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  1. pixelforge


    any opinions on which is the best Judgment power to choose - with these new trials in mind.

    I initially went with cryo thinking cold might slow escaping prisoners a bit, not alas no. So now think i might go with pyro or void.

    anyone slotted either / both of them (on ALTs) and have an opinion as to which is best?
  2. pixelforge

    LFG system....

    so if u a team lead on a trial you can invite people to your team after the trial has started?
  3. adding my vote of approval for the idea.
  4. Loving the new incarnate content - I'd like to see level shift affect maximum storage the way leveling does.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _gohan661_ View Post
    They obviously need more staff then, could you imagine walking into a supermarket filled with hundreds of customers and having only 1 member of staff on the checkouts?
    How many people does it take to officially tell you "They are working on it?" ONE. The rest should and will keep working on the problem. They obviously don't WANT downtime and will get it back up as soon as they can. In the meantime stand up. Get out of your chair. Do something.

    Abusive posts to the Devs and designated liaison are far from helpful and just make us all look bad.
  6. I agree with most of whats been said. I also try to keep most of the useful rooms (TP, Crafting, Medlab, Storage, Oracle) very close to the entry (and central to base). Medlab is adjacent to TP which is adjacent to entry. Storage is adjacent to Crafting which is adjacent to entry. Of course all the main rooms should bring it with the pretty pretty. Rest of perimeter is decorative gravy (and thats a lot as it is largest plot), so some rooms currently unoccupied so new "Generals" can move in once they get the rank.

    Always offer a quick tour to any new members, it's just good manners.
  7. So many great ideas listed in here. Really glad I asked.

    Seems like big answer to my question is that base editing just ins't sexy enough or used by enough people to warrant upgrading. I'm of the opinion that improvements to base editing don't just affect the editors. We work hard to create a base for the members of our supergroups and they enjoy the benefits of our labor.

    I agree that some recent changes may have made using bases less necessary. But there are plenty of simple ways to undo that while making SGs a more integral and enjoyable aspect of the game.

    Travel upgrades make teleporters LESS useful (still best way to get to pocket D, RWZ or Mercy - we still need 1 for Cimerora). That could be easily fixed by removing alignment limitations and allowing Rogues, Vigilantes and those who have gone all the way to other side temporarily to continue to have unlimited base access and the ability to earn the SG travel badges for the opposite areas so SGs add teleport to those zones (so that those with access can get to and fro easily). Right now I don't bother with blueside at all - took all my heroes all the way to villain. If the above was the norm, I'd have more Rogues.

    Medlabs - MORE SG BADGES TO IMPROVE FACILITIES! SG Badge that give recessitators 100% heal. SG Badge that lets up buy lvl 2 INSPS (or maybe turn in 3 of a kind for next up of same kind). Death port to base can still be fastest method of travel between some areas. Some craftable temp powers from an object in medlab would be nice too...

    Storage - system still broken with or without sg. 30 items is ridiculous and what about recipes? How about a TF that (like Silver Mantis) is accessible from the in base Oracle or from an outside base contact. Successful completion a badge that gives you recipe storage - successful completion with members of same SG gets a SG badge that gives access to a recipe storage item. Like notices of the well - special reward only available once a week, but adds up - so 1st week might give u 5 recipe storage, another 5 next week and so on - up to a cap of 100 or so.

    Same idea could work for vault and base storage upgrades. If the storage upgrades are EARNED and small but repeatable (once a week) that would make the argument that that suggests such upgrades would cause a sudden global salvage shortage at market moot.

    Empowerment Buffs - although I included these in base - noone uses them very often. A longer window OR better yet a multiple arc (very tough) TF sending us after esoteric and unique salvage ingredients to create an Object of Power would get used a LOT more. Again no more than 1 ingredient could be earned per week - might be 5-10 items needed to create the Object of Power.

    Roleplaying - often ignored but very much an aspect of the game. This would be SO enhanced by simply adding more items and textures (there are so many 3D objects we see in missions daily that would enhance bases). The ability for ANY player to create a secret lair would REALLY be a bonus to many - 1 medium sized room, with placeable walls for division and a few more domestic objects like beds, TVs that look less like a hospital monitor etc. If they just added more textures - some water, grass, sky, marble and some of the lovely finishes from Praetoria it would be a great start.

