2 Incarnate shards from a mob?




I've heard of this, but hadn't seen it before about 20 minutes ago.

I was duo'ing with a lvl 26 character. I got two shards from a lvl 50 boss.

Is this due to my partner not being lvl 50? Curious how precisely this happened.



Some people have theorized that if anyone on the team is an Incarnate, then the system checks for each person on the team, even if they're not valid, and if one drops for an invalid target, it gets shifted to a valid person.

If this is what's happening, it's not how it SHOULD work. If it's not what's happening, I have no idea what's causing it.




I don't think it quite works like that because I got a double drop on a Tin Mage TF a while back, and you have to be an incarnate just to run the TF.

Why does it happen? No idea for sure, but it is nice when it does.

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Originally Posted by SailorET View Post
I don't think it quite works like that because I got a double drop on a Tin Mage TF a while back, and you have to be an incarnate just to run the TF.
My understanding is that you can run Tin Mage as a non-incarnate, you just get hit with the -4 level shift.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
My understanding is that you can run Tin Mage as a non-incarnate, you just get hit with the -4 level shift.
Not quite....you need to have completed the incarnate arc in order to RUN the tf,a s well as Apex. However, if you have not SLOTTED the alpha slot, then you run with a -4 lvl shift. Which puts you at -8 to the enemy, since they run at lvl 54.

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I have done it solo. I have actually done it 3 times tbh. I'll go runs where i get none then the next mission i'll get 2 in one mob. It has to do with the drop rates on bosses and lts and all that.

EDIT: the hamidon also drops them like crazy. People have been known to walk away with at least 50-70

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I got my first solo shard drop the other night!

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Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Some people have theorized that if anyone on the team is an Incarnate, then the system checks for each person on the team, even if they're not valid, and if one drops for an invalid target, it gets shifted to a valid person.
Sort of. I purposely invite lvls 40-49 on my lvl 50+2x8 tip missions just so they can help defeat bosses who are likely to drop shards. And if any shards drop, all of it goes to me.

I have dual boxed with 2 incarnates with 6 lowbies tagging along. I don't get shard drops on both at the same time. Sometimes Incarnate 1 gets a shard, sometimes Incarnate 2 gets it. Sometimes Incarnate 1 gets two shards seconds apart while Incarnate 2 doesn't get any.



Originally Posted by crayhal View Post
Sort of. I purposely invite lvls 40-49 on my lvl 50+2x8 tip missions just so they can help defeat bosses who are likely to drop shards. And if any shards drop, all of it goes to me.
That's pretty much exactly what the text you quoted said.

I have dual boxed with 2 incarnates with 6 lowbies tagging along. I don't get shard drops on both at the same time. Sometimes Incarnate 1 gets a shard, sometimes Incarnate 2 gets it. Sometimes Incarnate 1 gets two shards seconds apart while Incarnate 2 doesn't get any.
When you defeat a mob and incarnate drop is rolled for each character individually. The chances of a single drop are low, which would make the chance of a drop to multiple characters at once even lower. So even though you haven't seen both Incarnate 1 and 2 get a shard at the same time, it can still happen.