Consolidated Base Concerns, 5/2010
Why a SG list in the base forum? Because bases are closely tied to SGs, so there is often very insightful discussion here about SG mechanics.
Supergroup BUGS
- Troubles naming SGs starting with "The". (need more details)
Supergroup FLAWS
- NEW from i18/GR: Praetorians are not allowed to create SG's or bases... for 20 levels. This hinders their ability to store salvage, enhancements, craft, or use temporary empowerments.... for 20 levels.
- Many SG issues are related to bases, and often discussed in this forum. eg,
- security affects storage;
- rosters affect prestige;
- SG-focused functions make sense on items in the SG's base.
- It's hard to set security limits if you can't demote offline/hidden members. Promoting/inviting offline members would be useful, too.
- Lack of logging - any action dangerous enough to necessitate a Security permission should be trackable when leaders are offline. Most such actions generate system messages to a player involved, or to the whole SG, so should be easily recordable. (eg, Join, Quit, Kick, Promote/Demote, Base Edit. Changes to Permissions are perhaps the big case that doesn't generate a system message but should be logged.)
- Promoting up to the same level as you should have a confirmation prompt since you can't undo that action (and since it can happen due to lag or an accidental keypress on the right-click menu) or just give all promotions a confirm prompt.
- Chest icons that aren't available as SG Logos
- Complete loss of Prestige history and Join On date when you leave a roster (at the very least, if you don't join another group in-between it should remember them)
- SG Register (Registrar in City Hall) should display and filter on Hero/Villain
- There is no tangible benefit to supergroups working as a group. Such as bonuses for teaming with your SGmates.
Supergroup WISHLIST
- a slash command or simply allow the base leader to set up an automatic withdrawl when the rent is due
- Passive recruiting using the SG Register. Anyone looking for a SG should be able to use the Register to find one, and to send that SG a request for membership. This would cut down on the need to run around broadcasting, recruits would come to you. (Note this satisfies the desire to invite your own alt, but has a lot of additional use beyond that.)
- More communication to SG members - Messageboard, mass email. A block of text on the SG screen that's not public. (The Description is seen by everyone at the Register.) Perhaps a base item like a calendar or whiteboard that can make this interactive.
- Short description text for each SG Rank on the SG Settings screen. Since most SGs have rules for promotions, this would help communicating those.
- Some way to email a Group, not a Player. eg, "dear coalition, whoever is in charge..."
- A way to chat to a single coalition (disabling Chat To every other coalition is really clunky.)
- A way to moderate the sg channel similar to global channels (silencing, etc.,.)
- SG Info on a character Info screen. (info tab with the logo in SG Colors, SG Motto, player's Rank, "member since...")
- Most SGs have a costume, some way to better communicate those costume settings in the costume editor would be useful (something like a template?).
- NPCs around town should "namedrop" the SG, especially when multiple members of a SG are running around on one team. (dialog like "I saw the Freedom Phallanx battling the Freakshow!")
- IO Memorization for a SG. (So one person in the SG doesn't have to do all the efficient crafting and pass it around thru storage.)
- Info Kiosk style stat tracking for SG members. eg, rank most kills by SG members, prestige gain over the past week, etc.
- Add a Supergroup tab to the /info popup, so people can see the SG Logo (in the SG colors), motto, description. Perhaps also the character's rank, prestige total, and join date, if those aren't too "personal" to reveal.
- System-run inter-SG events. (Dare I mention arena tournaments as an example?)
- SG Renaming. Tricky, would it ever be possible to code a system to determine who has the ability to do a rename?
- Selectable loading screen for the base.
- Perhaps simply chosen from the mission load-ins we already have (sewer, office, cave, etc).
- Perhaps create a new set of loading screens to choose from, made up of various base screenshots. (ooooh, what if that gallery of loading screens was submited by players? as a contest.)
- Can this actually be customizable? Click a button while in the base editor and it makes a screenshot stored on the server, which is sent out to any client loading in to that base. Can the loading screens work that way?
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

This list includes anything that affects a person's day-to-day base usage.
on Storage:
- Salvage Capacity is far too low.
- It's low compared to one character (are we supposed to return to using mules?)
- It's low compared to the capacity of other storage tables/bins.
- It's low when you factor in holiday salvage.
- It's low considering the amount of different items you may want to group together in one bin for organizational reasons.
- IO Salvage is seen as more valuable to the individual. That relates to the following points:
- Worry over crafted item deletion.
- Concern about the lack of group contributions to base needs.
- Lack of crafted item information before spending salvage.
- Empowerment costs and storage concerns
- Storage logs have lost functionality when they were merged to only one log per base.
- Can the log entry include some way of knowing (and filtering on) which storage item the entry applies to? Perhaps a search function?
- Conversely, this could go to the other extreme with storage being universal for the base and the items merely adding capacity. eg, one collective Enhancement list when you click any Enhancer Table.
- The current implementation, however, is not efficient being in between those two ideas.
- Base storage repainting the base upon use can cause crashing, lag, and visual problems.
- (done! i21) Storage needs to be sortable, or simply default sorted alphabetically by item/level instead of by time deposited (such as using the same sort order as an NPC store).
- Storage log can be spammed to remove history - should something be guaranteed to exist for a length of time before being pushed off the list? or a longer log file than 100 entries?
