Ode to Inspirations




Well, these lil things come in handy, so I was sorta inspired to make a little ditty about them. Here goes:


You know I use you in threes
The kind of luck to fight AVs
And I keep you here with me
In my tray during my play time

You should know, every zone I go
You're a just vendor away,
in the hosp, in the AE,

You're the healing in my life
You're my inspirations
You bring buffing to my life
You're my inspirations
Wanna have you near me
I wanna click you when I'm dyin'
No one needs you more than I need you

And I know, yes I know when I fight Rikti
We're so strong when we're together
And I know that I need a breakfree
From the mez of boss Carnie

You should know, every zone I go
You're a just vendor away,
in the hosp, in the AE



Bah, maybe I have too much time on my hands.....




Inspirations have the magical ability to convince people not to use them but instead just to keep them as some sort of collection. The higher the tier of the Inspiration, the greater the effect. Many times I have witnessed someone die, and be offered a wakie, but have no room in their tray for it. They died but used no Inspirations. This is the most serious form the the insidious mind control Inspirations wield.

The second greatest guide ever written for this game details ideal Inspiration management. Study it, live it, love it.

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WARNING: I bold names.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Inspirations have the magical ability to convince people not to use them but instead just to keep them as some sort of collection. The higher the tier of the Inspiration, the greater the effect. Many times I have witnessed someone die, and be offered a wakie, but have no room in their tray for it. They died but used no Inspirations. This is the most serious form the the insidious mind control Inspirations wield.

The second greatest guide ever written for this game details ideal Inspiration management. Study it, live it, love it.

Doesn't mean anything; sometimes you just have 'bad luck' and miss your heal to heal yourself, or mis-judge something so you weren't expecting it and therefore didn't use the inspirations.

And what if the person had all awakens as his inspirations? Not likely but it could happen Yes you can combine them but maybe that person didn't know about that ability (or forgot about it).

Also, depending on the level (how many inspirations slots the guy has) he could have been empty or had a few slots open but with the mobs that died he is now full.

Yes I do keep inspirations around for certain things sometimes....*shrugs* and yes I've died when I have had a full inspiration stock (or close to it) but sometimes those inspirations didn't/wouldn't have helped because they were all blues or whatever instead of greens/purples/etc....and I can't combine them fast enough.

Sorry wasn't trying to derail the thread.... :P Back to the inspired song!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Inspirations have the magical ability to convince people not to use them but instead just to keep them as some sort of collection. The higher the tier of the Inspiration, the greater the effect. Many times I have witnessed someone die, and be offered a wakie, but have no room in their tray for it. They died but used no Inspirations. This is the most serious form the the insidious mind control Inspirations wield.
Don't forget that they may also have used inspirations, but filled their tray back out while they were down and the rest of the team defeated mobs.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers