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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
    You can slot a more effective power equally well or almost as well with IOs Even if you could not:

    Good Power> IO Benefits

    No amount of IO benefits can trump a good power which is why the Tanks/scrappers/Brutes who skip God Mode powers cause they think IO benefits can match them are just silly..... and a Tanker who takes Taunt but not his God Mode power is just straight up sad.

    Yesterday I even saw a Tanker with Soul Mastery who had Taunt but skipped Darkest Night....wow.....just wow.....sigh....... guess he justs likes to play low lvls cause a high lvls DN would be much better than Taunt...seriously.
    I might have replied to this, but I think the entire rest of the thread pretty much summed up anything I might have possibly said.
  2. You know, you can slot Taunt with Perfect Zinger, or even Mocking Beratement, for S/L defense and global recharge. Rather good amounts of it, too.

    Bottom Line is a Tanker needs to keep the attention of his enemies, not just be really durable. If he isn't going to do that, then I'd rather he be a brute or something.
  3. Demon Masterminds. So much.

    Every time I get on a team with one I secretly hope it will get knocked out and nobody will notice.
  4. I have nothing but excited anticipation from this series. I agree with Inazuma; I have no reason to expect this series to suck.
  5. I'm using it on a Katana Stalker to try and give him more AOE.. It doesn't break hide either, so I can swoop in, knock everyone down, and then use soaring dragon on the nearest body and go from there. It's fun.

    The PROBLEM is that it's not very practical. It has such a long recharge and sort of lowish damage. I'll probably like it more once I start IOing out the character, but it doesn't really impress me mathematically on a "vanilla" character.
  6. Guys

    You put quarters in the machine and it gives you CANDY. Did you all miss out on having a childhood or something? It's not a gamble when I get CANDY.
  7. I gamble every time I open a package of skittles. Will I get more red ones, or those vile purple ones? Makes me feel alive, man. Like I'm livin' on the edge.

    EDIT: To the OP,

    I think "moral obligation" is a poor choice of words for it, but I don't think it's a simple business agreement either. Describing my enjoyment of something as a business arrangement sounds *really* disconnected and corporate to me. Ultimately, LIFE has shown me that when somebody is passionate about what they are creating it will often be far more successful than if they're just there to turn a dollar, and that goes for damn near everything, not just video games. More than that, if somebody is truly devoted to what they are making, it can make their consumers passionate about what they are doing as well to the point where the product is not simple an exchange of services, but something we both own. Maybe not legally, but definitely metaphorically. For whatever that is worth.

    It's the reason why people can get so emotional when they think their product isn't being handled well. They, or *we*, care about the game on a higher level beyond a simple 15 dollar a month transaction, I assure you. When the producers stop caring about the game, so will the player base. You have to enjoy something for it to be enjoyable. Without that, you have nothing.
  8. Bees that throw caltrops and phase shift as they're running away
  9. Whenever I need them. If I haven't gotten stamina issued worked out on a character yet I'll usually convert everything I get into blues. I usually like to have at least 3 purples and a few blues on me otherwise.
  10. I don't think it was ever considered a big enough deal by anyone to go out of the way to add an option to turn it off. This is the first time I'm hearing about it in six years, so I doubt its' on anyone's radar.

    Doesn't bother me at all, either.
  11. I taught my little sister everything she needs to know about feminism through watching Wonder Woman cartoons.
  12. Street Justice is everything Martial Arts should have been. MA is dead to me.

    (<|>__<|>) DEAD TO ME

    I still like Super Strength though. It has a very unrefined, raw damage feel to it that I enjoy for a couple of my characters. You aren't some super disciplined warrior who has spent years training your art and learning the ins and outs of how to make the human body a perfect weapon. No, not you. You're just some ridiculously strong guy who happens to punch REALLY FRIGGIN' HARD and occasionally fly off the handle and turn everyone into paste. I like that.
  13. Warkupo

    Regen Build...

    You've got the right idea with the Kinetic Combat. Smashing and Lethal defense is very useful because most melee attacks in the game have either a smashing or lethal component to them, as well as several ranged attacks. It's a good compromise to trying to cap melee, ranged, and aoe which require so much focus that you're build won't have room for much else. Try to fit in Kinetic Combats all over the place, if you can. Slot up boxing and brawl if you have too. For powers that you actually plan on using, six slot them with four slots being used to fit in Kinetic Combat, one slot with a higher level Acc/Dam IO to make up for slotting low level IO's, and then the final slot to fill in whatever deficiencies you have left in the power, or, usually more preferably, a damage proc.

    Now, I know this part is going to feel particularly off for you if you last played in issue 12, but regen scrappers really aren't about standing around and regenerating anymore. Today, the regeneration scrapper is about using their click heals to re-actively stay alive during combat. You're more like a self-centered empathy defender than you are a fire and forget Wolverine. That doesn't mean you aren't still sturdy as all hell, but it does mean you need to adopt a different mindset in how you build and play your scrapper.

