Advice on a 'Dance Club'
Really like your DJ booth area... I recognize the oldschool tech monitors, and hologram projetors withit it, but which objects is the actual both constructed of?
I recently added "Club Obsidian" to the Obsidian Oath's base myself...
It seems your VG's accent color is red... I'd make either the floors or the walls more red... clubs generally black or metallic plus some color. Red is powerful, use it.
I saw an in base nightclub online that gave me the following ideas (so not claiming I thought of it or anything) which I felt went a long way towards that "club" vibe
raised dance floor
high ceilings in club but lower ceiling directly over dance floor with many spotlights
here are some shots of what I ended up with.
Founder of The Obsidian Oath as Briarthorne
Missing flashing lights, mebbe?
Try embedding an Inspiration Collector into the floor. Or mebbe into the overhead structure.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
This was my old disco. It no longer exists. It was done a few years ago and was before all the stacking and merging we enjoy today was allowed.
"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21
Guide to Base Teleporters
I like this a lot! I would just say that you should add a bit more lighting in some of the rooms perhaps? I like the idea NinjaPirate had for the flashing lights.
I remember when I was a member of the Dolls that they had a really nice club area. If I remember correctly the floor was lower for the dance area and the DJ booth and bar was up top. Now I just wish that I could remember how the lights were set up because they had some fun colors there.

I've been working on a RP based technoindustrial dance club for my main VG, the League of Mayhem, and I think I've got it just about finished. However, I feel like it's missing something.

Here's the entry hall...
The security checkpoint...
The bar/restaurant area...
And finally, the dance floor and DJ booth/stage...
Any advice, base builders?