A Different angle
Those are beautiful.
Enjoy your day please.
It was a thoroughly beautiful album. Recommend anyone taking the time to have a look through all of it not just the highlights here.
Thank you for your effort.

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dam stacker, thats awesome work. i am currently in the middle of completely redoing my base on justice. question, what are those things in the ceiling with the lasers?
Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker
Those are crafted base defense items -- Stealth Supression
I remember going on tour for those bases.
Ah, good times.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
You gotta put on a play!
Beautiful work!
What object is making the nightclub laser lights in the "room that broke your base?
Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne
Asked and answered.
What object is making the nightclub laser lights in the "room that broke your base?
question, what are those things in the ceiling with the lasers?
Those are crafted base defense items -- Stealth Supression
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
So I actually started to play coh again .not building just killing things. You know its been a while when you forget how to get around and what area is connected to what, so I fall on the good old base TP and I kind of got to see my base in a different angle. No this is not a post about what bases should be or what they need to be, I literally was looking at my base in a different angle. So I went and snapped some pics of the base in different angles that I hadnt taken before. Hope you enjoy.

the base entrance TP room and rember double doorways
The room that broke my base for good....the devs asked that i dont put anything else in this base.
New bowling alley old prison and the Movie theater
And the stage theater
Oh and if anyone has seen this room please let me know what base it is in so i can get a toon back in the sg to finish it.
anyway thats just some stuff that can be done with the bug that is the base editor. Now back to killing stuff.