- Storage doesn't always remember who placed an item, and definitely forgets it all if you move the storage to a new room.
- Lack of a way to pool Recipe resources among a SG.
- Whatever happened to seeing Salvage Storage from a Worktable/Empowerment? (If that idea was dropped, just tell us and we'll stop asking.)
- Text labels on Storage item interface would help organize items, since groups have many diverse systems for that. (eg, "Magic Enhancers only in here")
- Why are teleporter rooms unable to hold storage?
Base Usage BUGS
- Bug with being overdue on rent when owing 0 rent. So the register won't let you pay rent to fix the bug. Currently requires a petition to resolve.
- Upkeep Overpayment - if you pay too early, your next bill for rent will be due 2 weeks earlier than it should
- (fixed i20) Game Client can shutdown while you are zoning to your base with the message "You have been forcibly disconnected from the server. MapShuttingDown"
- (fixed i 20) Game crashes after extensive time (2+ hrs) spent editing base.
- Empowerment stations list 15 minute durations, they were changed to 1 hour in the 8.16.06 patch but the text was not updated.
- In general, Empowerment has a lot of issues. The change to Invention salvage has caused the following concerns:
- Empowerment seems more expensive now. In particular, with a lack of Real Number information on the craftings and the mistake of saying they last only 15 minutes (8.16.06 patch notes say they are meant to last an hour), a higher cost just makes matters worse.
- Characters do not have the capacity to hold a lot of empowerment ingredients as they could with Components. This makes it harder to plan ahead.
- The recipe list is more complex. Compounding that, it's far away from the Market. Markets in the base may help here.
- Using a community stash of salvage is a pain because of the number of pieces vs the size of the bin, and the lack of sorting.
Base Usage FLAWS
- NEW from i18/GR: inability for Rogues & Vigilantes to use/access teleporters in opposite faction base. This becomes an extreme hinderance when running missions on a mixed team.
- NEW from i18/GR: The re-vamped Cathedral of Pain is difficult to the point of "do it once". There is a bug that allows the AV to attack while his shields are up.
- Inf-Pres trade-in at the Register is a huge ripoff. A level 50 turning on SG Mode gives up about 150,000 Inf in order to earn 2,000 Prestige, the Register charges 1 million for 2k. Certainly SG Mode should remain the best income source, but the Register should be close, not 500:1. If there's an issue with too much converting, have the Register trade 100:1 to reduce Rent, thus limiting how much you can trade in.
- Unable to control the direction you face on zone-in
- Combat Logs is too weak for its huge prerequisite. In fact, with inspiration merging, it's hardly worth the placement cost even if it's earned. Setting them to produce medium insps. would make them more worthwhile.
- Auto-Doc limited to selling 2 inspirations is rather silly given the new ability to merge insps. It should perhaps sell everything, or everything else for 150 (same price as buying 3 and merging, but with less fuss).
- Mission Computer needs more use
- Most Empowerment buffs are considered insanely weak, and most are rather dull since you can get better effects from Inspirations.
- Inability to use the Base features when teamed in a co-op zone.
- Why do certain zones lack beacons: Cimerora, Midnighter's Club, Ouroboros, FBZ. Is there a reason PVP zones lack beacons?
- Lack of PVE uses for the huge amount of raid-related base items. Some ideas,
- PVE raids. ie: defend your base against the game's AI. or raid a pre-made base defended by the AI.
- Justify "raidable" items with a PVE usage. For example, give a PVE reason to have to leave a clear path to your generator, such as giving the generator a clickable function.
- Teleport Beacons are difficult to distinguish, especially Arcane ones.
- Single teleport room still limited to only 1 beacon when it can only hold one teleporter. What is so overpowered about allowing a single teleporter to teleport to 2 destinations like every other teleport room ingame?
- No 1x2 Medical Room. There should be a small 1x2 medical room costing 50k, similar to the teleport room and the workshop room, that will allow a single rez ring+1 storage item.
- (fixed) (i18) Power Liberator / Master Thief is not obtainable. Given questions about how it was earned, perhaps the fairest solution is to change the badge requirement to winning any raid by any victory condition.
- Bring other existing game functions inside the base (as was done with functions introduced in Issues 9 and 10) For example:
- Tailor (perhaps combine with the request for a SG Costume system)
- Auction House
- Arena terminals
- Trainer
- Info Kiosk
- Mission Difficult Setter
- NPC Store (to sell Enhancers)
- Mission Doors
- Export base log to file (for off line use)
- SG-missions (on mission computer?)
- Return to Mission Teleporter is NOT a fixed issue. Having a clickable character power to do that does not replace the question of a base item.
- (granted) (i22) New teleporters, either to increase beacons per room, or to simply put more destinations in one click spot.
- Ability to zone into your Coalition bases directly from the Base Exit Portal, to make it easy to tour, or to utilize coalition items. (Should be easy to code since the Portal can generate a zoning menu if there are multiple instances to zone to. Just get the other bases onto that menu.)
- Functionality to use powers in a base. The typical training/simulation/"danger room" setup. This could be as simple as the targetable dummies in the RWZ base, or could be ways to generate NPCs to shoot at (perhaps in a cage similar to the Pocket D arena).
- More information on the base zoning listing. (eg: icons to show what functions that base holds.)
- Improved capability to tour other bases. (ie: better than having a team leader act as a "tour guide".) Perhaps a special portal at the SG Register that shows all bases that have been set to public access.
- More ways to have your base impact your other play. The way that IOPs continually buff you outside the base. The roleplay for any in-base item that continually helps you can be the prototypical "someone's on monitor duty back at HQ".
- Add a roleplay Title to your base. So instead of the base zoning menu saying just the SG name like Freedom Phallanx, Paragon PD, Wyvern; it could instead say Freedom Phallanx Headquarters, Paragon PD Station, Wyvern Lair.
- Custom popup text message upon zoning to a base (similar to what missions have)
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

This list affects people who are base architects. Issues with the base editor as well as decorative/graphical issues are here.
Note: any pathing issues in the prior posts should not be marked "solved" until the raid system is returned and we see what pathing looks like. It's possible that old issues will still remain just as they were described. Remember, it is unfair to fix pathing only for people who ignore the raid function of bases!
Developers please note: if building rules for raids are too restrictive, it makes an indirect cost on the raiding system.
On Doorways:
- Blocking 1 doorway placement completely prevents room creation/movement - the logic of this should only prevent the room if no doorways can be made at all.
- Is the door AI actually a benefit? Why not just manually create doors attached to rooms, and then require rooms to be attached to doors? It seems a lot simpler, and gives more control to the architect.
- Transition effects in doorways, instead of sharply dividing the room styles
- Placement of items in doorway squares. Even if it's limited to non-blocking items such as stairs, and wall decorations.
- Double-wide doorways were possible with an editor glitch. Would it be possible to build those directly?
- Allow room trim in a doorway. (Is there some reason this was denied in the first place?)
On Pathing/Hitboxes: (improved i21)
Actually, sometime earlier, hitboxes were "loosened" such that items were allowed to overlap. However, they were still effective against walls and doorways. When the new rotating editing tool was implemented in i21, the hitboxes were given even more flexibility allowing for closer placement with walls and doorways. Consequently, given what this implies for any return to raid pathing, I am going to mark most of this section as "improved".
- Lack of feedback on collisions, especially when unable to place a door (including when moving a room)
- Many items should path similar to stairs, but do not. For example, arcane platforms, floor tiles all should let the editor recognize a way over them, but they instead block pathing.
- "Hollow" items that block pathing (for example, Spike Rings, Arcane Arches and the AES can block doorways even though you can walk right through them.)
- Many flat-top items do not allow things to be placed on top of them. eg, bookcases, counters, floor tiles
- Many architects feel unjustly constrained by Raid considerations if they're not using the base for raiding. Can the system be more flexible? Or if there are general limitations, raiding or not, could they be better expressed in terms that don't trigger phrases like "but I'm not raiding".
On Crafted Items:
- The best upgrade for crafted items would be to implement a SG Inventory. Crafted items go there, to be placed by any architect, and return there if removed from the plot. Advantages include,
- Personal items should not be deleted completely, as it deletes various resources used in crafting. Fear of item deletion is a reason leaders don't like to share base edit permission. It'd also be nice to quick swap crafted items for a different room style.
- Combines normal and crafted items into a single editor, instead of using one editor to place and another to move it.
- Better control over who can edit the base. No longer could a Rank 1 drop dozens of vet items in the middle of your design without a security permission.
- Lack of info prior to crafting an item (Size, Prestige/Energy/Control costs, many items lack pictures)
- (improved i21, Vet Base items are now added to the editing tabs.) Veterans base items are poorly implemented. The badges should unlock recipes on the worktables (similar to invention badges). Advantages include,
- You won't fill personal inventory just to get multiples of one item.
- A very minor craft cost may give people pause before dropping massive amounts of items just because they can.
Base Building BUGS
- (i17) Stealth artwork change/"fix" of beaker rack. Beaker rack is now filled with beakers... which would've been okay, if it had been added as an alternative. Can we please have our old empty beaker rack artwork back?
- (i17) Ultra Mode has adversely affected the look of slow fields, crystals and other base items (slow fields are pixelated, crystals have no shading, 'porters have over-bright filigree...)
- (i17) The item window in edit mode is showing "invalid category string" in the info tab.
- Group banner 1's texture is duplicating vertically. (post link)
- Inability to edit while people use Storage, because storage keeps repainting the base and resetting your edit
- While editing, the total prestige available sometimes does not take into account the last few edits, leaving you with less prestige than you really have (even a negative total). This can take a long time to correct itself.
- Personal Invention Salvage Vault sometimes doesn't get Energy/Control
- Teleporter Beacons don't always interact right with Energy/Control
- Inability to click flat items in the editor, you need to select them from the "current room" listing. MRI, X-Ray images, etc.
- --(fixed) (i22) Grandville beacon artwork shows "destroyed" when in place, but not when moving the beacon.
- --(fixed) (i22) No Pocket D beacon artwork (shows as "destroyed")
- --(fixed ? ) (i22) Certain FX are now always on. Missing FX on many items (mostly defensive items - Stealth Suppressor, Force Field Generator, etc.)(Stealth Suppression items lose their laser beams if you move them around after their original placement)
- Inability to move rooms when items are stacked.
- --(fixed) (i21.5) Defensive items are attacking players... all players... and are attackable/destructible. While some are heralding this as the "best bug evah", others would rather see it implemented as a more judicious feature (going back to the "decorative version of defensive items" request).
