533 -
Quote:Sort of. I purposely invite lvls 40-49 on my lvl 50+2x8 tip missions just so they can help defeat bosses who are likely to drop shards. And if any shards drop, all of it goes to me.Some people have theorized that if anyone on the team is an Incarnate, then the system checks for each person on the team, even if they're not valid, and if one drops for an invalid target, it gets shifted to a valid person.
I have dual boxed with 2 incarnates with 6 lowbies tagging along. I don't get shard drops on both at the same time. Sometimes Incarnate 1 gets a shard, sometimes Incarnate 2 gets it. Sometimes Incarnate 1 gets two shards seconds apart while Incarnate 2 doesn't get any. -
Quote:If you don't mind not having a lvl 50/40/30 recipe, the recipes at other levels can be cheaper. I got a lvl 46 Numina's +R recipe for 26 mil.to have in each of your builds:
Inherent Fitness
Heath- Numina's Convalescence: +Regen/+Recovery, Miracle: +Recovery, Regenerative Tissue: +Regeneration
Stamina- Performance Shifter: Chance for + Endurance, Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification
As of last night (2/24/2011), Numina's +R/+R recipe was going for 80 mil, Miracle for 150 mil, and Regenerative for 50 mil and change.
Other folks have made suggestions:
- tips
- join TFs and convert R-merits to A-merits
- AE
If you don't want to pay 325 mil, feel free to earn it yourself.
FYI, my kin doesn't have any of these, but my brute does. Both have several "Master of" badges and are Alpha T4. I guess it depends on your toon. -
Friday nite runs. Thanks to all who came.
1st Run: 56:05
2nd run: 1 hr 3 mins
Quote:On redside, you could try running a Patron arc to unlock the Patron power pools. If you want something easy, select Black Scorpion's arc.Any suggestions? Since I'm a vigilante, could I run over to red side and do something new there?
For something rather interesting and will keep you on your toes, select Capt Mako's arc.
For a mix of AVs and story, do either Sciroco's or Ghost Widow's arc.
There are also a lot of excellent Dev Choice missions in AE.
Ouroborus flash back missions are another option.
Does your SG plan MS raids? Doing raids is another option. -
If you need 1 more to fill out the 2nd team, I can come with Azure Spirit (rad/kin corr) or Voltez Y (elec/shield brute) to help out. Both already have MoLRSF, so you can put me on the Alternate to the Alternate list if someone else wants to come on the 2nd team.
Quote:Get a controller or a dom to help out. Anyone who can get to ouro can help, lvl 25+. Not being lvl 50 doesn't prevent a toon from participating in the Incarnate arcs.How to defeat Trapdoor solo.
Use a MasterMind...
Not a MasterMind?
Get a team together.
Spam holds on Trapdoor and get any bifs that show up. He won't make bifs if held. -
Thanks to all who came for the Thursday runs.
1st run:1 hr 8 mins
2nd run: 45 mins.
Uwanna was forming one, so me, Magus and Bengal (on Gamma K) merged with his team. With 4 kins, this was a power team. A lot of folks had stealth, so I really didn't need to TP anyone to the objectives. Several people worked in parallel for missions with multiple objectives, which sped things along. x4 SB FTW!
Quote:My soulmate!I'd probably break down and start developing software in my (now abundant) free time.
I'd wallow in mourning with a bottle of sake for a day or two.
Then when I get out of my drunken stupor, I'll drive down 2 hrs to Leghorn St in Mountain View and demand that they either make a new CoX or I'll code a new super hero MMO. -
Well, these lil things come in handy, so I was sorta inspired to make a little ditty about them. Here goes:
You know I use you in threes
The kind of luck to fight AVs
And I keep you here with me
In my tray during my play time
You should know, every zone I go
You're a just vendor away,
in the hosp, in the AE,
You're the healing in my life
You're my inspirations
You bring buffing to my life
You're my inspirations
Wanna have you near me
I wanna click you when I'm dyin'
No one needs you more than I need you
And I know, yes I know when I fight Rikti
We're so strong when we're together
And I know that I need a breakfree
From the mez of boss Carnie
You should know, every zone I go
You're a just vendor away,
in the hosp, in the AE
Bah, maybe I have too much time on my hands.....
Enjoy! -
Thanks to all who came to the runs. 1st run was 58 mins, but I forgot to take a screenie.
Next run was 44:
Hi All,
Silver M is my favorite SF, and since it's the Vill WST, I'm thinking of putting together daily evening runs starting today (Wed), Thurs, and Fri. The runs will be speed, ie, skipping mobs and ghosting to the objectives. If your toon can't ghost, I will teleport as needed, but having stealth/invisibility will move things along.
If anyone wants to come, please meet me, Voltez Y, at Sharkhead, near Silver Mantis at 8 PM PST (11 PM EST). I will give preference over 50s who need their Notice. Once the team has 4 - 6 members, we roll.