    I use base editing as a reward for my highest rank - once someone attains it we pick out a space in the base for them to play. I'd much prefer to have an option like a barracks room where members with enough rank can add a door to their own personal space. Because even though i use maximum plot, eventually I will run out of rooms.

    PVP - Not really my thing, so I'll admit I don't really understand what pathing was or why it was necessary for PVP. But how about adding a new kind of room or an in base teleport connection to the Arena so 2 SGs can schedule a rumble and teleport into a Danger Room type area where they fight each other, common enemies in a custom environment. ANY member of the SG could play with the Danger Room editor (which could be same as AE editor - but more control over map would be nice), create a battlespace, form a team and send out a challenge to another SG.
  8. With that logic, since PvP isn't part of my gaming experience it should be dumped? There are many different aspects of the game and most have been enhanced in some way - just asking for SGs to get equal treatment. SGs are the ******* stepchild because they have been allowed to be so. Devs seem to have ways to get us to do lots of things (incarnate system got many playing past 50 that didn't, unified players so all looking for same TF each week). They could come up with Sg content that MAKES the SGs more integral to the game. They just haven't chosen to.

    Not asking for a release just about bases. But there are so many small things they could do to help us out that could be added to each release. Seems like there are usually 5-15 features added/upgraded with each release - what if ONE of them was a base feature every few releases?

    They need to do what they did with the TF's - add the content and give us incentive to play.

    If there was a repeatable SG TF that added items to each units capacity each time it was completed, I GUARANTEE many SGs would make a habit of it.
  9. I guess my real question is... over the past years this section of the forum has been inundated with all kinds of great ideas, but thus far NONE have been implemented? Have devs EVER said anything about upgrades to Bases? I'd like to know if there is hope.
  10. any / all of the items in here would make GREAT SG Badge rewards...

    add new base content - but make us work for it in game? Win Win.
  11. Beautiful work!

    What object is making the nightclub laser lights in the "room that broke your base?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turbo_Starr View Post
    I am building a list of things that our community would like to see improved in base design and construction. This could range from room/plot prices to issues with stacking or new creative units you would like to see. I have researched previous posts but would rather have it under one branch where we the community can hold a candid discussion.

    I intend to compile this information and bring it to the attention of a developer who will be designated to bases. Feel free to PM me if you feel uncomfortable posting here. Being the base representative, I can promise that our concerns will be addressed because I too am a base builder and want some closure. I will be following this thread regularly.
    I'd LOVE to see a DEV designated to bases. Have seen little to no development in Base system since release.

    #1 problem - base storage - add TF SG can complete to upgrade salvage storage units (either more units per larger base plot or more items per units (tesseract style).

    #2 problem - new items add rest of CoT, Carnie, Freakshow etc 3D items to base editor. Missions should NOT be cooler than our bases.

    3# problem - I been complaining for 2+ years that force field, and other security devices not displaying properly in my base - but always too busy to fix.
  13. Sure this is not the first semi-gripe of it's kind.

    I KNOW this section should have given the DEVs lots of ideas of ways to improve the game. I love CoH/CoV, but with the other superhero MMO's with free options or stellar A-List NPCs, CoH/CoV needs to really embrace all aspects of what makes it a great game. Not saying I first to have ANY of these ideas - I'm sure many have been wanted for a long time.

    One of these aspects is the SG Bases. While the existing base editor is amazing, some upgrades are long overdue and would really make the supergroup leads happy.

    SG members want MORE storage!!! #1 gripe.

    Since base plot size (for some reason) does NOT increase maximum's for storage OR tables (though it should - are we just paying for the extra space?) how about using the desire to expand to motivate MORE content play - same way u using incarnate system? Give us goals and we strive for them.

    multiple new SG TFs? with rewards such as:

    recipe box: SG recipe storage!!!!

    a series of upgrades expansions to CAPACITY of existing salvage storage units (perhaps multiple arcs of increasing difficulty - each adding 10 items to capacity of each storage unit).

    upgrades to NUMBER of available units (making it in relation to plot size) - team find arcane items or TARDIS-type tech allowing expansion of storage. Makes SG's happy. Where is downside? What is the harm in rewarding the backbone of your game?

    SGs work together and increase player efficiency and enjoyment - I'm loving the incarnate releases - and I know they must be keeping you VERY busy. But PLEASE don't forget what makes CoH/CoV different from the emulators. You were first. Keep adapting. Keep expanding. Keep upgrading.

    Personally I loving incarnate so dying to see what planned for next 2 - 3 releases. but after/during that would really like to see the first real upgrade to the Base Edit system. Maybe make it a difficult enough TF that it requires Incarnates?

    And since I on a roll... how about making base editors lives easier?

    1. are the hoops we have to go through to stack items REALLY necessary? Can't you make ALL desks/tables/blocks stackable instead of forcing us to stack safes and add floor temporary planes?

    2. 45 degree angle rotation (instead of 90)?

    3. railing objects (sure lots of work and some broken lamps work for straight railing. but what about angled ones for stairs/ramps)?

    I love this game - played CoH since before CoV. I have worked hard on VG (created day 1 of CoV and in top 100) and I'd like to be able to provide the kind of base I'm being asked to create.

    Don't abandon one of the most overlooked, but powerful aspects of the game. Getting us to play is a goal. but if the bases are more convenient, interesting and functional it can only help to hook the new players. It would be nice to feel heard.
  14. Gratz on the new position!

    REALLY excited about incarnate lvl play. Latest developments are a brilliant way to motivate players to really get into the existing content AND unifies them on a weekly basis on what TF/SF they are looking for. Kudos AND thanks for making it MUCH easier to find a team with similar goals.

    I do hope that you will try to sneak in a new lvl 50ish TF/SF or 2 with the various incarnate slots opened in future Issue releases.

    But even more important I hope you will also remember to evolve the SG/VG system as you have the other elements of the game. Please give us story arcs to earn SG/VG badges and upgrade storage units. Please give us SG/VG badges to earn that will give us recipe storage.

    I'm all for the power of the incarnate, but don't forget that the SG/VGs are the backbone of the player community and will be COMPLETELY OVERJOYED at those kinds of additions.

    Toss in some more 3D base items (colorable crystals, CoT sconces, basically anything we see in our missions is the dream goal - The SG/VGs would be HAPPY to jump through whatever in game hoops you want to create to earn the privledge), and you will NOT believe the amount of excitement it would raise in Vet population.

    But I digress. Incarnate system continues to be a wonderful way inspire us to enjoy our 50s. Please keep the innovation coming on ALL aspects of the game.
  15. Thanks - that clears up a lot. I should be able to get it higher soon - looking into purple sets to replace a few of the +5s (already have 2 hecatomb - looking for other good sets to start accumulating)
  16. This is in regards to a lvl 50 dark melee / fiery aura brute

    I know there is some "enhancement diminishing" with multiple usages of similar enhances, but when i check my base recharge time bonus (under combat attributes) I see a 60% bonus... broken down as follows... five +5% bonuses, 3 +7.5% bonuses, and 2 6.25% bonuses.

    Which is all good, but i have SIX +5 bonuses (the six includes two full Obliteration Sets). Do enhancement set bonuses only apply for 1st of any set installed - with no plus for installing a second copy of any particular set? That would explain the discrepancy of 5%.

    But not why my alpha slot isn't boosting it. I have my alpha slot filled with a Spiritual Radial Boost - which should give my global a 33% increase - it says there is some enhancement diminishing effects - but shouldn't that increase my global recharge SOME above the 60%?
  17. (light bulb appears over head) THANKS!
  18. umm, exactly how does one "lay the S down?" or "use the Diamond symbol on Small Tech Banner 1"

    I cannot figure out how to get the letter on the banner in the first place. All the banners have my SG symbol on them by default, I've tried selecting the banners but I'm not seeing any way to customize them. I'd expect a text input? or a menu somewhere? Is it a key combo? Help?
  19. Really like your DJ booth area... I recognize the oldschool tech monitors, and hologram projetors withit it, but which objects is the actual both constructed of?

    I recently added "Club Obsidian" to the Obsidian Oath's base myself...

    It seems your VG's accent color is red... I'd make either the floors or the walls more red... clubs generally black or metallic plus some color. Red is powerful, use it.

    I saw an in base nightclub online that gave me the following ideas (so not claiming I thought of it or anything) which I felt went a long way towards that "club" vibe

    raised dance floor
    high ceilings in club but lower ceiling directly over dance floor with many spotlights

    here are some shots of what I ended up with.

  20. Name: The Obsidian Oath

    Currently Recruiting: we are seeking active players

    RP Level: casually RP-friendly

    PvP Level: very little at this point but not adverse to someone taking over this area

    Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept: a marriage of science and sorcery, The Obsidian Oath is dedicated to the bettering of it's members through teamwork and tactics.

    Activity: Generally have 2-6 members on at a time. We founded on day 1 of CoV but founders have been away until returning recently due to Going Rogue

    Requirements for Membership: none at this time

    Leadership: character name(s) Foxy Demonica, Ebonshroud, Briarthorne, Mindtrap, Horatio Hackenslash, Pool Boy,

    In-Game Contact(s): Global @Pool Boy

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) pixelforge
  21. Fantastic list Impish Kat! My SGmates have been talking about a number of these issues. Most notably base storage. The 18 storage unit / base max is ridiculous and he 30 item per unit cap is equally unrealistic. The 18 unit / base max should expand as the group invests in a bigger plot. The # items per unit could expand if SG earns some kind of TARDIS technology to make the units "bigger on the inside."

    I'd LOVE to see all the fixes and wishes listed here come true... but would be even better if they end up as rewards for completing new SG TFs.
  22. thought I fixed that. Sorry - I edited Obsidian Oath post shortly after i made it, (replaced it with OOPS never mind) but I guess it didn't take. Delete it (and this) at will - I've already reposted in proper location (wasn't expecting a Hero thread in CoV forums).
  23. Name: The Obsidian Oath
    Leaders: Briarthorne (Founder), Ebonshroud
    Contact: Same, though any member can recruit. In game email or a /tell preferred.

    About the group:

    The Obsidian Oath is a Supervillain group on Virtue for the tactically inclined. Although evil likes to solo, we are more powerful together. We team together and use each others strengths to accomplish nefarious deeds otherwise impossible. We are currently looking to find the next generation of Super Villains.

    We are a large but casual group. We try to team together whenever SG members are on and work together to accomplish SG tasks including badges (teleporter reaches Nerva, St. Martial, Cap au Diable, and Sharkhead Isle). Our roster includes all levels from 2-40.

    PVP plans for base won't be enabled until we have the prestige to add a number of security measures to our extremely functional base.

    Base priorities include improving medlab by crafting item to distribute inspirations (unlocked by healing badge, so team minded healers especially welcome ).

    Send a tell or an e-mail to Briarthorne (the founder) or ask any member to invite you.

    RP welcome, but not required. It's about teamwork.

    Foyer | Energy Room | Control Room | Tech Crafting Tables |
    Arcane Crafting Tables | Workshop Decor | Teleport Hub | Medlab
  24. Name: The Obsidian Oath
    Leaders: Briarthorne (Founder), Ebonshroud
    Contact: Same, though any member can recruit. In game email or a /tell preferred.

    About the group:

    The Obsidian Oath is a Super Villain group on Virtue for the tactically inclined. Although evil likes to solo, we are more powerful together. We team together and use each others strengths to accomplish nefarious deeds otherwise impossible. We are currently looking to find the next generation of Super Villains.

    We are a large but casual group. We try to team together whenever SG members are on and work together to accomplish SG tasks including badges (teleporter reaches Nerva, St. Martial, Cap au Diable, and Sharkhead Isle). Our roster includes all levels from 2-40.

    PVP plans for base won't be enabled until we have the prestige to add a number of security measures to our extremely functional base.

    Base priorities include improving medlab by crafting item to distribute inspirations (unlocked by healing badge, so team minded healers especially welcome ).

    Send a tell or an e-mail to Briarthorne (the founder) or ask any member to invite you.

    RP welcome, but not required. It's about teamwork.

    Foyer | Energy Room | Control Room | Tech Crafting Tables |
    Arcane Crafting Tables | Workshop Decor | Teleport Hub | Medlab