Difficulty in getting tip missions.




Has anyone ever had difficulty getting tip missions?

I made a Fortunata character, leveled it all the way to 20 without problem, but once I got to level 20 I was expecting to get tip missions so I can start my journey to the hero side.

My character is now 26 and I've just now completed my 9th Rogue tip. Mind you, I play solo allot and I've joined teams occasionally, 2 of those tips were from teaming.

So that means I've only got 7 tips in 6 levels on my own, I think that's a bit much dontcha think?

Last night I got frustrated and sent in a petition, let’s see how that goes.

But I'm just curious, how many of you have trouble getting tips?



One thing to keep in mind is that Tips drop from Bosses far more often than LTs and Minions. Whenever I need Tips I usually go streetsweep the highest level bosses I can find and get a Tip within minutes. In fact I don't think it's ever taken me more than about 5 minutes tops from the time I have the thought "I need a Tip" to the time I actually have one.

Better luck to you from now on.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Go to Villa Requin, the island taking up the southeast corner of Sharkhead Island. Go to the airstrip there and start hammering people's heads into their chest cavities. That will get you your rogue tips fairly quickly.

Once you're ready to go hero, you have more options, but I don't think they're as good. I suggest Terra Volta if the enemies there are largely gray, but if not, then Dark Astoria also works. I suggest getting a full load of three tips and then going to Atlas to investigate them, that way you're in a small and low level zone which will reduce transit time.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
One thing to keep in mind is that Tips drop from Bosses far more often than LTs and Minions.
Yup that's what I do to get tips also, Bosses & LT, but I leave minions alone. I usually don't have a problem normally getting tips with other characters, but it's just this time I'm running into some really bad streak of luck.

Originally Posted by MechaCrash View Post
Go to Villa Requin, the island taking up the southeast corner of Sharkhead Island. Go to the airstrip there and start hammering people's heads into their chest cavities. That will get you your rogue tips fairly quickly.
I'm in Nerva now, but when I was in Sharkhead I just about ran around killing any Bosses & LT in sight. Don't recall if I ever made it to that airship over there, maybe I'll go check it out.

Thanks all!



Another good choice in Sharkhead is to wait for a miner's strike zone event and go pound a shedload of them with AoEs.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Odd, I usually get the next tip while running a tip mission. And that's true for multiple toons.

New and improved(?): @Changa

DIPLOMACY, n. The patriotic art of lying for one's country.
Ambrose Bierce, Devil's Dictionary



Originally Posted by Poltergeist View Post
Odd, I usually get the next tip while running a tip mission. And that's true for multiple toons.
Same. On every character I've run, I just sort of run around at random knocking out whatever I can target in whatever zone I'm in (as long as it's 20+ level enemies) until I get a tip. After that, I get tips from the enemies in the tip missions as I run them. I think I've only ever had to repeat the run-around once since tips have been introduced.

But random number generator is random, so ymmv.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Originally Posted by Poltergeist View Post
Odd, I usually get the next tip while running a tip mission. And that's true for multiple toons.
Same here. Not long ago I even got a tip from blowing up a destructable in another tip mission. That was kind of funny...



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
Another good choice in Sharkhead is to wait for a miner's strike zone event and go pound a shedload of them with AoEs.
^This always works for me.

Just watch out for the Ghost of Scrappy (the giant Miner guy, not Scooby-Doos nephew).



Every once in a while I'll hit a dry spell. Ghost of Scrapyard works well villainside as mentioned above. Blueside I usually head over to Dark Astoria and aoe-bomb the big groups of BP. Usually have a tip after the first group or two.



From my experience as well, it's Lts and bosses that drop tips most.
Also, if you plan to play villains, and you see a paper mission called Get the Loot, keep that for tips. It's like a mayhem mission but with only RIP mobs. It spawns a LOT of mobs on a small map, so you don't need to run around a lot. When I need tips, I run it and kill all the Lts and bosses. In about 5-10 mins, I get 3 tips. The key is to not finish it, ie, don't get the loot.



I know people say Bosses and Lts., and this is true, but I just run around and wipe out the largest spawns of gray-con, 20+ enemies I can find. It's never taken me more than 5 minutes to get a tip mission.

* * *

Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Just watch out for the Ghost of Scrappy (the giant Miner guy, not Scooby-Doos nephew).
But wouldn't it be great if we *could* beat the tar out of Scrappy Doo? Man, I always hated that character.



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
I know people say Bosses and Lts., and this is true, but I just run around and wipe out the largest spawns of gray-con, 20+ enemies I can find. It's never taken me more than 5 minutes to get a tip mission.

* * *
That's what I do too. Lts. and Bosses do have higher drop rates, but minions go down quicker, and I find I get more tips that way.