Location based power reticule issue; only me?
Do you use a wireless mouse by any chance?
if so maybe check the batterys and make sure the sensors are all clear nothing in the way even a little. It starts likem that for me when my mouse battery get low clicks star not working first followed by slowed cursor movement.
I am getting this -exact- same problem, and the batteries in my mouse are fine. This gets REALLY vexing playing my incarnate (Traps/Assault Rifle), as I have three patch powers that take at least 7-8 seconds real-time to fire off cause I'm busy trying to get the circle to actually move.
To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine the light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be....
I'm sorry what was that, I couldn't hear you over my TRAGIC PAST!!
3rd Person camera view? Sometimes an object that you can't really see but is "there" just behind the camera seems to prevent the reticule from moving or accepting a click.
No, this isn't that, we know what we're saying.
The reticle/circle ISN'T moving when we move the mouse sometimes, and -especially- during the new trials, being worst in the BAF. That's an almost completely flat map, and the reticle does not move as I move my mouse from the power tray to where I wish to place it.
The only remedy I've found is either waiting several (upwards of ten) real world seconds waiting for that brief moment where the planets align to grant me the ability to place Ignite or Caltrops, or $deity help me, Seeker Drones....
Move my character, it seems to jostle the game into letting powers be dropped, sometimes.
But what happens is, unless the game is getting feedback on my mouse position, it won't let a power be placed, so not only do I have to work through what I expect is major server lag just getting the reticle in place, but I need to mass click it in there for the server to read it, as the mouse pointer is still lagging to the server.
I'm chalking it up to intense server lag, and have relegated myself to just getting used to it. But that doesn't mean we can't point it out as a problem.
To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine the light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be....
I'm sorry what was that, I couldn't hear you over my TRAGIC PAST!!
Do you use a wireless mouse by any chance?
if so maybe check the batterys and make sure the sensors are all clear nothing in the way even a little. It starts likem that for me when my mouse battery get low clicks star not working first followed by slowed cursor movement. |
3rd Person camera view? Sometimes an object that you can't really see but is "there" just behind the camera seems to prevent the reticule from moving or accepting a click.
[...]I'm chalking it up to intense server lag, and have relegated myself to just getting used to it. But that doesn't mean we can't point it out as a problem.
I'm open and welcome to testing further ideas. I'm still stumped.
Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)
Interesting idea gameboy, but unfortunately also wasn't the cause for me. I took my character out to a wide open space last night, into the water area near the door for Dark Astoria in Talos Island. I faced the door so that there was nothing but wide open space behind me and tried casting my power on the ground in front of me but had the same intermittent issue. I did try changing my zoom level and it did appear to get a little better as I zoomed in close, but I did not like my camera view to be right behind my characters head. But, even then, the problem still occurred, just not as often.
I assume there are polygons in the way, even if you can't see them. I once turned in a bug in Port Oaks because I couldn't teleport out of a certain area... but only at night. The cursor was red in nearly all directions. I think some polygons that represent lighting effects were being spawned, and they must have been flagged as "stops LOS targeting" or something, rather than "transparent/intangible" to allow us to target through them.
Anyway, DA it is, when I get a chance.
Sorry I don't have a specific /loc to give you. I was in Talos facing towards the DA gate but close to the water to be sure there was absolutely nothing behind me, but just in range of the shore so I could toss my location powers about.
I wanted to make note that, at least I (I can't speak for Justice_Reaper), am not seeing a red reticule when this happens indicating it's a bad placement location. The location reticule is still blue/white indicating a valid location.
Thinking about what you said of the transparent polygons, if that were the case wouldn't the reticule change so that it's directly on top of me and red, indicating a bad placement location? That is not occurring, if that is the case.
Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)
I'll chime in and say it's been happening more frequently for me as well; first noticed it with I19. I use shift+lbutton for various location powers (earthquake, water spout to name a couple) and many times the mouse movement freezes in-game and I literally have to shake it before it'll move again and even then, activating the power in a working range (white reticle) won't always fire off. If I let go of shift or queue out of the power activation, the mouse operates normally (run of the mill wired optical mouse).
