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  1. I agree with this suggestion. /signed
  2. It is my understanding that the Devs broke Pet Macro/Emotes purposely; obstensibly, because some players were annoyed by them and/or the MM's were being annoying with them and the Macro/Emotes were becomming a serious drain on the server(apparently TEXT is too much for them to render). But, more than likely, they ruined Macro/Emotes because RMT'rs were doing something horrific with them. This breakage occurred at the same time the civilians were struck stupid "Nice day isn't it" and the cheerleader at the university stopped saying "Like, Hi!" (which I miss). :/
    Recently, the civilians have become helpful and interesting again and my Necro/Dark MM's Zombies will react to my DISCO macro by saying in Local: Let's boogie! and dancing. So, yeah.
  3. Roger Ebert - 1970 Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (screenplay / story).
    Close enough?
  4. Your Primary:

    MM personal attacks are some of the weakest in the game. It is almost completely useless to slot them up at all - maybe an extra slot for one of them so you can get a set bonus for Recovery from Thunderstike(A/D/E and A/D/R). Also, it is almost completely useless to get more than one of them, and maybe not even that many. I would choose between Burst and Slug(either of them for flavor purposes) and not take the others unless you really can't find anything else to take.

    Your Henchmen Summons powers are very important and you should take your Spec Ops as soon as it is available. Move Triage Beacon to your level 18 power choice, Hover to level 8, Acid Mortar to level 10, Spec Ops to level 12 and Fly to level 14. Level 16 should be your FFG. I recommend 6 slotting Blood Mandates in all three summons powers the set bonuses are very beneficial for you. Your henchmen need maximum ACC and DAM. They will be at least -4 vs. Incarnate stuff until you get your Tier 3's and 4's slotted.

    Your Henchmen Upgrade Powers are extremely important to your's and their's survival and should be taken as soon as they are available to be taken. How you got to 50 without taking Tactical Upgrade at level 32 must be a "miraculous story of overcomming 'self-imposed' handicaps and enduring 'self-created' hardships" that would be worthy of novelization and placement on the 'Tear Jerker' Best Sellers List. Also, they only require one Endurance Reduction now due to the switch to AoE upgrading. If you follow these guidlines your Henchman will be able to survive longer and Upgrading costs will not be a serious factor.

    Your Secondary:

    Web Grenade needs more love from you. This power will keep your enemies within the area of your caltrops and acid mortar, and can lock down runners and keep your henchmen from running out of Leadership/Supremacy range in pursuit of them. I recommend 4 Trap of the Hunters including all of the ACC ones from the set.

    Caltrops should be moved to your 4th lvl pick(once you decide which ONE personal attack to take from your primary).

    Your head is in the right place with the slotting of your Acid Mortar, I would recommend: Analyze Weakness Acc/Def Debuff, Acc/Rech, and Acc/End/Rech, Shield Breaker Acc/Rech, Undermined Defenses Def Debuff/End/Rech and the Achile's Heel --Chance for -Res proc as the ideal Slotting for this power. Get the Recharge and Acc as high as possible.

    FFG, is slotted ok, but you would get better globals from 4 slotting LotG including the +Rech: Def/End, Def/End/Rech, Def, and Def/+Rech. Recharge is not usually very important with this power. Remember to take this power as soon as it is available at level 16.

    Triage Beacon is slotted with everything from Panacea, except the only one worth having from Panacea, which is the Proc. If you can get all those Panaceas, don't, just get the Proc and 4 slot Numina's(w/out the Numina's Proc because that goes in Health) and a Tripple from Doctored Wounds. It is ok to put this off until lvl 18.

    Pool Power/Inherent Fitness Intersession Alert:

    Leadership: Take these powers at level 20, 22, and 24

    Manuevers: I would 2 slot this with an End Reduction IO and a LotG Def/+Rech IO.

    Assault: End Red IO

    Tactics: Adjusted Targetting 2Hit/End and Gaussian's 2Hit/End.

    Health: I recommend 4 slotting with Numina's Heal and the Proc, and Miracle's Heal and the Proc. You can get away with just the two Procs here if you have to, you get more if you can put the other 2 slots in with the Procs though.

    Stamina: I reccomend 3 slotting with Performance Shifter's End Mod and Proc and an End Mod IO. You can skimp on the End Mod IO slot,..., but don't.

    Level 26 is your Commando. Period.

    Seeker Drones will save your life. Before engaging the enemy send in the drones. They need maximum Rech and ACC. Everything else would be gravy. Try: Rope-a-Dope Acc/Rech, Acc/Stun/Rech, Stupefy Acc/Rech Acc/Stun/Rech, and Dark Watcher's Rech/End and Proc.

    Poison Trap rocks. The beauty here is that it doesn't need ACC. 4 slots are ok with Lockdown Rech/Hold/ and End/Rech/Hold, Basilisk's Gaze Rech/Hold and End/Rech/Hold is good. Great comes with 5 slots and the Lockdown Proc.

    Lvl 32 Tactical Upgrade. Period. (My only thought is that you were deliberately trying to build your Debt Badges)

    Trip Mine is a very nice power. Add slots if you like. Enjoy yourself here. Or, it can get by with 2 slots a Posi Acc/Dam/End and a Multi-strike Acc/Dam/End would be fine here.

    Detonator: Mercs wiffle at placing it. The power is almost useless for Mercs. I recommend skipping it.

    Level 38(then): Wild Card: I understand your need for Medicine Pool. If you really want to take it, this is a good spot to begin with that pool. Your Triage Beacon and Medic should be handling your Healing by now though. SO, maybe one of your other personal attacks, like M30 Grenade, shrug, it's an AoE(as weaksauce as all MM personal attacks).

    Epic Pools:

    If you chose to start Med Pool get the next power here at lvl 41 otherwise:

    I recommend you get Mace Mastery from Black Scorpion's Patronage for the Web Envelope the Scorpion Sheild, and the Web Cocoon. Power Boost will not increase the Secondary Effects of your Traps. > They are pets and Power Boost only affects YOUR secondary effects so it would work on Web Grenade and to an extremely lesser extent your defense debuff in Burst if you took that power. So, meh to the mehnth power.

    If you chose to ignore the Med Pool(recommended) then your level 49 is open and Hasten would be a fine choice here, perhaps even the best choice. You could also take Combat Jumping for another place to put a LotG Def/+Rech. You can run Hover and CJ at the same time.

    Hover should have a Karma -Knockback, and a LotG Def/+Rech. If you can afford the slots then put the Blessing of the Zephyr Set in here too, the whole set if you can, AND maybe the Freebird +Stealth Proc.

    Fly should only need an End Red IO in it, or the End/Fly from Soaring. Flight Speed is capped by level and a Fly IO is wasted in it. Which is why there are eleventy bajgillion of them for sale on the market. I recommend buying 10 of them at level 45/50(should cost like 10 inf) and leaving them in your Enhancement Tray so you can sell them back to the game for full value during your awesomely necessary and imminent RESPEC.

    Anyway, good luck and Happy Gaming! :-)

  5. I very much enjoyed the film. All the Marvel Easter Eggs were fun to see. It was well acted by everyone. It had good pacing.

    ***Spoilers-ish***(nothing much too specific)

    I enjoyed the combat montages as a paeon to the March of War movie reels that were shown during WW2. They could have done a bit more to ID the Howling Commandos(of course Dugan was an easy spot). I believe the Brit was Percy Winkley, not Union Jack.
    The revision of Cappy's erstwhile sidekick was nicely done. They might have done a bit more tie-in with the reveal in the Incredible Hulk as to how Cappy was found(which would tie-in a bit more closely to the story of the discovery a bit). He could have been thrown clear and then sunk with the wreckage that was subsequently dislodged by the groundsmash from Incredible Hulk(take the Ice cascade SSSLLLLLLOOOOWWW to see what I mean). Hmm...upon investigation into that scene, it was apparently deleted from the movie, but can be seen in the deleted scenes. So, yeah.

    Captain America is my favorite hero. Specifically, Steve Rogers as Captain America. I stopped reading comic books when they chose to kill him.
  6. He posted a pic but it's a broken link or something. It was probably a picture of a basket of firecrackers all lit up an ready to "Kaboom"? *Shrug* It was meant to be a joke but the missing pic made it(and the possible firecrackers) fizzle.
  7. I agree that these powers need to be adjusted to not wiffle. My suggestion for Regen - Revive is that it has a 10 second Untouchable and causes an AoE Fear affect 10ft radius, 10 targets.
    Think: Wolverine, after being killed(vaporized) by Nitro, rezzes from being a stripped clean skeleton. Nitro, while bragging on his cell phone about having just killed Wolverine so easily, freezes, dumbfounded as he sees a reflection in the window of his stolen SUV of Wolverine's regenerating fleshy-skeleton shambling towards him. This is what Revive should do for Regen.
  8. This bugged Broken Clockwork in the Praetorian Tutorial is embarrassing and needs to be a Priority One fix. Every day in Help a trial player asks where the Broken Clockwork might be. Every day. At all times. Every Day.

    This is how you want to introduce your game to people. With a bugged out glitch for the first mission. This would be completely unacceptable to me as a professional game designer. I would't be able to sleep knowing that I have left the first impression of my game broken. This bug has been going on since the launch of Going Rogue.

    This is the only thing in this game that is now more embarrassing than not having Crab Spider Helmets working for all players. Not having Crab Spider Helmets working for all players was the most horrifyingly unprofessional thing I have witnessed first hand until the missing Broken Clockworks.

    New players have to ask in help where they can go and what they can do about their mission being uncompleteable, and wonder how they may advance past the mandatory tutorial which is broken. And they have no Idea, nor should they have to at this point, how to contact Support to even report this terrible travesty. So, nothing gets done about it.

    If only we could come up with a way to exploit this problem. It would be fixed by this Tuesday. And then maybe the game be able to attract more players. Players who would never know that the introductory mission to the game was broken and uncompleteable.
  9. I might have missed the boat about synergies between sets with my earlier post calling for the removal of Dark Pit. Maybe Touch of Fear should be removed instead. Winterminal is correct about there being too many close quarters powers in the set.
    I feel strongly that Dark Manipulation should have Cloak of Darkness available at level 20.
    Dark Pit could be at level 28 and Dark Consumption would be fine at level 35. Every thing else is just great.
    I am very excited about this proliferation. I have wanted Dark Blast and Dark Manipulation since my first day in CoH.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Hmmm...I think Death Shroud and Dark pit could go!

    Put in a PBAOE version of Tar Patch and Cloak of Darkness!

    I think the no Cloak of Darkness what really has me sad though. :/ All other Dark/Dark combo's get a Stealth in there.
    Though I see the reason for Death Shroud(other Manip sets have PBAoE Auras too) I agree that Dark Pit should be removed. Level 20 Dark Manip Power should be Cloak of Darkness and then Touch of Fear should be moved to level 28 and Dark Consumption should be moved to level 35.
  11. I see that your build was thought out nicely. You put in a lot of diversity and utility in your power choices. However, there are some changes to it that I would suggest which could help you perform your Primary purpose a little better. Fortunately, the kind hearted Devs allow us to have multiple builds and we could designate your build as a solo and secondary build to your Primary Build which would capitalize on your Primary purpose which is Debuffing Enemy Hit Points as quickly as possible while looking Uber.

    Your Concerns(reversed order):

    5) Cash is an Issue:
    With Alignment Merits Cash is no longer an Issue. Do your daily Alignment Tip Missions and you can earn whatever shinies you don't currently have. You have a great start and any additional needs will be easy to aquire. Such as: Numina's Convalescence:
    +Regen/+Recovery and a Miracle: +Recovery. The one that might give you pause is the Gladiator's: +Def in Temp Invuln. Replace it with an Aegis Res/End if the effort to get the Gladiator is not worth it to you.

    4) Oddities:
    You don't put a lot of recharge into Aim. I like to have that up as often as possible. If I had my druthers about it. I would Drop Power Push from your build and put Assault in there at level 35 instead. You have adequate Knockback Protection from Hover and Fly. Your other powers knock things back more than enough. And if you take Assault you can put 2 slots into Aim and go with 3 Recharge IO's there, which would make the power available for every spawn(give or take an active Hasten). Exchanging Power Push for Assault and putting two of the slots into Aim would leave you a free slot to put into Explosive Blast for another FF:Chance.
    You took Super Speed at lvl 49. I exchanged that for Combat Jumping. CJ gives Immob Resistance and more Def, and is a nice spot to put another LoTG:+Rech. It doesn't have a huge end cost and it can be ran at the same time as Hover.
    You only took PFF from Force Mastery. Temp Invuln is there to help you make up for the incomming damage that the badies can put on you in the upper levels. Temp Invuln is a great spot for the Steadfast: Res/+Def. Also, Force Master has Force of Nature, this is your GodMode(panic button). This power will save you many times. I put a Gladiator:+Def into it. You can replace with a Recharge IO or a Titanium Coating: Res/Rech until you earn the Gladiator, or if you feel the effort to get it is not worth it.
    You mistreated your Web Grenade and your Caltrops. These two powers are exceptionally useful. If you don't use them this would be your chance to practice more with what makes Devices work. Web Grenade deserves more respect because it is another power you can use while Mezzed, Trap of the Hunter set has fine bonuses and so I beefed it up. I still have hope that they will normalized the range of this power to 70ft for all Webnade-type powers. Caltrops is one of your best powers your character has. It's uses are numerous and awesome. I set it up in the best fashion I know how to maximize it's utility, including recharge enough to have 2 patches up at the same time and uber damage. Most would suggest multiple procs go in this power, they may be right, I really like having consistent damage and recharge for this. Almost none would suggest putting it off until lvl 47 and 1 slotting it. This power can make a Giant Monster stop attacking and try to flee.

    3) Building for Res and/or Def:
    Some may be able to cobble together a Ranged Def Soft Cap Build for you. I built this way based on my feeling that it behooves a Blaster to kill things faste and worry about defense later. This build has some defense and some resistance, anything more focused and your primary aspect(Debuffing Hit Points) may suffer. I made sure to put in good Knockback Protection for you. Along with stacking Stealth from Hover and Cloaking Device, you now have Temp Invuln and two panic buttons,Force of Nature, followed by a blue and PFF if necessary. This is a survivable and affordable('cept Gladiator) build.

    2) Alpha Slot?:
    This build sacrificed some of your global recharge(+81% down to 66.3% w/out Hasten). But this build Improves your end recovery and your health regen. Your End use is only .83 with Hover, Targetting Drone, Cloacking Device, Temp Invuln, and Combat Jumping on at all times. Your End Recovery is 3.11s not taking into account any End Increases from Accolades. You may still want to go with Spiritual for max recharge. Or, Musculature for max hit point debuffing and if you get Radial Paragon it also boosts your End Recovery. But Caridac, decreases the End Costs of all your powers and if you get the Core Paragon, you get a 20% increase to the ranges of your attacks and a 20% increase to your Resistences. This would be like adding another 2 slots to all your powers. Musculature or Cardiac are probably your best Alpha Choices.

    1)FF: Chance for +Rech, too much?
    Not really, but to get the best results for your build I had to pull a few out. There are still 2 in your build and they are in your best powers to get the most use out of them. Your Tier 1 and 2 attacks which will be available to you even if you are Mezzed. If you choose to drop Power Push, and I highly recommend it, you would have that extra slot I mentioned above( Concern #4: Oddities) where you could and should put that into Explosive Blast. That would give you the best possible selection of power to have the FF Proc in, short of being in all of them.

    I hope these build suggestions help. Happy Gaming :-)

    Here is the data chunk:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    I just want a turban.

    Explore and Enjoy :-)
  13. Also, and Equine Head and Tail, Ursine Head and Tail, a Elmore-Parkinsonian Dragon Head(in addition to the Chinese Dragon Heads), a Bulldog-Hound-ish Head, AND for all the heads to be scaleable and accept Glowing Eyes Auras. The former are additions that are wanted the latter are corrections that are needed.

    Yes, more than likely we will have "Animal Pack 2" with some of the options I suggest and some that the OP and others have suggested. Fingers Crossed.

