Death Emotes
Would be nice. 'Fall flat on your face' every single time (bar the odd 'flat on your back') is quite old by now.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I kind of like this idea.
Definitely something I would like to see. Do it on a costume by costume basis though the power colour/animations customization stage?
"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.
I want it too. I have dedicated one costume slot of most my characters for the "defeat state", which usually contain shredded clothes, lividity of the extremities (skin/blend with black or dark purple do the trick) and the slime area tinted red. I have bind F12 to change to the defeated slot, and switch back to a non-defeated slot as soon as possible when I wake up.
As death emotes, I would like to have ragdoll physics, explosion, carnie-style defeat, death spasms and being raptured into the sky.

Story arcs: �Viva la Represi�n! (#2327) | Mysterious Virus (#11762) | Four Horsemen of the 2012 Apocalypse (#531874) | Deadly Dragon | White Slime
My story on
I like this idea, but how would it work? use a slash command to set your next death animation?
On another note, I also saw a suggestion that took this a step further with a "Hazard Pool" Set, which was a pool power set which caused various effects (AoE Taunt, Damage, etc.) when you went down.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
Couple of ideas:
Collapsing to hands and knees, complete with panting. You've been beaten to your knees, but you refuse to give up (Willpower).
Falling apart.
Disintegrating into a pile of ash
Floating in the air, struggling like some types of hostages
A little tomb stone
Turned to stone
Hands come up from the ground and pull you under, leaving a mound of earth.
Also, how would an AoE taunt on death work. You are dead, surely no agro?
I know there is an older thread about this, but don't know how big it got.
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
I know there is an older thread about this, but don't know how big it got.
and here is is
Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons
There is a self destruct power, which does kill you. Does that count?
Didn't I suggest this a couple of years ago? Like, with the exact same title?
I agree completely. Dropping like a sack is appropriate for some characters, but really not right for others. There are a whole host of possibilities I'd like to explore, like:
*Explode! You blow up to bits and leave only some token relic behind so people can resurrect you. This is to simulate that you were a machine which was destroyed and blew up like a MegaMan boss.
*Drop to knees and cry. This would be ideal for a psychic character who can't really be hurt, but can be reduced to a state of mental breakdown as equally incapacitating as outright death.
*Turn to stone/ice/crystal/maga/metal/bonfire/etc. So you control a particular element, or are perhaps even MADE of this element. When defeated, you don't do the Flair Flop, but instead become encased in a protective layer of your element of choice, or indeed BECOME that element.
*Personal forcefield. You don't get defeated, but you're forced to go into permanent lockdown for repairs, locked inside your own protective field that you can't shoot out of and that you can't disable.
*The shrug. You're not really fighting seriously, you're just playing around, and you play by your own rules. If the enemy manage to hit you enough times, you admit defeat, shrug and sit down. The rules are pretty clear - once you get tagged for defeat, you can only return to the fight if you're tagged back in by a team-mate or if you leave the mission and start over. Being completely immortal is just that boring, so you need to entertain yourself.
*The disappearance. Maybe you're a ghost, maybe you're a hologram or maybe you were never there to begin with, but when you're defeated, you simply fade away and disappear. Obviously, you leave a token artefact behind so you can be resurrected, but other than that, you're gone.
*"Not in the face!" You're not a tough guy, you don't like fighting to the bitter end and you're not above begging for your life. So, when it hurts too much, you just reduce into a cowering stance and are taken out of the game permanently until another player slaps some sense into you or until you visit the hospital.
*"Screw this, I'm out of here!" This isn't your fight. You never asked to be here, but they talked you into it. And then you got hurt so, so bad. Well, forget this nonsense! You turn around and leave similar to how Mercs henchmen leave when dismissed. You leave behind a token artefact from which you can be resurrected, of course, or you can run back to the hospital, patch up and have a change of heart, returning to help your allies.
*The ninja switch. They only thought they killed you, but you tricked them. What they killed was just a log that you made look like you, and you're actually somewhere else entirely. Your allies can either approach your last known location to let you know it's safe to come out of hiding, or you can run away entirely and return to the location proper.
I'm sure there are more.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Sounds fun.
I'd pay for a blood pack, one that added some blood splatter.
I'd also pay for a fatality pack, one that added very short quick fatalities.
Maybe add a sound effect or voice that signifies dying/ death with that death emote. That would be useful, especially since some players dont take much note of others health bars and spend more time looking at their power cd's and/or mob targets. This would draw their attention to noting that they have falling comrades.
One day, one can dream. hehe
This sounds awesome.
I'm picturing a "I'm melllltttiiiinngggg" death pose, a "getting shot by machine gun fire and falling backwards" emote, and of course, a "ha, I was secretly a nemesis construct all along and you've only killed the duplicate" death emote.
And with the swoon and ...there's another one I can't remember... emotes available for purchase with empyrial/astral merits, this seems more realistic than an out of the blue suggestion.
you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3
Will try to compile a list later of potential ideas, but I do see this as being a fun addition.
List has been compiled between this thread and the old thread. If you have any further ideas, please let me know and I'll add it to the list
-Drowning, defeats on different type's of terrain could automatically change how you are defeated.
Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt
Like those Funniest Home Videos weddings ... you start to faint, try to recover then still hit the ground. LOL
Groin shot and fall to the ground in the fetal position.
fire: bust into flame and become ashes
ice/stone: break into pieces
energy: phase out and leave a small becon on the ground. Like you were a summoned hologram.
SR: Fall to the ground in a meditating state.
One of the most spectacular and emotionally heavy events in superhero lore is their defeats. It would be nice to reflect that with game content. Plus, I want to see everyone emote at the same time on failed MoM trials.
So I support this.
TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide
Don't forget to /sign if you like the idea guys New suggestions that aren't listed are also welcome
And as I say when I really like an idea, "I have Paragon Points, and I'm not afraid to use them!"
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
I would like to have a ragdoll option. They didn't give players ragdoll deaths because they figured it would look too "unprofessional" or something (I don't remember the exact wording), but gol' durnit I want to see my character's leg halfway through her head when she lands in an undignified heap. I have so many pictures of enemies dead in odd positions. I would love to have a whole slew of characters dead in odd positions.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
I already suggested this here
and it went no were. /sigh yes this would be a great idea i mean look there is a power that's a temp were up blow up (maybe with out the damage so no one would gain a advantage if there could be) I think a robot toon falling apart would be cool or a fire toon totally consumed by there own fire turned to ash ect....
Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons
The death of a character can be inconvenient, but sometimes it just doesn't fit that your character falls flat on their stomach or back. Instead, an idea could be to have death emotes, which could be tied to costumes in a similar method to the Costume Change emotes.
List of Suggested Death Emotes:
-Ambient Protection. You might be an entity of nature itself, or lose control of your technology, but a protective wall of natural power separates you from the battle. Enemies can't get in, but you can't get out. (Fire wall, ice shield, lightning cage, etc)
-Ascension. The good you've done in life comes to help you now, as you ascend to the heavens. Note: Halo optional. Please purchase with pixie dust, a child's laugh or committing your next child to the religious institute of your choice.
-Backfire. You lose control of your powers, and they backfire. Maybe you have a failsafe or a protective ruin that stops it going all the way though. Maybe.
-Collapsing. Instead of dying, your character is driven to their knees, to a state where they can't do anything but try and rest.
-The Cower. You're not a tough guy, you don't like fighting to the bitter end and you're not above begging for your life. So, when it hurts too much, you just reduce into a cowering stance and are taken out of the game permanently until another player slaps some sense into you or until you visit the hospital.
-Death. The Grim Reaper himself decides to come escort you to the afterlife, descending or ascending to take you to where you deserve to go.
-Disassembling. Your character might be a robot, or an elemental. Regardless, defeat saps them of whatever force keeps their form together, reducing them to a pile of rubble.
-Disintegration. Your character might have been hit by a laser, or maybe they're an ancient spirit summoned through a ritual. Instead of falling to the ground, they turn into a pile of ash until the revival ceremony can be done again.
-Drowning. When Lusca objects a little too much to being cooked with rice, your character might actually be claimed by Davy Jones, until someone can barter to return you to life.
-The Duplicate. You died. No wait, someone who looks like you died... Or was it your clone? Either way, they're dead, and you need to get to the scene ASAP so your team doesn't why you're not waking up.
-Entrapment. Your enemy was able to successfully capture your character, or maybe an enchantment was cast to bind your character at the worst time. Your character is bound and unable to do anything until freed.
-Exorcised. The being within you is exorcised, depriving you of all power. Perhaps a ritual might encourage them back, but maybe you don't want that...
-Exploding. Some characters face defeat by falling down. Your aren't so lucky. A rival may have hit you with proton torpedoes, or they found a self-destruct button, but regardless, everyone should stand clear of your final thoes...
-Fading. Maybe you're a ghost, maybe you're a hologram or maybe you were never there to begin with, but when you're defeated, you simply fade away and disappear. To make it easier for your teammates, you leave a token artefact behind so you can be resurrected, but other than that, you're gone.
-Falling apart. Your undead body just can't stand that much damage, and falls apart until helped. Just make sure your arms don't wrestle each other while you're out of commission.
-The Gypsy Switch. They didn't defeat you. They just THINK they defeated you. You're actually around the corner! Or on the roof! Regardless, you'll come out once a teammate signals the all clear.
-Improbable Death. Murphy has it out for you, as when things are at their worst, they get made worse by an incredibly improbably death. You were fine, until that meteor, anvil or elephant crushed you...
-Mental Breakdown. You could be invincible to pain, but those insults really hurt! You suffer a mental breakdown in the middle of battle, until someone can slap some sense into you, or the hospital shrink can scold your inner child.
-Meltdown. Your power core just overheated, or maybe you have an allergy to water of all things. It doesn't matter when all that remains is a puddle on the floor.
-Normalisation. Maybe your time under the control of another has expired, or the potion wore off, but with it, your powers disappeared, leaving you a weedy, defenceless civilian.
-Personal Forcefield. Your powers act on their own to protect you, creating an impenetrable forcefield in which you can heal.
-Reclamation. Your character sources their powers from a demonic source, or a dimension entity, and defeat might break a clause in the contract. When defeated, you get claimed by this powerful entity, until you can be restored to your rightful plane.
-Shut down. Instead of going unconscious, maybe someone just hit the off switch, or perhaps your character needs to meditate to keep their soul on this plane. Instead of falling over, they slump down, or go into a lotus position until recharged.
-Tag! You're not really fighting seriously, you're just playing around, and you play by your own rules. If the enemy manage to hit you enough times, you admit defeat, shrug and sit down. The rules are pretty clear - once you get tagged for defeat, you can only return to the fight if you're tagged back in by a team-mate or if you leave the mission and start over. Being completely immortal is just that boring, so you need to entertain yourself.
-Tomb Stone. Your character might be immortal, or a shapeshifter, but that doesn't mean they have no sense of humour. When they feel they're defeated, they change into a tombstone, to indicate to their allies that they need some help.
-The Traitor. You don't want to be fighting here. You don't want to be fighting at all! When you suffer one too many hits, you hightail it out of there, until someone can summon you back to the fight, or you have a change of heart.
-The Twitch. Your body has been overloaded, and you fall over. The remaining electricity, or perhaps a nervous tic, means you keep twitching while unconscious.
-Transmogrification. Your character might have a curse, or they are an ancient golem. Defeat in battle turns them into an immobile statue, until they can break free or are energised again.