    To put it simply, the regeneration bonuses you can get from IO sets aren't powerful enough to place a lot of focus on them. You won't need maximum HP bonuses either because you should be shooting for perma dull-pain. What you really want more than anything on a regeneration scrapper today is recharge. You have several powerful healing abilities that are on long cool-downs; the faster they come back the more survivable you will be. Just comparing my own regeneration scrapper, you are healing about 7 HP a second more than me with your focus on regeneration, but at the same time I have about 60% more recharge than you.

    Ditch the Numina and replace it with Doctored Wounds which offers a much more useful global recharge buff. You'll need at least 5 slots in order to get the global recharge buff, which is exactly how much you should slot your healing powers for, and no more. Start with things that would benefit from the slotting the most, such as Dull Pain, Reconstruction, and Instant Healing.

    Try to place powers which say things like "has a chance of giving you 10% endurance" into powers like Fast Healing and Health. Definitely replace one of your performance shifters in Stamina for the one that has a chance to give you endurance. Since powers like these are always on, the game 'procs' the chance for them to go off every ten seconds. In other words, every ten seconds you will have a percent chance to recover 10% endurance. IO's like these will give your character a lot more stamina to work with and keep you in the fight for a much greater period of time, if not indefinitely. With all the new global recharge you should be getting, you will need the extra endurance as you will be attacking at a much faster rate than before.

    Try to fit in Maneuvers. It has no perquisites and you have room for another power pool, so you just need to drop a power to fit it in. I elect dropping Revive, which really has little use now that we are able to combine three inspirations into a new one, such as the ones that bring you back from death. You shouldn't be planning on dying anyway, and it's a simple matter of recovering from it even if you do.

    That's my general advice for right now. Bullet points to work on with your build are:

    Get more Recharge. Aim for enough recharge to Perma Dull Pain as a good beginning ballpark, and then see if you can't get perma-hasten with some incarnate abilities, ie: Spiritual.

    Get more defense. Focus on getting about 30% S/L Defense, and then see where you can afford to squeeze in more.

    Don't worry about regeneration. It really doesn't make as much difference as it used too.

    Once Christmas stuff has settled down I'll look into making a sample Claws/Regen build for you to reference. In the mean time try to look back at old posts about regeneration to get more of an idea about how the set should be built today. Pay special attention to posters named Werner, Bill Z Bubba, Umbral, Evil Gecko, and Arcanaville, as these guys probably know the mechanics of the set better than anyone else.
  14. Warkupo

    I want a scythe!

    An *actual* Scythe is also a fairly terrible weapon to try and fight people with, but that's not really the point either. In fiction Scythes swing. Deal with it.
  15. Warkupo

    Death Emotes

    I kind of like this idea.
  16. My characters aren't terribly different. I tend to solo most of the time I'm playing, so my focus is on the damage oriented version of whatever AT is available, as those are usually much more capable of standing up to the various villain factions.

    I have a lot of Brutes, with some Scrappers and Stalkers for good measure. I like Brute more than Scrappers as they do near equal DPS for much greater survivability and have much better powers available to them through Epic Pools. There are some power sets which are better on Scrappers, however, and I just plain like how Stalkers play.

    I have no Tanks. I find them too slow and too similar to Brutes and Scrappers to want to really play them. They trade damage for safety, and safety bores me. That being said, I do like having them on my team, as they allow me to play more mindlessly.

    I prefer Corruptors to Defenders for many of the same reasons I prefer Brutes to Tankers. Corruptors generally do more damage than Defenders and have access to their blasty powers much sooner. I don't get hassled as often for wanting to shoot things on a Corruptor either, as a lot of people seem to understand that being something I like to do.

    Controllers and Dominators are pretty even, with a slight preference for Dominators. Dominators having a secondary which is devoted to killing stuff makes them really well suited to my style of play, but Controllers primary and secondary really does make them a much different experience from a similar Dominator. Ultimately, the two are unique enough that I don't mind playing either of them.

    I don't really like Masterminds, and I think I have a grand total of 2 ever created, one of which I deleted, and one of which remains in constant purgatory. I think a lot of it has to do with my general resentment towards being on a team with a Mastermind. Demons specifically. I hate listening to their constant noises, being unable to see through their girth and graphical fireworks, and being constantly shoved all over the map as they all cluster **** around a target. I think of inflicting that sort of aggravation upon other people and lose any desire to play the archetype.

    I'm iffy about Blasters. I feel like they rely too heavily on inspirations, other players, or some specific IO slotting to get much done with them. Unlike Corruptors, Controllers, or Dominators, they really don't have many ways to avoid death other than dealing it first, and outside of expensive IO builds, they don't kill fast enough for me to avoid death. It wasn't until I started playing as more of a Blapper, with my ranged attacks supplementing me rather than being my primary means of attack, that I start to enjoy them. Still, a lot of the time I feel more comfortable rolling a Corruptor or Dominator.

