if I can. I'd like to see if it'll make the icons smaller. If not, I'd like that option for us keyboard-users.

    I'd like the icons to be able to go as small as those displayed towards the top where all buffs/debuffs/toggles/autos show.