35 -
I will be out of town this weekend, but I wish the rest of you luck! Would love to catch a MoKeyes sometime in the future, so hopefully there will be other times.
I will be standing by on my fire/kin Corruptor, Flash Fire Witch.
I'm interested on Flash Fire Witch, Corruptor, 50 +3 but she does not yet have hybrid unlocked. Global @PatrickAT
Will bring Flash Fire Witch.
@PatrickAT -
I'll be there on Saturday with Flash Fire Witch (@PatrickAT).
Was on a team about two weeks ago that saw him while were were doing a SF, so we jumped him, beat him down to about 5% health, then he despawned and no one got the badge. He's either on a timer, or he just likes to give the players the bird now and then.
Seeing so many gray numbers that you can't find your orange ones is a sure sign you're on a team that's just too darned efficient at mowing down the mobs.
Maybe try a Dominator or Corrupter. It's a lot harder to miss a cloud of "DOMINATION" or the "SCOURGE, SCOURGE, SCOURGE..." from a nice rain. -
If you buy something today, and tomorrow the merchant puts that same item on sale, they are under no legal obligation to refund you the difference.
There must be more to the code that determines whether mobs near doors get killed than that, because in the one instance, I was part of the team exiting a mission door that caused the kill-off, in the other I was solo and standing nearby after just logging in - i.e., I was another player in the vicinity - when a team exited from the same door.
He'll also despawn if someone exits a mission door nearby, via the mechanic that auto-kills mobs so people exiting missions will not emerge into surprise mobs. Saw this happen to Scrapyard twice in the same place in the graveyard just this past week.
I would love to attend one of these events, but as someone living 2,000+ miles away, I need more than just a month's notice to plan and save for a trip to the west coast. It's even more astonishing that the chosen date is the weekend before Thanksgiving, one of the busiest and most expensive weekends for air travel in the U.S. save for the weekend after the holiday.
To those who can go, I hope you have fun. Hopefully next year there'll be some love for the denizens of the Eastern time zone. -
No one who can look back at the history of CoH/CoV should be surprised that Going Rogue would eventually drop in price and at some point become free. The same thing happened with City of Villains. I paid for it when it came out. Now red side and blue side are one entity, no extra purchase required. Was I ripped off? Or did I pay for the privilege to play villains for over a year before those who ignored CoV until it was rolled into a package with CoH?
I know that eventually "Captain America" will air on free TV, but that doesn't mean I won't hand over ten bucks to see it at a theater without feeling the least bit "cheated." Ther's always a cost associated with "now" vs "later."
Quote:I'm not thrilled about it either. But since there is nothing I can do about it, and it would be a waste of time to sit around complaining, I'll see how it plays out before I decide whether they will continue getting my money.
What I'm more annoyed about is that Going Rogue is now going to be included in the cost of a regular subscription. It's not that it's going to be free, that part doesn't bother me.
If you look at the FAQ about CoH:Freedom, it explicitly states that they have been planning this move for "well over a year", which means that the devs knew very well that GR would be free, and knew roughly when it would be free, at the same time they were charging us $30 for it. Makes me feel a little taken advantage of. I'd almost go so far as to say it makes me feel like I've been ripped off. They KNEW it would be free, and knew WHEN it would be free, and charged me for it anyway. Things like that annoy me a little bit, seems like a bit of a bait and switch. The whole "Hey, this thing will be free eventually, let's try and squeeze some money out of people and not TELL them they will get it for free if they wait long enough."
And no, CoV isn't quite the same thing. I had no problem paying for that because it was designed and marketed as a separate game. Going Rogue was an expansion that required the existing game. If they knew it was going to be given away with CoH:Freedom, why bother charging us for it in the first place?
It's the apparent shift in the company's stance that concerns me more than anything else. We no longer seem to be valued players, we're just an income source now. I understand that's all we ever really were, but there doesn't seem to be much pretense of us being anything else anymore. -
I'm looking at this as if I keep paying my monthly sub, NOTHING really changes for me and, in fact, I'll start getting more perks than I do under the current Veteran Rewards system. And if something happens where I run into a rough spot that forces me to stop paying a sub... I can still play the game... whereas under the current setup I could not.
Just want to say thank you for the clarifications on when during the month Paragon Points will be awarded and how it'll work for folks like me who prepaid for some time in advance (I opted for the 14 months for the price of 12 deal back around Christmas, so I'm prepaid through February 2012).
On the subject of server transfers... for me, the main reasons why I wouldn't server hop a character regularly even if it were super cheap (or even free) would be the risk of losing character name due to a conflict, and losing SG affiliation on my characters "home" server that I plan to return to. It's possibly the name conflicts could become a non-issue at some point in the future, but I don't imagine that there will ever be away to move a character from server X to server Y but still keep them in the roster of a SG on server X. -
It's hard enough to use Mids on a netbook, I can't imagine the eye strain that'd result from squinting at a CoX character build maker on my phone.
I don't know who they are, but I hope they never leave. I've made billions crafting and selling IOs, typically at sale prices more than double what I listed for.
Altitis means never having to worry about having another character around to glee-mail some inf too. Being unable to claim my sales proceeds because it would put me over the 2 billion cap is my favorite error message in the game.
Quote:New to posting on the forums, long time player here...Out of all my 50s I probably just have under a billion inf. I dont see myself ever breaking 1 billion at least any time soon (grumbles at incarnate conversion costs). Playing the game so much that money flows like water just isnt normal to me thats what I am saying. Yes I know is pretend money but thats not the point. I am not a hardcore farmer and I have a life outside of the game.
Until about three months ago, I was one of the people who looked on, green with envy at the players had billions and billions inf in the bank, thinking to myself there's no way I would ever achieve a billion across ALL my characters, let alone one. Fast forward to today, and my main marketing character is sitting on about 3 billion in banked inf and bids. Total extra effort required? About five minutes in the morning to log in, claim recipes and salvage, craft IOs, and list them... and about five minutes in the evening to log in, claim proceeds, and place bids for more recipes and salvage. Turns out, it's easy as pie to make inf by doing little more than supplying crafted IOs from easily obtained recipes and salvage.
Am I "part of the problem" by taking a recipe and salvage bought for pennies, spending 490k to craft a Level 50 IO, and selling it for multiple millions? I'm certainly not forcing anyone to buy anything. -
A search function that actually finds things.
On the run I did last night, they were camping the mission door waiting for us to re-enter. We learned the hard way that if the team wipes, everyone should wait and go back in at the same time.
The Reichsman fights are VERY different on each side. Blueside experience is useless for the redside fight.
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Yes, blueside it's just like any other AV fight just with a de-phase temp power. Red side you have to strategically use the 5 different temp powers (which you get depends on your AT) given to you and hope you don't wipe on the first attempt since the ambush will continue to spawn and chase you upon re-entry into the mission.
[/ QUOTE ] -
Snake body type in the costume creator. Because I've always wanted a hero who can slither around and say, "This looks like a job for... the DRAMA LAMIA!"
Seconding the Clowns for masterminds, but only if it includes something that resembles Gang War, where the gang summon includes an animation of a VW Bug driving up to unload all the clowns.
Seconding the animal summoning, too. I want three Dobermans, a pair of rabid badgers, and a pony!