LFG system....
The average wait time is technically true, but it's not a useful average because it counts the pre-formed full leagues (who get in instantly after queuing, since they have a full group already).
So if one person sits in the queue for an hour, then a group of 23 queue for BAF and get in in one second, the average queue time for those 24 people will be:
(1*60 + 23*.0167)/24 = 2.5 minutes
...even though the only person who actually waited through the queue was there for an hour.
I don't know what server you play on, but on Freedom there are constantly leagues pre-forming for the trials in Pocket D. Try going there (or the RWZ) and see if there are any forming, or ask around in global channels.
I am on guardian currently
You're not waiting in Ouroborus, are you? I seem to recall hearing somewhere that the LFG feature won't pick you up from there.
thats misrepresentation
im sitting here waitng for a league when i could have gotten a regular team and been playing the game
now im sitting here waiting for a league invite and and hour goes by im thinking what is the point i could have been playing a diffrent game with people and getting enjoyment out of it.
the system sucks
more often then not i will just be sitting waiting for a group. I think personaly ther system isnt updating who is looking for a league list properly
and you cant look for a team and the league its one or the other
"Never attempt to balance mechanics through Role Playing."
Thanks for that info- my friends where wondering about the new League option. still not quite sure the diff between league and a regular team !
"Never attempt to balance mechanics through Role Playing."
Thanks for that info- my friends where wondering about the new League option. still not quite sure the diff between league and a regular team !
The only times you have to use a League currently are for the Lambda and BAF Incarnate Trials... although you can use them for various other things, such as making Hamidon Raids or Mothership Raids easier to coordinate... or for whatever the hell you want (although a league can't be doing two different door missions simultaneously, mind you).
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
thats misrepresentation
im sitting here waitng for a league when i could have gotten a regular team and been playing the game now im sitting here waiting for a league invite and and hour goes by im thinking what is the point i could have been playing a diffrent game with people and getting enjoyment out of it. the system sucks more often then not i will just be sitting waiting for a group. I think personaly ther system isnt updating who is looking for a league list properly and you cant look for a team and the league its one or the other |
People have found it far easier to preform teams, allowing them to have actual leadership, set the teams up the way they want to, make sure they have the right diversity of ATs, and so forth. This doesn't mean that there's any problem with the turnstile system, but it just turns out to be something that folks form our little game don't really seem to want to use.
The system's not the problem, it's how folks have chosen to use it. I have used in on Freedom sucessful many times. Sucessfully in the sense that I got a league to run the trial. Those attempts nearly all failed, though.
People have found it far easier to preform teams, allowing them to have actual leadership, set the teams up the way they want to, make sure they have the right diversity of ATs, and so forth. This doesn't mean that there's any problem with the turnstile system, but it just turns out to be something that folks form our little game don't really seem to want to use. |
they would quit out of frustration
I imagine they are trying to copy starcrafts 2 system where they pair you up with other players but the problem is when you get paired up like that the teams usually suck
it hurts the incarnate system becuase that was hailed the method of getting shards and exp for the omega system but if people cant partake whats the point
"Never attempt to balance mechanics through Role Playing."
i havent even got to that point on one of the trials that actually let me in last week ive only been on 2 since i have been trying for 4 days but the system looks at your AT and not what the AT actually does so we ended up with 3 controllers and a bunch of scrapper and blasters but no healers and no tank alot of team member would get held and be killed by mezzers
they would quit out of frustration I imagine they are trying to copy starcrafts 2 system where they pair you up with other players but the problem is when you get paired up like that the teams usually suck it hurts the incarnate system becuase that was hailed the method of getting shards and exp for the omega system but if people cant partake whats the point |
Question: Are the team leads in a league able to perform their own invites, or is everything vetted through the league leader?
I'm fairly certain the system doesn't give a crap about what AT you are.
My Fire/Kin Controller was put on a BAF with all Scrappers, Tankers, and Blasters (I was the only one that wasn't). From the dozen+ other runs I've done, it just seems to put those that are available on it... Also, heals suck.
And just so you know, emps and the like will not help with the warnings that Siege and Nightstar do- after the third one you're hit with a five thousand mag mez (actually, over 5k), as well as all those that are around you. That's most likely the issue you were facing.
This is just like all the other top-level TF/SFs they've put in the game... at first people would fail spectacularly, and after people learned wtf you're supposed to do, people now PuG them all the time at times that'd rival the 'speed' runs upon release.
The LFG system could use some improvements (such as being more willing to put you on existing teams if you click that button), but IMO it's a great start.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
I'm fairly certain the system doesn't give a crap about what AT you are.
My Fire/Kin Controller was put on a BAF with all Scrappers, Tankers, and Blasters (I was the only one that wasn't). From the dozen+ other runs I've done, it just seems to put those that are available on it... Also, heals suck. And just so you know, emps and the like will not help with the warnings that Siege and Nightstar do- after the third one you're hit with a five thousand mag mez (actually, over 5k), as well as all those that are around you. That's most likely the issue you were facing. This is just like all the other top-level TF/SFs they've put in the game... at first people would fail spectacularly, and after people learned wtf you're supposed to do, people now PuG them all the time at times that'd rival the 'speed' runs upon release. The LFG system could use some improvements (such as being more willing to put you on existing teams if you click that button), but IMO it's a great start. |
Right. The Turnstile doesn't care who it shoves into a trial, just that they indicated they wanted to do one. The biggest problem with it currently, from my experience, is that it attempts to start as soon as it has the trial's minimum. Combine that with not caring about AT composition makes things much harder. Now add to both of those handicaps the fact that it's less likely that you've got experienced participants queuing up...