-- (fixed) (i21) Banners and other logo items are not displaying logos correctly. Everything comes up with (the biohazard logo) no logo.
-- (fixed) (i21) Veteran Base Item Rewards are no longer claimable multiple times on one character. Since the rewards are permanently removed from a character's personal inventory when placed in a base, IF said items are deleted, there is no way to recover them (unlike regular base items).
Base Building FLAWS
- Low percentage of SG members are given edit permission. Seems to come down to players not giving permission because of 3 factors,
- The all-or-nothing security. (similar to problems that kept Storage from being better utilized.)
- Lack of SG infrastructure such as communication and logging.
- Fear of having other people edit "your" base. Including fear of major destruction, such as loss of items or loss of many hours of work.
- Inability to move items as a batch, such as picking up a whole desk and everything on top of it. or delete many items at once.
- Moving the entrance room with no other rooms uses a very roundabout solution.
- Plot Upgrade Costs are misleading, since the displayed cost does not account for selling back the current plot. It's not clear the base plot upgrade costs refund your current cost. Can the cost of each plot reflect your current plot's refund? (Some people don't even know you get refunded the old plot cost.)
- Apply room style to base is too destructive. You can't copy 1 room without overwriting everything. Why not a Copy+Paste Style instead? (you could still apply that to the base, just with a bit more running around.)
- Removable floor/ceiling trim. Have a no trim option in the styles editor under the trim tabs.
- Floor Wall patterns apply their style around any floor section set to the highest level. Low Floor Wall patterns only apply their style when you have a transition from low floor to mid-level floor. (post link)
- Roundabout means of getting multiple SG logos onto items. Possible solutions:
- 1) A color selector for item, similar to room lighting/tint.
- 2) make these items craftable with an interface similar to a costume editor, locking in the color/logo when crafted.
- Not enough Worktable spots on a plot for all 6 tables plus Invention. Why limit Worktables at all, when Teleporters and Defenses are never limited?
- Inequalities between Tech/Arcane item sizes. (Raid porter, 2nd and 3rd control items.)
- (improved) Stacking items in the editor is extremely difficult (when raid pathing rules are in effect)
- Most crafted control items aren't worth the added costs, control-per-energy efficiency is not nearly as meaningful as control-per-dollar. Why even have trade-offs, shouldn't crafted items just always be better?
- Large steps exist in the growth of bases, notably when growing out of the Startup items, and when trying to upgrade a Mainframe to a Supercomputer. Crafted item efficiency affects this, too.
- Improve chat capability while in the base editor.
- Base plot usage could be improved.
- Are we ever getting the Tesla Cage, Elite Sapper, Advanced Holo-display? (like the Fusion Generator, how about a new requirement for the AHD if its requirement doesn't exist?)
- Base testing on the Training Room is severely hampered by the lack of Prestige there. Perhaps the ability to copy a whole base over?
Base Building WISHLIST
- (granted i21) z-axis control for placing items
- (granted i21) Finer control over item rotation. 45-degree increments? Free-form? smaller snap grid?
- Editor needs an undo/redo button
- Some way to rapidly place favorite items. Such as making a Favorites listing in the base editor. Or a Most Recently Used list. Or a "place another copy" button on the item's info window.
- Save+Restore room designs. Convenient for making a backup of your architectural efforts, and perhaps a way to share designs as player-generated content.
- would it be possible to have a way to be able to make edits and changes which don't effect the actual base until it is "republished"? Similar to MA arcs.
- Clean up and resort item menus
- There's a huge list of art that exist in-game, and could be easily used for Base Items. See various threads.
- and countless wishlists of new decorative items. There's a whole thread on this. The most often requested categories of items are:
- water effects; water "tile", pool, waterfall
- windows and doors to decorate walls (windows with "sceens"... park, cityscape, etc.)
- walls to sub-divide room areas (instead of using lateral files or bookcases for this)
- we need an SG emblem that is blank (intentionally)
- more room styles, especially "non-room" types like outdoor, water, lava, caves, ice
- NPCs
- architecture for 2-level rooms, such as platforms and higher stairs
- stackable "building blocks" to make platforms and levels
- look-a-likes of functional items, such as decorative weapons or databases
- seasonal decorations, perhaps related to the in-game events
- souveniers from story arcs as decorative objects
- Very few room details that are natural are included. My kitchen is stocked with pickled organs and dirty old bottles to serve to my members, and many of them are getting fed up with it.
- Mission maps have more paintings available whereas we are stuck with 2 paintings and 1 monstrosity (Modern Art)
- More sets of functional items, not just Tech and Arcane. Such as taking all the Arachnos items and using them for new Control, Energy, Teleport, Medical, Workshop, etc, paralleling the function we already have, just with a new option for its look.
- Adjustable lighting density to create "atmosphere", such a fog.
- Music or ambient sounds for each room. Could be implemented in the editor similar to Lighting/Textures, or could be objects with audio effects, such as stereo speakers.
- Clickable plaques (or signs) with custom text... like the in-game history plaques. They could then be filled out by the placer: "Hello. Welcome to our base. Please wipe your feet." or "General Enhancements.", "Lieutenant Enhancements", "Offensive Inspirations", etc.
- Doors between rooms. (including things like elevators or portals)
- Double wide doorways (as a feature, not as a bug)
- More doorway styles: arched, staired, ramped, etc.,.
