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  1. flipside

    Master of Lambda

    I've now been in 3 failed attempts at getting any of these badges, and I'm curious as to what the silver bullet is that we haven't chambered. In these attempts, we have brought large amounts of debuff, +damage and most of the league was +2 or +3 level shifted. I don't know how many had the Seer Lore pet. Is that the answer? Is that what we are missing?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitra View Post
    Just and example, thing is I stay in League mode so I can see all the teams, and it's a little difficult to see who is on your team, maybe if the other teams were blue then it would make it easier so you don't try and use a skill on someone who isn't on your team...
    You mean the slightly non-green color doesn't clue you into that? :P Honestly, the color difference from team vs. non-team in a league might have well have been made grey and slightly not grey. I can't tell the difference.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
    Which isn't really true. The "Incarnate Shift" is useless outside the trials. The Incarnate Powers themselves are quite powerful, and usable anywhere unless you've also been exemplared down as well.
    Splitting hairs here, bit it's absolutely true in the context of the OP's post and my response to it. They are speaking in context of the incarnate shifts that apply only to the incarnate trials. They never mentioned the incarnate powers themselves, Alpha or otherwise, just the levels.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dragon_Feeder View Post
    And of course, knowing how hard it was to get that mish to drop, you announced in your server's badge channel you were about to start it and invited other badgers in...
    It's not difficult at all to get. If you are specifically going for this badge, keep dismissing your tips until you get it. I run a character daily right now doing his 5 tips/morality mission to get my HVAM and dismiss any tips that are too long for my "quick" needs. I normally have this tip queue up once/twice daily doing this. Now that I have the badge, I normally dismiss this tip because searching for that specific group of vampires is annoying.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by damienray View Post
    Ok, I know, the horse is dead... but for those that want to discuss and not beat me to a pulp...
    How exactly is a system that has some 50's bragging about running the BAF or LAMBDA trial 150+ times any better than 50's running random (emphasis on Random) missions to get to the next level ?
    I know the incarnate was supposed to be "New & Different"... but being locked into 2 (more coming) missions to get the next level is so... boring ?
    Ok, yes, I love this game. But I would have really loved to have had the option to do any content (sidekicked, exemped, etc) to reach the next level instead of being locked into only 2 missions to get that next level.
    Thanks for listening guys & gals. Love this game & community.
    Arguably you can run any content to get that "next level". Any content in the game now when run by a level 50 who has their Alpha slot unlocked will drop Shards. Shards up-convert to Threads, which then can be used to get those "next levels". Now, I'm not saying it's an efficient method, but it's there.

    Also, those "next levels" only apply to the Incarnate Trials themselves and do not activate in normal game content. So, if you plan to never run the trials, those "next levels" are meaningless to you.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
    You call them Hero merits... when I look in my salvage and it says "Reward Merit" is that my hero merits that I need to spend?
    No no, those are something different and you DO NOT lose them when converting alignments. Hero Merits or Villain Merits will show in your Salvage window as just that, Hero Merit or Villain Merit. You can identify it by the picture as well, as a Hero Merit will have the background of the CoH Hero emblem.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nogard_T View Post
    Aliment merits are for Hero and Villain Only, while Vigs/Rogs get Reward Merits, so if hero going Vig spend your Hero Merits before hand.
    Want to emphasize this. I made this mistake and forgot to spend them before converting from Villain to Rogue>Hero once. 4 Villain Merits went poof that day.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    If it's something that would affect the other teams if you WEREN'T in a league with them (IE, you fire it off in a mothership raid, prior to issue 20) and it hasn't caused issues yet, then sure.
    Agree with Bill. If it works in the normal game world for non-team members, then it should work on league-mates just the same. Otherwise no, it would cause rampant over-buffing.

    Originally Posted by Nitra View Post
    As most of you know, -If you are part of a League and you are on team 1, you are not able to use skills like veng and fulcrum shift on other teams within that League...[...]
    Question here: are you using "team 1" as an example case here, or is that really a set rule and team 2 and 3 don't apply? I haven't really had cause to look during a trial so I'm not sure if being on team 2 or 3 prevents my "outside team" buffs from occurring. I assumed it didn't matter what team you were on, the rules applied regardless?
  9. flipside

    56 Billion inf ?

    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    heh. I have two characters carrying a 'mere' billion. Therefore, I represent 1/32nd of all the money held by players and their characters in-game.