    I like all the Epic Archetypes, and have been playing the crap out of my Peacebringer after the last round of buffs they've received. While I still think the Warshade is probably more powerful, the Peacebringer having perma-light form and with it a reliable form of mez protection allows me to just run in and start punching people with cosmic energy, which is something I find much more enjoyable than the constant form shifting that is Warshade.

    As for the Soldiers of Arachnos... I think I like everything in there. I have about 3 different SoA characters and neither of them plays exactly the same, but they are all fun to play.

    So, in general, I prefer AT's that can kill efficiently to AT's that are very team buff oriented or require an annoying amount of micro-managing to do something that I think should be simple. If I were to assign a value I'd say I'm something like:

    40% Brutes
    20% Scrappers/Stalkers
    20% Corrupters
    10% Dominator/Controller
    5% Peacebringer/SoA
    4% Blaster
    1% Mastermind
    0% Tanker/Defender/Warshade
  17. Willpower goes well with pretty much anything, really. It's my go-to secondary when I want to try out a new primary and don't feel like being bothered to come up with something thematic.
  18. Warkupo

    I want a scythe!

    I don't know the animations for Staff, but I think a Scythe would look well enough on Titan Weapons. The only attacks that kind've wouldn't look right are Rend Armor and maybe Arc of Destruction. Otherwise it's all slashes.

    I've been using the Demon Axe as a surrogate Scythe for now. Works well enough.
  19. This is a stupid argument. I'm not going to get all pouty 'cause somebody threw a rock at me.

    Also, you only need to deal with a griefer once, MAYBE twice if your the forgiving type. If you keep inviting him after that, you're probably an idiot.
  20. Kinetic Melee is supposed to be better on Scrappers (and Stalkers) due to the final power resulting in an instantly recharged Power Siphon if you land a Critical Hit with it. As Brutes (and Tankers) can't make Critical Hits a large functionality of the power-set is wasted on them.
  21. What if you just gave Tankers an ability that automatically debuffed the defense and resistance of the enemies that are focused on the Tanker. This would increase their damage in a round-about way, while simultaneously encouraging them to fulfill their intended role of holding the attention of as many things as possible. People on your team would actually go out of the way to make sure that the Tanker is tanking as much stuff as possible so that everyone can do moar damage AND the melee AT's don't have to be threatened with feelings of inferiority because the Tanker is actually *helping* them be more awesome, rather than encroaching upon their awesome.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Hate going back on my word but...

    Congrats, because everything a Stalker was suppose to do *IS STILL* inferior numerically. Nothing a Stalker does that's noteworthily different from what any other melee does, will change.
    Sounds like more pillow talk. This whole paragraph reeks of emotional outcry about a proposed change that, hey, guess what, you haven't even tested yet.

    But yeah, Stalkers are doomed and that's really hurtful.



    And I say again, *WHO CARES!*

    Look, I'm super-duper sworry that Stalkers aren't turning out to be the special little snowflake that YOU, and YOU in particular, envisioned but you need to turn off the oprah-thick display of EMOTION going on in this thread.

    You talk about theme like it's this universally accepted idea, and it's not. It's one thing to voice your OPINION on what that theme should be, but when you decide to get on this big soap box and whine about how Stalkers are a failed concept, that we should all just go home and quit playing, all because some magical developer isn't listening to you and what you specifically think a Stalker should be, you sound like a small child who is just going to keep complaining until they get what they want.

    You and a number of people in this thread go waaay beyond just voicing your opinion. You think you ARE the opinion. It doesn't matter that I think Stalkers are in a good place thematically. It doesn't matter to you that I didn't want them to be mind-boggingly different from a Scrapper. You're so brain-dead convinced that you're right that you don't even understand what an opinion is anymore.

    So I ask you again, how is anyone supposed to take something like "waaah, Stalkers are dead, let's take our toys and go home~!" seriously?
  23. I think the best way to implement what you want is probably through a power pool. Then everyone can get their own little viscous doggle.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Actually, limiting this idea to the Hazard Zones (The Hollows, Perez Park, Dark Astoria, Terra Volta, Eden) could make for some rather interesting storylines in those areas.

    Now imagine taking this "clearing" idea and applying it to The Shadow Shard.
    I like that idea for the Shadow Shard if only because I can fly around shouting things like "I HAVE LIBERATED THIS FLOATING ROCK. NONE MAY LAND HERE BUT ME."
  25. I mean, how is anyone supposed to take "Hey everyone... Stalkers are dead. We lost. Let's go home and cry into our pillows" seriously?

    Give me a break.