I've seen it in regular mission maps, in zones, on the trials. Surface type doesn't seem to matter, and I never see an "invalid location" message. It takes multiple mouse clicks to get the power to fire off or a bunch of mouse gesturing before it lets me.
I've already forgotten about most of you

I'll chime in and say it's been happening more frequently for me as well; first noticed it with I19. I use shift+lbutton for various location powers (earthquake, water spout to name a couple) and many times the mouse movement freezes in-game and I literally have to shake it before it'll move again and even then, activating the power in a working range (white reticle) won't always fire off. If I let go of shift or queue out of the power activation, the mouse operates normally (run of the mill wired optical mouse).
I've seen it in regular mission maps, in zones, on the trials. Surface type doesn't seem to matter, and I never see an "invalid location" message. It takes multiple mouse clicks to get the power to fire off or a bunch of mouse gesturing before it lets me. |

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Every time I select lightning rod, doesn't matter where I am, what mission I am on, it locks up my game.
It's been doing that for a while now.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
I've noticed this issue several times as well. I'm using a wired laser mouse, so it's definitely just a wireless issue. And there's nothing in the way of the optical sensor either, I've checked several times.
One thing I've noticed that helps a little bit is to raise the camera angle some. The problem seems worse when the camera is more parallel to the ground.
Most likely not related, but lately I've been getting what seems like Server Lag when using Teleport other, press the button then everything "locks" for about 5 seconds before I can move the reticule.
It doesnt always happen and there are most likely many factors involved. I normally do not use TP Other very often (and I think it's the only ground targeted skill I have) but the other night I found a spot where it happen every single time. This was at the door to the Mayhem Brickhouse mission, I was TP'ing in low level people ready to get the badge once I started. I TP seven people and got the pause every time.
As I said, may not be related, but maybe it is...
I've been having this problem for the longest time. I'll go to use Rain of Arrows or Caltrops, then when I go to select a spot the targeting icon will hang up on something that's not there and won't allow me to fire the power off. It'll happen on flat surfaces, slanted areas, anywhere.
I've been having this problem for the longest time. I'll go to use Rain of Arrows or Caltrops, then when I go to select a spot the targeting icon will hang up on something that's not there and won't allow me to fire the power off. It'll happen on flat surfaces, slanted areas, anywhere.
Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.
Coming back from a long weekend and played some more trials the past two days. This issue got extremely annoying on some Lambda runs last night where I was trying to get my location debuffs right next to Marauder as he was jumping around all over the place. I decided I would try and reset all my options to default to see if there was something in there causing this. Did a reset, and just for grins closed CoH and started up again. I put my settings back as best as I can remember but I still have the same problem. Will be filing a CS ticket tonight for help and see where it can get me.
Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)
For me it almost feels like the reticule is trying to snap to a grid - it will stay here or move way over here, but nothing between.
Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)
So for a while now I've had this issue with trying to use location based powers which are cast by placing the location reticule down and clicking. Except for me, my reticule tends to "stick" when trying to place it. By that I mean, when I move the mouse to the place I want to cast it, the location reticule has not moved on my screen. This isn't lag, as anything else I do happens instantly.
Additionally, and this may be the same problem as the reticule getting "stuck", is that I can click on the placement of the power to cast it but it doesn't fire. I don't get any error, the reticule isn't red indicating it's a bad spot. It just doesn't fire the power. I have to get it moving again to a new location, or simply move it away and back to the same spot, for it to then fire correctly.
I have tried looking through all the graphics and keybind options and find nothing that remotely indicates to me that changing it would fix the problem (and I have changed a bunch to no avail). I have not had this problem the whole time I've been playing CoH. I've been playing for 7 years now and this issue just cropped up about 3-4 months ago. This is on a character I play almost nightly and no options have changed on it. I haven't performed a respec in that time. I'm really at a loss as to explain this issue.
Has anyone else run into this? Have you resolved it? If so, how? Thanks in advance for any help.
Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)