As experience with the trials propagates through the community (since knowing what to do is the most important aspect of these) these problems will lessen, but I think making the thing wait longer than "minimum members met" would help some.
Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2
I see. So forming a league makes more sense to recruit good team leads into each group, and then get their help with recruiting the members they need. Does that make sense?
Question: Are the team leads in a league able to perform their own invites, or is everything vetted through the league leader? -Johnny |
Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2
so if u a team lead on a trial you can invite people to your team after the trial has started?
Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
The times I tried this (after someone got DC'd and didn't load in) it would not allwo me to invite them after the trial had started.
It's likely that a DC'd person logs back in, but doesn't realize that they're still in the queue (i.e., they don't look at the LFG pane). And the system stops the team lead from inviting a replacement because it considers that spot in the queue to be taken.
At the very least they should make so that if you log in and can still "join last event" (ie. after a DC), then it should display your LFG screen (with the big green Rejoin button) by default.
At least that way people will realise they can in fact rejoin. The first time I got DC in a trail when I got back in I looked at the "League" tab and it said I wasn't in a league, it was only by chance that I then hit "LFG" to join a new league that I saw the button to rejoin.
For a person that DC's, they're still considered to be in the queue, and even if they log back in right away, they might not realize that they can rejoin/drop from the LFG pane.
It's likely that a DC'd person logs back in, but doesn't realize that they're still in the queue (i.e., they don't look at the LFG pane). And the system stops the team lead from inviting a replacement because it considers that spot in the queue to be taken. |
One of the biggest problems I see with the LFG feature is it starts trials with minimum number of people, 8-9 for Lambda and 14 for BAF. IMHO these trials are just not doable with the minimum number on most PUG's at this time. Once everyone has figured out how they work it will get easier. Give it a month or two and you will see someone brag about soloing one of them.
There are many problems w/the current LFG system which makes players not use it. For one thing, it's not transparent, so when forming a league outside the LFG system (and yeah, maybe ppl shouldn't do this, but we do), you can see inside the LFG queue to see who's available to fill out the league. So ppl congregate in zones like the RWZ to try to get slots on player-made leagues. Then, you can't invite ppl who are on LFG queue so they have to quit first. The LFG queue should be a tool to find ppl who want to run trials, not a system that creates leagues for itself, though it can do that too.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
There are many problems w/the current LFG system which makes players not use it. For one thing, it's not transparent, so when forming a league outside the LFG system (and yeah, maybe ppl shouldn't do this, but we do), you can see inside the LFG queue to see who's available to fill out the league. So ppl congregate in zones like the RWZ to try to get slots on player-made leagues. Then, you can't invite ppl who are on LFG queue so they have to quit first. The LFG queue should be a tool to find ppl who want to run trials, not a system that creates leagues for itself, though it can do that too.
Funny thing is, people can currently set their regular search flags as, "Looking for Trial." However, I'm getting the impression that recruiters aren't checking for this, which is a cleaner tool than having assorted LFT yells in RWZ.
LFG needs some help for it to be usefull. The participation rate in the LFG seems to be dropping every day, before long it will be completely unused. Here are some problems and some ideas to make it better:
1. Min size for these trials is too small for a randomly made pug. Set both the lam and baf to 16 min size. Preformed leagues can ignore this min size.
2. Preformed groups fill to max and this prevents pugs from getting added. Make prometheus(move him to pocket D) and the SGBase the contact to start a locked trial. Make LFG leagues cap out at 14 for LAM and 20 for BAF. The last 2-4 spots are reserved for solos in the LFG Q. Add extra rewards for using LFG instead of the contacts to ensure LFG does not go unused.
3. PUG trials seem to always give the one person who goes AFK the league leader spot and you cant kick them. We need a checkbox in the LFG window that indicates if you are willing to be the leader when the trial is formed. At least this gives the PUG group a person that is willing to lead instead of some newb that doesnt even know to bring up the league ui. A vote to kick would also be nice if you find that the leader is AFK or griefing the trial. Also with this an event wont start unless it finds at least one person in the Q with the leader checkbox clicked.
4. The average time needs to be changed to show how many people are currently in the Q waiting and for what, and how many are tagged as leaders. Showing us how often a preformed max filled league does the trial is useless.
5. Team layouts in a pug league are a mess. Push everybody into team 1 until that fills then everbody goes into team 2. This may be less of a problem when we have better leaders but right now its a pain and the leader never seems to know how to move people around.
6. Add to existing event seems broken. I have only once ever been added to an existing event. This should display how many events and of each type are currently running that are not at max or are locked. It would be nice if I could select one of them and instantly be added to that event.
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Hi all
I kind of confuse about the new lfg system. I am lv 50 tanker and currently am trying it out. I have hit queue for first avail and seems like nothing is happening. It saids that the avg wait time is 2 mins but i've been waiting like 45 so far. Is the time not correct? Or am I doing something wrong?