- Revise the base entry portal,
- Ability to choose different looks for the portal
- Ability to change the Entrance Room's size. One idea: allow all decorative rooms to hold the entry portal, so you can move it to a larger room and delete the 2x2 one.
- More variety of room shapes and sizes, especially Decorative rooms.
- Upgrade/Downgrade room size, similar to plot size changing.
- Pre-Fab bases (or just rooms) to provide a starting point for architects. Consider a variation of User Generated Content we've been told is coming for missions.
- Allow user to scale item size
- Ability to customize items the way the splasher program can change artwork.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Issues particular to raiding, including both setting up and running.
Base Raid BUGS
- "Field" items not working during raids
- Raids do not end when all attackers are out of the defender base after the half-way point (Back when this did work properly, corpses apparently could prevent a defender from winning. That may still have to be addressed.)
- Is everyone supposed to be zoning to the same doorway every time, or is it supposed to be randomizing?
Base Raid FLAWS
- Where's the Scheduled Raid System? (and would enough people care? no, seriously, the amount of people who don't want - even fear - scheduled raids even while wanting IOPs was pretty amazing. Why is the SRS often seen more as a cost to be paid/avoided than as "content"? Should the premise be rethought? Maybe the whole SRS/IOP interaction has to be re-thought?)
- Griefing on Zoning in to an attackers base. (Yes, all's fair in PVP, this is not an exploit, but so many people are unhappy with it that it needs to be examined.)
- Long zoning times are no fun, it's just time you're not raiding. Instance both maps together and use "elevator" type code to move to the PVP area faster. Make the attacker base immune to teleport, so defenders never are brought there. (Note this also addresses the coalition issue.)
- Defending players are unable to join a raid that's started, even if there's room.
- Why even require players to find a "join" button to sign up? Just add them to the raid team if there's room.
- Unable to concede a raid to end it early (Maybe not a good idea for Items of Power Raids, but pickup raids should allow it.)
- People not in the raid are immediately kicked out of the defending base with no explanation (so often they keep trying to enter) - the base menu should simply tell them there's a raid in progress and deny access.
- Inability for PVE players to use a defending base during a raid. Why not instance the raiding base, and leave a copy for use by the rest of the SG while the raid is underway? Note that the PVE functions of an attacking base remain usable for people not in the attacking raid force.
- Attacking teams can have SG and coalition member "buff bots" sitting in their base providing raid help, Defenders can not. This is an imbalance. (Note that instancing the bases on a single map to speed up loading would also balance this - both sides could only use coalition bots outside in the zone.)
- What's with the function of the Relay? its effect and worktable description don't match.
- Batteries are useless on a hidden plot because of the need for Control. What was the design goal for those?
- The Pylon setup means the ideal defense is to have as few rooms as possible, which narrows strategy options. What's the design goal? Can this be improved to better meet that goal?
- Mez Protection IOP was insanely overpowered, especially in PVP. This should be examined before it returns to play.
- Rez Ring camping is a balance issue. Suggestion: have the Ring give 5-10 second of "invincible" (whatever they call the Rise of the Phoenix power - which is not the same as Only Affect Self). Note this wouldn't harm anything if applied to the ring in general, it doesn't have to be limited to raids.
- Given the close quarters of a base raid, ground-based powers (Caltrops, Tar Patch, Carrion Creepers, etc) are much more effective than in open PVP zones. Can they be balanced?
- Generator Energy Curtain doesn't work with Turbine or Fusion Generators.
- Can the Raid Schedule window be used to plan pickup raids more than 5 minutes in advance? (eg, current setup a group can plan a friendly raid and put it on the SG MOTD, but still only have 5 minutes to log in and actually sign up when the invite is sent. Why not make the raid official right away and utilize the schedule window for a longer sign-up time?)
- Allow various options when scheduling a pickup raid. For example,
- duration (20, 40, 60 minute options)
- level (perhaps 50, 38, 30 and 25 to match the PVP zones?)
- number of raiders on a side (8, 16, 24. How high can this go and not be too laggy?)
- limits on temp powers, inspirations and power pools, like the arena
- disable defensive items (so you can have an even playing field, without redesigning the base)
- Pickup raid invites can go to a random member of the SG, based on the ability to accept and their login time. If the person being invited has permission to start the raid, the popup should always go to them. If an invite is sent to someone unable to accept, it should throw an error, not give a popup to a different SG member.
- Groups with no IOP are easier to defend, there is 1 less victory condition because there is no IOP shield to take down. Should defenders need a Raid Target, so all raids have the same set of rules? (ie: place a Flag to be captured.)
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Your list here is pretty good and extensive, however there are a few things I'd like to respond to / point out that perhaps you can change in your list or at least be aware of and some things to add.
Name Dropping NPC suggestion: I really don't want to have the game spammed with tons of supergroup names seeing as many of them are, well less then desirable to even hear. "Wow that group Poopy Pants Patriots just took out a longbow base"....yeahhh I so want to hear that ingame.
on Storage: This is most likely never going to change, though I'd like to see it upped to at least 50 if not 100 as the other storage items have 100.
Back in beta you could store the maximum amount of invention salvage in a storage rack. Storage racks reported they could hold 999 items, but in reality they could hold 2500 items and the 999 number was just never changed. Storing that amount of salvage gave no reason to even sell salvage on the market. Why would someone sell something their supergroup mates may need? and with how bad the drop rate on salvage was in beta (and it was really bad) rares were very hard to get. The devs in response to this removed the ability to store salvage in a base at all.
Later when the devs removed base salvage from the game (drop wise) they then converted the craftable base stuff over to invention salvage and had to allow storage of it in some quantity in base. Why they chose 30 I'm not sure.
IO Salvage is seen as more valuable than Base Salvage. That relates to the following points: This point should be removed as there is no more base salvage being dropped in game and any character can hold an infinite amount of base salvage. If you still have base salvage convert it, sell it, store it on someone for old times sake.
The only sub point i see that isn't moot in this area is the lack of information on what you're crafting. CoX has had a policy of keeping the players informed since the combat numbers were introduced and this should extend to crafted base items too.
Storage logs have lost functionality when they were merged to only one log per base. This was mentioned in beta when the new permissions were added and was ignored. Good luck on getting this changed back to the way it was, which was far better then one mashed up list that we have now.
Lack of a way to pool Recipe resources among a SG. This was another thing brought up during storage talks in beta and was shot down/ignored also. The devs do not want recipes being stored in a sg base and with the new e-mail attachment feature it may be seen as even less needed. I'd still personally like to see some sort of small storage for recipes even if it were something like only 10.
Bugs: Some of the lesser ranks in a SG, when placing a storage table can not change the permissions related to their rank, so it becomes impossible for them to drop a storage item and then put items into it unless a higher rank enables the ability for them to do so. My personal experience is with the ringleader rank, though it may be with other ranks too.
Flaws: Why do certain zones lack beacons: Cimerora, Midnighter's Club, Ouroboros, FBZ. Is there a reason PVP zones lack beacons?
I'd guess most of those lack beacons for story reasons. Cimerora is back in time and attuned to the Midnighter's crystal as only way to get there, which was stolen from Ouroboros. Ouroboros is a displaced time citadel that you only gain access to once you've done some sort of time travel mission. idea . PvP zones I'd assume they'd have to make a "safe area" to port into otherwise you'll get zone in campers waiting to kill someone zoning in before they even finish loading the zone screen on their end, cause that's how many pvper's roll.
Wishlist: (additions)
Functional / non functional npc's I'd be happy to buy them from the base editor just like any other NPC, or even better use the AE interface to design them, give them a background story and a popup menu text when clicked on. I'd like to set non functional / functional NPC's to do the following:
- Ones who just stands around. Perhaps cycles through emotes that are ticked off of a window with set variables like when clicked or approached.
- Ones who paces around a room.
- Ones who paces/wanders/patrols around a base. (maybe lay down some invisible tracks that only show in the base editor and cost nothing?)
- Being able to set a group to patrol/wander around a base (using ae interface for group creation).
- Ones who sit or lay down on furniture/items in the base. (place invisible marker and set marker with some sort of interact trigger. NPC then uses marker and follows the set interaction such as sit/lay)
Addition: Trim: Ability to set/remove trim in any room. Have a no trim option in the styles editor under the trim tabs.
On Pathing/Hitboxes: Many architects feel unjustly constrained by Raid considerations if they're not using the base for raiding. Can the system be more flexible? Or if there are general limitations, raiding or not, could they be better expressed in terms that don't trigger phrases like "but I'm not raiding"
Isn't this a moot point with the current lack of base raiding and the ability to place stuff in/over doorways we currently have?
Base Building BUGS: (another one to add) Sometimes prestige totals are not calculated right in the editor. I dropped a storage bin (15k prestige) and had 88k left. I went to add some decorative items and prestige showed as -12k. I had to delete the storage bin (after emptying it, having filled it) for the prestige to reset to correct. Upon placing it a second time and refilling it, prestige totals for the base were correct and I was able to place my decorative items.
Base Building FLAWS:
Improve chat capability while in the base editor. It is possible to bring up the normal chat screen by hitting c when you're in the editor, then you can talk like normal to people. Perhaps having it show up as you enter the base editor would be better. You do need to move it up so that it's not over the selection tabs at the bottom.Base Things Not (entirely) On Your List: you have the cost segment in flaws so I'm placing all this stuff here.
- Single teleport room still limited to only 1 beacon when it can only hold one teleporter. What is so overpowered about allowing a single teleporter to teleport to 2 destinations like every other teleport room ingame?
- No 1x2 Medical Room. There should be a small 1x2 medical room costing 50k, similar to the teleport room and the workshop room, that will allow a single rez ring+1 storage item.
- Costs for Base building functionality / progression has a crazy jump in cost and should be rebalaced for a smoother progression.
- Create a Supergroup and gain a prestige grant of 200,000 (enough for oversite + room or two w/item and decoration.
- Jump from oversite center reduced. You go from 75k (oversite room + combo unit) to needing 375k (450k - selling the oversite+combo) as it is now.
- Upgraded combo unit (can only have 1 combo unit of any type) Cost 75k ~ 200 energy, 125 control.
- Add in Greater Magic Axis/Large Mainframe. cost 125k consume 100 energy gives 200 control
- Change Magic Axis/Mainframe. to consume 50 energy, give 100 control
Add in Simple Generator/Small Power Crystal. cost 125k gives 500 energy & 2 aux connections.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base
"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh
Name Dropping NPC suggestion: I really don't want to have the game spammed with tons of supergroup names seeing as many of them are, well less then desirable to even hear. "Wow that group Poopy Pants Patriots just took out a longbow base"....yeahhh I so want to hear that ingame. |
IO Salvage is seen as more valuable than Base Salvage. That relates to the following points: This point should be removed as there is no more base salvage being dropped in game and any character can hold an infinite amount of base salvage. |
IO Salvage is seen as more valuable than Base Salvage used to be... Since it is more valuable to the individual, people are less willing to contribute to the base, less willing to use it for empowerments, etc... the points are still viable.
Bugs: Some of the lesser ranks in a SG, when placing a storage table can not change the permissions related to their rank, so it becomes impossible for them to drop a storage item and then put items into it unless a higher rank enables the ability for them to do so. My personal experience is with the ringleader rank, though it may be with other ranks too. |
The "storyline" argument against some of the beacons has been presented before. It's a question of form over function, really, and could be hashed out in another thread.
You've already listed your version of NPC's in the stickied thread... which I linked to in the list.
Have a no trim option in the styles editor under the trim tabs. |
On Pathing/Hitboxes: Isn't this a moot point with the current lack of base raiding and the ability to place stuff in/over doorways we currently have? |
Base Building BUGS: (another one to add) Sometimes prestige totals are not calculated right in the editor. |
It is possible to bring up the normal chat screen by hitting c when you're in the editor, then you can talk like normal to people. |
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

IO Salvage:
Ok that's more clear thank you. yes I agree that people value invention salvage more then they did base salvage as base salvage could only be used for bases and nothing else, so people are far less willing to donate it to the group.
Bugs: SG Rank unable to change a perm:
Yes I'm pretty sure this is a bug. If the rank has the permission to edit the base they could very easily delete the salvage bin if they wanted to. As to changing the permissions if they changed it to not be useable by their rank anyone of the same rank could just change it back and they can't change the higher up ranks. Not being able to use a bin you just placed is just silly and slows base editing down.
Flaws: Trim: Thanks I've seen alot of people asking if there is a way to remove it outside of the kludge of sticking something against it to make it go away.
Pathing/Hitbox/Collison Boxes: Perhaps move them to an unresolved section, though that NOTE is a great idea to add.
Prestige Bug: Sorry i must have missed that one with placing an object and going into the negative when you're positive prestige.
Chat Screen: Yeah I mentioned it just for completeness sake. Not sure how nice having it integrated in would be. Maybe a button [chat] that would bring it up so people wouldn't have to hit C and would see that it could be brought up.
Useage: Thanks I've asked (no reply) and wondered about the near uselessness of that single teleport room with just one beacon and why we don't have the smaller med room. I should have had that cost part in the other section :/
Anyway once again great work and I really do hope we get some devbucks spent on bases soon and not "soon" tm.
Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base
"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh
Bugs: SG Rank unable to change a perm:
Yes I'm pretty sure this is a bug. If the rank has the permission to edit the base they could very easily delete the salvage bin if they wanted to. As to changing the permissions if they changed it to not be useable by their rank anyone of the same rank could just change it back and they can't change the higher up ranks. Not being able to use a bin you just placed is just silly and slows base editing down. |
I would rather have it confirmed by others if they are unable to change storage permissions with a toon that has edit capability, before I add this as a bug.

Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

The only way this would be a bug is if the red star (who has all permissions) or other rank with edit capability is unable to change the bin permissions. Otherwise, it is WAI. Neither is it a flaw, it is set that way as a measure of security.
I would rather have it confirmed by others if they are unable to change storage permissions with a toon that has edit capability, before I add this as a bug. ![]() |
- If they change lower permissions anyone of equal to their rank or higher can change them back.
- They can't change higher permissions.
- If they change the permission for their rank (not that they can, cause this is the bug) then someone of equal rank or higher could change it back.
Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base
"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh
Djeannie, this is NOT a bug. It is WAI.
I will not argue the point further unless someone else can show that it is not WAI.
If you wish to discuss whether or not it is a flaw, take it to another thread.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base
"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh
I will not argue the point further unless someone else can show that it is not WAI. |
Edit. The question has been posed to me as to whether this is a misunderstanding of mechanics... testing now to see if it is the "Edit Rank properties" capability (in SG settings) that determines who can edit storage permissions, as opposed to the "Modify (edit) Base" setting.
Edit 2: Further testing seems to indicate that it is the "Edit Rank" setting that determines ability to edit storage permissions. Please see tangent thread.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Terrific job sorting through all of this and putting it together!
After a brief discussion about making a new list... I looked around the boards to find the existing lists people mentioned... and saw the disarray that everything was in and really wanted to put something like this together, but I wasn't able to make the time... And I am very glad that you did, because you did a great job. Thank you!
The only thing I can think of after first perusal of this is one suggestion for Base Building Wishes (I don't think this was there, my apologies if I just missed it):
Finer Control in item placement. When moving an item, it snaps to (What I imagine would be some sort of GRID) spots. This generally makes centering and matching up items impossible, as the snap-to locations are farther apart than a designer may desire.
So, simply put:
Finer control of object placement; allow us to move objects in smaller increments for more precise designing
I hope that made sense... my eyes are bleary and my head is tired, hehe.
Thanks a lot! And... WAR WITCH!!! Take notice NAO!!!!! Even though that is a demand, I will still say, PLEASE and THANK YOU!!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Thanks Electric-Knight.
