Least used power combinations
I have never seen another elec/dev. I don't really think it's a weak build either I think people just hate/don't know how to use the sets <_<.
If you play an elec/dev let me know!
My weak link: rad/Energy def.
Rad a dude, KB the whole thing. Just wont do.
I found a way around, though. I have grinded/soloed a 50 rad/def...
Pfiuuu, id rather watch 10 times the last Steven Seagal movie b4 i do that again
I've been meaning to make one of those. I just wish they'd change the Gun Drone to a lower/non-existant interrupt.
Oh, and has anyone ever deliberately tried to build teams of these weakest links to see what can or cannot be achieved?
Short Answer: 8 of anything in this game is awesome, if the people are reasonably competent.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Well for Scrapper the least play build that we came up with on the Scrapper forums was a MA/DA Scrapper. We don't know why it is the least played but it seems to be. It would be a good set to play really with the Stuns of MA would go well with Oppressive Gloom.
first thought that comes to mind with that MA/DA build is the end drain the first 20 levels. I've worked scrappers alot (my main, Ace, is a MA/SR), but when I experimented with a DA I ended up wiping him because the end drain seemed so severe. Of course this was way back, and might have been before all the crafting options that might have helped.
Psychic Blast/Fire Manipulation blaster.
It is the only combination I can think of I have never seen. EVER.
I have seen at least one of every other combination, but I have never laid eyes on a Psychic/Fire blaster of any level, let alone a 50.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
TA/elec defender. I don't think I've EVER seen on of any significant level.
For villains... well... I never see stalkers. *rimshot*
Didn't BAB or someone say that TA/Elec Defender was the least-used combo in the game? I can definitely say that TA/Anything Defs are exceedingly rare to actually see in-game (I just know plenty will pop up here of course), and the rare occasions I see /Elec at all it's inevitably paired with Kin. A bit re-draw-y, TA/Elec, but I guess it'd do okay...I wouldn't roll one, I can't stand Elec Blast in this game. Took a Dark/Elec to 32 (and never saw another), disliked it so much I rerolled as Dark/Rad.
Villain-side I'm amazed whenever I see a */Energy Aura Brute, so I'd venture that as a rare secondary, but for all I know there are tons of them and they hide from me. Brute primaries are all pretty common though. I don't see many /Storm Corruptors, except for mine, nor many Ice/* Dominators. (Heh, at this point I'm floored when a Dom isn't Fire/Psi.)
Psychic Blast/Fire Manipulation blaster.
It is the only combination I can think of I have never seen. EVER. I have seen at least one of every other combination, but I have never laid eyes on a Psychic/Fire blaster of any level, let alone a 50. |
Just looking at the numbers it appears you can get a really nice ST chain going.
I mean Come ON... Cleric/Thief? What do you do? Steal from your own offering plate?!
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
I have never seen another elec/dev. I don't really think it's a weak build either I think people just hate/don't know how to use the sets <_<.
If you play an elec/dev let me know! |

By blmeren
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Didn't BAB or someone say that TA/Elec Defender was the least-used combo in the game? I can definitely say that TA/Anything Defs are exceedingly rare to actually see in-game (I just know plenty will pop up here of course),

TA/Archery, TA/Dark, TA/Sonic... haven't done TA/Elec yet, but I'll get around to it.
A bit re-draw-y, TA/Elec, but I guess it'd do okay... |
I will throw my vote in for TA/Energy. TA/Elec at least has some synergy (stacked single-target Holds, endurance draining). TA/Energy would be more difficult to work with, what with the KB knocking enemies out of OSA and/or Disruption.
Villain-side I'm amazed whenever I see a */Energy Aura Brute, so I'd venture that as a rare secondary, |

Level 14 or 15, I forget. SS/Energy named Red Harvest, on Pinnacle. I should see if I can level her up some more... soon.
but for all I know there are tons of them and they hide from me. |
Whoosh! I'm invisible!

/EA seems pretty rare.
I very rarely see TA paired with anything except Archery, and very rarely see controllers take TA at all. (or Masterminds for that matter)
/elec manip seems pretty rare.
Psi/Fire actually seems like a decent combo. Hmm...
The combos I see the least seems to be the "nonthematic" ones. Most people still try to theme their power sets *somewhat*.
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
I'm sure they probably do exist out there, but I can't recall seeing too many Dual Blade brutes, certainly none above 20 or so. I made one the other day and then thought I might check the brute forums for some advice on the set (seeing how I've only played it on a stalker before). Not one thread in the first two pages mentioned it, but I did see lots about Stone armor and one or two other primaries/secondaries.
I'm sure this is due to the resisted damage. Personally I could give a rat's scab about worrying about numbers, I do not play this game to serious business my fun time.
I'm sure they probably do exist out there, but I can't recall seeing too many Dual Blade brutes, certainly none above 20 or so. I made one the other day and then thought I might check the brute forums for some advice on the set (seeing how I've only played it on a stalker before). Not one thread in the first two pages mentioned it, but I did see lots about Stone armor and one or two other primaries/secondaries.
I'm sure this is due to the resisted damage. Personally I could give a rat's scab about worrying about numbers, I do not play this game to serious business my fun time. |
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
I very rarely see TA paired with anything except Archery, and very rarely see controllers take TA at all. |
His backstory is that he is an alchemist and a stage magician. All of his Fire Control powers are sleight of hand using chemicals. On the TA side, he's a really lousy archer, but a bow and arrow is the most efficient way to deliver his chemical concoctions. An arrow goes a lot farther than you can throw anything.
MA/Fire scrappers are rare. So are Shield/Ice tanks. Never seen a Sonic/Ice defender. Don't see a whole lot of Electric Armor stalkers. My Gravity/Ice dominator is the only one I've ever seen.
A lot of times I will choose powerset combos simply because they're rare. Sometimes I find a hidden gem, other times it's obvious why they're rare.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I'd wager a lot of the reason some combinations are rarer than others is due to many being hard to come up with a concept for, though I'm sure a lot of people don't really care about concept and just roll what they fancy. I wish I could do that
Honestly, I haven't seen too many /Invuln scrappers. I'm sure there's probably a lot out there I just either have never teamed with them or didn't notice they were /Invuln I guess, or perhaps many just see the set as more of a tanker thing and/or prefer other sets like Regen, SR, SD.
I will be making an Elec/Invuln scrapper for I16 though. Can't wait
My main is Claws/Invuln, and my brother's main is Elec/Dev.
@Arwen Darkblade
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That's an odd comment, my DB/WP Brute was one of my fastest leveling toons.
Or for all I know people don't feel their brute is "brute-y" enough if he's not pounding people with their fists. I will be the first to admit that I find the mind of a brute sort of murky and remote from my own.
What are the least used class/power1/power2 combinations both blue and red sides? Why (impossible to play well, boring to play, etc.)? And what would you do to improve the quality?
Oh, and has anyone ever deliberately tried to build teams of these weakest links to see what can or cannot be achieved?