Turn off Grey Numbers?




No offense to anyone, but I really don't care for your numbers. I want to be able to see what kind of damage I'm dealing, not the thousands of grey AoE numbers covering mine.

Is there any possible way to turn off the Grey Numbers (which would be my allies' damage) so it's not a big grey mess on my screen in trials/teams? All help is extremely appreciated!

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Play a Scrapper, run off and attack groups on your own.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



I... have never had an issue with this. I ignore the gray easily and see my own orange hits (and my red ones, ow) and that's all I need.

But... to be honest, I don't care about the amounts, I watch their bars and if the HP ones are goin' down, that's what I'm lookin' for.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
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I wish I could turn it off too...
This game is so busy with VFX. Need more options to turn them down.



Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
Nope. No way to turn off floating numbers or text of any kind, whether they belong to you or anyone else.
This is quite unfortunate... Considering how old this game is, you'd think there would be an option to do such a thing by now.

Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
Play a Scrapper, run off and attack groups on your own.
Considering my scrapper is actually capable of doing so with his build...

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Seriously, there's a damage channel you can have display in its own box and put that anywhere you want on screen and have a record of what you're doing damage-wise.
I could do that... But at the same time, it'd be nice to not have my screen swarmed by grey numbers. I like to see the animations of attacks and such. For a several year old game, the gfx are quite stellar.

Originally Posted by houtex View Post
I... have never had an issue with this. I ignore the gray easily and see my own orange hits (and my red ones, ow) and that's all I need.
Strange. My Orange numbers don't even show up half the time due to the massive amount of grey numbers. And no, I'm not missing. I'd see a "MISS" if that were so. It's like I never even attacked. (Of course I attacked, though.)

Originally Posted by houtex View Post
But... to be honest, I don't care about the amounts, I watch their bars and if the HP ones are goin' down, that's what I'm lookin' for.
You like watching HP bars, I like seeing big orange numbers. To each his (or her) own

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Seeing so many gray numbers that you can't find your orange ones is a sure sign you're on a team that's just too darned efficient at mowing down the mobs.

Maybe try a Dominator or Corrupter. It's a lot harder to miss a cloud of "DOMINATION" or the "SCOURGE, SCOURGE, SCOURGE..." from a nice rain.



Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
Strange. My Orange numbers don't even show up half the time due to the massive amount of grey numbers. And no, I'm not missing. I'd see a "MISS" if that were so. It's like I never even attacked. (Of course I attacked, though.)
If you are doing enough ticks of damage even when solo many of your own orange numbers won't show up on screen. If I'm playing my fire/storm corruptor with both rains hitting even a fairly small number of mobs I will often not see the numbers from my other attacks (including the big hitters like fire breath). If the rain's are scourging it gets even worse.




While I personally am not bothered with my ticks getting drowned out in a sea of grey, I can see that it could bother others. I think your suggestion is a sound one, and recommend you post it up on the Suggestions forum.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

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I don't think it was ever considered a big enough deal by anyone to go out of the way to add an option to turn it off. This is the first time I'm hearing about it in six years, so I doubt its' on anyone's radar.

Doesn't bother me at all, either.



It's a thing I've gotten used to, but I do remember when I first started playing I thought it was odd.... "Why do I need to see everyone else's junk?"
Though it's useful for seeing special buffs (dom, scourge, etc.,.), piling up every little thing does muddy the screen a bit.


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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
It's a thing I've gotten used to, but I do remember when I first started playing I thought it was odd.... "Why do I need to see everyone else's junk?"
um, because you team with exhibitionists?

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It's a shame they can't just turn off all the graphics. I want to play with just text! :O

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Grey numbers being turned off need to get in line behind bright, flashy animations from negligible buffs.
But I like rockin' Radiant Aura! It helps, I swears it!

OP, I totally see where you're coming from, and I really think you're the first to mention it. Definitely hit up the suggestions forum, I think it's a good idea. Of course, don't be too discouraged if they can't do it, some things are buried in legacy code and may be much harder to do than it seems.



Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
OP, I totally see where you're coming from, and I really think you're the first to mention it.
Previous thread in the suggestion forum. It's also asked about in this forum about twice a year.

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