Depending on time, I will do a second run. Speed runs usually take 45 mins to 1 hr, so if there's a 2nd run, it'll start at 9 PM PST. -
Quote:^^^ This. People have a lot of 50s to outfit. My personal reasons:7 years + many alts + many runs of the same tfs make some people not want to stop and smell the roses everytime they run a TF.
1) The Taskforce locks the team. If someone DCs or drops, they can't be replaced. There is a bigger chance of players dropping on longer taskforces and if enough players drop, the rest of team can't complete it. Basically, wasted time for those left behind.
2) Limited play time. Some folks play this after work and only have a couple hours to play. Spending 1.5 - 2 hrs in a taskforce cuts down the other things a player could do like doing tips, leveling lowbies, etc.
3) The challenge of beating the time. A power team is an awesome sight to see when they complete the LGTF in 30 mins or less or ITF in 20 mins. Truly Incarnate. -
Quote:For the villain power pools, you need to complete the Patron Arc to unlock access to them.1. im an invuln axe tanker, is there a mastery? i was reading posts about masteries and it never made sense.
Quote:2. factions, alignments, missions. I noticed i can go rogue or vigilante. are there any perks. When i start the game i can go villain hero or neutral? i dont see a difference. but is there a wrong choice?
If you want to be wrong, be a villain. They're up to no good.
You must have the Going Rogue expansion to access Incarnate content. If you have it, go to Ouroboros and talk to Mender Ramiel to unlock your Incarnate Alpha. When you complete his arc, look in your Accolades for the Alpha Unlocked badge. If it's not there, talk to Ramiel again to make sure you finished all his missions.
If you don't have Going Rogue and your Alpha Slot, you won't be allowed to participate in Apex or Tin mage Task Forces. The team will kick you off. -
Arrrrr! My favorite SF! Sign me up as Voltez Y, lvl 50 elec/shield brute.
Arrrrr! I can do a 2nd run for those staying up late. This usually runs about 50 mins - 1 hr, so approximate start time for the 2nd run is 7 pm PST or 10 pm EST. -
I agree. For lvl 50 content, soul is very useful. For example, you could put Darkest Night on a GM DE (Stratopeia?) on Monster Island and go make a sandwich. Occassionally, the GM will hit, but your brute will either regen or heal itself until the next hit.
It sorta helps with crowd control in low lvls 1-20. However, it becomes useless later on since toons get their AOE powers and killing a bunched up mob is easier than running after them when whirlwind spreads them out.
Thanks all for the run!
2nd run:
Lotsa folks are in RWZ right now, (5:30 pm). I'm listed on the main team, but it's easy enough to form a 2nd one. Come on down!
If you don't want to form a team, you can:
1) look for purple names in your search. Those are the leaders. Send a tell to ask if you can join.
2) look for yellow names in your search that are "On Mission Map". Click on the name, a select 'Send message to leader'
Hope this helps. -
Quote:IMHO, I think +1x8 gives a good xp over time ratio for leveling, but can be AT dependent.What is the best +/X for gaining xp solo. While yes I know +4/8 or as much as you can handle.
Build in question is a Demon/DM MM around 28, I do -1/x8 very well but I do run into snags here and there but they are few and far. Questioning is would I gain better xp doing +1/x6? +4/x2? Etc etc.
Here's what you can do to test yourself.
1) Look in your paper for a steal something mission.
2) Pick the mission and set your difficulty to +0x8 ( or whatever you want )
3) Write down your XP.
4) At the mission door, write down the current time.
5) Enter and kill everything, but leave the glowie alone.
6) After all the kills, write down the time and your new XP.
7) Calculate your XP per minute. For example, old xp = 10000, new xp = 20000, and time in mission is 12 mins, so xp / min is (20000 - 10000) / 12 = 833 xp / min.
8) Don't click the glowie and exit the mission. Change your diff to +1x8.
9) Reset the mission and go to step (4).
I think you will find that +4x8 will give you the worst xp per minute since mobs take much longer to kill, but the xp rewarded doesn't scale by 4. Ie, if a minion gives 100 xp and takes 20 secs to kill at +0, it doesn't give 400 xp at +4. Instead, it gives something like 130 xp but takes 60 secs to kill. -
I add another "much" to the pile.
I've played support where we had 2 brutes, 1 /FA and 1 /SD for LRSF. FA brute will do a couple of mobs and faceplant. The SD brute holds the agro from the heroes until the FA brute rezes and then eventually goes down again. The FA brute was pretty much a glass cannon, short burst of high damage and going down in a blaze of glory. Well, eventually, he'll get back up, but by that time, the rest of the team already finished off the hero. -
I'll supply holds with Kiyoshii, lvl 50 Dom.
From my experience as well, it's Lts and bosses that drop tips most.
Also, if you plan to play villains, and you see a paper mission called Get the Loot, keep that for tips. It's like a mayhem mission but with only RIP mobs. It spawns a LOT of mobs on a small map, so you don't need to run around a lot. When I need tips, I run it and kill all the Lts and bosses. In about 5-10 mins, I get 3 tips. The key is to not finish it, ie, don't get the loot.