Fix Regen & WP Self-rez Powers
I would support this.
I dropped the rez on WP and Regen years ago for this exact reason. Any time the rez would be useful I end up getting killed again before I can even toggle my powers back up.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I love self rez, but resurgence is crap compared to rise of the phoenix.
Specially in I-trials.
On WP would need about 6 seconds to get all the WP toggles back up so that is a reasonable time frame. On Regen however 3 seconds would be ok as it only has 1 toggle. This of course is in addition to the time it takes to animate you popping up from the ground.
Those 2 powers could really use some love. If you use them in combat, many times you faceplant before the rez animation is finished.
/signed here too.
I love the thematic idea of the regen self rez. Bitterly disappointed that I get to use it successfully in very few circumstances. As it is, I wait until Moment of Glory is ready to fire, but even queued up, whatever defeated me in the first place is usually hanging around just waiting to do it again, when I'm on reduced hit points, immobilized, and with all my toggles off. I rarely get MoG off, and when I do, there's still an even chance that it comes too late to save me.
All it needs is a little period of invulnerability, to give us a chance to get a toggle up and a heal off. If we have to keep the only partially-healed aspect, how about a short-term big +regen boost to help tide us over the waiting counter-attack?
It's tier-8, has a 5 minute recharge, and requires you to be defeated before you can use it. It should have a bit of oomph to it!
I agree. These powers aren't bad in concept, but a lot of the times I've used them I just end up killed a second time as the power is animating. I can see this danger for Awaken inspirations as anyone can buy those for 150 inf, but an actual powerset power shouldn't be facing this problem. Even if we accept that Revive and Resurgence aren't supposed to be as awesome as Rise of the Phoenix or Soul Transfer, they should at least be useful for their intended purpose - to return the player to life so he can continue to fight.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I agree that something needs to be done with them both. I am suggesting that Regen Self-Rez causes a Fear effect similar to a Stalkers AS Fear. And WP Self-Rez has an Invuln period. This change would make these powers more in-line with other Self-Rezzes, as well as justifying them as a power choice for Secondary Power selections. When Inpsirations are superior to a power choice it is wrong and balance needs to be done. If they both had an Invuln period, that would be at least something. I prefer a bit of diversity for flavor though. RoTP gets a stun and does damage, for some ATs that actually becomes part of their attack chain. If a Power Set has a built in Self-Rez that is because the DEVS belive the user will need that; it should do more than just Rez.
"Character is what you are in the dark"-John Warfin
A fear effect would be awesome. I'd love that. It would have to be powerful enough to affect pretty much everything, though, even if it only lasts for something like 8 seconds. It should be just as powerful as the stun in Soul Transfer, at least. And I think it would fit both powersets.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
Sounds like a winner! /signed
/Signed. I'm actually amazed that this didn't happen when other changes went through...AND then the damn NPCs got this ability for free, thank YOU god damned Freaks and PPD Peacebringers!
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
A fear effect would be awesome. I'd love that. It would have to be powerful enough to affect pretty much everything, though, even if it only lasts for something like 8 seconds. It should be just as powerful as the stun in Soul Transfer, at least. And I think it would fit both powersets.
But I don't think the fear effect needs to be as strong as the stun in Soul Transfer. that's a mag 30 Stun.
I'd be happy with a mag 5 or 6 Fear effect. Just enough to effect Bosses and below.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I agree that these self revive powers should have a short period of invulnerability for the user to prepare himself. However that is all, no other secondary effects on the mobs. This is particularly true for WP because it is already one of the most powerful/diversified/easy to use melee secondaries, there's no reason to make it even better beyond just fixing what seems to be design flaw.
I love this idea...more so if it made NPCs automatically say "OMGWTF! They're still alive!?"
But I don't think the fear effect needs to be as strong as the stun in Soul Transfer. that's a mag 30 Stun. I'd be happy with a mag 5 or 6 Fear effect. Just enough to effect Bosses and below. |

I definitely understand the wish. I think just a touch of Moment of Glory upon res-ing would work. I usually try and hit that, as a Regen-er, if I think I'll be in trouble. Of course, that's only IF it is recharged.
I know my wife (who's main is a Kat/Regen Scrapper) is behind this idea though, so, I'll sign it for the both of us!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters
These two are the only self-rez powers I know of that don't provide a period of invulnerability/untouchability during the activation. This makes them almost useless in my opinion. Would it really be overpowered to put 4-5 seconds of untouchability on our characters when we use these powers so that we can at least finish the animation before we are instantly killed again?
The regen version of the power was maybe not intended to be used in mid-combat, I don't know, but the WP version comes with buffs that indicates that it was supposed to be used immediately upon dying in order to bring the power of those buffs back to the fight and perhaps win. Instead we are forced to watch the same enemies that killed us the first time gleefully turn around and wipe us out before we can even use an inspiration for protection. I would be better off using a stack of awaken > break free > luck > luck inspirations, because that would actually give me a chance to do something.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522