    I have my doubts.....
    And I have two characters as well actually carrying on them just over 1 billion, so combined we apparently represent 1/16th of the playerbase. There must be a high statistical significance of wrong in their screenshot.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    ... and as mentioned, you can get a common/pool A drop from Day Jobs (hang out in Ouro, and every mission you complete gets you a bonus IO.) I believe those drops are based on your true level.

    So if you start empty and run a Sister Psyche, you could finish, check your recipes, and have both a level 25 and 50 Invention: Accuracy .
    This has reminded me that for the character I badge with, I need to start logging him out in Ouro for this as he has completed all the day job badges. Thanks for the reminder!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    Keep in mind that the actual purpose of the respec trials is to be run by someone who needs a respec. There needs to be a difficulty buffer in case your build is seriously screwed up.
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'm perfectly happy with with the hero Respec Trial. It's a little on the easy side, but I'd rather have things too easy than fail the damn thing, which I have back when it was harder. It's a trial to snag a respec that you probably need right then and there.
    I'll agree that, if I was running it on a character with a busted build it may be harder for me. However, I fully believe that even a team of 6 characters, all with busted builds, can get through these trials quite easily. I also believe that there has to be a middle ground between a "can't finish because our builds are broken" team and a "it was so easy all I did was stand around for 30 minutes and occasionally hit some buttons" team. My experiences this week have been the latter, having completed it on 3 completely PUG'd teams of wide varying levels and ATs, two of which contained people on low level characters who admitted they didn't have enhancements slotted.

    I know my experiences are just that, my experiences, but going 3 for 3 this week I felt that maybe I'm not alone.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TsumijuZero View Post
    Let them come, we have shown dimensional invaders that we will draw the line wherever they cross and we will do so again.
    And that drawn line, for whatever reason, seems to always lead them into our sewers.
  13. Ok, maybe not an upgrade, but after running it 3 times this week after having not run it in a long, long time I found it sorely out-dated in it's mission fluidity. To be specific, I have an issue with the reactor room being time-gated on the next waves. It appears that no matter how slow or fast you defeat the spawns the next waves are always set 3-4 minutes apart, with a total of how many waves? 8-10? I tried twice to keep track of the spawn counts but lost track each time due to boredom. That's 24 - 40 minutes of waiting around doing nothing.

    I was around when the respec trials were first introduced and do recall how insanely hard they were to complete. But, with years passed and over a dozen issues delivered these trials have become trivial to complete. Quite honestly, they appear quite difficult to fail now.

    So what is my suggestion? I like the mission sequence and the overall storyline, I just extremely dislike the reactor room encounter. Can the encounter simply be changed so that the spawns occur 15-30 seconds after the last spawn is defeated? That way we don't get overlapping spawns and gives team a brief window to catch a breath and re-bubble.

    That is it, my only suggestion for this. I'd be very happy with just that change and leaving everything else as-is.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    I wouldn't feel right if I didn't provide a source.

    Here you go.
    Oh I believed you, I was just summing up the conversation in case folks were only reading towards the bottom.

    Thanks again Dechs!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    You can also get uncommon recipes as mission rewards. I was simply using rare as my example.
    Ah, thank you. My understanding, actually my misunderstanding, is that you get rares from mission completes. Nearly 7 years of playing this game and I'm still learning.

    So, in summary of my wrongness, while exemplared all drops will be the level of the enemy except for mission reward drops, which will be the actual level of the player (or the recipe set).
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    That's actually incorrect. Anything that drops from a mob will be the level of the mob.

    If you're a level 50 fighting a level 25 boss and he randomly drops a rare recipe that's a Kinetic Combat, it'll be a level 25 recipe.

    If you're a level 50, finish the mission and you are awarded with a rare recipe, it will be level 50, or the max level of the set if that is lower.
    I'm willing to admit I'm wrong, but I know on the recent Sutter TF's I've been running I've been getting non-rare level 50 recipes. Is there any other way this can happen?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    so for example if you are lvl 50 but exemplared to 25 for a task force and you get a Kinetic Combat recipe (max lvl 35) you'll receive a lvl 35 recipe. If you got a LotG recipe it would be 50 and if you got a generic recharge io recipe it would be 25. [...snip...]
    This is my understanding as well.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by nytflyr View Post
    Friday will be the first time our SG has run this TF, being as such it will not be a speed run, so how long should we expect it to take?
    I've run this about 6 times now. The longest time it took was the first time, about 1:15. The shortest time it took was one of the runs in between, about 35 minutes. On average for the runs I've been on it has taken around 40-50 minutes. These were not speed runs at all. We just went along and played normally, completing objectives as they arrived. The last run I was on took 40 minutes with 6 people, 4 of which were in their mid-20's. Definitely not an optimal team but we did it quite quickly.

    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    I would disagree wholeheartedly on this. I did a Sutter TF last night and maybe it's cause I was tired or whatever but....I do not plan on running that TF ever again (on any character)...just wasn't fun at all for me; shame the artwork was nice

    The new villy SF is better I think.
    I feel the opposite here. I've run both sides, and the Sutter TF is my favorite of the new two. While the mechanics in the Mortimer TF were fresh and interesting, the plot and storyline seemed much too disconnected for me. I did not get a good sense of the story being told.

    On the other hand, the Sutter TF is pretty clear story-wise and the mechanics are decent as well for the level range. The unique maps are pretty nice too, although the Skyway map can be quite confusing to navigate.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
    There was a Doc Q run last night at about 9pm EST. I believe it only took them a little over 3 hours. (An experienced group who knew how to do it quickly.) Very late evening, when the AU folks are generally on, is also a good time for this TF.
    Sorry to have to ask, but who are the "AU folks"?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
    It was total sarcasm. I'm sorry you took offense.
    Good to clear that up, thank you. No stranger to sarcasm, but I didn't get that from your post. Sometimes the interwebs do not convey sarcasm well.

    Originally Posted by SailorET View Post
    Friendly advice from a multi-Q veteran: The best possible time to run this is a Saturday or Sunday morning/afternoon. Plan for it to take about 9 hours, so you've got a good cushion in case it runs long and you'll be pleasantly surprised if it's over in 4. [...]
    I would love to be able to do this, but I'm a parent and trying to get that kind of time on a weekend has pretty much a 0% chance of occurring. I'll keep at it though, and keep you in mind when I get the opportunity to set one up.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    If you have too many rares, you can break some down for threads to craft commons/uncommons. It's a bit of a bad conversion rate, but there's not much else to do with them once you have enough, unless you wanna buy a very rare.
    Yup, but I'm not really in a hurry to be honest and do have enough influence to do some "rare to very rare" conversions if I need to. I did break down one very rare for some threads to get a tier 2 crafted but I think that's about it for now. I guess I need to participate "less" so I get some commons/uncommons.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
    If this really is the case, that's crazy. It completely screws over Storm Summoning characters.
    Just to add more anecdotal evidence (backed by some drop logs I have), I primarily play an Ice/Storm/Ice controller when running the trials. With my setup, I rely heavily on pseudopets and actual pets for damage output: Freezing Rain, Lightning Storm, Tornado, Ice Storm and Jack Frost. I use all those back by Frostbite, which is extremely low damaging, to keep stuff in place. My result? I have mostly gotten rare drops during the trials. I am in a significant shortage of commons and uncommons for my crafting needs, but have a ton of rares which I can do nothing with. I have not gotten a VR once, however.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    For me it almost feels like the reticule is trying to snap to a grid - it will stay here or move way over here, but nothing between.
    That's an interesting observation, and one that definitely matches what I've seen as well. The reticule, while not red, does hop around from location to location during these hiccups, and is not a smooth movement across the screen. I'll include that in my CS ticket. Thanks!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Actually, an idea getting a lot of buzz is to have an "Incarnate Level" setting in the TF difficulty setting for certain Level 50 TFs. It would set all the foes to level 54, disable Temp Powers (the same ones on iTrials) and allow for Incarnate Threads to drop... and why not throw a few Astral Merits on completion.
    I love this idea, and would spread the love around a bit. Don't get me wrong, I think the iTrials are a nice, different piece of content with some decent gameplay gimmicks to keep them fresh (I use gimmicks here in a nice way, not a derogatory way). And I understand that they can't just whip these things together overnight and that we are limited to two trials because of time and resource constraints. But only two trials to mainly get our new incarnate pieces is starting to burn me out. I would love it if I could run an STF/RSF or ITF and get these drops as well.
  25. I know I'm not the only one on this, but after running 3 or 4 BAF trials yesterday it is starting to get extremely annoying and I'd like to figure out a way around this.

    Simple issue: during the prisoner escape phase of the BAF trial I always, and I do mean always, have power recharge issues. This is the lag issue we see when there is too much activity and your powers appear to recharge before they are actually available.

    Does anyone have a solution on how to work around this problem? I'm willing to dial my graphic settings (which are currently on max ultra and run anything outside of the BAF trial just fine) down to Atari levels if that is what it will take to run the trial smoothly.

    Any suggestions?