There is a line for "Finer control in placing items", I can add your "smaller snap grid" alongside the "45 degree rotation" comments.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

The world knows I have not been an advocate of more lists for the sake of listing. But I think this is going to be the new standard by which we measure progress (or lack thereof) of base related development in the future... much as Mad Scientist's effort has done over these past two years. I was so happy to see someone take the time and make the effort to build on what we already had. I salute your organizational skills. Well done.
I'm throwing this out for your consideration. It, in no way, is meant to detract from your superior effort and I'm not sure if it's even possible... just wondering out loud. Can we somehow flag potential "low hanging fruit" suggestions or suggestions that are extremely popular in nature?
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.
The world knows I have not been an advocate of more lists for the sake of listing. But I think this is going to be the new standard by which we measure progress (or lack thereof) of base related development in the future... much as Mad Scientist's effort has done over these past two years. I was so happy to see someone take the time and make the effort to build on what we already had. I salute your organizational skills. Well done.
I'm throwing this out for your consideration. It, in no way, is meant to detract from your superior effort and I'm not sure if it's even possible... just wondering out loud. Can we somehow flag potential "low hanging fruit" suggestions or suggestions that are extremely popular in nature? |

Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

GREAT LIST Impish. I think you covered just about everything I have seen people asking for and I certainly hope the Devs read this and take some action.
I'm not sure I may have missed it but I'd add a few I know people, myself included have begged for ...
NPC characters for the base.... Doctor/Nurse for the Medbay/Infirmary. Computer Geek in white shirts and ties for the control room. Engineers in coverall for the Generator room. A Security Guard or Secretary for the Entrance. Anything along those lines to give the base an actual "lived in" look and make it appear to be your SG Headquarters with a working staff helping you as you battle crime.
Under base item .. Wall signs for specific room like "Danger High Voltage" for the Generator Room or ""No food or Drinks allowed" in the Control room (hey it is supposedly a computer room right?). How about some directional signs for new members like "Teleport chamber this way ===>" ?
And I know a LOT of bases, one of mine included, that have pools. Can we please get actual water as a floor option?
My personal wish list...
More wall design options Like CAVE wall (similar to COT bases) including floor designs and ceiling designs to match of course . I actually like some of the Arachnois base designs why can't we have those as options.
I've gotten pretty good with "magic desks" but how about eliminating the need by actually giving us ways to create a second story in room with stairs.
More decorative options.. I love the privacy screens you find in the Mother Mayhem Asylum and they'd be perfect in a Medbay/Infirmary.
100% totally and completely agree with the option for RECIPE storage just like salvage.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Thank you W-Wendy.
The sad thing is, most of the list is still composed of longstanding requests that keep cropping up. New builders come in and say, "What about xx?", and the old builders sigh, and say, "yeah, we've been asking for that for a while".
NPC's, water items, more room styles (outdoor/cave/space), and multi-level options are all on the list.
Signage is on the list in various places:
under storage, to label binsSignage/message boards have definitely been a longstanding request. The SG MOTD just doesn't cut it.
under SG usage, to interact & communicate with SGmembers
under building wishes, plaques (or signs) with customizable pop-ups...
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Bugs: Some of the lesser ranks in a SG, when placing a storage table can not change the permissions related to their rank, so it becomes impossible for them to drop a storage item and then put items into it unless a higher rank enables the ability for them to do so. My personal experience is with the ringleader rank, though it may be with other ranks too.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
PS. Nested lists can be done.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Great list, so many thing on it I have thought about before as a sg leader/base builder. Can I just say that the simple ability to select a number of items and move them all together would be the single most helpful function that could be added to the editor interface? That alone would strip hours away from my projects. I just built a movie theater with a lobby, second floor, concession stand, pinball machines and video games, ticket booth and atm machine. It all took me multiple hours over several days to complete (over 2500 items placed) and the time would have been cut in half if not by two thirds if I could just select and move multiple items at a time. The ability to copy a group of items and paste multiple times is a close second on my list. It just makes common sense.
Adding new bug as of i17:
The item window in edit mode is showing "invalid category string" and wrong price in the info tab.
If anyone is NOT experiencing this bug, please let me know.
If you ARE experiencing this bug, please go to this thread in the Tech & Bugs forums to confirm.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Thank you for everything Kat. You nailed all of it.
This is a gentle push, not a fire war.
When GR is released and all the bugs have been ironed out, I feel that the next issue of this game should be focused on bases, and as much of that list as possible.
Pure win I tell you!
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
Thank you Mr.H.
By all means folks, feel free to make a pretty linky to this thread in your sig.s.
Keep it visible when you're posting throughout the boards. Let it not be forgotten that base builders are still lookin' for some serious luvin'.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

This is a list of base concerns consolidated from threads past & present.
The list is divided into 4 parts:I will state right off the bat that this list is first based heavily on Mad Scientist's last list created in May 2008. I went through it as thoroughly as possible, deleting items that have been resolved and leaving those that have continued to garner attention.
Unsurprisingly, as I continued to consolidate, there were several items left that have been repeatedly requested on various threads since then and have yet to be resolved or addressed in any manner.
Therefore, PLEASE, before you post here:
Base Usage
Base Building
Base Raids
Each part has been further broken down into sections;
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV