95 -
Cool, thank for the honest feed back mate, I have a question.. If i put a chance for build up into the nova form will it have a chance too proc when i change form?
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Yes, and every 10 seconds thereafter. Duration of the proc is only 5 seconds, so personally I say its not worth it. Too unreliable and there are better uses for the slots. -
The Steadfast Protection and Karma -KB are really godsends for PBs and lots of others as well.
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If I could only buy one single IO for either my PB or WS it would the Steadfast -KB. As others have said, everything else depends on what you're shooting for, but generally speaking +recharge is always good and +recovery is nice to have for the forms. You also don't necessarily need to focus on set bonuses. Franken-slotting can really help you get the most out of every slot, allowing you to 3 or 4 slot some things you might otherwise 5-6 slot, freeing those up for other powers. -
I'd focus on recharge bonuses first instead of healing bonuses.
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Oh I am. The healing bonuses are just a side benefit. -
Interesting. Never would have thought about that. Thanks to both of you for the info!
So I've been going on a spending spree for my claws/regen, and am confused about the +heal set bonuses. These should be increasing how much powers...well, heal right? So after I slotted four Numina's (+6% heal) in one power and four Doc Wounds (+4% heal) in another, Reconstruction should be healing 10% of base more right? Reason I ask is after slotting said enhancemenst, Reconstruction is healing the same as it did before.
Follow up question: The +heal set bonuses do not affect regeneration, only actual healing correct? -
Another vote for Crane Kick here, followed closely by Eagles Claw. I also like using Headsplitter when the mob only has a sliver of life left. The whole over-the-head-chop-you-in-half animation combined with the absurd amount of damage overkill.
I would also rebind the O key so that it drops out of both Nova and Dwarf for convenience sake.
/bind O "powexectoggleoff bright nova$$powexectoggleoff white dwarf$$gototray 1" -
I have a Grav/Energy that has been languishing at 23 for a looong time that I took for a spin on test. Will definitely level him up with the new changes. Also an Earth/Fire at 17 that I'll probably do the same with. Probably won't roll any new Doms though, I've got enough already (at least until new Dom sets come out).
Depending on the mechanics and how easy it is to switch back and forth, I will probably have my WS go redside then switch back.
I'd get rid of Group Energy Flight and put in an Air Superiority clone in its place.
There's no Warshade power that I'd touch. And keep your hands off my Nebulous Form.
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ditto! and ditto! lol
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And ditto again, though Nebulous form is kinda meh for me. Still wouldn't give it up though. -
My PB is better for solo'ing, WS much better for teaming. Really enjoy them both, but if I had to pick one it would be the WS. I <3 Eclipse and Mires.
My most recent project has been a DM/Fire, just hit 33 last night. I have enjoyed it quite a bit so far, especially DM - I'm kinda kicking myself for not trying DM sooner. The /Fire side is ok, nothing special, nothing bad. Its effective, and Healing Flames is great with just the four slots I have in it now, let alone when I put the other two in. I do have to put a disclaimer in - my experience has been skewed a bit because I activated a second account and have had a pocket Emp running around with him from lvl20 on, though its really just for buffs and I rarely use the heals. 20% Def from Fortitude can't be discounted though when discussing my experience with /Fire.
DM is not known for AoE, but I have noticed that Soul Drain->Dark Consumption->Blazing Aura is pretty damn effective at wiping out a spawn of +1's. Not something you can do every spawn, but when both are up its pretty cool.
Overall I think I would probably be just as happy with the character if he was another secondary. I picked /Fire simply because I had never played it, though I certainly don't regret it. The Dark Melee is what I really like about him. -
/macro Dwarf "powexectoggleon Black Dwarf$$gototray 3"
/macro Nova "powexectoggleon Dark Nova$$gototray 4"
/macro Human "powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$gototray 2"
Substituting whatever tray numbers you have the powers in. -
A WS's Dwarf can dish out some pretty good damage since the change to Dwarf Mire in i13, and it would be the first thing I slot up. The Mire does decent damage on its own, but it also increases the damage of the rest of the attacks as well. Personally, I would devote another two slots to the Mire at 31 and put two more recharge IO's in it.
The problem is also in practice. When you're shaving it that close, its easy to be in the middle of a power's activation when you have to click, thus losing it. As Kahlan said, the "accepted" minimum will vary by person. One of my perma-doms has 75% global and four slotted Hasten, the other has 77.5% and three slotted hasten. Both give me 2-5 seconds of leeway to hit Hasten or Domination which is plenty for me.
My first 50 was very similar to BillZ's. Created mid to end of September '04 and hit 50 about a week before Issue 3 came out (February '05?). Took 420 hours.
Wow, I never thought about using the MK3 to see how much mag is stacked. I'll have to go check that out with my Doms. I know its generally accepted that only Mind and Fire could perma-hold AV's, but as with so many "generally accepted" things on the forums its not necessarily accurate. My Ice/Ice Dom has held AV's through the triangles, but he's not perma-dom so it not indefinte, plus he has Powerboost which would obviously make a big difference.
This will help turn you away from your evil side.
[/ QUOTE ]
Red side, Blue side - the inside of the AE buildings look the same. You just have to contend with the Villain market (which does seem to be getting better). I happen to like the Rogue Isles but if you're not keen on them for whatever reason, you could run any villain AT to 50 on nothing but heroic alignment MA missions. Pretend GoRo is out already. -
when someone said that domination was getting nerfed, I was... extremelly skeptical. The more I learn, though, the more that the change seems like a positive. As someone recently reminded me in the PvP forums, however, there is a significant chance that dom's damage buff will be removed and NOT replaced with any corresponding increase in the PvP damage of domintor attacks, but PvP is a fairly small portion of the game. For most game-play, it will increase the over-all power of the class.
[/ QUOTE ]Actually, I doubt that's possible. The damage change to Doms is in their damage modifiers, which I'm 90% certain is in the class of "can't be different between PvP and PvE". After all, every other AT keep their damage mods the same between PvE and PvP.
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not since i13
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Damage modifiers were kept the same, it was individual power's damage that was altered based on activation time. -
They even attributed the screenshot of the Architect UI to Cryptic Studios.
Seems to me I've only ever seen them show up in 6+ man team missions, but its been a while since I've seen one. And the ones in the 45-50 Kheld story arc aren't really true Cysts. When my WS ran through that arc (solo) they didn't spawn anything, they just sat their while I beat on them. Maybe being solo made a difference?
All of them?
I have 2 at 50, another in the 40's and another up and coming in the teens. It's like asking which of your children is your favorite - you love them all for their different qualities.
If I had to pick one, it'd probably be my Martial Arts/Super Reflexes. He was my very first 50 and MA is teh sexeh. -
You won't need end reduction in Fulcrum where you're going.
Where're you going? Transference City, population win <3
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I lol'd.
Every Kinetic I have that's more than 1 level above Fulcrum Shift has this slotting (2 acc, 3 rech).
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This is the same slotting I use, though with all the Acc bonuses in IO's nowadays you can probably drop one of them and save a slot on a heavily IO'd build. -
I point out people's grammatical and spelling errors and typos when I catch them. I appreciate when people do the same for me, since there's always stuff you miss and if you go back in and edit dialogue the cursor does wonky things and you end up with random letters in weird places. I have had people thank me for pointing out stuff like that in feedback. However if I go to the trouble to point out all your spelling errors that means 1) you have few enough that I can point them all out and 2) you obviously cared enough about your arc to actually proofread, and I won't rate you lower because you missed something. If it's full of spelling and grammatical errors that shows me you just don't care, and I'll rate you lower.
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This pretty much sums up my philosophy on ratings based on grammer. I think its an important part of one's story arc and should be correct, but if there is only one or two things I'm not gonna rate it lower. Just about everytime I've pointed out a minor spelling or grammar mistake in arc feedback I've received a thank you from the author. If it will take a small treatise to cover all the errors though, yeah thats going to get rated lower. The exception of course is if its flavored dialog. I wouldn't expect a Pirate, Zombie, etc character to speak grammatically correct, if he/she/it did it actually wouldn't be as believable. -
/bind e "powexec_toggleoff bright nova$$powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$goto_tray_alt 1$$powexec_toggleon shining shield"
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd add the Bright Nova toggle off command in that line as well (as above), just so there is one bind to drop out of either form.