    And as a perenial suggestion/thread jack, please fix the Crab Spider Helmets already, sheesh.
  14. Hiya, yes, it would also be good in Spirit Tree as a matter of fact Paragon Wiki specifically mentions it's usefullness there:
    pretty nice. Extremely tough to get a hold of though. Alignment Merits would take 60 days of effort for a total of 330 Missions to earn one. I am not sure of how many Empyream Merits it takes to get one. OR you can purchase one from someone for 2 Billion INF+. Either way, ouchie. But still for Triage Beacon, Spirit Tree, and Soothing Aura, the effort could pay off.
  15. Hello Ketch,

    My recommendations are:

    Kinetic Melee/Ninjitsu Stalker(the Build Up Concentrated Strike synergy is uber)

    Dark Melee/Super Reflexes Scrapper(the synergies are very nice here)

    Electric Melee/Sheild Defense Brute(some serious AoE killing power here, w/good synergy)

    Stone Armor/Fire Melee Tank(be a Lava Monster )

    Happy Gaming :-)
  16. Quote:
    6. Regarding Going Rogue, which I am considering getting, do you get to select the alignment from the moment you download it, or do certain things need to be done. For example I have a Villian and a Hero, who probably should be middle ground style characters, if I get going Rogue, is that something they can effectively start as/switch to immediately, or is it mission based? :/Quote

    Currently, as long as you have Going Rogue on your account, you have to change your alignment of your exitsting characters by doing alignment Tip missions, which you can earn starting at level 20.

    Also, if you have Going Rogue, you can make any AT for the Praetorian Tutorial, and when you are level 20 decide auto-magically what Alignment your character will have, when you leave Praetoria.

    When i21 releases you will be able to start any AT in the new tutorial and make the decision to be a hero/villain as you go.

    I recommend getting the City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection it offers the best combination of deals to help your account catch up with the game. And you should consider getting one or more of the Booster Packs as well, for the additional powers and costume sets that come with them.

    Welcome back to the game. Happy Gaming
  17. Where the Panacea Proc becomes worth the effort is when it is put into Pain Domination's Soothing Aura and Traps' Triage Beacon. The proc will shine in those two powers.
  18. These UI Improvements absolutely NEED to be developed:

    We NEED access to more Power Trays and to be able to have more on screen.

    Incarnate Powers, Temporary Powers, Accolade Powers, Day Job Accolade
    Powers, and more, have all been added to the game since it's launch. We
    need more space for our Power's Buttons and for Emote and Costume Change
    Macros, ALL componded when playing a Kheldian. Ten Power Trays is no longer
    sufficient. I suggest at least doubling the number of Power Trays.
    ALSO, I suggest Power Trays with smaller capacity or a selectable capa-
    city, i.e. a 3 slot Power Tray for Power Analyzers I-III would be great.

    We NEED to be able to LOCK the positions of our Power Trays on our UI.

    Forgive me, but I am exceptionally upset by how often my Power Trays slip
    across the screen when engaged in a battle. I suggest that an animated
    LOCK icon be created and made native to each individual Power Tray,
    such that, a click upon the LOCK Icon will LOCK/UnLOCK the position of that
    Power Tray into it's position on the UI.

    We NEED to be able to LOCK the Tray Selection Arrows on our Power Trays.

    Again, forgive me, but I am exceptionally upset by how often my Power Tray
    changes from Power Tray 1 to Power Tray 9 when I am engaged in a battle
    and am trying to activate the Power Button in Tray 1 Position 1. I suggest
    that an animated LOCK icon be created and made native to each Power Tray,
    such that, a click upon the LOCK Icon will LOCK/UnLOCK the Tray Selection
    Arrows from switching the Power Trays.

    These UI Improvements: Increased number of Power Trays, LOCK/UNLOCK Icons for both Power Tray Position and Tray Selection Arrows, are astonishingly NEEDED.

    Thank you for your kind attention,

  19. Also Cyclops is the OLDER Brother of Havok. Cyclop's power became permanently on from brain damage he received when he saved his LITTLE brother during a fall from up high, while escaping, when his father was abducted by aliens.

    Continuity is EASY if you read the O fficial H andbook O f T he M arvel U niverse (OHOTMU for short) it has EVERYTHING in it and is a really great read. Please, note the word OFFICIAL in the OHOTMU title. Very, very easy to understand Marvel continuity. Unfortunately it requires that the creators of movies be able to read; which it is apparent that they can't.

    The history of the X-men is even in a Wikipedia page; including, the entire life story of Cyclops, Havok, and their father. What?!? Movie writers and directors can't look up things on the Internetz? LAME.
  20. I agree that something needs to be done with them both. I am suggesting that Regen Self-Rez causes a Fear effect similar to a Stalkers AS Fear. And WP Self-Rez has an Invuln period. This change would make these powers more in-line with other Self-Rezzes, as well as justifying them as a power choice for Secondary Power selections. When Inpsirations are superior to a power choice it is wrong and balance needs to be done. If they both had an Invuln period, that would be at least something. I prefer a bit of diversity for flavor though. RoTP gets a stun and does damage, for some ATs that actually becomes part of their attack chain. If a Power Set has a built in Self-Rez that is because the DEVS belive the user will need that; it should do more than just Rez.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Just for kicks...

    I see what you did there...

    In my experience, it's almost impossible for any dev team on any MMO to lavish so much (comparatively) on one power set and still manage to leave it mediocre. Usually there's at least a little over-buffing somewhere.

    Also, Arcanaville, you mentioned that "REDOUBTable" decided to leave Def Debuff/Accurate Def Debuff sets out of CAK and that you understood why. Er...why again(must have missed something good/horrifying-like-a-train-wreck, somewheres)?

    As an aside(derail) why can't Thunderkick provide Moderate Damage and a 20% chance for a Mag 3? And Stormkick become a melee cone? And on top of all that query, why can't Eagles Claw provide the usual 9.5634662899vinculum3(blah) Stun?

    The whole thing seems like page one from the Emmert School of Anti-fun Developing. Where 'Fun' is only seen as a balanced numerical equation. And where the balanced "FUN" equation is purposely non-sensical in its counter-intuitiveness and brings incomprehensible hours of mind-numbing, rage-inducing struggle, where the only proper reward is a pre-tendy-funtime of annoyance, despair and peer-supported shame and that anything else a developer might do equates to useless fan-service for players who should never be considered anything more than knuckle-dragging droolers.

    I picture this game's Powers Team like the Egghead Chicken from Foghorn Leghorn cartoons, showing Foghorn a diagram and mathmatical formula that proves that he was actually hiding in the Feed Chest instead of standing where he was durning a Hide-N-Seek game. And Foghorn, to prove to Egghead that he was missing the point of the "FUN" despite the exactitudes of his mathmatical formula, approaches the Feed Chest to show Egghead he wasn't in fact in the Feed Chest, then stops himself, saying "Oh, I better not. I might, I say, I just MIGHT be in there."

    The devs may have a point as to why powers are the way they are. But, it does not seem like they do and that they actually missed the point somewhere down the line(or bell curve).
  22. There is allways going to be more to an emergency shutdown than what they say. Zwillinger said something about free slots being accidently handed out. AND someone mentioned peeps getting auto-Alphas when logging in a 50. SO, most likely: 'Sploits!?! That's a pluggin'. :P
  23. Hiya. I too, do not like that I cannot shorten the length of the chat box. I had a 4x3 power tray in between my chat box and my origninal powers trays. The new chat box overlaps my 4x3, making that tray inaccessible. This mistake or oversite needs to be fixed immediately, if not sooner. Please. Thank you.
    Other than that, i20 is wonderful. Even without more costume choices or additions to any other features, corrections for old costume pieces like the Crab Spider Helmets or secondary colors for many sets, old and new, completions of old costume sets, power proliferation, bug fixes for bugs that have been in the game since launch, newer bugs that have never been discussed like the Practiced Brawler not firing while targetted on anything other than an enemy bug, or needed QoL fixes like a Locking feature for Powers Trays for not only position but for the tray switching arrows, this Issue just rocks.
    As an aside, is it just the night clean up crew now?